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The Smartmarks Wrestling Federation presents...



(8:00 PM EST; 5:00 PM PST. Check local listings.)




The SWF's World Tour continues to a city so bad it makes Las Vegas blush - Amsterdam! Unfortunately, the Amsterdam Arena Plaza was booked, so we had to turn to one of the seedier venues, located deep in the heart of the Red Light District - the Cassa Rosso!


In order for Storm to actually air in America, no illicit shows will be going on (in view of the cameras), but the lovely ladies and pathetic patrons of Cassa Rosso have graciously opened their club for the SWF to hold Storm (in exchange for good seats) - tonight we give Hardcore a whole new meaning!


Note: I was, for obvious reasons, unable to find a picture of what the inside of Cassa Rosso looks like. If anyone can offer some general idea of what the interior of a club like this looks like, feel free. :P


Send everything (promos, marked matches, bribes of attractive women, etc. to Chuck Woolery.




MAIN EVENT - Best o' Five

Toxxic vs. Scott Pretzler ©


--> Oy. Spike Jenkins.




SO ANYWAY, Toxxic and Pretzler's Cruiserweight Title match had something of a disappointing conclusion, and I think it's a safe bet that a rematch is in order, but this is Storm, and STORM IS HARDCORE! The last time these two met under Hardcore rules, it was anything but - at least, until Scott Pretzler renegged on the agreement to fight clean. They go at it again tonight, and I seriously doubt Toxxic's going to want to play nice this time!


Rules: Hardcore~!

Word Limit: 6000

Send to: janusd




El Luchadore Magnifico vs. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix


-- Two men who've fallen on what some might call "hard times". Magnifico has gone 0 for 2 in the Triple Champ Round Robin, leading many to believe (perhaps even himself) that he can't cut it anymore. And as for Maddix - well, his friendships and Martial Law have fallen apart - it's just a mess. Both men are fighting tonight to regain a little credit to their name, and maybe to let off some RAGE~!


Rules: Hardcore~!

Word Limit: 5500

Send to: Justice




Wildchild vs. Mak Francis


-- Something fishy's going on with Wild and Dangerous - I suspect we'll find out what on Storm, but for the time being, we've got two Main Event caliber wrestlers both coming off hard losses - Mak lost to Johnny Dangerous, and Wildchild won-but-also-lost because of Johnny Dangerous. Foul trickery and tomfoolery is afoot, but in the meantime, these two warriors fight to earn back a little of what they lost on Smarkdown!


Rules: Hardcore~!

Word Limit: 5000

Send to: The Superstar




Manson vs. Jay Hawke ©


-- Whoops-a-daisy. Arch Griffon's got personal business to tend to, so the awesome-tastic team of Griffonosity is on hold. But that doesn't mean Manson's just going to sit on his hands - I mean, he might sit on his hands. I dunno. You'd have to ask him.


But he won't be doing that on Storm, because he'll be going one-on-one with the reigning International Champion, who bested him in a tag match on Smarkdown! This bout isn't for the title, but who knows? A win from Manson could lead to... things...


Rules: Hardcore~!

Word Limit: 4500

Send to: Chuck Woolery




Todd Cortez vs. Ghost Machine


-- After a hot start, Ghost Machine's winning streak has gone cold. Tonight, he fights for a chance to turn his frown upside down, and in a big way - besting a man like Todd Cortez won't be easy, but it could do wonders for Ghosty's career.


Rules: Hardcore~!

Word Limit: 4500

Send to: realitycheck




House Rules - Red Light Rumble for the SWF Hardcore Championship

Zyon © vs. JJ Johnson


First off, an apology to the participants - I am so sorry for this match. But tradition dictates Storm has a House Rules Hardcore Title Match, and I am not one to fuck with tradition.


Since Storm is emenating from the Prostitution Capital of the World, we thought of many disgusting and degrading things we could have our wrestlers do in the name of entertainment - unfortunately, 99% of those ideas would never make it on American Television, so we had to make due with something tamer.


