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Matt Morgan vs. William Regal

Never Happened as the Mexicools destroy Morgan. Regal just chills in the enterance way.

This interests me more than the rest of the show. I kind of want to see cruiserweight beat on a hoss.


Plus, I'm sort of curious as to where this will go.

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Pretty cool Smackdown ! They have stories for almost everyone ( At least they tried ) & i want to see the return of the BWO :) ...

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Someone please tell me that terrorist group is some weird hallucination I'm having


Honestly what's the problem with that ? This is just wrestling, what are you expecting ? This is just a tv show, nothing else


Please don't flame me, i just want to understand why people are so "shocked" to see something like this happen in wrestling and not in "real" tv show like 24, The Shield or even Third Watch

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Well, for starters, wrestling isn't made specifically to 'teach' people right and wrong. Or to make comments on current social life. Heels are out there, with their main job being to get people to hate them. I'm sure there's still some people who truly believe wrestling is real. And with this, you're opening up a whole new world or potential trouble for Hassan/Mark Magnus and Shawn Daivari.


24 isn't filmed live and the characters aren't trying to make you hate them, in the same way wrestlers do.


To people who do 'get it', they've basically killed Hassan's character. Any legit gripes he have are gone now. Because instead of being an Arab American who feels wrongly treated (as he was for his debut), Hassan's character has surpassed cheap-heat 'I hate America' and is now working, with 'terrorists'. I'm sure there are some people who really believe all Islamists are terrorists (in fact, one of them posted quite regularly in General Chat here once upon a time...HI-YO~!). The WWE is doing nothing to change this view and in-fact, putting the view across to people. It's extremely low class, mis-informed and steps over another line that shouldn't be stepped over in the land of wrestling.



And this is from someone who really doesn't feel all that strongly.

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I'm sure there are some people who really believe all Islamists are terrorists. The WWE is doing nothing to change this view


But is this the job of the WWE to teach them what is right and wrong, to teach them that the majority of Islamists are not terrorists ? They are just here to try to entertain us


To people who do 'get it', they've basically killed Hassan's character. Any legit gripes he have are gone now. Because instead of being an Arab American who feels wrongly treated (as he was for his debut), Hassan's character has surpassed cheap-heat 'I hate America' and is now working, with 'terrorists'


They killed him in in first incarnation ( and thats bad because his first character who feels wrongly treated has a lot of potential ) but they can go with a character who out of frustration turn to "the dark side" to reach his goals, it can work if this is well written ( it won't ... i know but we can dream )

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Guest wildpegasus
Wow, poor Benoit.



You go girl.





Chris Benoit vs. Booker T - #1 contendership for the US title. Chain wrestling, and teased finishes all over this match. Benoit eventually wins after going for the Crippler for the 2nd or 3rd time. Benoit looked to have gotten a stinger in one of his arms.



Anyone hear anything about the stinger being talked about here? Or is this just talk about how one of Benoit's arms is bigger than the other?

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I dont think they've killed Hassan at all, he'll be working for the World Title at Summerslam now.


I agree with the comparison of the terrorist group to what is done on other shows. Why cant the WWE 'go there'?


As far as the storyline, Hassan could say he got the guys to dress up like that because when he goes someone where with a group of Arab friends everyone thinks they are terrorists anyway. So he's playing to the stereotype. Kinda like how the Mexicools are riding Lawnmowers; thats what people see Mexicans as, so thats what they will do.


Maybe that wasn't the best explanation, but I dont see a problem with it.


The show sounds pretty good. SD look slike it got a lot better after the draft.

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Two things...


1st of all.. what is the point of the Mexicools attacking Morgan? 1 - Morgan is a heel is he not? 2 - They attacked London two weeks in a row, why do that if it was for nothing? 3 - They said they wanted to take over the Cruiserweight Division, last time I checked, Matt Morgan is no cruiserweight.



Secondly, I don't think Benoit contending for the US Title is bad. If you have Hassan, Taker, Batista, and JBL all fighting for the world title, you(Teddy Long) want you best talent to be going for the US Title. Benoit, Christian, Booker, and such.


