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These sick motherfuckers

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Seriously. How many fucking threads do we need on tripe like this? Can't we just pin a "generic-wwe-bitching" thread?

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Yeah, really. You people knew what was going on and still watched it. If it offended you so much, why did you watch it? Sounds to me like car accident spectator syndrome.


I don't really see what the big deal is. All that happened was 5 masked thugs came out and choked The Undertaker with a wire. WOW, SO OFFENSIVE. You people are acting like they bombed the arena. Sure, they did look very conspicuous, but who knows? Hassan may have been playing into the stereotypes placed upon his people and next week, he may come out and admit how ridiculous it looked.


But when I think about offensive things they could do, the last thing I'd think about is 5 masked guys in camo pants choking UT.


Last time I checked, the terrorists use guns and bombs and knifes. Not wire and a gimmicked pipe.

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"People" weren't pissed or offended about this angle until Thursday, which just goes to show that "people" are hypocritical, self-gratifying idiots.

-If you're going to get on Vince for making a buck off what the troops are fighting for, get on him from the beginning, not when it's convenient. Nobody bitched when Rob Conway debuted as a heel soldier coming out of the crowd.

-Most people here read the spoilers, so you knew it was coming, you saw the pictures in advance. Nobody sat there and forced you to watch the angle. You could've taken a page out of other people's book and TURNED IT OFF.

-Even if you didn't read the spoilers, the warnings were plastered all over the show. People seem to be forgetting that Vince AND UPN agreed to air it, b/c they couldn't get it editted in time.

-Davairi being sacrificed, or carried out as a martyr? Where the hell have you people been? Wrestling has been making religious references since the beginning! Now that it's Muslim, people are going to be upset? Where were you when Undertaker was sacrificing EVERYBODY? Where were you when the ECW crucifixion was going on? Probably marking out.

Was this segment in bad taste? Maybe, but that's right on par w/ what the WWE does all the time. That's your own personal opinion. I'm really not surprised, but I'm sure if they could have editted the show, they would have seriously considered it.

Was it bad timing? Yeah, but that's not Vince or UPN's fault.

I'm not saying that I enjoyed the segment for its political relevance (I enjoyed seeing Undertaker get his ass kicked). I just knew what I was getting into, as most of you should have.

If you're going to take a stand against WWE, why don't you do it when nobody else is, rather then waiting for something like this to come along to spark your interest. These are the same people that all of a sudden were proud of America after 9/11, then a few months later went back to bitching about it.

It doesn't really matter I guess. In two weeks time, you'll go back to bitching about HHH having too much TV time and why London is getting buried.

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They have this neat new invention, I think it's called the "remote control". It's really cool because it allows you to turn the channel without even leaving your seat! How amazing is that?!


Its not about watching or not. Its about common sense not putting that stuff on the air. Its the same as I never would want WWE to somehow play off on 9/11 with some wrestler crashing in a plane (hey if WCW could blow up boats WWE could crash planes).


Yeah, really. You people knew what was going on and still watched it. If it offended you so much, why did you watch it? Sounds to me like car accident spectator syndrome.


I don't really see what the big deal is. All that happened was 5 masked thugs came out and choked The Undertaker with a wire. WOW, SO OFFENSIVE. You people are acting like they bombed the arena. Sure, they did look very conspicuous, but who knows? Hassan may have been playing into the stereotypes placed upon his people and next week, he may come out and admit how ridiculous it looked.


But when I think about offensive things they could do, the last thing I'd think about is 5 masked guys in camo pants choking UT.


Last time I checked, the terrorists use guns and bombs and knifes. Not wire and a gimmicked pipe.


Of course sickening stuff attracts people in some way. I mean some people actually find it fun to watch Jackass and that can be pretty offensive just like a car wreck. I watched it pretty much because I wanted to see how it played out (but then again I'm one of those nerds that seldom skip any wrestlinge eccept for the DIVA stuff).

