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Lt. Al Giardello

Carlito could be in my opinion...

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If Carlito improves on his wrestling skills, he could be the next Rock in my opinion. Since The Rock in 1998, I have never seen a heel play the cocky heel role as good as Carltio has. He has a natural charisma, and can deliver great on the mic.


But his weakiness is his wrestling skills but like Rock did, he can improve on that.

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My friend Mark and I have been saying for a while now (since probably a little after the Royal Rumble) that Carlito can be something special if he's marketed correctly. Myself, I've always been a fan of the faces, yet there are four heel personas I love - Jericho, Cena, Rock and Carlito.


If he improves in the ring, I could see a Carlito Heavyweight title reign by 2007 or 2008.

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I think the potential is there to have a decent entertaining run. I'd like to see them give Carlito a decent push to where he could be Yin to Cena's Yang. The key is to keep them away from each other for awhile and build up Carlito. I like how last week's SD, Carlito mentioned that he still had not forgotten he beat Cena in his first match in for the US title. It'd be nice to see if they could use the summer and fall season building Carlito up as more than just a comedy act and then start the real push around Survivor Series to lead to a WM main event of Carlito v. Cena. My only issue with their feud is Cena stinks in the ring and has not improved in years. Carlito is on the same level, although I still have hope for him to improve enough to carry a match out of Cena to something resembling a WWE Main event match.

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Cena/Carlito could be the Rock/Triple H of the future?


I wouldn't mind it, as I like both guys...but workrate wise, they couldn't pass as a headline match on a PPV. Both guys are carried by their act and charisma, and not every match could hide their weaknesses with stipulations in order to give off something PPV main event worthy (like Cena/JBL's I Quit match).


Although I have the feeling Angle will be shipped off to RAW during the draft to feud with him, I'd love it if Michaels wound up on SD! and had a feud with Carlito. It would elevate him greatly, although there are times where I think his heel charisma will wind up turning him face. People seem to be into him.

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The first time i saw Carlito on Smackdown I said he was the next Rock.


But I've been known to be wrong. I said Simon Diamond was gonna be the next big thing in wrestling in 1999.


oh i was sooooo wrong.

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Cena/Carlito could be the Rock/Triple H of the future?

I think that Shelton/Christian could be the Rock/Triple H of the future, personally.


However, I do think that Carlito has potential. He needs to dump Matt Morgan though and be feuding with guys he could learn something from instead of guys like Big Show.

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

I've never, ever seen what everybody seems to see in Carlito. He's hankered with a terrible gimmick that is not suitable for main-eventers, I don't think he's a good talker at all, I don't think he's charismatic and his wrestling is no better than decent. That's just IMO but I still don't see it, never have

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I've never, ever seen what everybody seems to see in Carlito. He's hankered with a terrible gimmick that is not suitable for main-eventers, I don't think he's a good talker at all, I don't think he's charismatic and his wrestling is no better than decent. That's just IMO but I still don't see it, never have


While I think he has charisma and alot of future potential down the road (he's still going through what I would call growing pains of probably being called up all too quickly), I also dont see where everyone is thinking he's the next big thing in WWE. The gimmick is, like you said, kind of weak and one dimensional, repetitive as well. His mic skills are ok but at times predictable and just kind of there to me. It's almost like I have a hard time believing his role, akin to a bad actor or something at times. The wrestling certainly needs work but then again he hasnt really had a "big match" on Smackdown yet other than a ppv match with Show that went 4 minutes. The Cena matches were so short that they didnt really showcase any potential either.


Not that it's his fault either, but god damn, that entrance music has got to go.

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Guest RadioBurning

I'd have to agree with the last two guys here as far as in-ring work. I have only seen Carlito for the the short time that he has been back from his shoulder injury (it seems like Hardcore Holly is smashing up a lot of guys), but I have yet to see any noteworthy wrestling on his part.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

While I agree that Carlito's gimmick really isn't main event caliber, he is making it work. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he get cheers/chants at the RAW/SD double taping at MSG? Granted that's the NY crowd, but he seems to be getting decent reactions. WWE needs stuff that works right now. Whether he sucks in the ring or not, Carlito seems to be something that clicks. Let's hope WWE doesnt screw him up too bad.

