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Prophet of Mike Zagurski

The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

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Last night drew from fans who haven't bought a PPV in a long time. WWE's problem is that they are not going to magically win back all of the fans with loading up a card that doesn't matter two weeks after people just paid 34.95 for ECW.

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But, who says they're trying to?


I mean, for one we don't even know for fact whether or not the ECW ppv really did 800,000 buys yet do we? Like Tino said..and I said earlier in the thread, it seems like their trying to just pop a bigger ppv buyrate while they can. Meaning during draft month where they can have a bunch of big stars on the card, that's not a joint show.


Not that they're trying to beat the ECW show..they're just trying to get extra money. So I think people are just pulling all these theories out of thin air for the hell of it.

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It just dawned on me that, although with some exageration on my part, this is an argument making rounds in this thread:


"Don't buy Vengeance! WWE has added a match that will be good that you want to see! JUST SAY NO TO GOOD MATHCES! If you order this PPV then 1 million more people will and ECW will look disasterous with it's measley 800,000 buys! Having Angle and Michaels wrestle again is a big scam and you're the big loser if you chose to watch it!"


So now we're getting mad at WWE for putting GOOD matches on PPV.


It never ends.


The one point I will buy is that HHH wants the match on the card so Vengeance might get a respectable buyrate after he decided that fans might not want to watch Batista/HHH III just two weeks after buying a hot ECW PPV.

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Austin's segment was so unpredictable tonight. What a way to make use of him. And Chris Masters? I was really impressed by his victory tonight. Nothing will get you over as a mega-heel like beating Sgt.Slaughter in the year 2005.


They totally fooled me when Jericho attacked Cena. I never saw that coming, especially because of the prior Jericho segment where he said he wanted a title shot, followed by Bish telling him to prove it. I thought he was just going to take out Christian and Tomko! Nothing like making a predictable turn more predictable than it already was.


Then there was a bunch of nonsense, followed by Angle going to RAW. Thank God. There was nothing left for him to do on Smackdown. Just keep him away from Triple H. Those two have less chemistry together than Benoit and Guerrero.

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Starting with the Royal Rumble I started to get back into the WWE but tonight's Raw is really making me question that. The show just plodded on and on and on and I was expecting a Cena/Jericho vs. Tomko/Christian main event but NOO!!! we have to be overshadowed by HHH yet again chuming with Batista, HBK, and Angle.


Here were some things that came to mind, though:


*I don't give a damn about the Diva Search. I didn't care about the last one, I hate Christy Hemme, and I don't want it sucking up TV time


*I sure hope Shelton Benjamin beats the HTM's record but it won't happen unless the WWE wants to re-write history


*Is it just me or is the WWE Title now like the Intercontinental title and is the Intercontinental title now like the European title?


*Austin's act is growing a little stale on me as well


*I sure as hell don't wanna see the Edge-Lita wedding next week and the only thing to save that segment is Matt Hardy but odds of that are one in a zillion


*Nice to see them add the triple threat to Vengance, I might buy for that match, but I probably won't


*That 1980s DVD looks kinda cool, although I'll have to check the full match list before buying


*We got to see a Raw tonight with Kane vs. Grenier AS THE MAIN EVENT?!?!?!?!


*The WOOOing duel between Angle and Flair was hilarious


*I loved Angle's comeback with the Stephanie shot @ HHH, made my night


Basically, I'll watch next week because it's become a ritual again but I won't be too thrilled for the next seven days in anticipation of it coming back.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

Has anyone confirmed the numbers for ONS besides pwinsider?Seems a bit early.


Smackdown seems to be heading towards the merger of Heat and Velocity in September.

Though they'll probably just swap everyone back around in some way like last year.


I predict Jindrak and Shannon Moore will get traded to get Cena back. ;)

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Well being the Michaels fan that I am I was wavering on buying the show but the Michaels-Angle match will definitely make me buy it. The fact that some of the people on the board DON'T want to see a WWE PPV succeed when they actually have a good card is stupid. ECW One Night Stand was a huge success so Vengeance doing well won't take anything away from it. The Vengeance card looks excellent.

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Well being the Michaels fan that I am I was wavering on buying the show but the Michaels-Angle match will definitely make me buy it.  The fact that some of the people on the board DON'T want to see a WWE PPV succeed when they actually have a good card is stupid.  ECW One Night Stand was a huge success so Vengeance doing well won't take anything away from it.  The Vengeance card looks excellent.


Thank you for making sense, it is much appreciated.

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EXACTLY....DON"T BUY VENGEANCE ! I REPEAT, DON"T BUY VENGEANCE!!! Really, this is just a way to make HHH"s control even bigger and make ECW product look weak selling wise if people buy this PPV. Remember the party line that we want WWE to change after what we saw last night. ..or did people already jump off the band wagon?

This is a stupid post. What we want is a better card for our investment, not necessarily garbage wrestling. Although it was good, there was nothing in the ECW show that made me want to be in that crowd.


