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Prophet of Mike Zagurski

The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

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Guest Quik

Allright, so here's what happens. Cena is going to overshadow Batista in terms of reactions, but he'll keep playing second fiddle to the World title, which will ultimately devalue both championships in the long run.


Or something...

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Well it'd sure as hell further his character.  Oh, and are we going to hear a 'Fuck John Ce-na!' chant like last night?  Yeah, wishful thinking, I know.  It'd just be hilarious to hear on Raw.


Well we got half the chant. Pretty nice "Cena" chant there for a second.

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Guest Quik

Jesus Christ, he's so over. This is a live crowd, there are no excuses. Batista needs to be on SD by the next PPV, or he has to start playing second fiddle on Raw.

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Well it seems some determined people in the crowd are trying to boo Cena, but it's just being completely, completely overshadowed by Cena chants.

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Jesus Christ, he's so over. This is a live crowd, there are no excuses. Batista needs to be on SD by the next PPV, or he has to start playing second fiddle on Raw.

But Batista always played 2nd to HHH so it does not really matter.

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Tomko shouldn't be in the ring in this match at all. He seems to be blowing like every spot and always out of place. It looks horrible.

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Guest Quik

I'll admit that Cena on Raw has me watching again.


But I won't be surprised when I see Vince do something stupid, because I'll just go back to doing something else on Monday nights.

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Guest JMA

My God, Tomko is just awful. I guess it wasn't Cena's fault that those spots were blown.

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Guest Quik

You hear that guys? Cena has the number one selling wrestling-related hip-hop album via the internet.


Could it be that the number people nationwide who would like to purchase it can't find it in CD form because few record stores are willing to carry it, so they're forced to simply download it online?


I am Quik, this has been the no-spin zone.

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Jesus Christ, he's so over. This is a live crowd, there are no excuses. Batista needs to be on SD by the next PPV, or he has to start playing second fiddle on Raw.


3rd fiddle you mean.


He was already 2nd.

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Guest JMA
This match has too many blown spots.  The Champ belongs on a taped show so they can edit out his mistakes.

It's Tomko who is blowing the spots. At first I thought it was Cena, but Tomko just does things too early or not at all.

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