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I don't even think you can call what Carlito has a gimmick. He's got an egotistical persona, and a look that stands out. It's not cheesy like Jindrak standing in front of a mirror for five minutes or something.

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I'm a Carlito mark so far. He seems to be comfortable out there on the mic and the crowd picks up on things like that and that's where his charisma is portrayed best.


I REALLY would like the guy to improve his in ring ability though. Right now, its not worthy of mid card status.



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I'd love that...I have barely seen anything from Carlito since Smackdown is on at 10 am here that's too early so I watch Raw at 12 am but he'd be the first real Iberoamerican champion(only people in U.S.A say latino or hispanic) since Pedro Morales(Eddie is chicano that doesn't really count)and he's Puerto Rican! even better.

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While I agree that Carlito's gimmick really isn't main event caliber, he is making it work.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he get cheers/chants at the RAW/SD double taping at MSG?  Granted that's the NY crowd, but he seems to be getting decent reactions.  WWE needs stuff that works right now.  Whether he sucks in the ring or not, Carlito seems to be something that clicks.  Let's hope WWE doesnt screw him up too bad.


NY doesn't count with all the puerto ricans. They are known to cheer for anyone who is puerto rican.

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Cena/Carlito could be the Rock/Triple H of the future?

I think that Shelton/Christian could be the Rock/Triple H of the future, personally.


However, I do think that Carlito has potential. He needs to dump Matt Morgan though and be feuding with guys he could learn something from instead of guys like Big Show.


Didnt I say that Shelton/Orton is Rock/Triple H a while back and that Cena is the new Austin? :angry:

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You putting Carlito in the same bracket as Benjamin is goddamn hilarious. Keep 'em comin'.

I'm not comparing Shelton with Carlito or putting them in the same category , but you got to admit CCC is way more entertaining than Benjamin .

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I don't think Carlito is anywhere near Rock or even Jericho. His promos are funny, but it seems like the ultimate mid card gimmick. Remember, Rock got over just by being himself and talking like he would on the streets and coming up with his own stuff. Carlito I don't think will ever be that marketable.

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Carlito and Cena could probably have a great brawl, but that's about it. A straight-up wrestling match between them would suck.


I don't think Carlito is going to get a ton better in the ring, considering he's already main evented for a few years in Puerto Rico. He didn't come into OVW inexperienced or anything.

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His size is what really hurts him. Rock is a big guy which made his gimmick work. Carlito is barley 6 ft.


I like his gimmick but I think it's too mid-carderish and not main event calibur. His wrestling doesn't bother me and I really think the shoulder injury really hurt a lot of his momentum.


I think he's entertaining and he can only get better, he probably won't be the next Rock but at this rate, nobody will.

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CCC is the next Billy Gunn. He's got a mildly humorous character, but he's terrible in the ring, and he just doesn't have the aura of a main event.


Now, as for the next Rock, I've got two words:






He doesn't have the schtick down to be a fun babyface yet, but his heel work is just as good as Rocky's was. When he and Batista feud this summer, the Rock/HHH comparisons will start coming out for real.

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His size is what really hurts him. Rock is a big guy which made his gimmick work. Carlito is barley 6 ft.


I like his gimmick but I think it's too mid-carderish and not main event calibur. His wrestling doesn't bother me and I really think the shoulder injury really hurt a lot of his momentum.


I think he's entertaining and he can only get better, he probably won't be the next Rock but at this rate, nobody will.


I don't think his shoulder injury hurt his momentum at all, if anything it helped him out. It kept him out of the ring and he was able to get more talk time because of it. Until Carlito drastically improves in the ring all I can see Carlito being is a good manager thats a human microphone for someone....like Matt Morgan for example.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I always believed Randy Orton would become "the next Rock."

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