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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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It seems to me the mainstream media and the alarmist culture in america has found the "angry black man" figure they have so desperately been looking for. Obama might not scare a certain portion of America, but this other guy apparently does and Barrack's opponents are going to try to make them stick together like glue.

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It's not like the general election is next month. This crap is going to be forgotten by April. The conservatives will try their best to "swift boat" Obama, but it's not going to work two presidential elections in a row.

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This is the same country that allowed themselves to be easilly deluded in 1964, 1972, 2000, 2002, 2004...how have they miraculously gained the ability to see bullshit for what it is in time for 2008?

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This is the same country that allowed themselves to be easilly deluded in 1964, 1972, 2000, 2002, 2004...how have they miraculously gained the ability to see bullshit for what it is in time for 2008?


Exactly, I mean there are still people who believe Saddam was behind 9/11 and that we found the WMDs in Iraq. Of course, those people weren't voting for Obama anyway, but still.....and a lot of it is the media too because you just know they are foaming at the mouth with this kind of stuff because reporting on "the issues" doesn't bring in the same ratings as "angry black man" alert.

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Oprah has also been a long-time attendee at this church but the pastor's sermons haven't caused America to turn their backs on her en masse, either.

She left the church because she didn't agree with the guy's sermons as they started to get more and more, how to put it, out there.

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I don't think the Republicans have a chance in hell of winning this time, especially with McCain going in with the George W. Bush Jr. platform. A lot of Americans are simply pissed off right now...gas prices are high, the economy is in a recession, we're in two wars, homes are being forclosed on, and jobs are going overseas more and more. I really don't see how McCain is going to overcome all of that, when Bush is responsible for most of that, and has a terrible approval rating right now.

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Guest Beastalentier
This is the same country that allowed themselves to be easilly deluded in 1964, 1972, 2000, 2002, 2004...how have they miraculously gained the ability to see bullshit for what it is in time for 2008?

youtube vlogs

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I don' rate Obama's chances as highly as I did. The Clinton smear machine and the republican smear machine will go full force, and even seem to be teaming up now.


If I'd have to guess, I'd say voters will go for Mccain in Novemeber, because despite all his negatives, he's 'the safe option.' A lot of people won't want to take the chance on a black man with an exotic background, a loudmouth wife, questionable freinds and little expereince.

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I think one of the key issues is going to be people actually against the Iraq war vs. People who were in favor of it, but are just mad about it at the moment because we have a bumbling fool in charge of it. These people probably feel McCain can "right the ship" in Iraq, where as they feel Obama will pull the ship out of the dock and into the ocean.


I know a lot of polls and media outlets are saying Iraq isn't the biggest issue right now going into the election, but I feel by the time November rolls around it will be, especially with McCain starting up the 2004-style "Waiving the white flag, Defeatocrats, Cut & Run" rhetoric already.

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I don' rate Obama's chances as highly as I did. The Clinton smear machine and the republican smear machine will go full force, and even seem to be teaming up now.


If I'd have to guess, I'd say voters will go for Mccain in Novemeber, because despite all his negatives, he's 'the safe option.' A lot of people won't want to take the chance on a black man with an exotic background, a loudmouth wife, questionable freinds and little expereince.


Yeah it doesn't help that Hillary seems to have an "if I go down, ya'll going down with me attitude" I mean at least Obama is making it clear that we would be better off with Hillary then McCain, but Hillary on the other hand has been very wishy-washy about making statements on Obama's credentials/electability etc.....anytime the two aren't sitting together on a stage.

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I don't think President Mccain will be that bad. For all the talk of Mcsame, Mccain simply has too much of an ego to be Bush III. I'm almost certain he wants to go down in history as the guy that cleaned up after Bush.


He might be cosying up to him right now, to get the evangelical vote, but Mccain hates Bush as much as anyone. Especially after that stunt the Bush camp pulled in 2000 with his adopted daughter Bridget (claiming she was his illigitimate black love child).