The thing is that they play it off of a real even where terrorists filmed how they cut off a american soldiers head with a small saw. Of course WWE couldnt do that but choking with piano wire and also Taker selling it like death (btw one of his best selling ever probably). Its obvious what they were doing. You know its still offensive even though they didnt bomb the arena, or shot someone with a gun.


"People" weren't pissed or offended about this angle until Thursday, which just goes to show that "people" are hypocritical, self-gratifying idiots. 


Most people probably saw it on Thursday nigh. I saw it today (friday). Its also about how it comes off on tv. Some stuff might sound worse than they are and reverse. And yes I'm more sickened because of what happened in London. Do you think that is strange?

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Its not about watching or not. Its about common sense not putting that stuff on the air. Its the same as I never would want WWE to somehow play off on 9/11 with some wrestler crashing in a plane (hey if WCW could blow up boats WWE could crash planes).



Why? Because some overly sensitive prissy bitches are offended by a fake zombie getting choked by fake Arab-American hitmen? It's stupid tripe bullshit television. Nothing more, nothing less. Get over it. Go outside and play a sport - get a new hobby. Stop crying because of a television show.




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obvious in what way? THESE GUYS WERE NOT COMMITTING A TERRORIST ACT, THEY WERE A BUNCHA MASKED THUGS JUMPING A GUY!!!! for all we really know, Hassan coulda hired a couple of local hooligans to come and do the deed...now if, next week, he rolls out with the "Crimson Jihad" orginization or something, you're feelings are warranted, but come on, I think we're grasping at straws here just to look for another reason to hate WWE logic...

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It was a just stupid angle to run in the first place, made even dumber by the timing of it all.


Did we need another thread about this? Probably not

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Keeping the segment on the program rather than editing it out, even with the advisory warnings, is fucking insensitive. One minute their supporting the troops, next they are trivialising terrorism for cheap heat. Anyone excusing their actions is fucking stupid. If you can not can realise why it's fucked up having someone attacked by terrorists on TV on the same day hundreds are injured and dozens are killed by a terrorist attack, you really need to get a fucking clue.


Wrestling is meant to be escapism, a medium we watch where we can live vicariously through our favourite characters. It shouldn't be a social commentary featuring men in skimasks gathering and imitating beheading videos for a few boos.




A friend of mine is in hospital right now due to the terrorist attack, that's not fucking television. I don't find it funny when what she experienced is being made light of for entertainment purposes. It's not just television, it's real life being trivialised on television by insensitive pricks for jaded apologists like yourself.

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So did your friend get choked by some guys on television? Was it because she is a fake zombie trying to beat you in a wrestling match?


Stop taking things from a television show out of context and applying them to the real world. Television doesn't work that way.

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Guest Fishyswa



If it got edited out, then the terrorists would of won.

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Its not about watching or not. Its about common sense not putting that stuff on the air. Its the same as I never would want WWE to somehow play off on 9/11 with some wrestler crashing in a plane (hey if WCW could blow up boats WWE could crash planes).



Why? Because some overly sensitive prissy bitches are offended by a fake zombie getting choked by fake Arab-American hitmen? It's stupid tripe bullshit television. Nothing more, nothing less. Get over it. Go outside and play a sport - get a new hobby. Stop crying because of a television show.





Still playing on the real life happening with stuff that really shouldnt be touched. They play up terrorism as entertainent on the very same day that London is attacked my a big attack. Sure it was taped before Thursday but there is no reason to still air it.

I seldom feel this way with anything displayed on tv but this was totally disrespectful. I do complain if I see something I see is wrong. I wont sit back and just relax and be a bag of potatoes in the couch. I dont want WWE to disrespect any of the victims of the attacks. I feel it is wrong and I know others do as well.

Its not about things being fake with made up characters or not. Its about making entertainment out of something that is a threat to the safety of people in the western countries. A very real threat. Making entertainment of terrorists that just yesterday managed to choke a whole twon (they closed London - no one could get in and no one could get out, and mny people lost their lives). Respect the people who dies for no reason at all.


what makes them terrorists, the fact that they were working for Hassan?


