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Guest wildpegasus

Smackdown Spoilers

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Velocity and Dark Match...


Dark Match:


*Tough Enough 3 winner Matt Cappotelli & Million Dollar Tough Enough finalist Mike Mizanin defeated The Highlanders.




*Frankie Kazarian pinned Funaki.


*WWE Cruiserweight champion Paul London defeated Nunzio.


*MNM defeated Scotty Sabre & Steve Lee.


*Hardcore Holly defeated Simon Dean.

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Guest nokia

Dark Match:


*Tough Enough 3 winner Matt Cappotelli & Million Dollar Tough Enough finalist Mike Mizanin defeated The Highlanders.




*Frankie Kazarian pinned Funaki.


*WWE Cruiserweight champion Paul London defeated Nunzio.


*MNM defeated Scotty Sabre & Steve Lee.


*Hardcore Holly defeated Simon Dean.


From PWSpyware.com

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My friend Chris has this thing for Jillian. I think she has had all sorts of work done though, because I saw her about a year ago at an OVW taping and she wasn't really all that hot. No mole though. I think since then she's gotten implants, either gotten lipo or gotten in excellent shape, etc. By the way, the match I saw was the one with Jillian vs. Linda Miles, the one that got Miles fired.


Do they not realize they just DID that same stupid Orton run in finish to a previous JBL/UT match? And further, if Orton thinks UT is going to job to him at this point he's sadly mistaken. No way in hell is UT going to job twice to JBL via Orton's run in and then turn around and job again to Orton.

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Guest JMA

Sigh. I know I've said this before, but why does WWE insist on keeping the Simon Dean character? The character is just awful and it's a huge waste of Nova's talents.

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Well the results overall was exactly what I expected - all kinds of weak. I cant believe they are actually going through with JBL-Batista again, and especially at SS. It reminds me of the company doing Steiner-HHH at two ppvs in a row, which was borderline insane when during the first match the crowd completely shit all over it to the max. While the result extensively wasnt as harsh as Steiner-HHH, the fans and management clearly didnt think the intial match at GAB between them was good, so why waste another shot at it, especially at the 2nd biggest ppv of the year. Guess this means Taker/Orton 2 at SummerSlam, which I think could have easily been saved for the next SD brand ppv instead (and they could have went with JBL v. Taker v. Batista and if need be v. Orton in a 4 way).


WWE completely went 0-3 this week with their big TV spots. Bad time to start dropping the ball creatively after a pretty hot streak of generally good shows all summer long.

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I'm happy that they aren't doing a 4 way based simply on match quality, but they fucked their booking up in the worst way this week.

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That said, at least at SS the end is near for the JBL push of doom. He's got to job out severely on that show, there is literally no other option.


Seriously, do they not even realize they just did that SAME finish with UT/JBL? For what point, to push fucking Randy Orton again despite his career being for all intents and purposes in the toilet? Seriously, since Orton has been hurt has there been one person on here who has said "Gee, I can't wait for Orton to come back, I really want him to get another push."


If they want to do something truly Russo inspired, have Dominic turn on Rey at SS and go off with his "real dad" Eddie.

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The other depressing state of the world title match is I can imagine 1) there wont be any gimmick to the match which is almost mandatory in a Bradshaw match against someone who can't carry him and 2) agents and the workers probably wont even follow up properly from GAB and they will generally lay out a very similar match than before, except with Batista finally going over.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd almost rather have Hassan v. Batista instead of this shit.

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Seriously, since Orton has been hurt has there been one person on here who has said "Gee, I can't wait for Orton to come back, I really want him to get another push."


*raises hand*

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Batista-JBL II HAS to be overbooked and a gimmick match. It's what JBL can pass in and obviously Batista needs it too. The I Quit even made Cena look good (it was all spots and hardcore nonsense but was a fun match for sure) so I'm sure Batista would be better in a gimmick match enviorment where his weaknesses were hidden.


BTW, after JBL-Taker and Smackdown! ended; JBL layed on the mat and talked on the mic sounding drunk, but I guess just tired from the Taker match. Anyhow he had the line of the night; as Teddy Long came out and told Rochester he promised us a World title match, and that JBL would fight Batista. JBL responded: "I have a note from Marcus Bagwell's Mother that I am injured (or coulda been that "I don't have to wrestle"). I love this man.

