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No Surrender

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I think we'll be seeing Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles as the X Cup finals next month.


The winner of the X Cup gets an X title shot at next month's Sacrifice. It's pretty obvious they're building up Joe for Daniels. I doubt they give away Joe/Styles on iMPACT! when hardly anyone's watching. I say Joe wins the thing, beats Daniels at Sacrifice and they build up Styles for him at this Bound For Glory show they're already hyping for October.



The TNA site says the finals of the X Cup will take place at the next ppv. The winner would get a title shot the month after that.



Hmmm...well on the PPV, whenever West or Tenay mentioned it they said the winner would get a shot at Sacrifice. Since that blurb on the website is a few days old, I'd trust the latest information, but they could have mispoken I suppose. Either way we get some good matches!

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I'll post more when I get done watching the replay but the first intial thoughts is that it was a very good wrestling show with a lame ass angle to lead to Rhino joining Jarrett. Completely underwhelmed the whole point of saving the Rhino appearance til the end.

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so wait, now we get jarrett as the leader of the anti tna movement, with all the old wwe wrestlers that wwe fired coming in and siding with him, except for the 1 or 2 that swerve him and help tna?

Jarrett's got to find people who have heat that he can leach off somehow.

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Guest Neon

LOL! I love how people in TNA are giving this sour grapes type reaction in regards to Matt Hardy. I heard they were even claiming after his return on Raw that they never really wanted him or had any plans for him. Yeah right! That's why they were talking with him after his release, banking on him being a huge asset and had a good six figure deal on the table for him.

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What are you talking about? Of course TNA and its fans wanted Hardy- WHEN HE WAS A FREE AGENT. If he would commit for a year, then sure it would have been awesome and he could have been a great asset. He signed with WWE. Period. He's the one that turned down TNA. They had an oppurtunity to use him but it would only be for one show and would likely put over a WWE (their main competitor) storyline. They didn't need him or want him in that capacity and I agree. They put on a good show without him that put over Rhino and Joe, 2 guys who will be with them for the long run.

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Poor Rhino, would of been nice to see someone with hot face potential come in as a hot face....


As I have said in the past, Rhino gets more heat when hes a heel than pops as a face. Raven is NWA World Heavyweight Champion and his face, that means inter alia, heels face him. Rhino coming in as a face would have put him down in the pecking order.


I think we'll be seeing Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles as the X Cup finals next month.


The winner of the X Cup gets an X title shot at next month's Sacrifice. It's pretty obvious they're building up Joe for Daniels. I doubt they give away Joe/Styles on iMPACT! when hardly anyone's watching. I say Joe wins the thing, beats Daniels at Sacrifice and they build up Styles for him at this Bound For Glory show they're already hyping for October.



The TNA site says the finals of the X Cup will take place at the next ppv. The winner would get a title shot the month after that.


I agree that Joe-Styles and Joe-Daniels should be on PPVs, especially since TNA havent got TV yet. Makes sense for such an important match as the Super X Final to be on a PPV. But isnt the order of PPVs Sacrifice, Unbreakable and then Bound for Glory. I totally disagree with Joe going over Daniels though. Run Joe-Styles at Sacrifice, then Daniels-Joe at Unbreakable with Daniels winning. Then have a rematch at Bound For Glory.


LOL! I love how people in TNA are giving this sour grapes type reaction in regards to Matt Hardy. I heard they were even claiming after his return on Raw that they never really wanted him or had any plans for him. Yeah right! That's why they were talking with him after his release, banking on him being a huge asset and had a good six figure deal on the table for him.


How far is your head stuck up your ass? Does your brain get oxygen there? Its not a case of sour grapes, its a case of TNA doing the right thing for once. TNA wanted him when he was a free agent. Who wouldnt dumbass. But as people have said earlier in this thread (if you actually bothered to read it), if its just a 1 shot appearance, with Vince getting more out of it than TNA, then they did the right telling him to stick it. It would have hurt TNA if they promoted a WWE star on their show and just got ONE appearance by Matt, which would have gained them nothing. Some people bought the PPV on the basis that there was a slim outside chance of Matt being there. Him not being there has detracted from buys for No Surrender, and wont hurt the overall product in the longer term, given how the situation turned out. What was the point of Matt if he couldnt put anybody over? It would have hurt TNA's star. Why did Matt deserve the spotlight to promote RAW on TNA? That would have weakened TNA cause people would have been upset with the level they had to stoop to.


Bravo TNA for licking Vince's ass. Bravo for making the difficult but ultimately right decision.



I called the Raven/Rhyno feud HERE. I think I deserve some sort of reward.


And Id called it that Rhino should be coming in as a heel first, in that very same thread. :P

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Guest Fishyswa

"As I have said in the past, Rhino gets more heat when hes a heel than pops as a face. Raven is NWA World Heavyweight Champion and his face, that means inter alia, heels face him. Rhino coming in as a face would have put him down in the pecking order."