1. Have you even read what people have said. First Daivari is making a sacrifice for the cause of Hassan (whatever his agenda). Taker squashes him. Afterwards the amsked men carry him out and Tazz says "It's like a martyr" (or alike). That is a clear reference to the suicide bombers and such people who are seen as giving their life for their cause and thus becoming martyrs.


2. Masked men that strangles Taker with piano wire is (in my opinion) a play off on just those tapes where the amsked terrorists cut off the head of a american soldier. I havent seen it all but they showed parts of it on the news a year ago or so (before the killing had started) and several people I know have seen it. Its all over the internet.


3. In the contex of everything, the fact that WWE play off cheap heat with Hassan being Arab and muslim yes that does imply that it is about terrorism.


So did your friend get choked by some guys on television? Was it because she is a fake zombie trying to beat you in a wrestling match?


Stop taking things from a television show out of context and applying them to the real world. Television doesn't work that way.


Many things in WWE apply to the real world. Why did you think The Iron Shiek was there? Why did you think the Un-Americans formed when they did? Why do you think The Blue Meanie got pushed against Bradshaw? Why do you think Hawk had a drug abuser gimmick in the WWE? Why do you think Kurt Angle turned face in 2001?

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A friend of mine is in hospital right now due to the terrorist attack, that's not fucking television. I don't find it funny when what she experienced is being made light of for entertainment purposes. It's not just television, it's real life being trivialised on television by insensitive pricks for jaded apologists like yourself.

Were you also as pissed off when a train blew up in Batman Begins? Because's that's a lot closer to home in respect to yesterday's events rather then what happened on Smackdown.


And well, that's not just to you specifically, but in general. Because you might not have even seen the movie, just making a point. People aren't worked up over that. And just because it happened before the events shouldn't make any difference..this happened before too technically.

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Guest news_gimmick

Meh, noone here should be surprised at all, this is nothing new. Get over it.

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They never referred to them as terrorists.


If you're considering them to be terrorists just because they're associated with Muhammad Hassan, you're confirming his gimmick.

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Guest Fishyswa

"Sure it was taped before Thursday but there is no reason to still air it."


Because it's part of an angle there doing on SD. That's a good reason to air it. I think trains blowing up in London is a pretty piss poor reason NOT to air it.


I guess every portrayal of a terrorist is now taboo right? Because that's the only application here, terrorists hit london, day later anything terrorist related is insensitive. So by that logic, anything portraying a terrorist is now insensitive, even if it was made years ago. I'm gonna go write a letter to the govenor of California about his insensitivity to the attacks in london by making the movie Collateral Damage....

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A friend of mine is in hospital right now due to the terrorist attack, that's not fucking television. I don't find it funny when what she experienced is being made light of for entertainment purposes. It's not just television, it's real life being trivialised on television by insensitive pricks for jaded apologists like yourself.

Were you also as pissed off when a train blew up in Batman Begins? Because's that's a lot closer to home in respect to yesterday's events rather then what happened on Smackdown.


The difference being that SmackDown clearly played off on terrorism and Al Quaida. There is no question about it. Anyone who didnt see it is just plain stupid. I havent seen the new Batman movie but Im guessing its not in the same vein at all. WWE played up real world happenings and tried to get cheap heat by using things that have actually happened and made a angle out of it. They had their martyr (just like 9/11 and the suicide bombers), They had their masked men who clearly played off on the thing the Islamists did when they cut off a soldiers head. They were all associated with a muslim of Arab descent (we all know that muslims from the Arab world are who most people think of when they ehar the word "terrorist") It is all about the ramifications. Everything WWE did was made for it to look like a terrorist act that was based on real world events. And the timing was awful. I dont think Batman begins even had the slightest attempt to portray it as something that had already happened IRL.


Stop taking things from a television show out of context and applying them to the real world. Television doesn't work that way.


I already answered that. there is no need to post the same comment again.


People are way too easily offended........


So tell me, what would you be offended by? Or what have you been offended by in the past?

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They never referred to them as terrorists.


