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On one side; you have a fully trained Jedi Knight. Proficient with a lightsaber, entrenched in the light side of the force. In times of great duress, fear is never an option for him. He doesn't like violence, but WILL defend himself if the need arises.


On the other; standard United Federation Of Planets crewman, trained in phaser handling and advanced hand to hand combat. He's fully armed with handheld and rifle phasers and is willing to die for the cause of the Federation. So it's very simple.


They fight. Who wins?

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It's rather unfair to use a regular crewman from the Federation against a Jedi. It would be better to use a regular character from Star Wars like Han Solo, it would be a closer fight. As is, the Jedi could easily get the phaser out of the crewmans hand using the force and then whip out a lightsaber and finish the fight within seconds. The fight simply is not fair. Just as saying "Who would win, Q or Yoda?" would be unfair. Kes, from Voyager, perhaps would be a fairer fight since she had telepathic and telekenetic abilities. Maybe even Odo. But to answer your scenario, the Jedi wins.


... I feel dirty.

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Guest wildpegasus

Captain Kirk vs Bruce Lee





Man vs Man, ripped shirt vs ripped shirt, fighting spirit vs fighting spirit, the immovable force vs the irrestible object. This'd be a fight I'd pay good money to see.

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It has to be a draw. I mean, clearly, Bruce Lee would win, but Kirk just can't lose a fight so there is no other way to score it. It's a paradox, really. Bruce Lee Must Win. Captain Kirk Can't Lose.


Indiana Jones vs. John McLane


Now THAT'S a fight.

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On one side; you have a fully trained Jedi Knight. Proficient with a lightsaber, entrenched in the light side of the force. In times of great duress, fear is never an option for him. He doesn't like violence, but WILL defend himself if the need arises.


On the other; standard United Federation Of Planets crewman, trained in phaser handling and advanced hand to hand combat. He's fully armed with handheld and rifle phasers and is willing to die for the cause of the Federation. So it's very simple.


They fight. Who wins?


Depends. Is the Federation crewman wearing a red shirt? :P


No contest, I'd give it to the Jedi. With the weapons, the Jedi could turn the phaser beam back at the crewman. Hand to hand, well- Obi-wan held his own against Jango Fett. So unless the Jedi was fighting Sisko, the Federation guy wouldn't have a chance.





God, I'm such a dork.


Indiana Jones vs. John McLane


Now THAT'S a fight.


A draw. Both pull out their guns and shoot each other at the same time.

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Guest Vitamin X

Dude, a Jedi would win, NO CONTEST. Trekkies would try to talk and bore their way out of the fight, though.

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this reminds me of my least favorite fight scene. It's from a Star Trek movie, I believe the third one. I don't really remember the fight, and the fight its self isn't why I dislike it so much. It's because it's William Shatner vs. Christopher fucking Lloyd. How the hell am I supposed to take a fight scene seriously with that kind of casting. That's like Raul Julia as M. Bison-level bad casting...

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Raul Julia, bad as the casting was, was the best part of that movie.


Dumbledore can beat anyone.


Tony Soprano vs Vic Mackey

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I once posted at a comic book based board that had an entire folder dedicated to threads like this. That place had it's own little sub-culture. Most of the regulars in that folder never ventured out.

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Guest wildpegasus
What about an unarmed Darth Maul vs. Batman (with utility belt)?


Maul with the Force-choke.


Cheat to win, baby.



Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, wooooah. Batman has taken out the Predator before. He has taken out the entire Justice League by himself. You're telling me someone who could do that would go down to Darth Maul? Now I know pratically nothing about Darth Maul but I'm having a hard time believing that Maul could take Batman out.

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He can look at somebody and, if they're not strong enough in the Force, choke them to death with his thoughts and a couple hand gestures. Yeah, Batman - a regular man with a utility belt and advanced martial arts training - would fucking die. Able to take out two Predators, the first because he used the most advanced technology he could and thought smarter than the alien (for once), and the second because it was a young'un that just wanted revenge (and also had three others hunting it, as well as every single cop in Gotham after it, the CIA, and The Huntress was at Bat's side).


Howard the Duck vs. Donald Duck


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Yoda vs. Lord Voldemort


This is a difficult one. Voldemort is supposed to be very powerful, and held his own against Dumbledore. On the other hand, Yoda is old, powerful, and can bounce around like a pinball on speed. In the end, I'd give this to Voldemort- all it would take is one well-placed killing curse, while there is no gauntee that he would stay dead if Yoda killed him.


Dumbledore vs. Palpatine


Another close one. I'd give it to Dumbledore, as it would seem he is more powerful than Palapatine (or at least holds more tricks up his sleeve), but his hesitation to kill Palpatine would lead to the Emperor frying him like MAce. Winner: The Emperor.




And I'm[?b] a damned loser...

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I assume you mean the two lame blond dudes from Reloaded....Smith would bitchslap. Hell, Morpheus more than held his own against them (I guess he killed them? They didn't show up again). Think about how Morpheus did against Smith in the first movie. Besides, even if they got lucky and killed Smith he'd just become someone else and it'd still be on.

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