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Guest JMA

The only way I'd find JBL/Batista entertaining is if Batiasta wins in only ten minutes and Lesnar does a run-in after the match.

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BTW, after JBL-Taker and Smackdown! ended; JBL layed on the mat and talked on the mic sounding drunk, but I guess just tired from the Taker match. Anyhow he had the line of the night; as Teddy Long came out and told Rochester he promised us a World title match, and that JBL would fight Batista. JBL responded: "I have a note from Marcus Bagwell's Mother that I am injured (or coulda been that "I don't have to wrestle"). I love this man.

In all honesty, I have no idea how anyone could not love that. I am still a JBL fan, no matter what most people say.

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Guest JMA
BTW, after JBL-Taker and Smackdown! ended; JBL layed on the mat and talked on the mic sounding drunk, but I guess just tired from the Taker match. Anyhow he had the line of the night; as Teddy Long came out and told Rochester he promised us a World title match, and that JBL would fight Batista. JBL responded: "I have a note from Marcus Bagwell's Mother that I am injured (or coulda been that "I don't have to wrestle"). I love this man.

In all honesty, I have no idea how anyone could not love that. I am still a JBL fan, no matter what most people say.

I'd say that most smarks (including myself) enjoy JBL's mic work. I just don't want to see him with the title again.

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I might be in the minority, but I enjoy JBL's work (to a degree) and loathe his promos. I don't want him in the world title picture either though. Batista/Brock is the only SD title match that I'd pay for at this point. MAYBE Batista/Eddie, if I thought Eddie had a chance to actually win the belt.....

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Seriously, do they not even realize they just did that SAME finish with UT/JBL?

How is hard is it to see that they're building to a blowoff with Taker and Orton? Even if the writers "forgot" about the first finish, the announcers won't be dumbed down enough to forget that. The initial Orton run-in happened only six weeks ago. If they don't allow Cole and Tazz to put two and two together to say "Taker is going to fuck up Orton", THEN you have reason to complain.




For what point, to push fucking Randy Orton again despite his career being for all intents and purposes in the toilet?

Ha, you think Orton will get his job back?


If they want to do something truly Russo inspired, have Dominic turn on Rey at SS and go off with his "real dad" Eddie.

Never watched an ECW show before, have you?

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Sigh. I know I've said this before, but why does WWE insist on keeping the Simon Dean character? The character is just awful and it's a huge waste of Nova's talents.


As opposed to 'Hulk Hogan impersonator'? But then again, it worked for Alan Funk, didn't it?



BTW, wasn't the board bitching because Eddie didn't reveal his secret at The Bash? Yet, now the secret's revealed, we're bitching again. Not to say it is warranted, but lets have a little consistancy people.

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*JBL pinned The Undertaker to become the number one contender to the WWE World championship after Randy Orton hit Taker with an RKO.


Dark Match:


*WWE World champion Batista pinned JBL with a Batista Bomb.

Great JBL in another main event. I can't believe this guy has been in every Smackdown main event for over a year now. Can't WWE push somebody new? I mean, they have Christian on the show so why not push him?


I don't mind seeing Undertaker/Orton again as I like their match at Wrestlemania. I do think that they need to put Orton over this time and then put him into a feud with Batista after that.

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Seriously, since Orton has been hurt has there been one person on here who has said "Gee, I can't wait for Orton to come back, I really want him to get another push."


*raises hand*


I'm on board with that one too. I've actually been looking forward to an Orton/Batista feud since the night after Wrestlemania.


However, that doesn't change the fact that Smackdown is completely unwatchable with JBL in the main event. His character's stupid enough to begin with, but when you have him challenging for the title he's failed to win in the last three PPV main events against an opponent he has no chemistry with whatsoever, it just boggles the mind.


Oh, and having a #1 contender's match directly after a #1 contender's match to change who challenges for the title is the biggest copout ever. They should have at least given Undertaker a title match for Orton to interfere in. He could have even RKO'ed Batista and set up their eventual feud at the same time.

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So Smackdowns Matches will be...