If you're considering them to be terrorists just because they're associated with Muhammad Hassan, you're confirming his gimmick.


Do people not read what I write? I wrote this:


"1. Have you even read what people have said. First Daivari is making a sacrifice for the cause of Hassan (whatever his agenda). Taker squashes him. Afterwards the amsked men carry him out and Tazz says "It's like a martyr" (or alike). That is a clear reference to the suicide bombers and such people who are seen as giving their life for their cause and thus becoming martyrs.


2. Masked men that strangles Taker with piano wire is (in my opinion) a play off on just those tapes where the amsked terrorists cut off the head of a american soldier. I havent seen it all but they showed parts of it on the news a year ago or so (before the killing had started) and several people I know have seen it. Its all over the internet.


3. In the contex of everything, the fact that WWE play off cheap heat with Hassan being Arab and muslim yes that does imply that it is about terrorism."


They never said they were terrorists but it was pretty damn clear in the symbolic language.

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Guest Fishyswa

I don't know, but I'm sure it was based in REALITY. Being offended by FANTASY is just retarded.


"The difference being that SmackDown clearly played off on terrorism and Al Quaida. There is no question about it."


They weren't called terrorists, they didn't do anything terrorist related aside from the stereotypes you base your thinking on. They WERE NOT terrorists. They were people helping Hassan, you connect the dots however you want.

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I don't know, but I'm sure it was based in REALITY. Being offended by FANTASY is just retarded.


"The difference being that SmackDown clearly played off on terrorism and Al Quaida. There is no question about it."


They weren't called terrorists, they didn't do anything terrorist related aside from the stereotypes you base your thinking on. They WERE NOT terrorists. They were people helping Hassan, you connect the dots however you want.


Ever saw the movie Salo? Were you offended by it? See it and tell me it had no effect on you. Believe it or not but fantasy do create emotions in people. Shocker...


I dont know about you but to first sacrifice a man (Daivari) and celebrate him for it (thus making him a martyr - even Tazz called him that) and then have masked men choking Taker (as I see it a blatant try to build on IRL happenings as I've said before). And they do it in the name os Islam (seeing as Hassan praised Allah in the end) just like how people do percieve the 9/11 attacks for example (as a way of "promoting" extreme islam). Hassans gimmick is built on stereotypes, thats no secret. That is the point of it as well. He is the stereotyped muslim. Therefore people will see him as an enemy of the USA and as a terrorist linked person.


I have said it before but I feel the character Muhammad Hassan is right in much of what he says and I laugh at the fact that Americans boo him for speaking the truth. This angle was over the line however.

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As I've said before, the character is irresponsible, whether they intend to stir up race and religious hatred or not. The demographics they pull in include racists and idiots. I'm not a fan of the gimmick, and the masked people are just taking things too far in my estimation, however I should point out the blame for allowing this to air in a country recovering from a terrorist attack when it did lies with the network, as it was taped.

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it was an awful idea before the london attacks happened.


Of course people don't care.


The fact that they still watch this crap known as WWE is enough to suggest that quality isn't an issue anymore.


Typical WWE shit. Go watch it cause you "find the character entertaining" then complain why wrestling gets zero respect. It doesn't get the respect because it doesn't deserve it.

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Seriously. How many fucking threads do we need on tripe like this? Can't we just pin a "generic-wwe-bitching" thread?


If you did that, there'd be no need for the folder.



This is pretty par for the WWE course. Shit, next week, they'll probably ceremoniously blow up Paul London and people will talk about how entertaining it was.


The charactar is ridiculously offensive, he complains that Americans are treating Arabs badly, and then turns into a terrorist himself. I don't really give a shit, but that's pretty wild.

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You know, it'd be really great if Hassan came out next week and was like "I read the internet, I heard what you all had to say about me as you walked down the street (well you get the point) etc. etc. and you called my friends terrorist! What did they do to be considered terrorist!? (Like S_D said) Beat Taker's as like I'm going to at GAB, does that make me a terrorist?


And just continue on about how they're all racist, and proved his point.

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