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Holding a grude for 400 years of oppression also worries me. Is it not understandable for a whiteman born into a generation where discrimination and racism is openly frowned upon to be a bit confused by this outlook? Race reltations in this country may not be perfect but when we see how far things have come with just one generation and see a man of the overwhelming minority in the run for President, maybe we should start trying to move past this damaging way of thought and just condemn Wright's rant for what it is.


the problem is that you're speaking as if the problem has gone away, and it hasn't. the inherited racism of institutional and economic systems leaves a very long and very ugly mark. blacks don't live anywhere near an equal opportunity; if you were, say, twice as likely to end up in prison or twice as likely to be born of poor parents just because of your skin color, why wouldn't you be angry about that?


moreover, why wouldn't you get mad when some little white kid, who was born into all sorts of opportunities you have to work twice as hard to get, says that racism isn't a problem anymore and we should all forget about it?


just a cursory internet search on recent census data of blacks reveals such things as:


* Black and Hispanic children are highly segregated in the neighborhoods where they live. They also live in unequal neighborhoods, as measured by neighborhoods' income levels, poverty rate, unemployment, homeownership, and other indicators.


* Neighborhood segregation is especially high in the City of Boston. But seen from a regional perspective, the main source of segregation is minorities?exclusion from most residential suburbs. Less than 10% of children under 18 in the Boston region lived in the City of Boston in 2000. But nearly half of black children lived in the City. A small set of older, denser suburbs (including such places as Lynn, Lowell, Chelsea, Lawrence, and Worcester) house a majority of Hispanic children.


* School segregation is lower in Boston than in other portions of the region. This reflects the history of desegregation efforts in the City, despite erosion of these gains in the last decade. But again, the main source of segregation in the region is the exclusion of minority children from schools in the residential suburbs. Only 25-30% of black and Hispanic children in public elementary grades attend schools in these districts, compared to 85% of white children and more than half of Asian children.


* As a result, black and Hispanic students also attend unequal schools, compared to white and Asian students, as measured by the concentration of poor children in their elementary schools.

these are real things that are happening, right now. obviously, taken from data in boston specifically, but i'd be very surprised if the whole country didn't have numbers similar to this.


racism isn't just a matter of lynching or using certain words, it's about the choices and opportunities you get. this IS oppression, it doesn't have to be perpetrated by some evil agent to be oppression. the problem isn't being mad about slavery or unequal voting rights, the problem is wondering when different racial groups are ACTUALLY going to have the same opportunities. if a white guy says to a black guy, "it's okay now, we get equal treatment!" then the black guy has every right to say, "really? where and when?"


these things aren't likely to change for a very long time. having a black president isn't going to change things like unequal education.

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Maybe Obama condemns his preacher now, but for 20 years Obama attended the man's church and even lifted his saying "audacity of hope" for the title of his book


Not entirely true, Marvin. A quick search at Amazon for books with similar titles will reveal multiple writings pre-dating that of Obama's, such as The Audacity of Soap: How to Get Stubborn Toddlers Interested in Hygiene; The Audacity of Rope: How a Bundle of Fibers Changed Our Lives...And the World!; The Audacity of Pope: 1900 Fabulous Years of the Catholic Church!; and The Audacity of Grope: The Clarence Thomas Story.


And so on.

no doubt Marvin has his own copy of The Audacity of Mope: The Rise and Fall of Emo in the Noughties

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If I was a democrat in Pennsyvania, I would probably vote for Obama even if I preferred Hillary. If Hillary loses Penn it's obvious it's over for her and she'll have no choice but to drop out. Which means the chances of having a dem in the white house drastically increase(a long drawn out fight will only hurt their chances). People in Ohio and texas should have thought the same.


I'd just ask anyone now why they're voting for Hillary, when it must be common knowledge by now she has no chance of gaining the lead in delegates or popular vote. The only way she can win is by overturning the will of the people and ripping the party apart. So, voting for her now just seems like shooting themselves in the foot.

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Guest Beastalentier
I'd just ask anyone now why they're voting for Hillary, when it must be common knowledge by now she has no chance of gaining the lead in delegates or popular vote.

Why should anybody vote for anybody if they're not going to win?

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I'd just ask anyone now why they're voting for Hillary, when it must be common knowledge by now she has no chance of gaining the lead in delegates or popular vote.

Why should anybody vote for anybody if they're not going to win?



