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Guest DonWestMark03

Favorite Wrestlers

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Guest DonWestMark03

My List:


Triple H

Stone Cold Steve Austin


Box Guy (from Chikara)

John Cena

Chris Masters

Trish Stratus



Favortie Ref's:


Mike Chiota

The Hebner's

Charles Robinson

The Enforcer

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Guest wildpegasus

Chris Benoit -- Does this surprise anyone? I'm a fan of in ring intensity and Benoit brings it like nobody else can. The movest, the selling, the intensity, the pacing, the timing, the counters, the passion. It's all there.




Mayumi Ozaki -- The little train that could although Ozaki doesn't believe she's a little train. Ozaki has not only been involved in several of the best matches of all time but she is the best actress I've ever seen in wrestling. So many of my favourite all time mark out moments come from watching Ozaki, one of my favourite charactors in wrestling.



Bret Hart -- I've been really digging Bret lately as he's always been the wrestler that made wrestling look as real as it could be. Several of his matches are just masterpieces and are timeless. I just got done watching Bret vs Piper at Mania and the 90 Survivor Series which both sucked me in as much as wrestling can.



Johnny Smith -- I always like going for the underdog but yet there was a time when Smith wasn't an underdog. In 88 and 89 Smith was a force in Stampede and one of their top wrestlers. He had it all -- execution, an advanced moveset, a great interview and a heel charactor that I absolutely loved.


Manami Toyota -- Again the intensity factor as Toyota was the hardest working athelte in the buisness. Not only did she work hard but her offence was heavily leg oriented which takes a lot more out of you physcially than a movest that like most other wrestlers in not leg oriented. The Ocean Cyclone Suplex remains one of my all time favourite manuevers


Dynamite Kid -- I got done watching some more Dynamite in Stampede a few weeks and man alive was he spectacular or what. The in ring presence, the speed, the bumping which was insanely crazy and the ahead of his time factor all made him incredible to watch.

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Chris Benoit

Eddie Guerrero

Kurt Angle

Shelton Benjamin

Edge (Smarks might hate me for this one, but oh well)


All time:










Edge and Christian (as a team)

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Booker T

Ultimo Dragon

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Chris Benoit


Eddy Guerrero


Kurt Angle

Shelton Benjamin





Chris Benoit

Curt Hennig

Ted Dibiase

Rick Rude

Arn Anderson

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

Dean Malenko

Eddy Guerrero

Tully Blanchard

"Stunning" Steve Austin (I didn't care for babyface Stone Cold, but I liked the heel version in 96-97 and 2001, and his WCW stuff is classic.)

Dynamite Kid

Jake Roberts



Ref: Mark Curtis

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Announcer: Gorilla Monsoon

Colour Commentator: Jesse Ventura

Manager: Bobby Heenan

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Chris Benoit: Ditto pegasus' reasons.


Bret Hart: The first wrestler I've ever really marked out for as a kid. When I started to smart up a little about the business, I noticed that hey, this guy was good! It stuck all these years and he remains firmly at the top with Benoit as my favorite.


AJ Styles: I know I've bragged that I reffed him before, but he's actually a pure joy to work with in the ring. Plus, while chatting I asked him what he thought of my work, compared to what he's used to. He said he loved it. Emphasis on love.


You're in the wrestling biz. AJ Styles says he loves your work. How can you NOT develop an ego?


Refs: (I wear the stripes myself, so what the hey)


Mike Chioda, for being one of the best at putting his foot down and appearing like the MF'in authority in the ring, despite being a 160-lbs referee.


Charles Robinson (WCW era), Brian Hebner for their attention to the little details. Like, emphasizing that a guy kicked out, demonstrating just how close that two-count was, etc. Plus, Brian can beatbox.


I pattern my style mostly after these three, heck on occasion I'll even flash Chioda's "devil sign" after a two-count. B-)

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Guest Jimmy

angle - entertaining as hell!

hitman - could have a good match with anyone

dynamite - innovator

mysterio - something else! wow!

austin - 97-99 - great years!!!

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In no particular order:

Eddie Guerrero


Ultimo Dragon

Mike Awesome

Masato Tanaka(I'm an FMW mark)


Bret "The Hitman" Hart

Ricky Steamboat

Ric Flair

AJ Styles

Yoshihiro Tajiri(I think that's his first name)

Chris Benoit

Rey Mysterio Jr.

The Hardy Boyz(probably my favorite tag team of all time)

Tommy Dreamer


Diamond Dallas Page

Old School Taker, particularly when he was doing the Ministry Of Darkness stuff

Kane(in my opinion the most over looked big man in recent history)

Jushin Liger

Kurt Angle

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You know, I'd put the Rock on here, but I seem to remember him sort of dogging it on Smackdown and using a lot of punch kick wrestling, whereas I go back and watch his PPV work and I love it. Anyone else notice anything like that?

