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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Will working-class Americans, again, believe the Republicans when they say they have/will cut their taxes? I've never been able to grasp how easily people can be led to just believe in that empty rhetoric when all they have to do to disprove it in their own lives is to look at their paycheck stubs.

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I honestly can't believe that Tax Cuts will work here. After seeing GW do what he did, I have to think that the American Public will honestly not think about a Tax Cut and try to give actual solutions.

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When it comes to taxes, politicians seem to be easily able to get away with general terms like "american people" and "your" Most of the time when they say "they will raise your taxes" it isn't even the crowd they are speaking to who's taxes would be raised.


I dunno why the "raise your taxes" trick works over and over.

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The only tax cut that will work is one that cuts the 35% corporate taxes to be more in line with the rest of the world (25% average) The US is #2 in the world, behind only Japan with higher corporate taxes.


Of course, that will never happen..its a tax cut for the rich and everyone knows that when rich get tax cuts, they will just fatten their already burgeoning wallets some more cash so they can parade around and laugh at the little poor people..instead of you know..investing the money they saved in lower taxes in american jobs and factories like has been done historically in the US and other countries when the corporate tax is relatively lower.


So instead, were going to raise taxes on the rich because by god they shouldnt be making so much money, which will only make them pull out of the US economy even further and take their companies and jobs to mexico and China..


If you all want an eye opene on the economy, read this.


Yes, I know its that annoying Conservative hatemonger glenn Beck, but the man he is interviewing is the Comptroller of the United States and is probably one of the few people who people should be listening to on issues of the economy.

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So my concern is that the next President, whoever that might be, has got to make fiscal responsibility and intergenerational equity one of their top priorities. They need to start talking about it in the general election campaign so that they have some basis to do something about it because the window of opportunity is closing.


Ron Paul?


Now, without mentioning any specific names, there's at least a couple of people on the Republican side and at least one person on the Democratic side who have used some words that lead you to believe that they understand that we have a problem here, but nobody has dealt with specifics at this point and I don't expect that they will for some time.


Ron Paul?


Number one: They understand that we have a big problem and they are committed to make it a priority to do something about it. Number two: They will work on a bipartisan basis to address this problem if they become President. Number three: They will not take anything off the table. They won't take changes to Social Security or Medicare or the tax system or spending policy off the table because the gap's so big, we need to have everything on the table.


Ah yes, Ron Paul.

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Indeed. Moving to eliminate the Federal Reserve and going back to Bimetallism is a fantastic show of fiscal responsibility. Then again, you're so paranoid about the Banking System that I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing it collapse due to runs and such.


Do you fully understand the retardation you are supporting? Or are you just going to ignore it and continue to try and link threads between Republican Campaign Contributors, 9/11, and Baskin-Robbins' mystical 32nd flavor?

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CNN's projecting that Hillary and Huckabee won Nevada. Obama and (I can't believe it) Ron Paul came in 2nd.


Wait, nevermind, he came in third.

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Oh Fox

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Ron Paul is right, get rid of the banks, protect America...




Ron Paul's running mate if he can somehow steal the nominaton on Super Tuesday is a man with plenty of experience stopping the NEW WORLD ORDER:



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Guest Cock Ring Warehouse
Ron Paul taking 2nd in Nevada would be a surprise and a half.

He lost 51-14 (I blame all those Western States Mormons) but he came in second indeed. High five, Ron Paul. Bad showing in S.C., but he still beat Rudy Giuliani in both states.


Florida, though!


Gary Floyd, all three channels have been known to call races with obscenely low numbers reported. It's not just a Fox thing.

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Ron Paul taking 2nd in Nevada would be a surprise and a half.

He lost 51-14 (I blame all those Western States Mormons) but he came in second indeed. High five, Ron Paul. Bad showing in S.C., but he still beat Rudy Giuliani in both states.


Florida, though!


Gary Floyd, all three channels have been known to call races with obscenely low numbers reported. It's not just a Fox thing.

I think gary Floyd was refering to the fact that even tho Ron Paul was in 3rd they still didnt show his picture. Instead they showed Huckabee who was well behind Paul.


Very happy Hilary won. From where I am standing she will make far and away the best President. Giuliani will make the worst.


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Guest Cock Ring Warehouse

Oh, I didn't catch that. Well then, that IS some bullshit. Retracted, GarFlo.


Very happy Hilary won. From where I am standing she will make far and away the best President.

You're standing behind a concrete pillar.

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Bloomberg has been very good for Baltimore.



I know theres a specific scenario where Bloomberg is supposed to be running but I dont remember it. All I know is that I wont vote for a democrat no matter what, and of the republicans I like McCain the absolute least (then Huckabee,Thompson,Rudy,Ron Paul and Romney the most) so outside of Romney pulling some victories out Im not going to like either of my choices at all. Ive heard a little on Bloomberg and despite my worry he'd be too nanny stateish for me but I think he'd fall somewhere in the middle of the Republican pack preference wise and Id definitely vote for him over McCain or Huckabee. His economic policies would be the biggest advantage...

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Mike Bloomberg has donated so much money to Johns Hopkins that, I believe, he has his own helicopter landing on campus. Johns Hopkins is the biggest employer in Baltimore. The Baltimore vote swings almost all statewide votes in Maryland.

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Mike Bloomberg has donated so much money to Johns Hopkins that, I believe, he has his own helicopter landing on campus. Johns Hopkins is the biggest employer in Baltimore. The Baltimore vote swings almost all statewide votes in Maryland.


Oh, neato. I used to go there for my major operations when I was a kid.


and yeah..the Eastern Shore is pretty much republican but the rest of the state across the bridge is still really heavily democrat. Which is why everyone over here is going to be pissed when slots pass because Erlich should have been the one to get that done 4 years ago but he's a republican and that cant happen..

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Best bumper sticker of the year thus far that I saw yesteray "Could someone please give President Bush a blowjob so we can impeach him already"

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Best bumper sticker of the year thus far that I saw yesteray "Could someone please give President Bush a blowjob so we can impeach him already"


I think I saw an old lady with that at a protest in the Pictures I Like thread.


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