Storm's Hardcore Title match will be fought as a Hardcore Intergender Tornado Tag Team Match. Before the bout begins, Zyon will pick one of Cassa Rosso's finest... erm... employees... and JJ will do the same. These ladies will be your partners, boys.


If Zyon or his woman scores the pin, he retains the HC title. If JJ or his woman scores the pin, JJ becomes the new HC Champion.


Rules: Hardcore Tornado Tag.

Word Limit: 5000

Send to: chirs3





Opening Promo: Landon Maddix!




Also Appearing: Johnny Dangerous! Probably Tom Flesher! Maybe Spike Jenkins! If it'll help sell tickets, let's say Cyclone Comet! Some of that, possibly all, MAYBE MORE, on STORM!

Edited by chirs3

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Also, can I claim opening promo again. My calendar broke so I pretty much forgot to send in the promo last show. So it can go on this one instead.



EDIT: Oh, yeah, new heel stats going up in uno momento.

Edited by King Cucaracha

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We've been pre-empted by fucking U2? Fuck that!


*goes off and shoots Bono*

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Here's a description I found of the place.


"The show room was about 12 feet by 20, and packed with attendees elbow-to-elbow. The seats were all taken and there was obviously standing room only. Being somewhat claustrophobic in small places with lots of people, I needed a drink. I think I spied a bar at the other end of the room -- only a few feet away, but it seemed like an eternal sea of humanity that I would have to cross just for a little beer. As I had smoked some of the smoketty-schmoke, I became a little anxious. Something was going on on stage that involved a naked woman, but I couldn't really see what was happening. More people were guided up the stairs and packed into the room. There must have been at least 60 people in this small place. I was more entertained by the Boris Vallejo-looking Barbarian girl murals that wahtever the main attraction was. More people were then packed into the room and no one was leaving. It was then that I remembered that the Singer fire disaster was an American experience, and that building occupation codes in Europe were probably somewhat lax. I imagined a fire breaking out, and the inevitable stampede of humanity trouncing each other as they tumbled down the steep, narrow stair case and got the heck outta there."


So, there you go. 60 perverted tourists will be watching this show. Make it count.


And apparently, the landmark to find the Cassa Rosso is a fountain depicting the male genitals. I know I'll be making use of that.

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The show room was about 12 feet by 20


That's not good. Your standard wrestling ring is 18x18 or bigger.


I think a cool idea would have been to have the show in the parking lot outside where U2 is playing.

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The show room is that size, but the show room is where people gather to watch the show that is being performed on the stage, which is 20x20.

Edited by Chuck Woolery

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Very nice.


Just so we're clear, Hardcore means falls count anywhere as well?


Correct. Falls count anywhere.


We should start a betting pool on how many people get pinned in the genital fountain. I say three.

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Interesting. I didn't even think to check if I'd be booked last show. Though I would have jobbed anyway, if only for storyline purposes. Besides Johnny is clearly writing better, more involved and much more motivated.


*Sees match against WC*


This might have been close at one point but now...


*Mak purchases a J.O.B squad shirt*

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One more thing; is the stage in front of the audience as with most plays and movies, or is the audience surrounding it as with most wrestling programs?

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God damn it, ELM. ;)


The stage is up in front of the show room crowd, like a play, but there will be a few chairs set up around the ring for other audience members. It'll be a tight fit.

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Well, as it stands right now I'm going to try to show, but I've got food poisoning and have spent as much time in the bathroom as anywhere else today...including the sales floor at work.

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On a similiar note, I apparantly have some sort of stomach virus. Being the pussy-ass male that I am, I was worried it might be something more serious like appendicitis ("yeah, well, I'm not in crippling pain...but this might just be the beginning") or some shit. But it's not. Yay me.


I should be able to show and all. But if you don't get anything from me, that's the reason why.

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I'm writing. I wouldn't have asked all the questions about the sex parlor if I wasn't. :P

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So, uh, CC is in a bit of a crisis right now. IM me while I'm still around for details, but if the show is delayed by some chance, let it be known that there's a pretty damn good reason.

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