Ralph Nadar in 2000?


My point is: It's great to vote with your conscience and all, but sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture.

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Guest Beastalentier

So let's never have third parties ever. I want infinite permutations of flavors for my Starbucks, but only one or two viable presidential candidates at a time. What are you gonna do about it, Gogo? Heckle people outside polling stations?

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I'm sick of this idea people present that the US is such an incredibly racist country. Have you people ever traveled outside the US? It's the same damn way anywhere in Europe, or anywhere else, for that matter. People tend to live with those similar to themselves, and distrustful of those who are different. It's human nature.


Yes, we still have our problems, but it's not like this is the 1950s. Let's get over this race talk. It's not relevant to the election.

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"the problem is that you're speaking as if the problem has gone away, and it hasn't. the inherited racism of institutional and economic systems leaves a very long and very ugly mark. blacks don't live anywhere near an equal opportunity; if you were, say, twice as likely to end up in prison or twice as likely to be born of poor parents just because of your skin color, why wouldn't you be angry about that? "


Angry with whom exactly?


"moreover, why wouldn't you get mad when some little white kid, who was born into all sorts of opportunities you have to work twice as hard to get, says that racism isn't a problem anymore and we should all forget about it?"


I see...


Maybe the little white kid should be mad about the big bad black man that could achieve if he wants to but is really just lazy and commits more violent crimes in his city. Seriously, my original point is that we should be moving past this stupid mindset, history has shown it to be non productive and I don't see that trend changing.



Again this country is still far from perfect but blah...






Wow, 45%.


This is almost as isolated as your somewhat unfair Boston example, but you can find plenty of other success stories that support a trend of growing opportunity for so called minorities in this country. Don't underestimate the rise of the black middle class as well. I also don't find it amusing to downplay the significance of Obama's run but whatever.



I really have no interest in beating this dead horse further.

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Guest Beastalentier

Doesn't the Atlanta area especially have a substantial black middle class? I know Milwaukee's black population is in horrible shape, socioeconomically speaking.

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If I was a democrat in Pennsyvania, I would probably vote for Obama even if I preferred Hillary. If Hillary loses Penn it's obvious it's over for her and she'll have no choice but to drop out. Which means the chances of having a dem in the white house drastically increase(a long drawn out fight will only hurt their chances). People in Ohio and texas should have thought the same.


I'd just ask anyone now why they're voting for Hillary, when it must be common knowledge by now she has no chance of gaining the lead in delegates or popular vote. The only way she can win is by overturning the will of the people and ripping the party apart. So, voting for her now just seems like shooting themselves in the foot.


Do you think she cares about that? If she cared, she would have dropped out by now. Its all about her winning and becoming the President.


Of course, she wont win because she'll piss off the majority of her party into voting for Mccain but anyway.

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Yes, we still have our problems, but it's not like this is the 1950s. Let's get over this race talk.


Ignoring problems always makes them go away!


Exaggerating them and using race baiting tactics doesn't usually help, either.

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Damn, that was a ballsy speech by Obama. Of course, the Liberal Media That Loves Him will still continue to replay the Rev. Wright shit a million times a day.

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I haven't always been on the obama bandwagon, though i'm pretty much a left-leaner, but it was fairly gutsy to hit on some of the points he did, at one point he basically said "yeah, when whites and blacks arent around each other, they say racist shit about each other", at another point he distanced himself from those comments but said he cant completely disown the guy, at another point he talked directly about white americans who might feel resentful because they never did anything to blacks and just worked hard and feel "blamed" for it. There were 3 or 4 more points where i was genuinely surprised he was saying some of the things he did, This isn't the sort of speech that's "normal" for a political candidate and I respect that.

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Damn, that was a ballsy speech by Obama. Of course, the Liberal Media That Loves Him will still continue to replay the Rev. Wright shit a million times a day.


Yeah they are really giving him a "free pass" with this one. I have a question though. For all the hub-bub surround this Rev. Wright guy, has anything more then a couple of 10-20 second clips been provided that is supposedly supposed to cover 20+ years of sermons?

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How many clips do you need to see to accept that B.O. Hussein's REVEREND WRONG hates America? Personally, I've heard enough.

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