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WWE to respond to the pressure from ECW?

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I was just looking through this folder, and I noticed that ever since the ECW PPV has come and gone, this folder has once again slowed way down, even though we are in the middle of an "exciting" period in WWE, because of the draft that is going on.


After that, I decided to check out PWInsider, and they say that WWE is going to respond to the pressure of the success of the recent ECW PPV. Has any other sites said anything like that?


Anyway, I can't believe how much things have slowed down after that PPV. We even have a PPV coming up this Sunday, a PPV that WWE has really pushed to be something pretty big, and people just don't seem like they care about it all that much.


If it's true WWE is going to repsond in some way, it'll be interesting to see just what they have to say about it.

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This folder has slowed down due to not-nearly-tight-enough restrictions on stupidity. I could probably name about 15 or so posters off the top of my head who actually make a concerted effort at bringing content, the rest just fall under the "I post there" column which means nothing.


Nobody cares about Vengence because it's so WWE By the Numbers that it's insulting.

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Fishing for compliments aside...



The draft isn't creating the same buzz because it's not new. They did it last year. The thing is, since no one (meaning marks) really distinguishes between the brands, it's not really big news that so and so is going here or there. When there was actual competition (WCW, ECW) when someone jumped, it came off like they were going to a different world. Here, they are going from WWE(a) to WWE(b) or vice versa. This is because, and I'll scream this until I am banned or die, the brand split isn't working in regards to creating something different from the other. Sure, guys are exclusive to one show or the other, but the formats for both shows remain the same.


As for the ppv buzz for Vengeance, just take a look at what's on top. It's Episode III of a feud that had steam behind it at the end of 2004 and was starting to get it's legs cut from underneath before it could really get rolling as early as January, and now you are seeing the after effects. That, and everything was thrown together so quickly the last 2 weeks and the WWE title, which is supposed to be on par with Batista's title, is being fought over by JTTS's and a champ who is currently getting his legs cut out from underneath him.

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Both guys will do bladejobs, both guys will kick out of each other's finisher, more than likely, the winner will get drafted to Smackdown, no one will take insane sick bumps, and the match will be slow and plotting and getting much more time on the show then it deserves.


Pre-dict-a-ble. I'm all set with Vengeance.


Edit: Should I put spoiler tags up?

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This folder has slowed down due to not-nearly-tight-enough restrictions on stupidity. I could probably name about 15 or so posters off the top of my head who actually make a concerted effort at bringing content, the rest just fall under the "I post there" column which means nothing.




Bullshit... just because you don't like hearing opinions that differ with yours...(what made you an expert anyway) Bitch and moan all you want, but dont take the easy way out and blame everyone else, for christ's sake its a WRESTLING MESSAGE BOARD, if you take that much time to put in what you call a "CONCERTED EFFORT" into your posts than I feel for you. If I have an opinion on something I post it, I don't concoct opinions on everything just to boost my post count.


The posters here are NOT the problem, its WWE not giving us anything to trip our triggers...no emotion=no reaction

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I used to be one of the 15 when I had an Observer subscription.


DVD Forums didn't have anything on us.

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One of the 15 please tell me what was the build up for the Vengence PPV? As far as I know it has been nothing but HHH is angry and wants the belt back with little to no response from Batista.

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Hey, at least they'd be doing _something_ with Smackdown, right? I don't really see a better way of bringing back ECW at this point...I doubt they'd have the resources to launch a "third" promotion at this point...at least not the TV time to devote to it, unless you want it in Velocity's spot on Saturday night, and I think that is going away shortly anyway.


$10 says that they try to pull a lame-ass turn-Smackdown-into-the-ECW-brand type of scenario.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
This folder has slowed down due to not-nearly-tight-enough restrictions on stupidity. I could probably name about 15 or so posters off the top of my head who actually make a concerted effort at bringing content, the rest just fall under the "I post there" column which means nothing.




Bullshit... just because you don't like hearing opinions that differ with yours...(what made you an expert anyway) Bitch and moan all you want, but dont take the easy way out and blame everyone else, for christ's sake its a WRESTLING MESSAGE BOARD, if you take that much time to put in what you call a "CONCERTED EFFORT" into your posts than I feel for you. If I have an opinion on something I post it, I don't concoct opinions on everything just to boost my post count.


The posters here are NOT the problem, its WWE not giving us anything to trip our triggers...no emotion=no reaction


Word. You can't blame the WWE's problem on other people. If you put a "concerted effort" into discussing people and stories who obviously don't give much of a shit about your entertainment (or intelligence, for that matter) anymore then you're wasting your time and energy.


I wish people would stop making excuses for the WWE and hugging the same company that's pissing on your leg at the same time.

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Everyone can't be me, and I accept that. They should, at the very least, try.


The WWE has been rather "delayed" on this ECW thing. Whatever momentum the PPV gave them, is gone. It seems like that show was months ago, at least for me. They certainly won't be able to recreate the PPV or ECW on any sustained level since what made that show enjoyable was that it had everything the WWE is against (ok, it didn't have good storylines) and the WWE is against it for a reason. If there is any discussion on "responding" to the ECW "pressure", it's probably on how to balance things out and not cannibalize the brands, rather than any specific plans. If this didn't make them shit their pants, then they would have striked while the iron was hot rather than curl up into the fetal position and essentially pretend the PPV never happened like they did. Fact is, nothing will change because every single wake-up call the WWE has had in the past 5 years has gone completely ignored.

