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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Vote for this man and Gramps, Tut, Choom Gang, and Ray will be appointed to the cabinet.


Still, "Barry Obama" might seem a little less scary to John Q. Redneck than Barrack Hussein Obama.

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That picture reminds me of that movie "Fear of a Black Hat" when the rival rap groups are talking to the kindergarden class about why violence is bad, and they flip it start trying to brag about being "hard" so the one guy pulls a picture out of the rival guy's highschool photo page, and he is in a prep school, kicking back as a preppie with the sweater tied around the neck and all that stuff....lol.


Either that, or he kind of looks like an african-american John Travolta ready to go to the local disco to dance to the BeeGees.....

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Vote for this man and Gramps, Tut, Choom Gang, and Ray will be appointed to the cabinet.


Still, "Barry Obama" might seem a little less scary to John Q. Redneck than Barrack Hussein Obama.


Tut has been touted as a likely Federal Reserve Chairman.

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That picture reminds me of that movie "Fear of a Black Hat" when the rival rap groups are talking to the kindergarden class about why violence is bad, and they flip it start trying to brag about being "hard" so the one guy pulls a picture out of the rival guy's highschool photo page, and he is in a prep school, kicking back as a preppie with the sweater tied around the neck and all that stuff....lol.

"A hoe is somebody who will fuck anyone"

"A bitch is somebody who will fucky anyone but you"

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Here's a look at what Americans were thinking about their future President in 1952. This was a poll taken by the Saturday Review and was later reprinted in Townsend Hoopes' biography of John Foster Dulles. One can look at something like this while analyzing today's popular climate. The poll is heavy with Republicans as the Truman Administration was very unpopular at the time, much as any current poll would be Dem heavy due to Bush Jr.


1. Dwight Eisenhower - Absolutely no previous political experience. Only Washington and Grant were on par with his military credentials in the entire history of the Presidency. Ended up polling in the same position when it mattered in November.

2.Robert Taft - 'Mr Republican'...Extremely experienced politician, served in Hoover's administration, in the Ohio legislature, and 3 terms in the US Senate. Didn't get the nomination and died the next year.

3. Estes Kefauver - Highest ranking Democrat in the poll. Served 5 terms as US Representative before reaching the Senate in '48. Would dominate the primaries but fail to get the nomination.

4.John Foster Dulles - Served in Wilson's admin, worked closely with Thomas Dewey's failed Presidency bids, and was appointed Senator for a brief time. Ended up being Ike's highly influential Secretary of State.

5. Earl Warren - Another Republican, 3 term Governor of California. Ended up as Chief Justice.

6. Harold Stassen - Another Republican and ran in more failed bids for elective office than probably anyone. Was Governor of Minnesota at a time but never made it higher.

7. Eleanor Roosevelt - Just the second Dem on the list, and neither made it to the nomination.


So, from this we see the paralell of of how one party can really dominate people's minds in the face of an unpopular or failed Administration. There are also, like today, examples of people with limited experience ranking high (Ike, Estes, and Eleanor) & those with serious credentials (Taft, Dulles), and even a token loser like Stassen. I am amzed that a woman was able to make such an impressive wave amongst the people's wishes for the Presidency that long ago as Eleanor Roosevelt did. If a top 7 were done today of both parties it can be assumed that John Kerry would not be among them, much like the failed Thomas Dewey didnt make the cut in this 1952 poll. Interestingly, neither Ike's running mate (Nixon) or his opponent (Adlai) or Adlai's running mate (John Sparkman) were on the list.

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Very interesting.


The top 7 today using the same criteria would probably include Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Gore, McCain, Guiliani, and Rice.

(Yeah, some aren't going to run, but still.)


I still think Bill Richardson and Huckabee actually have a better chance that most of those 7.


Also, Richardson will be making an annoucement this weekend. I know some people are nervous about Barry Obama's experience, so let me offer this thought...Richardson may be one of the most experienced and qualified people to ever seek the White House. As a congressman, UN Ambassador, cabinet secretary, and Governor, the only job he hasn't had is V.P.

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Probably only George Bush Sr could compete with those credentials.


If Richardson doesn't make it onto the ticket, and assuming a Dem gets the White House, he would be the best option for Secretary of State.


And where is Wesley Clark? He should be in this thing now that we've seen what happens when the hawkish draft dodgers get their hands on the military.

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While he was a Congressman, CIA director, UN Ambasador, RNC chairman, and V.P., I think Richardson pulls ahead in the experience department because he has also been a cabinet secretary and a governor. Bush Sr.'s time as V.P. was spent going to funerals.


The most experienced person to ever become president, though, was probably Thomas Jefferson.


Here's an interesting ad from Richardson's gubernatorial campaign.


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Bush Sr was also an envoy to China, made a decent run in 1980, and ran a miserably failed campaign for Senate in 1964 where he tried running way to the right of Barry Goldwater. But yeah, Richardson has him beat for experience. I like how all the pundits/experts who have nothing to say about Obama but his supposed lack of experience refuse to acknowledge the existence of a guy like Richardson.