Also, Benoit got put in the match, what is he going to do.. try to lose? That'd be stupider booking. You really cant continously have 7 or 8 guys contend for the World Title, regardless how much we love Benoit, the crowd prefers Taker and Batista. We just have to live with it.

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Secondly, I don't think Benoit contending for the US Title is bad. If you have Hassan, Taker, Batista, and JBL all fighting for the world title, you(Teddy Long) want you best talent to be going for the US Title. Benoit, Christian, Booker, and such.

Why wouldn't you want your best talent fighting for the World Title, instead of a lesser belt? That doesn't make sense.


I dont think they've killed Hassan at all, he'll be working for the World Title at Summerslam now.

And hopefully Batista squashes him.

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Guest JMA

Why didn't the Undertaker just use his zombie magic on the "terrorists"?


Anyway, it's good to see JBL do the right thing in regards to Meanie. He even gave a figurative "pound of flesh." Plus, the bWo is back (if only for one night)!

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Why didn't the Undertaker just use his zombie magic on the "terrorists"?


And where is Stone Cold when you need him ?


Why wouldn't you want your best talent fighting for the World Title, instead of a lesser belt? That doesn't make sense.


Because he just lost an number one contender match last week

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Considering that Benoit was contending for the world title last week, and now is contending for the US title, what do you suppose that makes him?  Clearly, someone who settles for less.  Lazy booking.

Well, the #1 consider spot for the World Title is taken. You think he would just rather not have a match at GAB? Or possibly a match for "pride", when he could actually have a match for a WWE Championship, even if it is one lower then the one he was fighting for before.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Why is Benoit fueding for the U.S title. The fucking thing has chocolate inside of it!

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I dont think they've killed Hassan at all, he'll be working for the World Title at Summerslam now. 


I agree with the comparison of the terrorist group to what is done on other shows.  Why cant the WWE 'go there'? 


Because WWE doesn't know how to tell stories intelligently or portray characters in more than one dimension.

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Guest JMA
I dont think they've killed Hassan at all, he'll be working for the World Title at Summerslam now. 


I agree with the comparison of the terrorist group to what is done on other shows.  Why cant the WWE 'go there'? 


Because WWE doesn't know how to tell stories intelligently or portray characters in more than one dimension.

This is true.

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Why is Benoit fueding for the U.S title. The fucking thing has chocolate inside of it!


Do you know something I don't?

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Guest Zarock

So wait, fucking Hardcore Holly gets a free match for the championship, and suddenly Benoit and Booker T feel it's worth enough to have a #1 contender match? WTF?

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Booker v.s. Benoit #1 contender for the US title - They thought it would be cool because they did it in WCW in their "Best of 7 Feud". Plus Benoit isn't doing anything.


Morgan getting jumped by the Mexicools is revenge for all the hoss beatdowns of Cruiserweights over the years. It's deliciously ironic because usually they'd have a throwaway match between some cruiserweights, then Big Show/Taker/Nash/Kane/Scott Steiner would run out and destroy all of them. In this case, Morgan and Regal have a throwaway match and Morgan gets owned by the Mexicools.


I think it's very cheap heat and offensive to have a guy play an Arab-American, make a throat-slashing gesture, use Daivari as a "suicide bomber", bring in hooded terrorists to choke out Taker with piano wire when he gets in trouble, and then carry off Daivari like a martyr. It's Vince exploiting 9/11 for financial gain which is sick beyond sick.


Definitely a Court Bauer influence on this show, I think

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How are Hassan and Taker in a number one contenders match at GAB, when Benoit, Book and Christian all lasted longer than them in the contenders match last week?

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Because neither guy was actually pinned.


I agree with the comparison of the terrorist group to what is done on other shows.  Why cant the WWE 'go there'?


Because it turns a very real problem that's costing lives and is destroying a part of the world into a reason to boo a guy. The graphic depictions they're using are trivializing a very horrible problem.

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Taker got DQed. That is his problem. Hassan ran away. His fault. Doesn't change the fact that Benoit, Christian and Book all lasted longer than Taker and Hassan. It's stupid.

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