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Just a quick Question. I'm thinking about getting a 360 and the T.V. that i ahve doesnt have the color things for the wires that put into it..it only has a thing for the cable to go into...when i had my old Xbox i used a adapter and thats how i could plug it into my T.V. My question is do they sell 360 adapters? or do i need to have a tv with the yellow red and blue or whatever color wires?


The adapter exists, I have seen it in stores. If not, you can buy an RF converter.


I seriously would consider, if you have the money, buying a new TV.

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Yeah, RF cables are available, but the included cables are designed for multiple connections, so if you have VCR or something that at least accepts composite cables, you could use that too.


Even on SDTV, 360 games look damn good.

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Even on SDTV, 360 games look damn good.


It's not that he doesn't have an HDTV, that's not the issue. He just doesn't have connectors, period. It may look good on SD, but with an RF cable, I just have my doubts.


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The N64 was the first system I had that made you use A/V cables as the default hook up and I had no TV capable of using those in 1996. However, you'll note just about every VCR has them, so just roll that way (Hell, I just took a look over at my upstairs TV area and noticed my N64 is STILL hooked up via VCR as the Xbox is taking up the A/V port on the back).

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Even on SDTV, 360 games look damn good.


It's not that he doesn't have an HDTV, that's not the issue. He just doesn't have connectors, period. It may look good on SD, but with an RF cable, I just have my doubts.



I know, I just suggested at least to go with composite if he can use a VCR with it. It's still better than plain ol' RF.

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Speaking of review drama that was mentioned on the last page, does anyone else remember when the original Shenmue came out, and Gamespot gave it something like a 6.0? Some score CONSIDERABLY lower than the rest of the scores out there, and then they got enough hate mail and bitching from people that they actually went back in and added a full point to the original score? Such a fucking pussy ass move by Gamespot.

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Yeah, I remember that Shenmue stuff. GameSpot said that they neglected aspects of the game (or some BS) in their first review when they changed the score. I guess they didn't fully appreciate FREE at first. :rolleyes:


On the GameFan FFVIII review subject, the word was that Square was none too pleased with the bad review, and pulled advertising from the magazine due to it.

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It's kind of funny they'd do that, because Gamefan was always a big pusher for Square, and went as far as to verbally fellate nearly everything they'd do during the PS1 era.

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6.0 for Shenmue sounds about right. I practically found playing the game a chore (and to the point I never even got to the "get a job driving a fork lift all day" part of the job). My choices were walk through a crowded street and bug a bunch of people for information they didn't have or play arcade games and buy collectible toys. I ended up wasting so much time NOT advancing in the game.


A very noble attempt at creating a big world, though.

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what is everyone elses MAIN gripe about FF8 anyway? I hated the levelling up system as well as that stupid card game. I didn't mind the story so much, which seems to be a lot of people's complaints.

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I really liked FFVIII when it came out, but it hasn't aged well and I can't bring myself to ever play it anymore. The junction system is counter-intuitive and completely broken with the GFs, the characters outside of the Squall/Rinoa/Seifer trio that drive the story are virtually useless, and the plot is about as convoluted as they come (Time Compression!). It's the real dog of the PSX releases and, if not for the fantastic graphics and music, it probably would be in the competition for the worst release in the series.


Oh, and Triple Triad. How many A-list games come around where the mini-game is infinitely more entertaining than the core gameplay?

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Drawing was pretty dull, but a lot of folks hated the fact that the game dared be have a hackneyed sci-fi fantasy setting instead of simply just a hackneyed fantasy setting. Even though FFVII had a fair share of that too. Also, Squall was an annoying jerk with astupid and unrealistic weapon. Kind of like FFVII, except that at least Cloud ripped off Guts' weapon from Berserk. Also, Seifer wasn't really as "cool" as Sephiroth. Seifer needed gratutious mommy issues, I guess.


So, basically a lot of it was that it wasn't FFVII, lots of people hated the characters, sometimes for legitimate reasons and sometimes not, but along with not being FFVII it also had the junctioning and card game crap.


The Spoony One did a whole series of rants on the game: http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/games/FF8/.


Even if you don't agree, they're quite funny. The bit on the multiple fights with the spider boss kills me.


"Time to go back to my dorm, take a cold shower, and post something emo on Myspace."

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For some reason I thought the Nitro vs Thunder discussion was in this thread, but it's not.


But anyway, one thing I did like about those games (because there wasn't much to like) was those crazy ring settings. I remember the hall of mirrors from Nitro, but don't recall the arena in Thunder that actually made you dance:



And just for fun, everyone's entrance video:




Edit: In Your House finishers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijCX5WHnlNY

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But anyway, one thing I did like about those games (because there wasn't much to like) was those crazy ring settings. I remember the hall of mirrors from Nitro, but don't recall the arena in Thunder that actually made you dance:


I'm pretty sure it was like a disco arena, and to make it kick in you had to taunt.


Not WCW or anything, but for the hell of it...

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The Spoony One did a whole series of rants on the game: http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/games/FF8/.


Even if you don't agree, they're quite funny. The bit on the multiple fights with the spider boss kills me.


"Time to go back to my dorm, take a cold shower, and post something emo on Myspace."


Oh, thank you for this. I'm watching his Terror T.R.A.X. review now and it's just gold.


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The Spoony One did a whole series of rants on the game: http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/games/FF8/.