I'm sorry but even so, NO ONE is better off coming into the company as Jarret's lackey. It's the kiss of death and if they were smart they would of had him gore Jarret too.

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"As I have said in the past, Rhino gets more heat when hes a heel than pops as a face. Raven is NWA World Heavyweight Champion and his face, that means inter alia, heels face him. Rhino coming in as a face would have put him down in the pecking order."


I'm sorry but even so, NO ONE is better off coming into the company as Jarret's lackey. It's the kiss of death and if they were smart they would of had him gore Jarret too.


I have to agree here, it killed off Monte Brown's popularity when he joined up at Jarrett's lackey and now it seems Rhino is going to be the same. With all of this said, I am starting to question whether all of the Jarrett backstage stuff was all BS and it was all a work to lead to this angle they are apparently going to do with Jarrett and ex-WWE guys against TNA guys. And yes, I'm not too excited about it. If anytjhing Rhino should have been broight in immediately to feud with Jarrett (there was no need for a swerve of sorts there) - he could have gored Jarrett and that was that to end the show. Then from there, Rhino is put over Jarrett, then feuds with Monte Brown. It just makes sense. Now instead, it kind of looks like we might see Jarrett v. Raven out of all of this, I'm already scared of the worst come Sept or Oct, whenever that match would happen.


I watched the ppv show again and most definately alot of good wrestling. Xpac-Styles was ten million times better than I thought it would be. Main event was fun, albeit a little typical hardcore action of sorts, as it wasnt particularly memorable and definately wont hold up in future viewings. Abyss is starting to get predictable with taking bumps on thumbtacks over and over. Joe-Sabin and Daniels-Williams were perfectly fine stuff, each at a strong *** 1/2 for sure. But that ending just ruined the overall feel of the show from top to bottom. While it was definately not the best TNA ppv so far, everyone worked really hard as usual to make it a very solid show, booking not withstanding.


Oh yeah Kip James is a weak ringname. I can already see what they are going to do with the old New Age Outlaws. I imagine they will be called the New James Gang or something to that effect?

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And Id called it that Rhino should be coming in as a heel first, in that very same thread. :P

Well I think by predicting he'd go against Raven one would assume Rhino would be a heel. And my grammar is better than yours so :P :stupid:

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When the British Bulldog and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart teamed in WCW, they were called the "Old Age Inlaws" by several people. Maybe they could run a storyline where Kip marries BG's sister. :D

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Maybe they could run a storyline where Kip marries BG's sister.    :D


I don't know what sounds worse: That or the fact that Jarrett is back in the World title picture.


I know you were probably being sarcastic about the marriage storyline, but that's still not something to suggest to TNA.

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And Id called it that Rhino should be coming in as a heel first, in that very same thread. :P

Well I think by predicting he'd go against Raven one would assume Rhino would be a heel. And my grammar is better than yours so :P :stupid:


I predicted that he would be a heel before you pimped Raven-Rhino.

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If anytjhing Rhino should have been broight in immediately to feud with Jarrett (there was no need for a swerve of sorts there) - he could have gored Jarrett and that was that to end the show. Then from there, Rhino is put over Jarrett, then feuds with Monte Brown. It just makes sense. Now instead, it kind of looks like we might see Jarrett v. Raven out of all of this, I'm already scared of the worst come Sept or Oct, whenever that match would happen.


But that ending just ruined the overall feel of the show from top to bottom. While it was definately not the best TNA ppv so far, everyone worked really hard as usual to make it a very solid show, booking not withstanding.


On an unrelated point not directed to the quoted poster above, why is everybody obsessed with Invasion angles lately.


I agree Rhino should have been facing Jarrett. Hell, Brown should be facing Jarrett. I think Brown needs to turn on Jarrett ASAP, like o Im not good enough for you anymore. That means we can have Raven-Rhino and Brown-Jarrett at Sacrifice.


I had a feeling though that Rhino would be debuting as a heel, and aligning him with JJ was the only way they saw that they could have done that. Rhino should have just gored JJ too, after goring Raven. But that would have made Rhino a face and facing JJ at the next PPV, and not Raven. Wait, whats wrong with that? :huh:


Id still love to see Raven-Jarrett at Bound for Glory. Rhino is a roadblock. Its just the same as the Destiny Chase angle but Ill buy it. JJ saying that hes no longer the champion but Ravens never beaten him. Have Raven beat Jarrett with interference from Rhino and Brown. If booked properly, Raven would look really strong.


Technically speaking though, JJ hasnt got his rematch yet. He deserves one, especially after a 11 month reign. Nobody can deny that. I still think that that rematch should come at Bound for Glory.


Book Raven/Brown-JJ/Rhino at Sacrifice, then Raven-Rhino and Brown-JJ at Unbreakable. Have the battle of the Pounce and the Gore at Bound for Glory. Put Daniels-Joe on that card, and Bound for Glory is looking one hell of a card. Somehow fir Styles-Lynn and AMW-Naturals (former as heels) and that would be fantastic.

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