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These sick motherfuckers

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So you don't care about individuals, just groups. If one person dies by a terrorist then it's fair game, but a lot of people, than it's not ok anymore. How does that make ANY sense?


Well, a war is a big thing and makes headlines. A murder makes headlines but only in a small region (if not a important person is murdered). Same thing. Loads more are effected by major happenings like the tsunami, the terror in London and other things. The London thing paralyzed a capital of a highly powerful country. That is different from a prson being murdered in a alley, don't you think?


There was no mention of any footage or any happening, YOU made the connection, without a real reason too. There was no saw, there was no attempted beheading, the word beheading wasn't even brought up. You saw a masked guy choking someone with a wire and jumped RIGHT to terrorism. Why? Because the guy orchestrating was muslim? Because he said something about Allah? Because they took diavari out in a traditional style? You do realize the whole connection comes down to race and ethnicity. You should really sit back and re-evaluate your thought process, it's kind of scary.


I feel that you dont read what I actually write. Every question you ask me in that post I have already answered SEVERAL times.


Its WWE presenting it as the stereotypical terrorist. I even explained that it wasnt my opinion because I wouldnt use the word stereotypical if I though the ethnicity was the reason I made the connection to terror. Please READ what I write instead of just putting your own argument forth.

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Guest Fishyswa

"That's what they were heavily implying and is what they wanted their audience to think. They know what people think when they see those images. WWE isn't totally innocent here."


No one's saying they are, but they were smart about this, they left it up to YOU to make the connection. They never did. It's really that simple.

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He HAS also made a throat slitting gesture before slapping on the clutch.


And before you say it, yes, that makes Benoit a terrorist too.


Given that's been the universal signal for 'This match is OVER, bitches!' (or similar) for many, many years, I think we can forgive him for that.


Using the Camel Clutch as a finisher in this day and age? Not so sure about that.

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You always miss the point that it about how everything was presented. That is a big thing. If JBL had choked Meanie with wire it wouldnt have been the same thing. Its all about how everything was presented. Can you see the difference between what happened on SD and my scenario with JBL and the Blue Meanie?


Yes the Blue Meanie is not a zombie ( Just a joke sorry )


"And yes I do think you have to reconsider what you air (and thats is the networks fault as well) in regards to major world happenings (recently London and 9/11). You have to show respect for people who have suffered from whatever bad things have happened to them in such a major event that have shocked a whole country (or even more)."


I don't want to disrespect the people who lived in London ( I feel realy sorry for them and what has just happened is horrible ) but shit like this happens in other countries all over the world every day, they just aren’t publicised like this one.


In fact other horrible things happens everyday like violence to women, murders, etc ...

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Guest Fishyswa

"Well, a war is a big thing and makes headlines. A murder makes headlines but only in a small region (if not a important person is murdered). Same thing. Loads more are effected by major happenings like the tsunami, the terror in London and other things. The London thing paralyzed a capital of a highly powerful country. That is different from a prson being murdered in a alley, don't you think?"


Not if the point is to make sure no one is reminded of their tragedy.


"Its WWE presenting it as the stereotypical terrorist."


WRONG. Them presenting stereotypes that could be associated with terrorists. They NEVER connected them. YOU DID.


"I even explained that it wasnt my opinion because I wouldnt use the word stereotypical if I though the ethnicity was the reason I made the connection to terror. Please READ what I write instead of just putting your own argument forth."


I have, and unless the words magically changed there's no point reading again.

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to MikeofEvil: the only arguement I have for you really is that, yes he did reference 9/11, but his whole point all along was that since the shit happened, all arab americans, including himself, are being persecuted for shit they had nothing to do with...that's what his gimmick was originally based on...i don't think it's fair to say they were hinting terrorism by having him bring 9/11 up, he was simply stating a fact that actually IS true in the real world, somewhat...

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"Its WWE presenting it as the stereotypical terrorist."


WRONG. Them presenting stereotypes that could be associated with terrorists. They NEVER connected them. YOU DID.


WWE lays out the pieces and I connect them. Fair enough. My point is that they did it only to have people make the connections. They do so with every other angle as well. The audience always have to connect the pieces but WWE know what kind of a picture they want to present to the public.


Maybe I havent been totally clear if you missed what I said in my other posts (why else would you ask me all the questions I had already answered?). English isn't my first language and I dont live in a english speaking country. I think I was pretty clear anyways though.


I also have to say that I agree with the posts of MikeofEvil, bob_barron and Dangerous A.

