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Guest nokia

Vince's mentailty for the ECW ppv (I'm SCARED!!)

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Guest nokia

This is something that was posted in Meltzers update for memorial day


"Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are going with the mentailty for the ECW ppv as they did with the 2001 Invasion where they feel the WWE name and WWE stars have to be heavily involved with it, or it won't sell on it's own. Meltzer notes that people feel McMahon truly believed everything that he was saying in last week's Raw segment with Heyman and Bishoff, while Bishoff looked like he didn't want to be there."


* Why do they feel that an "invasion" by Raw & Smackdown is "needed" ? Is it to get "back" at Ecw for joining Wcw in the illfayed Invasion in 2001 ? Or is it simply another way for Vince to stroke his ego by putting down Ecw again ?

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Um, it did work. They got the big buyrate for the Invasion PPV, and then they got to completely bury WCW to the point where it will never be credible in any capacity ever again. Same thing will happen with the ECW show.

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So that's the reason for the "Anti-ECW army" and Kurt Angle's "volunteers"

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I have no problem with the WWE guys being involved as long as ECW goes over. It would really make the ECW guys, and ECW as a whole look very good in the eyes of WWE fans and those who don't really know anything about ECW, if the ECW guys just kicked the asses of Bishoff and his boys at the show. It actually makes sense to me, especially if they plan to keep ECW around in one form or another.


That wont happen of course, but I'm just saying.

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Um, it did work.  They got the big buyrate for the Invasion PPV, and then they got to completely bury WCW to the point where it will never be credible in any capacity ever again.  Same thing will happen with the ECW show.

If vince wanted WCW dead and buried, he would have left things alone and ignored it.

He obviously thought there was some extra money/ratings to be had by bringing WCW back, but the way he went about it, it was doomed to fail from the start. Same with the nWo angle.


Vince could have something here, but even if he bombs it, I dont think its going to kill ECW. Most of the hardcore ECW fans see this for what it is and will probably avoid it like the plague anyway.

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I don't agree with that last part Marvin. I know many ECW fans will say out loud that they are going to ignore that this is going on, but the majority of people who even remotely enjoyed ECW are going to be interested in this show, as well as what it leads to, if anything.


There are so many ECW fans out there, and so many that want to see ANYTHING new of ECW, that they are willing to sit back and see what happens. However, if Vince totally fucks up this show (which is more than possible), they'll turn on this quicker than fans have ever turned on anything.


Like I've said before, this will either be an all time classic wrestling show, or it'll be a complete pile of shit. I don't see any middle ground here.

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So you guys are telling me you would be disappointed if the PPV ended with Tomko, Snitsky and Maven standing tall above the ECW roster as the show ends.


Sidenote I just thought of... Maven and Simon Dean were a team as recent as a few weeks ago. Maven is Anti-ECW, Dean will be there as part of the bWo. Are they just going to go Blue Blazer and pretend he is not the same guy?

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The sad part is if the ppv does well....it'll be attributed to the WWE involvement.


If it tanks, then the ECW name will be the escape hatch/ scapegoat.


They really shouldn't have made this into an angle. Give the ECW fans their one show nostalgia event. See the response to it. Then see where to go from there. Now the core ECW fans , while interested, may not want to take the chance of plunking down $34.95 for an ECW show littered with invading WWE people.


This whole thing just seems like it's being set up to fail.

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I really don't understand Vince McMahon's mentality with this PPV. I mean, the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD sold really well. Wasn't it the second best selling WWE DVD of all time? So why does Vince feel that he need WWE involvement to sell this PPV?


Why is Kevin Dunn allowed to have such a say backstage after he helped to kill WCW and then came up with the infamous "Katie Vick" angle. The guy has no idea about what wrestling fans want to see. Of course the same thing could be said for Vince these days. Surely Dunn should just stick to his production work instead of getting involved with storylines.

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I am suprised they haven't added HHH to this. God knows nothing can be successful if HHH isn't involved.


I'd love to see ECW fans shit all over a 20 minute HHH promo.

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As long as I get to see Benoit and Eddie got at it for 20 minutes WITHOUT being held back by the WWE style, then I'll be happy.


Besides, does this actually surprise you people? Of course Vince is gonna think that; he's ego is bigger than a elephants cock.

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So who all is going to go to the ECW PPV with Bishoff?




Tyson Tomko?




Gene Snitsky?




The ECW guys must be so scared right now.

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I don't necessarily have a problem with this since if you remember there was a fairly big WWF/ECW angle with cross promotion back in the day. If anything it plays off the notion that some in the WWF dislike ECW and consider it inferior garbage wrestling.


Chill out, guys. Bischoff and his bums are going to get the everloving shit beat out of them at this PPV. Anything else would be a total waste of time. Then they can keep this going by having Bisch get pissed at the ECW loyalists on Raw, they can form a faction, etc.

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So who all is going to go to the ECW PPV with Bishoff?




Tyson Tomko?




Gene Snitsky?




The ECW guys must be so scared right now.