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Current Favorites:


Chris Benoit

Shelton Benjamin


Kurt Angle



All-Time Favorites:


Bret Hart

Undertaker (mostly 1997-Ministry, as well as 2002-2003)

Steve Austin

Mr. Perfect

Chris Benoit

Kurt Angle

Ric Flair

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Current Favs in no particular order...









AJ Styles

Christopher Daniels

CM Punk

Austin Aries

Samoa Joe




All Time Favs...




Bret Hart

Austin (97-01 only)


HHH(98-01 only)

Dynamite Kid

Road Warriors

Tully Blanchard

Magnum T.A.

Ric Flair

Mitsuharu Misawa

Toshiaki Kawada

Akira Taue

Kenta Kobashi

Jun Akiyama

Stan Hansen

Terry Gordy

Steve Williams

Keiji Muto/Great Muta


Masahiro Chono

Shinya Hashimoto


...you know, to name a few.

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El Hijo del Santo: Easily my favorite ever. By looking at him, you'd next expect him to be as graceful in the ring as he is. Man can also brawl like fuck. I've never seen him come even close to half-assing it before, either.


Chris Benoit: See pegasus's answer.


Blue Panther: Greatest mat worker I've ever seen.


Combat Toyota: I've written about her once or twice before. I have this weird attraction to her and her work. You all need to watch her Big Egg match with Hotta and her FMW match with Kudo. She's so awesome as the big girl who's not a monster.


Val Venis: My favorite wrestler in the E besides Benoit.


Stan Hansen: Such a bad ass.


The Destroyer: Awesome, awesome wrestler.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Rock never had the greatest move set ever but his selling and spot timing were as good as anybody.

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1) Christian

2) Ric Flair

3) Batista

4) Chris Benoit

5) Josh Prohibition


1) Ric Flair

2) Steve Austin

3) Undertaker

4) Kurt Angle

5) Chris Benoit

6) Triple H

7) Sting

8) Rob Van Dam

9) Dean Malenko

10) Raven

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Dynamite Kid

Ric Flair

Ricky Steamboat

Chris Benoit

Bret Hart

Harley Race

Steve Austin


Shawn Michaels

Terry Funk

Randy Savage

Eddie Guerrero

Kurt Angle

Curt Hennig



Mitsuharu Misawa

Kenta Kobashi

Jushin Liger

Toshiaki Kawada

Yoshinari Ogawa

Shiro Koshinaka

Taiyo Kea

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Shawn Michaels

Rob Van Dam

Eddy Guerrero

Chris Jericho

Bret Hart

Mick Foley

Marty Jannetty

Alex Wright

Kurt Angle

Stone Cold and The Rock only as heels

Chris Benoit

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Colt Cabana

CM Punk

Samoa Joe


Shelton Benjamin


I'll give Muhammad Hassan an HM here, since for a time I was marking like hell for him.




Eddie Guerrero

Mr. Perfect



Brian Pillman

Heel Austin


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Guest JMA

In no order:


Rob Van Dam

Bret Hart

Chris Benoit

Eddie Guerrero

Steve Austin

Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle

Mick Foley


Randy Savage

Ricky Steamboat

Shelton Benjamin

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My top 20 in no particular order


Bret Hart


Triple H

Chris Benoit

Mick Foley

The Rock


Randy Savage


Kurt Angle

Eddie Guerrero

Rey Mysterio Jr

Shawn Michaels

Kevin Nash

Ric Flair


Chris Jericho

AJ Styles

Rob Van Dam

Christopher Daniels

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All Time:


Shawn Michaels

Steve Austin

Kurt Angle

Mick Foley

The Rock

Chris Benoit

Bret Hart


Current (excluding from the above):


Eddie Guerrero

Shelton Benjamin



Rey Misterio


And I should mention that I was a HUGE Ultimate Warrion fan back in the day. I didn't know any better.

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Daizee Haze


Chris Benoit

CM Punk

Reckless Youth

Ric Flair

Samoa Joe



Old school:


Greg Valentine

Randy Savage

Tully Blanchard

Curt Hennig (more when he was AWA champ)

Rick Steamboat

Roddy Piper

Jim Cornette/ Midnight Express

Rock n Roll Express

Barry Windham

Chris Adams

Abdullah the Butcher

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-Shelton Benjamin



-Matt Sydal

-Alex Shelley


-CM Punk

-Samoa Joe


All time

-Mikey Whipwreck

-The British Bulldogs

-Randy Savage


I dunno, I'm drawing blanks

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Ultimate Warrior


Eddie Guerrero

Ric Flair

Bret Hart


Samoa Joe

Big Van Vader

Cm Punk

Colt Cabana

Ace Steel

Keiji Mutoh

American Dragon

Christopher Daniels

Low Ki


Mr.Perfect Curt Henning

Hugh Morrus


Val Venis

Kurt Angle


....Thats all

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All-time Favorites:


Warrior-debut thru 92 run, I loved the guy, what can I say


Randy Savage-WWF heel years, especially during his IC title reign and post WWF title run (the first one), heels today WISH they could be like he was back then. Never cared for him once he hit WCW.