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"That's what they were heavily implying and is what they wanted their audience to think. They know what people think when they see those images. WWE isn't totally innocent here."


No one's saying they are, but they were smart about this, they left it up to YOU to make the connection. They never did. It's really that simple.


So you DO acknowledge that they're VERY HEAVILY HINTING at terrorism with his character? And if so, how are our thought processes messed up for being able to see EXACTLY what the WWE is hinting at?


BTW I was of course kidding about Benoit. The thing about Hassan is he mimes cutting his opponent's throat. That's messed up.

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Guest Fishyswa

Of course, but that just boils down to you biting their line so to speak. They didn't do anything wrong, and they shouldn't apologize or show remorse for doing nothing wrong.

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Guest Fishyswa

"So you DO acknowledge that they're VERY HEAVILY HINTING at terrorism with his character? And if so, how are our thought processes messed up for being able to see EXACTLY what the WWE is hinting at?"


Because you guys have been saying that's "what it is". That's not "what it is", that's what you decided it was. What they want you to think and what's actually happening are two different things, the whole basis of a bait and switch.

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WRONG. Them presenting stereotypes that could be associated with terrorists. They NEVER connected them. YOU DID.


I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous. You're acting like drawing the only fucking logical conclusion in this scenario is being racist. These stereotypes aren't associated with anyone else, are they? You're using insane logic.


EDIT: And I'm not oh so greviously offended that I'm going to demand an apology or anything. It's sorta tasteless, but if you go through life being horribly offended by anything tasteless, you ain't gonna last long. I also have a brain and know what the WWE is trying to do, and it IS tasteless.

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Guest jm29195

I think editing the segment of the UK show (on tonight) is the right thing to do- as far as the US showing, I still don't think it should have been passed but fair warning was apparently given and I'm sure anyone could have just switched over if they didn't like what they saw- we'll have to see what happens next week with regards to Hassan/Diavari though before I'll pass judgement on this whole mess....... but as it stands having what is basically an angle based on a real life volatile situation where people are dieing around the world, be they British, American or Iraqi, still leaves me cold that someone like Vince will exploit it for the purposes of entertainment and making himself money......

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Guest Fishyswa

Hassan setting up Taker and having his friends try to take him out and send a message before a big match with him isn't logical?


Just because no one wants to reach for the simple answer doesn't mean it's not an answer.

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Guest jm29195

This bloke has expressed what I feel much more understandably than I can- credit pwtorch:-




Guest Editorial

By Steve Gutteridge of London, England

Pro Wrestling Torch subscriber


Having spent the day yesterday in my office in South West London (about four miles from the Edgeware Road blast) phoning around friends who were much nearer to the scenes, including one who's office overlooks Liverpool St. station where one of the bombs exploded, I come into work today and open my emails and read that a terrorist angle has aired on Smackdown.


We as Brits were 100 percent behind the U.S. after September 11. I, like many other Londoners, have a great affinity to America and Americans and we felt like it was our backyard being attacked. Yesterday our backyard quite literally WAS attacked. To air a terrorist angle the very night that my countrymen were lying injured or dying in hospital and while families were mouring their dead is an absolute and utter disgrace.


The United Kingdom has supported the WWE so much during so many difficult times. During the mid-'90s it was always our tours that sold out and gave their wrestlers the larger pay days they so greatly needed. The same can be said for now, where business in the States is down the WWE has actually increased the touring they do here because they know the buildings will sell out.


From a personal point of view, in the last five years friends of mine and I have made great financial sacrifices to attend WrestleMania; I've now attended the last five in a row and have booked up to go again next year in Chicago. It is people like me, who show such great support for the wrestling industry, that the WWE have so very profoundly disrespected, angered, and offended.


An apology for what aired in the states on Smackdown last night HAS to happen. That is the very least they can do.

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Yeah, Fishywa, that looked exactly like every beatdown I've ever seen in wrestling.


Remember when Flair turned on Sting and mimed cutting his throat and the rest of the Four Horsemen all prayed?

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Guest Fishyswa

The horsemen weren't Muslim, Hassan, Diavari, and most likely those associated with him are. I still don't see how they're terrorists for having a certain religion though.

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Yeah, Fishywa, that looked exactly like every beatdown I've ever seen in wrestling.


Remember when Flair turned on Sting and mimed cutting his throat and the rest of the Four Horsemen all prayed?


I liked the part where they carried out Barry Windham, and the announcers said it was like he was a martyr.