World Heavyweight Title

Batista © v. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield


Randy Orton v. The Undertaker


Rey Mysterio v. Eddie Guerrero


US Title

Orlando Jordan © v. Chris Benoit v. Booker T v. Christian


Wow.. just wow.

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The problem with Orton interfering in an Undertaker vs. Batista match is that Orton has beef with both guys, and thusly would rather hit both of them. Now, that could lead to Orton getting a title shot on a Smackdown before facing Taker at SSlam, but then everyone would know that Orton was going to get shitkicked and wouldn't care. It seems they are trying to build Orton up to a longer Batista program, and I would rather see Orton just be there facing Taker now and doing the inevitable than doing Orton vs. Batista on a Smackdown and having both JBL and Taker interfere so predictably.


I'm not really wanting to see Orton vs. Batista in the first place, but since I know that's where it is headed, I'm trying to work with the situation.

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Of course I watched ECW, but the whole Raven/Sandman angle wasn't that similar to Eddie/Rey now. See, Raven did a brainwash on Sandman's wife and son and they proclaimed their great love for Raven, while Sandman was devastated. He was never Tyler's real dad or anything.


Batista/Hassan and Batista/JBL II are both horrible main events. I think I'd rather just have Batista/UT than either. That baffling thing is that WWE seems completely unable to admit something being a bad idea anymore. I mean yeah they had Mabel win KOTR and get a title shot but at least they merely jobbed him to Diesel and forgot about him soon after.

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If the wave @ Summerslam last year, low ratings, low house show sales, low buyrates, the RVD chants @ No Way Out during the barbwire cage match and the fact that JBL is a talentless midcarder doesn't convince WWE management of how bad of an idea is to have Bradshaw as a "main eventer", then nothing will. The guy is being pushed down our throats b/c he has X-Pac heat.

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This have really become the most overused finish in the fed of late


After many years of watching wrestling, I've finally figured it out:


Grabbing the ropes gives you magical powers.


Explains a lot, doesn't it?

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I refused to watch No Way Out, so what was all that about RVD chants during the cage match?


My annoyance at the JBL/UT finish is that it's literally the same exact thing they just did with Orton when he was drafted. Literally the same finish. They couldn't have Orton just come out and attack UT against anyone else or come up with some other way of having Orton piss Taker off?


I don't even like the prospects of an Orton/UT rematch anyway...this crap with "He who jobs at WM gets the job back later" stuff needs to stop. They literally traded Angle to Raw so he could job out to Shawn, that is literally the ONLY reason he was traded (evidenced by Angle now dicking around with Eugene).


If they do all these Orton run ins just to have him beat UT, what sense does it really make? In theory costing a guy matches repeatedly leads to that guy getting revenge in the blowoff match, but if they want to do Orton/Batista after that he'd have to go over UT in some fashion.

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I don't even like the prospects of an Orton/UT rematch anyway...this crap with "He who jobs at WM gets the job back later" stuff needs to stop.  They literally traded Angle to Raw so he could job out to Shawn, that is literally the ONLY reason he was traded (evidenced by Angle now dicking around with Eugene).


If they do all these Orton run ins just to have him beat UT, what sense does it really make?  In theory costing a guy matches repeatedly leads to that guy getting revenge in the blowoff match, but if they want to do Orton/Batista after that he'd have to go over UT in some fashion.


I dont think the only reason Angle was brought over to Raw was because of Michaels, but the obvious first move for any booker would be to follow up with the success of that Mania match right away with an immediate rematch when they would be able to do such. Angle v. Eugene might be surprisingly good, give it a chance. And Angle was up to absolutely NOTHING on Smackdown and the move is more to match him up with other new fresh talent. Just give it time.


I would assume Orton over Taker at SummerSlam, then a blowoff finale match at a future ppv in the rubber match. I think we might actually see the same with HBK/Angle down the road too but it probably wont be for awhile.

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I'd say that most smarks (including myself) enjoy JBL's mic work. I just don't want to see him with the title again.


Speak for yourself. JBL's promos are boring and repetitive. I also don't get the fascination with continuing to push this guy. I know some people like him now, but I still think he's horrible and a chore to watch.

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