Even if you don't agree, they're quite funny. The bit on the multiple fights with the spider boss kills me.


"Time to go back to my dorm, take a cold shower, and post something emo on Myspace."


Oh, thank you for this. I'm watching his Terror T.R.A.X. review now and it's just gold.




Gotta love Agent Snake (his lust for violence and intolerance of cheap furniture) and werewolves w/ guns.

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Played the Simpsons demo on XBL; typical EA fare, looks great, sounds great, gameplay blows.


Bart is the only one really useful in the demo, so Homer ends up being a decoy. Lard Lad seems to randomly choose which one of your two options he's going to target, so by the time Homer lures him into place LL has probably already leveled Bart out of position (and if he hasn't, the mini Krusty dolls that can somehow climb buildings have).


The camera works great 1/3 of the time; the other 2/3 it's either clipping through a wall and giving you a great view of how your television displays the color orange, or it's slamming into an invisible wall and forcing you to go the other 359.5 degrees to see what you wanted to look at (and by the time you twirl it around your opening's probably gone anyway).


Other than the characters & the "Video Game Cliches" portion involving Comic Book Guy, it's a subpar platformer.


In other news, I fired up NCAA 08 again and as USF I ran up 120 on FCS Southeast and "forced" 11 INTs.


In even more other news, I downloaded that new Oblivion expansion and boy does it suck. You head to the castle, you kill about 4 marauders and you're GIVEN the castle. You then go to the Imperial market, drop about 25,000 gold and buy all the upgrades...go back to the castle and get a note that says there's one more upgrade you can buy. Warp back, buy it for ~3000 gold and....that's it? I could eventually be asked to pay money to kill four things, spend ~30k in gold and my "reward" is a castle that's about a 3 minute walk from Chorrol on the side that's so far away from anything else you're better off warping to Chorrol itself? Super useful, guys.

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Guest Smues
Drawing was pretty dull, but a lot of folks hated the fact that the game dared be have a hackneyed sci-fi fantasy setting instead of simply just a hackneyed fantasy setting. Even though FFVII had a fair share of that too. Also, Squall was an annoying jerk with astupid and unrealistic weapon. Kind of like FFVII, except that at least Cloud ripped off Guts' weapon from Berserk. Also, Seifer wasn't really as "cool" as Sephiroth. Seifer needed gratutious mommy issues, I guess.


So, basically a lot of it was that it wasn't FFVII, lots of people hated the characters, sometimes for legitimate reasons and sometimes not, but along with not being FFVII it also had the junctioning and card game crap.


The Spoony One did a whole series of rants on the game: http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/games/FF8/.


Even if you don't agree, they're quite funny. The bit on the multiple fights with the spider boss kills me.


"Time to go back to my dorm, take a cold shower, and post something emo on Myspace."


The best part was waking up from his FFVII dream and being assaulted with the first song from FFX-2

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Another question from me about NHL 08 for anyone that has it: how long is the dynasty mode? I remember in 06 it was only ten seasons which was a little too short for my tastes. Just wanted to know if they expanded on it. Thanks.

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Drawing was pretty dull, but a lot of folks hated the fact that the game dared be have a hackneyed sci-fi fantasy setting instead of simply just a hackneyed fantasy setting. Even though FFVII had a fair share of that too. Also, Squall was an annoying jerk with astupid and unrealistic weapon. Kind of like FFVII, except that at least Cloud ripped off Guts' weapon from Berserk. Also, Seifer wasn't really as "cool" as Sephiroth. Seifer needed gratutious mommy issues, I guess.


So, basically a lot of it was that it wasn't FFVII, lots of people hated the characters, sometimes for legitimate reasons and sometimes not, but along with not being FFVII it also had the junctioning and card game crap.


The Spoony One did a whole series of rants on the game: http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/games/FF8/.


Even if you don't agree, they're quite funny. The bit on the multiple fights with the spider boss kills me.


"Time to go back to my dorm, take a cold shower, and post something emo on Myspace."


I actually didn't mind VIII, although I also had issues with the drawing system and linking your magic to your stats. Just seemed needlessly complicated to me. And don't get me started with the fucking card game. That really got on my nerves, and they seemingly have something irritating like that in every FF since. At least blitzball was somewhat entertaining when you got an overpowered team (Brother and Tidus = win) and started kicking the crap out of everyone.


I will agree with Spoony that Quistis was probably the best thing about VIII though. I'll be in my bunk, indeed.

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An EA game sucks and a free piece of DLC (well, temp free) isn't very good?


You don't say. :)


Simpsons Arcade game unlockable. Do it, guys.


I'm buying it just for that.


RE: FF8 - I've never liked the game mainly because I didn't like any of the characters. It's sort of the same reason I didn't like FFX, I hated everyone of the characters and the voice acting sucked.

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An EA game sucks and a free piece of DLC (well, temp free) isn't very good?


You don't say. :)


Simpsons Arcade game unlockable. Do it, guys.


Unlockable from the new Simpsons game? I may have to buy it.

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No, no, it isn't unlockable. I'm just saying they should do it. It was a Konami game, but we saw the original TMNT arcade game get an XBLA release coinciding with the Ubisoft TMNT console game.

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Reading comprehension, guys.


Anyway I was listening to the commentary track for the FF VII Robot Chicken bit and I guess there was some 7 vs 8 arguments going on in the writer's room (someone liked the ending to 8 better because it was longer).

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