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Muslims don't necessarily pray after beating the shit out of someone, all high on their righteous fury. If they had beat him down, checked their watches, gone 'oh shit it's that time of day' faced Mecca and prayed, It would have been different. I'm pretty sure they were meant to be exulting Allah over their fallen foe.

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Guest Fishyswa

"Muslims don't necessarily pray after beating the shit out of someone,"


Maybe they felt the need to. People pray when they feel the need to. That is how it works.


"all high on their righteous fury. If they had beat him down, checked their watches, gone 'oh shit it's that time of day' faced Mecca and prayed, It would have been different. I'm pretty sure they were meant to be exulting Allah over their fallen foe."


More connecting the dots on your own, you don't know why they prayed, just that they did. It's up to you to make the connection.

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"Muslims don't necessarily pray after beating the shit out of someone,"


Maybe they felt the need to. People pray when they feel the need to. That is how it works.


"all high on their righteous fury. If they had beat him down, checked their watches, gone 'oh shit it's that time of day' faced Mecca and prayed, It would have been different. I'm pretty sure they were meant to be exulting Allah over their fallen foe."


More connecting the dots on your own, you don't know why they prayed, just that they did. It's up to you to make the connection.


OMG, are you kidding me? Do you take EVERYTHING in life so literally? it must be hard. Yeah, I'm making the connection because I have a FUCKING BRAIN.

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Guest Fishyswa

Oh the things we say when we have nothing left to say.


Point remains, SD did NOT portray any terrorists or acts of terrorism, and the whole uproar is unfounded.

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Yes, I have nothing left to say because even you acknowledge that they were doing everything but having JR say: "These are Muslims. Boo them. They like the terrorists because they mime throat cutting. After they beat down your hero, they pray to their God. Boo them. They are sand people."


The point remains that you seem to be unable to comprehend obvious inferences and suggestions. Your 'maybe they just felt like praying!' comment proves that you're just being completely obstinate, for its own sake.

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Guest Brian

Does anyone have a picture of a beheading to compare the two for fishywa.


And you're actually right. They didn't connect the dots. They only erased the fucking lines, than outlined the connection with dotted lines, than put a picture next to the dots so that you got the idea. But no, they didn't connect the dots for you.


Anyways, you people should not be fucking offended. You know how stupid this company is. You know how much they hate their audience, at least some of their most loyal audience. And many of you knew what was going down on top of all that. And you know that eventually, they'll run more stupid shit like this. You know how stupid the company is, and this ranks up there with stupid.

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Anyways, you people should not be fucking offended. You know how stupid this company is. You know how much they hate their audience, at least some of their most loyal audience. And many of you knew what was going down on top of all that. And you know that eventually, they'll run more stupid shit like this. You know how stupid the company is, and this ranks up there with stupid.


He makes a good point.

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You know how stupid this company is. You know how much they hate their audience, at least some of their most loyal audience. And many of you knew what was going down on top of all that. And you know that eventually, they'll run more stupid shit like this. You know how stupid the company is, and this ranks up there with stupid.


This part at least I agree with. Seeing nothing wrong with the endless crap of years past and suddenly now getting offended is pretty stupid. Its just another in the long line of idiotic things that Vince has done over the past few years. did anyone seriously NOT think some angle like this would happen when the hassan promos started? Barring an immediate audience-rejection, it was only a matter of time, then was the time to get upset.


I seriously sit back and wonder in amazement how in the hell I watched and enjoyed this crap back in 2001 and previous.

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I'm offended Vince wants people to pay to watch a Hassan-Taker match, regardless of the circumstances.


But yes, this whole scenario is stupid. It would have been stupid without the London bombing, too.


I'm not particularly angered. It just makes me not really care much about this situation at all. How am I supposed to be excited over this angle, SD in general, or WWE? It's just a retarded way of getting cheap heat, not a well thought out storyline.

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For sure. The only WWE angle that actually offended me was Katie Vick, because it was just gross, and you KNEW it was just absolutely pointless and shock for shock's sake.

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Guest Coffey

I liked the skit. I thought it was the most entertaining aspect of the show. It did not offend me in anyway.

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It's just a retarded way of getting cheap heat, not a well thought out storyline.



To steer off topic a smidge, isn't this the same thing with the Eddy/Rey feud? I mean, they did the bit where "Uncle" Eddy visited Rey's son on the playground and the son was just kind of all happy. Has Rey's son not been watching SD or something? Last I checked, "Uncle" Eddy had unmasked your father and beaten him to a bloody pulp, along with punking him out whenever he gets the chance. Shouldn't Rey's son be a little upset at the mere appearance of "Uncle" Eddy? Just my 2 cents.

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