HBK-he was awesome in 94 and 95, went stale thru 96 and then became awesome again during his DX run. I don't like him anymore, but we'll see what this new heel turn does for him.


Rey Mysterio-always loved watching him, now I'm hoping for a world title at least once in his career.


Ahmed Johnson-from his debut in 95 to the time he completely fell apart in 97, this guy gave me high hopes.


Shelton Benjamin-didn't really notice him until he came to Raw because I never watched Smackdown, but damn did he impress me right away. He'd be better with a heel turn and a person to speak for him.


Sting-"The Man Called Sting" era, never cared for Crow Sting.


Vader-this dude was kick ass until the WWE completely ruined him in 97-98. 96 was a great year for him, then HBK whined and got his way, pretty much started to go downhill at that point.


Davey Boy Smith-don't know what it was about the guy, but I liked him and I think he should have one the world title at least once in 95...that year was so dismal anyway, it wouldn't have mattered.


The Rock-I liked him his first few years (okay post Rocky Miavia era), then he started to bore me...I like his sporadic appearances, but I could live without a fulltime schedule from him.


Steve Austin-96 to 98, loved him, then he started to bore me...sure he had great matches after 98, but the character was just getting too dull for my taste.


Kurt Angle-puts on great matches and is actually really funny as well. One of those guys who can drag a great match out of any slug they throw in there with him.



Potential Favorites:


Randy Orton-I know people shit on this guy, but he's great as a heel and I hold out that he'll eventually be one of the all-time great ones.


Carlito-sure his ringwork is mediocre right now, but damn that dude cracks me up.


Batista-I like him, but he's not yet an all-time favorite...if he can squeeze out some good matches, then we'll see.

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All time:

Road Warriors

Ric Flair

Abdullah the Butcher


Miracle Violence Connection

Shane Douglas

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert (not when he was a face in the NWA, just as a heel)

Kevin Sullivan (Satanist-era only)

Bruiser Brody

King Kong Bundy


Koloffs & Kruschev






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Guest jm29195

All time favorite wrestlers:-



1. Chris Benoit- totally believable and mega intense, have let to not enjoy a match he's been in


2. Kurt Angle- beats Benoit hands down in the personality department and is having a career year at the moment- Wrestler of 05 for me so far but hasn't been around for the 16 years that Benoit has....


3. Vader- again totally believable, and a fucking agile huge monster in his heyday who had awesome matches with just about everyone when they let him. had an inspiring comeback in 99 when most everyone thought he was done...


4. Eddie Guerrero- IMO opinion the best ever heel in the business and has some damn sharp ringwork although I feel maybe he's slipped a place since bulking up so much....


5. Ric Flair- The best all round character in the business, in his prime could carry most everyone to a great (if formulaic) match and can still bring the goods on occasion, his match with Angle the other week had me and my mate marking out at the tv for the first time since Benoit at WMXX


6. Rey Mysterio- imo the best cruiserweight ever and has adapted his ring style to remain popular with WWE managment, is having a banner year and the feud with Eddie is the feud of the year for me....


7. William Regal- an increidbly underated performer who can totally bring the goods when given a chance and another totally believable in ring talent.... would probably be ranked higher if WWE gave him something to do... best facial expresions in the business and a great character... plus he's English so we love him to bits over here....


8. Mick Foley- Played 3 characters really well and sacrificed himself to an incredible degree for his art.... a great brawler and has made more stars than anyone else I can think of....


9. Shawn Michaels- another incredible comeback after being retired for 4 years, is having another great year and has been consistently entertaining from 89-98 and 02-05- I think the heel turn should totally freshen him up as I reckon he works better as a heel...


10. Austin- was an underated talent through WCW 91-95, reinvented himself in the WWE, in 96, overcame crippling injury to become the most popular wrestler of the 90's, then reivented himself again on another comeback and had his best year in 2001....



I also mark(ed) out for in this order:-


1.British Bulldog


3.Randy Savage (97-98)


5.Roddy Piper

6.Mr Perfect

7.Shelton Benjamin

8.Juvy Guerrera

9. HHH

10. Perry Saturn/Dean Malenko

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Current favorites...


Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Rob Van Dam

Shelton Benjamin

AJ Styles





Bruiser Brody

Stan Hansen

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams

Arn Anderson

Barry Windham

Cactus Jack

British Bulldog

Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas


Tag teams...

Road Warriors

British Bulldogs

Midnight Express

Fabulous Freebirds


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I used to hate the Rock. Hate him. Then they turned him heel and his early 2003 Hollywood run totally made me a mark for him. Really, really bad.


His stuff just blew me away. Ever since then, going back to his older work, I've gained so much more respect for him.

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Guest jackie fargo

Hulk Hogan by far-he's the greatest Pro wrestler of all-time


Ric Flair- from 1986_1989


Mr. Perfect


The Model Ric Martel


Chris Jericho during the late 90"s


Arn Anderson


Nikita Koloff


Dusty Rhodes

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