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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

I didn't know mulatto was offensive now. I figured it was still an okay term for a specific interracial mix, not unlike mestizo. Even so, is it something to freak out over? It's not the same as saying "nigger," by far. I won't use it anymore if it's that discouraged, though.

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Obama running in 2008 would be a gigantic waste. The Democrats should win the next election hands down. They can run nearly anybody [except Hillary] and win. Why waste Obama now?

Because who the President is has more to do with making the lives of Americans better than partisan superiority?

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Have you followed Obama at all? Or are you just intentionally avoiding all information about him so you can pretend that he came out of nowhere?

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You tried covering for your constant snide mentions of Obama's race by saying you were just talking about the media. The media has already slipped on the names/spelling, the Republicans in the media are already using the names, and pundits continue to have the same problem you have of putting the race factor in front of his glaring experience. I fail to see how it doesn't have anything to do with what is being discussed there...but, then again, you've tried changing and correcting everything you type about Obama so there's really no way of keeping up with what you say about him/his race/Mexicans/Muslims/etc.

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Obama/Osama is definately going to happen at some point. I imagine it'll be one of those right wing groups, not the actual campaign (like those ones who distributed the purple heart ribbons or whatever that award was, to mock Kerry's service record), they'll release bumper stickers that say OSAMA 08 or something. The Republican campaign will wait just long enough for it to get into the news media shows before politely denouncing it and giving a token statement that they had nothing to do with it. etc etc

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It's already happened by accident...and the Right's talking puppets have already started using it. It will only get worse as Obama looks more appealing to more Americans.

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Eh...I think either way whoever runs for the Republicans this time is going to be basically DOA. The American people want a change in the White House. It won't matter if it's Obama or Hillary Clinton or whoever running for the Dems.

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1964 - People actually voted because they thought a guy wanted to blow up little children.


1972 - People actually believed that a World War 2 hero was really a dope smoking surrender-loving hippie


2002/2004 - People actually voted because they thought a politcal party was in cahoots with the terrorists


2008 - People aren't going to magically get alot smarter. Some will still vote for certain things. By '08 there will probably still even be people who think Obama has zero experience and only got the nomination, if he does, because damn liberals wanted a handsome safe black man to get his big chance.

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You really think people are going to be fooled into voting Republican because of a spelling error?


Why not? Did you watch any of the 2004 RNC.....15,000 people chanting "flip flop" in unison, wearing purple band-aids, as if they had any care to what the actual issues and/or circumstances were regarding Kerry's "I voted for the war before I voted against it" People respond to sound-bites, well let me rephrase that, the MASSES respond to sound-bites, no matter what they happen to say in a poll or during an interview, and I guarantee there will be plenty of "Obama-Osama-Hussein" sound-bites come election time.

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It's already happened by accident...and the Right's talking puppets have already started using it.


I've heard it on the radio multiple times already, too.


"Hussein Osama"

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Lastest Rassmussen poll of Democratic primary voters. (last poll result in parentheses)


Clinton 22 (34)

Obama 21 (17)

Edwards 15 (9)

Gore 7 (9)

Kerry 4 (3)

Biden 4 (3)

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If people want to make a big deal out of Obama's name, race, or ethnicity, they should go ahead and do it just so we can laugh when it backfires. And if some people hate Obama because of his name, race, or ethnicity, the Democrats need to wear that fact like a badge of honor. I would rather loose an election standing up to bigotry than cater to the interests of the intolerant.

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I'm also confused as to how Hilary is so much more experienced than Obama. First Lady for most of the '90s isn't as big a deal as one might think as it's hard to believe Bill shared all the big decisions with her...and her biggest initiative was steamrolled until she was viewed as a pariah by many. She has a whopping 2 year lead on Obama in the Senate which only means more time spent waffling.


I'm going to guess it's because the media has been taking her seriously as a candidate for a few years now, and asking who this Obama guy is.


Edit - You're really late with that one, Czech. Whatever it meant.

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Well, I think it's the fact that it's been pretty obvious since leaving the White House that Hillary has presidential ambitions, where we're only recently finding out for certain that Obama has aspirations for the presidency. At least I think that's the perception in the media.

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You're forgetting that Hillary Clinton needs to be the president so little girls can finally feel good about themselves.

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