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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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She's a Republican, so she's a token, she doesn't count, correct, Eric?

I feel bad for the next black/woman candidate to run in a future Presidential Election.


They wont get the same bump as Obama/Hillary are getting just for being black/ a woman and if either of them screw up huge (a given) everyone will go "see, I told you that a black man/a woman couldnt handle the Presidency"

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Guest Beastalentier

Do you suggest that all primaries should be registered members only?

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She's a Republican, so she's a token, she doesn't count, correct, Eric?

I feel bad for the next black/woman candidate to run in a future Presidential Election.


They wont get the same bump as Obama/Hillary are getting just for being black/ a woman and if either of them screw up huge (a given) everyone will go "see, I told you that a black man/a woman couldnt handle the Presidency"


Right, because a white protestant male just had a hell of spectacular run the last 8 years..........really. :huh:

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Do you suggest that all primaries should be registered members only?


I didn't say that. I don't really have a strong opinion on the matter. Republicans in Mississippi have every right to do this--they're not breaking any rules.


Is gaming the system like this good for the parties or the country? I can't really see how.

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Well, I think that it kind of sucks that the repubs now have an election that is over, so they can freely vote for the loser in the democratic nomination. FREELY.


That ain't cool. If there's a few contestants from each party, and you break lines and vote for the other guy instead of your traditional party's guys, fine. But this? Not so good.

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Guest Beastalentier

So where do you draw the line? A quota on "guest voters"? Republicans cross over to vote for Obama, too, you know.

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Right. But they crossed over to vote for him instead of voting for McCain or Guliani or or Huckabee.


Voters who vote for Hilary, now, are just trying to fuck up our race. McCain is the nominee.

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I wish MD would go open in their primaries since I couldn't vote as a registered independent.


This is why registering as an Independent in a closed primary state is really stupid.


One of my best pals is a libertarian, and he registered with the Libertarian Party. Only problem is, Kentucky is a closed primary state. I tried to explain to him that he should register with one of the two major parties since he could at least have a say in choosing the more "libertarian leaning" primary contestant, but he wouldn't listen. It's not like there would be anything stopping him from voting for a Libertarian candidate in a general election. Also, it's not like the Libertarian Party in Kentucky is going to have a hotly contested primary to vote in anytime soon.

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So where do you draw the line? A quota on "guest voters"? Republicans cross over to vote for Obama, too, you know.


It's probably something that will just have to be tolerated.


The parties, though, being private organizations, have every right to close off their primary contests to nonmembers if they feel like it.

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Guest Beastalentier
Voters who vote for Hilary, now, are just trying to fuck up our race.

Identifying as "we" is really sad, and "they're" obviously not trying hard enough.

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you guys, stop being so surprised. Czech has been basically, at his root, anti-Obama for weeks and weeks now.

It's fine that he's Anti-Obama- The thing is, it's gotten to the point where some of us want to scream "We get it already!" at our computer screens, as it's gone from "I don't like Obama" to "I don't like Obama and I'm going to be really annoying about it."

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Identifying as "we" is really sad...


How is a group of people using the pronoun "we" to describe themselves sad?


"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."



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Guest Beastalentier

I was just making fun of him for being a Democrat. What is Marvin even going for?

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Hey dudes, would Hilary Clinton be in the position she's in right now if she never married Bill?

Dammit, I wanted to say that.


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Guest Beastalentier
I live in Lake Geneva for now.


Did you ever run into Gary Gygax? Is his death a big deal there?

I went to school with his son, who was also an infrequent contributor to my backyard wrestling promotion.

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- a picture of a candidate circulated with a turban to insinuate he is a secret Muslin

Why do you keep bringing that up? Never would've happened if he hadn't, y'know, had his picture taken while he was wearing a turban.


everyone will go "see, I told you that a black man/a woman couldnt handle the Presidency"

Everyone who's really fucking dumb.

Far as I can tell, dumb people make up the majority of the world.


You're obsessed with fabricating racism here. Are you black or just stupid?


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Guest Beastalentier

I watched that last night. I figured it'd be something like "I denounce you, Senator Clinton," and it was kinda close, I mean, he did urge someone to denounce something at some point. Olbermann is such a fucking blowhard, though, seriously.

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I've never seen someone do such an amazing job of making sure only a complete idiot would find them electable. And to twist a comment about racism made by one of your supporters into an attack by the Obama campaign, well that just takes some big balls.


I hope he doesn't listen to that "For the good of the party" bull and take her on as a VP. Leave her sitting at home.

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