The funny thing is that I read this post just after buying tickets to Vengeance. I wasn't going to at first, and the news of Angle/Shawn II made me a little weak, but then the defense of both title belts sent me over the edge because the chances are good that one of them will change.

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Thank you for making sense, it is much appreciated.




Absolutely not. In a flood of messages saying we should boycott Vengeance for booking a match that would be good, you came through with something that actually made sense. Bravo.

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I think it's a defense mechanism because many smart fans feel that the WWE only wants its own creations to succeed, therefore they think WWE would want to try and cover up ECW's success or bury ECW.

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"OMG it's all a ruse to outdraw the ECW PPV just so HHH can wave his dick around some more!"




News flash: Regardless how Vengeance does, even if it only gets one buy, HHH is here to stay. Accept it.

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Guest *KNK*

I'm trying to figure out who exactly is headed to Smackdown now...


I had figured Jericho was headed over this week but instead they senselessly injected him into the Vengeance mid-card with that rapper guy and Edge's former partner.


My only bet is Randy Orton.

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Jericho over Cena via pinfall on Christian, over to SmackDown with the WWE title.


Cena is now in line for the big so-called "dream match" with Batista for the World title at SummerSlam while Jericho feuds with Benoit for the belt on SmackDown.


Hey, it can happen. (*guitar riff* MCWORRRRRRRLD!)

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It's obvious that they're gonna get rid of some of the guys involved in these main matches and with fans just shelling out money for ONS Vince has to get all he can out of this right now or he might as well not have the PPV as Batista/HHH couldn't carry it alone...now who goes to SD! with one of the titles is the big question...

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Jericho over Cena via pinfall on Christian, over to SmackDown with the WWE title.


Cena is now in line for the big so-called "dream match" with Batista for the World title at SummerSlam while Jericho feuds with Benoit for the belt on SmackDown.


Hey, it can happen. (*guitar riff* MCWORRRRRRRLD!)


That's a likely scenario. Plus they don't really have plans for Jericho, so they won't mind throwing him over on Tuesdays.



and Tino, they'll keep putting guys they INTEND to push on Raw, because SD is pretty much done.

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Jericho over Cena via pinfall on Christian, over to SmackDown with the WWE title.


Cena is now in line for the big so-called "dream match" with Batista for the World title at SummerSlam while Jericho feuds with Benoit for the belt on SmackDown.


Hey, it can happen. (*guitar riff* MCWORRRRRRRLD!)



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Well yeah, it's an act of defiance to say "Fuck Vengeance!" Sure it won't really change much of anything either way but this is a way of fans to stick it to HHH by not buying a PPV with his stale act, going against Batista for the 3RD TIME. And yes, they are in fact blatantly loading this show up with top matches in some bizarre attempt to outshine the ECW PPV (which basically had zero hype matchwise). I might even watch this PPV, but I am going to get a laugh out of them loading the PPV with top guys only to have the ECW show beat their ass anyway.

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Guest *KNK*

I believe Charlie Haas, Heidenreich and Jindrak are the final three.


Smackdown's final 4 will be


Orton, Batista/HHH, Tajiri, Venis or Kane after Vengence because Kane is done on Raw really.

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Funny how 2 days after I see Austin call Nelly the n-word in The Longest Yard I see him call Hassan a sand person on Raw.


Or maybe he thought they were Jawas or Tuskan Raiders.

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Well yeah, it's an act of defiance to say "Fuck Vengeance!"  Sure it won't really change much of anything either way but this is a way of fans to stick it to HHH by not buying a PPV with his stale act, going against Batista for the 3RD TIME.  And yes, they are in fact blatantly loading this show up with top matches in some bizarre attempt to outshine the ECW PPV (which basically had zero hype matchwise).  I might even watch this PPV, but I am going to get a laugh out of them loading the PPV with top guys only to have the ECW show beat their ass anyway.


Vengeance won't outdraw ONS. Most people I know only shells out 35 bucks every month, picking either the Raw show or SD show. In this case, it was the ECW show. I don't really see how two Mania rematches, a few matches that we've seen many times before (Shelton vs Hassan and Kane vs Edge), and an "interesting" WWE title triple threat match that features two guys who has fought last year around this time (Christian and Jericho) as well as the rapper would beat a 5+ years in the making ECW reunion....

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Jericho over Cena via pinfall on Christian, over to SmackDown with the WWE title.


Cena is now in line for the big so-called "dream match" with Batista for the World title at SummerSlam while Jericho feuds with Benoit for the belt on SmackDown.


Hey, it can happen. (*guitar riff* MCWORRRRRRRLD!)


*marks for "McWorld", even though McDonalds sucks*

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Jericho will be drafted and then win the WWE Title at Vengeance, throwing it down in the same fashion as Shane Douglas and proclaiming it the ECW World Heavyweight Championship ;)

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