Well, Jerry Lawler is the best heel of that group and has been successful in the past as the invading WWE guy. I would go with Christian, Edge, Tomko. WHY THE FUCK is Maven of all people the 1st option as the guy to push when a "new star must be pushed"? At least E & C can go back to feuding with The Dudley Boys for the 93048925 time but this time with Tomko as the bodyguard/enforcer....these matches were always entertaining. The rest from of suggested WWE invaders look like opening match jobbers for Doring & Roadkill or Simon Diamond & Swinger or Nova & Chetti. What is the possible matches for them? Gene Snitsky vs Brackis or Maven & Tomko vs the Baldies?


I do not want to see OVW vs ECW!

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So you guys are telling me you would be disappointed if the PPV ended with Tomko, Snitsky and Maven standing tall above the ECW roster as the show ends.


Sidenote I just thought of... Maven and Simon Dean were a team as recent as a few weeks ago.  Maven is Anti-ECW, Dean will be there as part of the bWo.  Are they just going to go Blue Blazer and pretend he is not the same guy?

I covered the Maven/Dean question in the Sunday Night Heat Tapings thread. There is a very minor discussion on the subject in that thread if you are interested.

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"WHY THE FUCK is Maven of all people the 1st option as the guy to push when a 'new star must be pushed'?"


Orton's still injured?


Well, this pretty much confirms WWE's going to screw this up in a big way. No big shock.


"Why is Kevin Dunn allowed to have such a say backstage after he helped to kill WCW and then came up with the infamous "Katie Vick" angle."


Because he comes up with ideas that Vince likes. Remember that the Torrie-Dawn-Al angle was all his idea (he loves the useless Diva B.S.), and he's 100% behind "shocking" storylines.

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These guys aren't actually WRESTLING on the PPV are they? I thought they were useless drones that are going to sit in the crowd and hassle the ECW guys (a la the XPW dumbshits)...then get taken out back and have the shit kicked out of them by New Jack and Balls Mahoney, haha.


They desperately need to announce a card on TV though. I mean who the hell is going to pay for a PPV when they don't know ANY matches? The way this is being built you'd think it would be 3 hours of Bischoff's idiots invading the PPV with no actual wrestling.

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By the way did anyone read Dave Scherer's bizarre rant on Raw and the ECW PPV? He said all this stuff like "Back in the day guys like Snitsky, Maven, and Tomko would be buying a ticket to an ECW show, not getting anywhere near the ring!" I mean, what the fuck? For all the waxing poetic about ECW they employed guys like fucking Sal E. Graziano, 911, Hack Myers, the Pit Bulls, etc. To say that ECW would have refused to ever employ these guys is ridiculous. Hell, Heyman put the world title on a guy with similar talent to Maven (Justin Credible).

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Credible was never *that* bad, but he was atrocious on the mic, and his uber-push was one of the reasons I lost interest in ECW. However, to this day the thing I most remember him for is doing motion capture in the Acclaim WWF games.


But yeah, Heyman would hire just about anybody willing to work for him and give them some sort of an angle or character to work with.

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If Justin was still in WWE he'd be about the same level as Maven, they are comparable in terms of talent. Put Maven in with Jerry Lynn and he too could have a decent match. Is Lynn on this PPV?

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All I can say is this: Those RAW jobbers had better only be at the ECW show to be cannon fodder for 911.


Come on, tell me it wouldn't be sweet if they ran in one one of the matches, beat down some ECW guys, and then 911's music hit.

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Guest gameplayer

I gotte believe Mchahon and company are going to stretch out the ecw angle as long and thin as they can, which means whatever wwe "invaders" there are at this show will get a good garbage brawl beatdown, thus simounously(sic) making ecw look good to a degree while also reinforcing the wwes " ecw is garbage wrestling" stereotype. They could even stretch this out to the survivors series, with team wwe from both raw and smackdown vs team ecw, in a virtual mimic of the alliance invasions survivor series, only heymans boys should win this one.

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Hey now the FBI doing the master blaster (Lil Guido on Sal's back) gimmick for their entrance was sweet.....Sal E. did have a purpose and was rarely used in a match outside of the guy the people ran into when doing sucidial bumps to the outside.


I would not mind seeing New Jack and Balls Mahoney attacking the WWE invaders with various weapons of plunder such as the staple gun, cheese grader, pizza cutter, and anything to be used to make people bleed the hardway.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Only one scenario can save this.


*Bischoff is in the ring with his goons-Snitsky, Tomko, etc. He grabs the mic*


"I told you I would kill ECW once and for all! And I was right!"


*Cue 'Natural Born Killaz"*


"Wrong Again! Wrong Again! Wrong Again!"

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Yeah people are way too worried about this. I mean, the worst case scenario here is Bischoff and his jobbers attacking the ECW guys and laying them to waste, end of show. Thing is, why on earth would ANYONE book something like that? It's the single dumbest thing they could think of doing and it certainly won't happen.


The fact that people have nostalgia for 911 illustrates me point. The guy was positively a bum but yet Heyman found something for him to do...you're telling me Heyman would refuse to employ guys like Maven, Tomko, etc.?

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Thing is, why on earth would ANYONE book something like that?


You answered your own question.


It's the single dumbest thing they could think of doing


Remember, this is the WWE we're talking about.

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