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Guest Smues
Sadly, Suikoden I+II is not and Konami has no plans to.


Bastards. On the upside the Japanese version works just fine on American PSPs. The extras are pretty damn cool too. The full sound test mode was enough for me, but when I beat Suikoden 1 it unlocked the movie and scene mode. Only like 2 movies out of 10 or 12 slots so I'd assume most of those will open after beating 2. If Square would ever release a handheld version of Chrono Trigger I could die happy.

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Sadly, Suikoden I+II is not and Konami has no plans to.


Bastards. On the upside the Japanese version works just fine on American PSPs. The extras are pretty damn cool too. The full sound test mode was enough for me, but when I beat Suikoden 1 it unlocked the movie and scene mode. Only like 2 movies out of 10 or 12 slots so I'd assume most of those will open after beating 2. If Square would ever release a handheld version of Chrono Trigger I could die happy.


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Square Enix Announces E3 Lineup

More Final Fantasy to GBA.

by Luke Smith, 04/24/2006


Like Capcom last week, Square Enix has a list of games up on their E3 2006 site - it's a safe bet these are games we'll at the Square booth in addition to a few "surprises" that the company isn't talking about.

Aside from the games everyone knows about Dirge of Cerberus and Final Fantasy XII, there are a few new titles that people hadn't expected.


Both Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI are heading to the GameBoy Advance, with Final Fantasy III, Children of Mana and Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime heading to the Nintendo DS. Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is heading to Sony's PSP.


Also being shown on PS2 are Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and Dawn of Mana. Just as was the case with Capcom, we're going to assume (safely) that this isn't all we'll see from Square Enix at E3.




A DS DQ, because no matter how shitty, repetitive, and ass-ugly they are, Japan loves them.


And no CT.


Square, you fucksticks.


Oh, Children of Mana is a glorified dungeon-crawler, only a lot of it is outside, so big whoop.

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Guest Smues

FF5? Weak. I had kind of started to get my hopes up on CT what with them releasing Final Fantasy IV and VI, but I guess I shouldn't do that.

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It appears as though the Mysterious Dungeon game featuring Yangus from DQVIII isn't coming stateside, which is a real shame since it looks like a really, really fun title. Does anyone here have any experience with any of the previous Mysterious Dungeon games? I'd consider importing it if the gameplay was pretty straightforward; otherwise, my nearly non-existant knowledge of Japanese would be a fairly big roadblock.

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FF5? Weak. I had kind of started to get my hopes up on CT what with them releasing Final Fantasy IV and VI, but I guess I shouldn't do that.


Don't kid yourself. It's purposeful. There are plenty of fans who felt compelled to buy Dawn of Souls and FFIV in hopes of them re-releasing FFVI / CT on GBA.


If they release the "real" FFIII next, you know they're ****ing with us.


ELM: I remember folks saying "Chocobo's" was a terrible game, but the later ones I haven't heard of.

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Guest Smues

Guess I'll have to settle for playing Chrono Trigger without sound or slow with sound on a PSP snes emulator.



On an unrelated note I finally got around to playing the two Megaman fighting games on the anniversary collections. Wierd, but not without their charm. I was expecting them to be really bad like Sonic: The Fighters but they actually seem pretty fun, although too short and too easy.

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Yeah, there is a pretty big difference in gameplay between the two levels - one is a complete "real time" battle system with no pausing, the other is the "wait" system, which allows you to pause the action and issue commands, which are resolved in real-time (think Baldur's Gate for the PC).


The latter is an interesting shift for the series and actually makes for some decent gameplay. The former is like an MMORPG without the MMO, which has all the appeal of beer without the alcohol. Which level did you play - the beach or the castle?


The real time thing with the Castle. Just terrible. I'll give the other one a try then.

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I got hooked on Burnout 3 when I went to Idaho for a few days this month, so I bought it. Fun stuff, even though the roundabout way you have to unlock all the tracks is a little annoying. Nothing beats doing a Road Rage race while Ozzy's "Secret Loser" plays in the background. Reminds of the opening race scene in that cheeseball classic, "The Wraith". I just love my custom soundtrack.


And just on a lark I bought Capcom Vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium 2001. Thats pretty fun, though I need to download a full roster/special move faq.

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I dunno, it could work I guess. I don't see what's wrong with Revolution.

I hope to God they go back to Revolution, Wii is awful, and I'm guessing a lot of people will laugh it off, unfortunately

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Guest OSIcon

I like it. Then again, the general goofiness and child-like qualities of Nintendo is one of the things I enjoy most about them.


I am sure it will get laughed off by a lot of people but I doubt it'll turn someone off of buying the system who otherwise would have.

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Oh god what a horrible name. And I like Nintendo :( this makes me hate them.

