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These sick motherfuckers

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It was stupid, end of story. They tried to play off a real life terrorist action without actually going the distance. Sure, they didn't go all out; do you think they could have beheaded Taker on TV. They obviously were aiming for that, and I don't see how you can act like they wanted to give the impression that it was any different. They had masked men. They played up, strongly, the Islamic issues so much as to create a "martyr".


This was a stupid, stupid, stupid angle and the defense of it is just miserable. You have, and have had to, act like this angle, and elements of it, existed within a vaccuum. Guess what? It doesn't.



No. No. No and NO. It was taped BEFORE the London bombings. What part of that is so fucking hard for people to understand? MONDAY COMES BEFORE THURSDAY. Every single week that happens. Get that out of your head.



And the BIGGEST FACT OF ALL: it's time to fucking quit worrying about what other people think about you, and actually THINK about something before you SAY something about it. Because sure: the easy thing to do is to respond with "Yeah, sure, I guess that could have been handled better by WWE" if some overly-sensitive, self-righteous, wants-to- prove-he's-more-socially-aware-and-sensitive-than-you douchebag blurts out "Hey, did you see SD!? That was pretty disgusting what they did.". You respond that way because you don't want to be thought of as a bastard or a bitch. But admit it: if you stop, think about this, and aren't a completely spineless wussbag, then you don't mean it. Because no rational human being looks at a tragedy like what happened in London and thinks "It is incumbent upon a pro wrestling company to respond to this horrible incident in a responsible, conciliatory, and apologetic fashion." If you think this, kindly pop off out back and shoot yourself in the skull. You know who should feel sorry for what happened in London? You know who should apologize? You know who should be vilified for bad behavior? THE FUCKING TERRORISTS. They? Did something wrong, very wrong. WWE? Did nothing wrong, not a damned thing.



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I guess it was Afterburn, I dunno, but the one I watched showed the entire thing, the match, the beatdown and choking and the Allah praising and carrying out...

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I guess it was Afterburn, I dunno, but the one I watched showed the entire thing, the match, the beatdown and choking and the Allah praising and carrying out...


Smackdown? I dono, they're all the same, really.

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It was stupid, end of story. They tried to play off a real life terrorist action without actually going the distance. Sure, they didn't go all out; do you think they could have beheaded Taker on TV. They obviously were aiming for that, and I don't see how you can act like they wanted to give the impression that it was any different. They had masked men. They played up, strongly, the Islamic issues so much as to create a "martyr".


This was a stupid, stupid, stupid angle and the defense of it is just miserable. You have, and have had to, act like this angle, and elements of it, existed within a vaccuum. Guess what? It doesn't.



No. No. No and NO. It was taped BEFORE the London bombings. What part of that is so fucking hard for people to understand? MONDAY COMES BEFORE THURSDAY. Every single week that happens. Get that out of your head.

There have been quite a few other terrorist acts that happened before the London bombing that the WWE is obviously referencing. Perhaps you've hear about/seen them? The London bombing just happened to put extra emphasis on the angle.

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Oh I see. So now WWE has to dumb everything down in order to not offend anyone for anything bad that has ever happened? God grow the fuck up man. I've said it 5 or 6 times already, but really... it's just a TV show. That's it. TV. Nothing more, nothing less. Why are you getting so upset about a television show? Stop for a second and ask yourself that.

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Guest Fishyswa

"There have been quite a few other terrorist acts that happened before the London bombing that the WWE is obviously referencing."


Really like which one's?

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IT'S WRESTLING. It is, no matter how many times Dangerous A posts that same little blurb about the differences between 24 and this, a TV SHOW.



First off, keep my name out of your posts, especially when you say I'm doing something and I'm not. I never posted blurbs about the differences between "24" and WWE. The only time I've mentioned "24" is once and I said I didn't agree with when they were doing it. Have you even read any of my posts here? Don't go throwing my name out there recklessly when you don't have content to back it up.


And I'll state myself for the 3rd or 4th time already, I'm disappointed moreso than offended by the angle. Yes, I've deduced it's a TV show, but that doesn't mean I like to stand by idly while a show I invest my time, energy, and sometimes money into does stupid angles. There is nothing wrong with having standards and expectations. Just because it's wrestling doesn't mean I have to like it when it sucks. WWE doesn't have to do this angle, but they are. That makes me disappointed in them. I've never said I was a better person for not liking the angle, but it doesn't make me a douchebag or whatever a person like Rick Scaia other posters are calling people who didn't like the angle.

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Guest Fishyswa

"The internet beheading videos?"


Oh, I can see the connection, what with no one being beheaded and all....

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Fishywa needs to learn to use the quote button, and to get his head out of his ass.


WWE was obviously referencing the beheadings with the piano wire and Daivari was supposed to be a suicide bomber. I mean, don't be so dense.

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Look up "referencing" sometime. How they set it up is very similar: A bunch of guys in masks drop to their knees while the deed is being done, but substitute Hassan's Camel Clutch for the actual beheading in this case. You can't possibly say "Oh, that's just a coincidence" either.


Anyway, this thing has run its course and keeping it open won't further any debate. They did it, we argued about it, now move on.

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