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Guest nokia

The ECW ONS Thread

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I just have a hard time believing that a bunch of ECW guys will be going over Edge & Christian, unless the ECW PPV is truly a one time thing that will never be mentioned (talked about and highlight package on following Raw). Unless this truly isn't a one time thing and Edge leaves some ECW guys under a WWE flag or something, but I just don't like where this is going. It was bad enough that WWE jobbers with no former ECW links were going to be apart of the show anyway, but at least guys like Snitsky and Tomko should have no problem doing the job. :(

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Guest Rrrsh

I love it. ECW beating ECW guys is just a Tribute show that makes no money. I wanna hear the ECW crowd boo the SHIT out of the WWE guys. And the WWE guys will lose. It will be great TV.

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Edge and Christian aren't in any matches arethey?


Their fate will be similar to that of Maven's from Raw.

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Guest Rrrsh

I say one of them gets beaten in an impromto match by Sabu, the other to Ryhno

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Guest Fook

So any predictions on how many people 911 will chokeslam?


And which people it will be?

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I have one thing to look forward to at this show above all others. If the WWE team goes over the ECW team, the crowd will SHIT all over them. I hope to see a few of the old ECW crowd regulars at the show, such as hat guy.


I just hope this doesnt turn out like Survivor Series 2001, with the WWE team pretty much dominating the ECW team just so Vinnie Mac can stroke his own ego again.

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Guest Rrrsh

No way that happens. Vince sees $$$ in ECW. He always wanted to shit all over WCW. No where does this indicate he wanst to shit on ECW. Hell, he admitted on RAW he backed ECW.


This will end up very well for ECW.

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Guest Brian

I don't think he sees $$$ in them anymore or else he wouldn't have throw WWE guys in the mix. At one point, maybe, maybe he was just testing the water on a second promotion.

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Guest Rrrsh

I think people are jumping to conclusions on why the WWE is inserting their guys, just because they did the same for the Invasion.


The heart of ECW is radicals and renegades. The best way to show this is too have outsiders go into ECW's house and lose to ECW. ECW is not sedimental with having matches for nostalgia purposes. ECW is a family, the feuds aside. The best way to show the true meaning of ECW is to have outsiders over look them, go into their house and get their ass Kick.


And the best pops would be Tazz choking out Angle, RVD Van Terminating JBL, The light going out on Edge and Lita and Sabu coming out or Rhyno Goreing and Piledriving Christian threw a table. The ECW fans woudln't pop as good if this was happening to other ECW guys, because they want to cheer ALL of ECW. Other than a few guys, it would be tough to have heels.

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Vince put WWE guys in for one reason. He thinks the PPV won't work without WWE talent. If it does well, then it will get credited to the WWE guys. If it doesn't do well, then it will get blamed on the ECW name not being strong enough.

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The WWE/ECW confrontation will end the show in all probability, and they would be INSANE to not let the ECW guys stand tall at the end of the show. Some scrubs like Axl Rotten and Ballz will take finishers, but they'll just have the "WWE" ECW guys like Benoit, Foley, AUSTIN, Dudleyz etc. to gain the upper hand, alongside Sabu, Sandman, Dreamer. It'll be like the Invasion when Austin jumps, ECW goes over on the strength of "WWE" guys.


Is Funk going to be there? I'd mark the fuck out for a spinning toehold on Angle. How about Tanaka? ROARING ELBOW ON BISCHOFF! :boxing:

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Guest Rrrsh
Vince put WWE guys in for one reason. He thinks the PPV won't work without WWE talent. If it does well, then it will get credited to the WWE guys. If it doesn't do well, then it will get blamed on the ECW name not being strong enough.


No way dude. Your way to negative. Its purely for the greater good of the angle.

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I really should learn to resist temptation and not read posts from people I've put in Ignore.


And I'm not being too negative. It's a simple fact, and anyone with a clue about how Vince thinks would know that.

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Guest Rrrsh

You dont know how Vince thinks, you just think you do.


I think Vince is thinking on running a real hot angle capatilizing on the DVD sales of ECW. He wants to milk ECW for all its worth, and to do that, the best way is to have ECW beat WWE on an ECW PPV.


That makes far more money than a one night Nostalgia show.

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Guest Rrrsh

Cuz Bisch is the leader, like Angle is the leader of SD's side.


Edge being beat by an ECW means something, he aint like Maven.

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I have one thing to look forward to at this show above all others. If the WWE team goes over the ECW team, the crowd will SHIT all over them. I hope to see a few of the old ECW crowd regulars at the show, such as hat guy.


I just hope this doesnt turn out like Survivor Series 2001, with the WWE team pretty much dominating the ECW team just so Vinnie Mac can stroke his own ego again.


I don't know, the whole thing is just sorta hard to call now. Yeah the invasion crap happen but it was just a horrible angle and needed to be shot, so therefore it was shot. The reason why I say its sorta a hard call now is because if you watch the Rise and Fall of ECW dvd, when the subject of Tazz vs HHH for the WWE title at Smackdown comes up, after Tazz had won the ECW title from Mike Awesome, Vince states he doesn't know the reason why he decided to have HHH go over Tazz in the match. He said when he looks back at it, he thinks that maybe Tazz going over HHH would have been a better choice. So its a bit hard in trying to predict what might happen with the WWE vs ECW fight that suppose to happen. Will Vince/Dunn/Stephanie want to stroke their ego's and make the WWE look good? Or would Vince do the right thing and have the ECW guys go over?

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There's no way the ECW guys aren't going over easily (and it'll just be a wild brawl with a bunch of plunder). Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

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