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So with the Nintendo DS not being regionally coded, I'm thinking of importing a few games that have slim to no chance of ever being translated for a stateside release


I already have Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! and looking into adding Jump Superstars to the collection if the price is right. Any other overseas DS games I should consider picking up?

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So with the Nintendo DS not being regionally coded, I'm thinking of importing a few games that have slim to no chance of ever being translated for a stateside release


I already have Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! and looking into adding Jump Superstars to the collection if the price is right. Any other overseas DS games I should consider picking up?


How's Jump Superstars? It looks pretty fun, but I'm not sure if I wanna plunk down the $50+ for it. I have heard excellent things about Ouendan, though, and am definitely going to get that once I have a little spending money.


Daigaso! Band Brothers is a terrific music game, almost as good as a Bemani console release. It's a hell of a lot better than a Bemani handheld, anyway.



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I haven't got Jump Superstars just yet, but I love Ouendan. I love music games and the way it uses the touch screen is very natural. I've heard of Daigaso but haven't really read up on it to know the details.

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I saw a non-playable demo of the new Superman game at Gamestop.


It looks horrible.


Flying looks awkward and clunky, and that's pretty much all they showed him doing...flying.


The voice acting is pretty crummy. I don't know if it is Routh or not, but it sure as hell isn't Tim Daly or George Newbern. Whoever it is seems to be deliberately trying to mimic Danny Dark (from the ooooold Superfriends shows), because he's belting out "Great Scott!", "Great Krypton!", and "I've got to act fast!" (I swear, no joke) during the demo.


Nothing was really shown showcasing the hyped-up puzzle sequences involving uses of his powers. I suspect stuff like that will be like in Begins, where they talked about how you could throw your batarangs at objects to draw enemy attention...and that was pretty much where the innovation ended, and not much was done with it.


Looks like the Superman curse continues.

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I dunno, I remember Death and Return of Superman for the Genesis being pretty good.

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That's pretty sad. It shouldn't be that hard to make a decent Superman game, but I guess developers are unsurprisingly more interested in making a quick buck.

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Death and Return was just an ultra-formulatic beat 'em up. However, you'd get a boss that looked like Doomsday, you could fly for a little bit...and you'd have an attack that looked like heat vision.




With heroes like Spidey and Hulk, you have to "make do" with their "lesser" abilities like the webbing and huge jumps to navigate cities. With Supes, it's going to be harder to make a good, fun game.


With Supes, you...fly. And good flying controls are hard, especially with a 3D camera. You're not going to be just flying around attacking baddies, no. You're going to be having to react fast to catch falling items, and there's a lot that can go wrong with a camera that isn't top notch.

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I played a recent Jampack demo disc (which was kind of weird since it had playables for Ratchet Deadlocked and Shadow of the Colossus, but also for Shadow Hearts From the New World, Beatmania, Tomb Raider Legend, Steambot Chronicles, Okami...?!).


Anyway, Okami looks extremely promising. The game feels very much like a Spyro title with super-tight controls, a unique visual style, and a gimmick (painting items to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles) that I had some problems with, but intrigued me regardless.


Steambot Chronicles is very cool. It feels a lot like the Misadventures of Tron Bonne, although with deeper combat and without its inherent whimsy. Although the intro really threw me off guard, as there's voice acting, and our main character is played by Spike Spencer. Having Shinji's voice for your main character isn't a good start...but gameplay was definitely interesting.


I still don't like those dials for Shadow Hearts...


I also picked up Brain Age. I'm very much digging it, even if it doesn't involve killing anything.

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I picked up one of those 129.99 ps2s the other day. Though I'd play a lot of Ps2 from friends, I kinda skipped this iteration of games, so a lot of good stuff is unplayed by me, and I'm not the type to pay 300-400 for any console which means i'll still be playing after ps3 comes out.


I got God of War with it. Cool stuff, though it doesn't seem to have that much depth (i only finished one level though, the Hydra ship). Though its fun as hell to just steam roll through a level, ripping people apart left and right and hitting 15+ hit combos.


I picked up Tony Hawk's underground 2 and SSX 3 on eBay for cheap. I'm still looking to get a hold of final fantasy x but it seems all the stores here are out of copies. I'll probably get MGS 3 and GTA San Andreas next. Anybody else with recommendations of *great* essential ps2 games, by all means let me know. i've been researching and Burnout 3 and Shadow of the Colossus keep coming up, so maybe I'll give those a try. Is Colossus a short game? that's the impression i've been getting, though it sounds cool, i don't know if I want something i'll finish in a rental.

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are any of the star wars games on ps2 good, or are they all licensed crap?


Back on the PSX there used to be this series called Colony Wars, which was a blast to play, it was like being dropped into a star wars or B5 space dogfight. is there anything like that on ps2?

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