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Fact is, nothing will change because every single wake-up call the WWE has had in the past 5 years has gone completely ignored.


Being a MMA fan RRR, I'll enter the Puder-Angle deal as Exhibit A.

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I won't get on them too hard on this ECW thing, mainly because I don't think they had any ideas of making ECW permanent. It was just a "Here's a nice one shot PPV for the die hard ECW fans, enjoy." I'm fairly sure they will bring ECW back but right now they are puzzled as to how and when.


The ECW PPV so thoroughly punked out Vengeance it's not even funny. Hell, even with the 1 goofy angle of the WWE guys invading it made me want to see the show if nothing else to see those guys get beat down. The only Vengeance match announced at that point was the HIAC and I don't think most people care about yet another HHH/Batista main event. The wildly pumped up ECW show just made these dull Raws seem all the worse. I know I've had trouble making it through the past two weeks of WWE shows.


By the way, am I one of the 15?

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The WWE has been rather "delayed" on this ECW thing.  Whatever momentum the PPV gave them, is gone.  It seems like that show was months ago, at least for me. 


Now that's the truth. The fact that it feels like ONS was months ago speaks volumes about the quality of RAW and SD.

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The total misuse of Batista since his title win has also been a big factor of why WWE sucks lately. He had casual fans ( the ones that sometimes watched with me) very interested and got them to start watching again/more often. In short, he could be a draw if used correctly. I'm not talking Hogan or Austin levels, but he could gain them veiwers for sure.


So far since he won the title, he hasn't done much of the things that drew the fans to want to cheer him in the first place, which is what the WWE does with most face turns. Batista should come out in a pimping suit almost every show, cut a promo or interact with other superstars, and be dominate in the ring. They should be building him up, not saying he is a flop because once he got to the top they neutered him.

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*makes the list of 15 turn into 16*


I could see why the ECW ppv has made WWE programming seem dull, I mean even if you aren't/weren't a big fan of ECW, if you happened to catch the PPV, for the first time in a few years, you saw something DIFFERENT, hell even the parts involving the WWE invasion didn't feel like a WWE show. Whether it is ECW, WCW, ROH, Puro, etc etc etc.....a couple of weeks ago, people saw a different brand of wrestling and my guess is that it came off as damn entertaining and INTERESTING, especially for people who had not seen much if any ECW up to that point.


The thing is, they don't even need to turn Smackdown into a faux ECW, they just need to make it a different brand of wrestling than Raw. Regardless of what it is called, who the workers are, what significence the titles have, it makes absolutely no goddamn difference if it comes off exactly like RAW, except for not being live and have different workers.


Give Smackdown to Heyman, draft the workers he wants, over to the show, and give him creative control, and I guarantee you after a month or two, it won't make a damn difference that they didn't rename it ECW, it will still be an entertaining product.

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I agree with NoCalMike.


All I want to see from the WWE is something different, something new, unique. Thats why ECW was so ravenously popiular with its fanbase, and thats why WWf/e succeded with the attitude era. The nWo was fresh at the time. There has been so little in the way of anything new/different on wwe lately...and every time they try something else (Orton, Y2J, Benoit, etc) they end up just quitting too quickly and going back to tired old shit like HHH or Taker.

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I actually have to disagree with this. I think what is needed is a totally different show. SMDN with a bunch of ECW guys on it will simply be Smackdown anyway. If they incorporate some ECW type stuff it'll simply be something that echoes ECW rather than ECW itself.


There needs to be an illusion of real competition even if there isn't competition itself. Imagine the shitstorm if Heyman took over Smackdown, said fuck it and made the show into ECW, told Raw to fuck off (storyline speaking anyway), and we had two totally different shows. WWE Raw and ECW.

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Aside from the aforementioned gripes about RAW and Smackdown!, the only thing I can add is that the lack of fresh characters/gimmicks/storylines bothers me. RAW will always be the HHH show, and whatever he wants to happen will happen. And every storyline involving him is just a re-hased version of a previous storyline with a different wrestler thrown into the mix. RAW won't be fresh until he leaves the show.


Smackdown!, I think, has done a good job with the Rey/Eddie feud (well, Eddie not getting a win in what seems like forever aside). Benoit will add the ability to make anyone lood great in the ring, thus, making the show more entertaining for me at least. No matter who you put him with, he'll make them look like a million bucks.


My biggest problem is the lack of an intersting character/gimmick. I haven't been really moved by a new wrestler and/or gimmick probably since Austin. And by motivated, I mean my ability to readily cheer anything that character does, and go into full-on mark mode when he turns either heel or face. Hassan is the only minutely intersting character they've come up with in the last year or so, and even he's starting to wear thin.

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I don't want to hurt names or nothin' but here it goes........


The One-Five Content Lovers


Rudo aka The Chef. Why is he The Chef? Because he's always cookin' up some marvelous shit to get your mouth waterin'. Going insane is becoming more then a part-time hobby for this tomcat.


Kahran aka O.G McMystic. Kahran is the stoic middle-man, keeping the peace. Even though I don't know how old he is he's definetly the old guy in the group.


HTQ aka Q-Dubz. Q-Dubz is a bit of a smartass but he backs it up with his rough slang and his streetwise attitude.


More to come soon, for reals......

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