The first 5 Presidents were all pretty well qualified for the job. I'm not sure if I could pick one over the other without writing a thick dissertation on the subject and changing my mind a million times.

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Bush Sr was also an envoy to China, made a decent run in 1980, and ran a miserably failed campaign for Senate in 1964 where he tried running way to the right of Barry Goldwater. But yeah, Richardson has him beat for experience. I like how all the pundits/experts who have nothing to say about Obama but his supposed lack of experience refuse to acknowledge the existence of a guy like Richardson.


The first 5 Presidents were all pretty well qualified for the job. I'm not sure if I could pick one over the other without writing a thick dissertation on the subject and changing my mind a million times.

After chekcing, I actually did change my mind to James Monroe.


I forgot about Bush Sr. and China, and I also have to give him credit for his military experience during WWII.


I agree about the pundits' double-standard. Also...


If Richardson doesn't make it onto the ticket, and assuming a Dem gets the White House, he would be the best option for Secretary of State.


If Richardson doesn't make it onto the ticket, it'll be a fucking travesty.

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I still laugh at how a large chunk of Americans could be led to believe that war heroes like Bush Sr & McGovern were 'wimpy' or 'hippie'...and that guys like Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush Jr were some kind of real life John Waynes.

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I still laugh at how a large chunk of Americans could be led to believe that war heroes like Bush Sr & McGovern were 'wimpy' or 'hippie'...and that guys like Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush Jr were some kind of real life John Waynes.


Well, Cheney maybe. We know he can handle a firearm...

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

lol, hunting mishap!



Bill Richardson seems like a solid choice from the Democratic side. Omni-experienced centrist without being too vanilla like Biden or Bayh, and Western Democrats seem to be the bloc of the future for the party. I don't think he'd be a bad choice at all, seeing as this party has given serious consideration to Hillary Clinton.

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Czech, dont bother trying to use the 'lol, war' bit to defend Cheney. The dude got so drunk he thought a man was a bird and fired a round into his face. Then kept quiet for a day or so. Anybody else doing that would lose their hunting privileges for life, pay a heavy fine, and spend time in jail.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Wasn't defending Cheney, I'm just burned out on the story.


So, Hillary is in to win. Faaaaaaaantastic.

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Come on Democrats, put up someone other than Hillary! Do NOT find a way to blow the election again god dammit. Right now the 2008 election isn't a lay up, the ball is basically sitting on the rim and they just have to lightly tip it in. I mean, the Republican Party has done everything to lose the next election but hold a press conference to say, "Please, vote Democrat in 2008."


Of all the choices, Hillary Clinton is the absolute worse and the only one of them that could conceivably lose. Hell, John Kerry would stand a better chance and no one trusts him to run a campaign.

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Oh great.


If she runs for President, then I'm voting Libertarian. I know that it will piss some of you off, but I refuse to vote Republican, and if she runs for President, I'll refuse to vote Democrat.

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Oh great.


If she runs for President, then I'm voting Libertarian. I know that it will piss some of you off, but I refuse to vote Republican, and if she runs for President, I'll refuse to vote Democrat.

IF she runs? Remember, just because someone is running doesn't mean they will be the nominee. If you don't want Hillary Clinton on the November ballot, please find someone you like better, and vote in your state's primary.


I don't think her chances are as great as the media seems to think, though. If any other Democrat had Hillary Clinton's record on the Iraq War, they wouldn't even be bothering. She has gotten BOOED in public for her position on Iraq. Meanwhile, Bill Richardson is positioned perfectly. He can attack Clinton (and almost the entire rest of the field) for being pro-Iraq War, and can criticize Obama as being "not ready" while still praising everything else about him. His ethnicity allows him to stand-out from the rest of the field as someone different, and his campaign can dismiss any claim that he's not "electable" as racist.

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Brownback will have a better shot than McCain if the Irag Escalation continues.

Yeah, but you also have take into consideration who shows up for Republican primaries.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
His ethnicity allows him to stand-out from the rest of the field as someone different, and his campaign can dismiss any claim that he's not "electable" as racist.

I love how "if u dont like me u r racist" is a valued asset.


But yeah, Richardson is unique as a Hispanic candidate because you'd expect a guy with a Spanish name but mostly Caucasian features, like George P. Bush if his last name was Gonzalez, but Richardson has a WASPy name yet looks very Mesoamerican. Just an observation, one which has no bearing on my opinion of him.


Oh great.


If she runs for President, then I'm voting Libertarian. I know that it will piss some of you off, but I refuse to vote Republican, and if she runs for President, I'll refuse to vote Democrat.

Hey, you and me both. I figure I can be idealistic and vote Libertarian for one to three more elections before I have to settle into two-party hell. Voting Democratic is my refusal, personally.

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