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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I want to get back to the Marvin everyone loves to hate by asking a question.


Why is it ok for people who don't like Sarah Palin to wear shirts calling her the C-word which is a derogatory word towards women? If someone who didn't like Obama wore a shirt calling Obama a ..heh heh.."Teddy Bear", I think they'd probably be arrested and charged with a racial hate crime if they weren't mauled and left for dead by the crowd first.


Why the double standard?


Just say cunt, Marvin.


It's probably such a miniscule number of people (really really tiny) that it goes under the LIBERAL MEDIA radar. Most people have a sense of decency about them and wouldn't wear a shirt like that, just as I expect most people to not tell black employees to, quote, "sit down, boy." But, in both cases, it happens. However, the number of times that people get, I think you will agree on this, out of hand at the McCain rallies and forums (Palin holds quite a bit of responsibility in this matter.) makes it much different than a couple of people wearing shirts to stoke the coals.


If Teddy Bear is supposed to mean nigger, then that's kind of a different question all together. Cunt and nigger carry two very different connotations, don't they? You'd get two different reactions if you wore a shirt that said cunt versus a shirt that said nigger.


However, no one is praising the people wearing the shirts, and just thinking that someone would be mauled for wearing a shirt that calls Obama a nigger isn't a legitimate premise, so your whole argument is invalid.

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Looking at Pollster today, things just keep getting worse for McCain. Wisconsin and Minnesota should be turning towards Obama soon, while Colorado(!) and Michigan already have solidly gone away from him. Looking at the contested states, I'm just amazed: Of all people, a black man from a multiracial couple looks poised to crack the "Solid South". This is history, people.

Colorado and Michigan are south? Minnesota? If you're from Canada, I guess so.


Colorado especially shouldn't be too huge a surprise. Part of the reason of having the convention there AND the general public come to Mile High was that it would turn into a giant on-foot army of door to door.


Well, I was referencing North Carolina, Virginia, and now apparently there are gains in Georgia.


Edit: Okay, in looking for the Palin/ASP speech, I found a surreal Larry King Panel on the election which has Charles Barkley and Ben Stein sitting next to each other. Huh?

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I want to get back to the Marvin everyone loves to hate by asking a question.


Why is it ok for people who don't like Sarah Palin to wear shirts calling her the C-word which is a derogatory word towards women? If someone who didn't like Obama wore a shirt calling Obama a ..heh heh.."Teddy Bear", I think they'd probably be arrested and charged with a racial hate crime if they weren't mauled and left for dead by the crowd first.


Why the double standard?


Just say cunt, Marvin.


It's probably such a miniscule number of people (really really tiny) that it goes under the LIBERAL MEDIA radar. Most people have a sense of decency about them and wouldn't wear a shirt like that, just as I expect most people to not tell black employees to, quote, "sit down, boy." But, in both cases, it happens. However, the number of times that people get, I think you will agree on this, out of hand at the McCain rallies and forums (Palin holds quite a bit of responsibility in this matter.) makes it much different than a couple of people wearing shirts to stoke the coals.


If Teddy Bear is supposed to mean nigger, then that's kind of a different question all together. Cunt and nigger carry two very different connotations, don't they? You'd get two different reactions if you wore a shirt that said cunt versus a shirt that said nigger.


However, no one is praising the people wearing the shirts, and just thinking that someone would be mauled for wearing a shirt that calls Obama a nigger isn't a legitimate premise, so your whole argument is invalid.


That's one explanation. Another is that casual sexism/misogyny is simply way more acceptable in polite society than racism, and it has nothing to do with party affiliation or political ideology. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

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This was local news yesterday as it was the last day to register to vote in Maryland.


Yes folks, Tuesday inmates at the Worcester County Detention Center, Somerset County Detention Center, and Wicomico County Center were provided absentee ballots, voter registration forms and address change forms courtesy of the Maryland ACLU, and the Worcester County Chapter of the NAACP.


Apparently, criminals are disenfranchised and are not aware of their legal voting rights.


Criminals cannot be currently serving time or on parole if they would like to vote. But many of the folks who were registered today have not yet been convicted.


Accordingly, some crimes require a three year wait to vote, while others still prevent voting ever again.


It used to be up to the Criminal to find these things out, as being such good citizens I am sure that was foremost in their mind in their re-entry to society and wanting to be a good citizens. Now, thanks to the NAACP and the ACLU they no longer have to worry about that, as these organizations will be right there and register Americas finest.


Thats swell. Criminals for OBAMA!

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This was local news yesterday as it was the last day to register to vote in Maryland.


Yes folks, Tuesday inmates at the Worcester County Detention Center, Somerset County Detention Center, and Wicomico County Center were provided absentee ballots, voter registration forms and address change forms courtesy of the Maryland ACLU, and the Worcester County Chapter of the NAACP.


Apparently, criminals are disenfranchised and are not aware of their legal voting rights.


Criminals cannot be currently serving time or on parole if they would like to vote. But many of the folks who were registered today have not yet been convicted.


Accordingly, some crimes require a three year wait to vote, while others still prevent voting ever again.


It used to be up to the Criminal to find these things out, as being such good citizens I am sure that was foremost in their mind in their re-entry to society and wanting to be a good citizens. Now, thanks to the NAACP and the ACLU they no longer have to worry about that, as these organizations will be right there and register Americas finest.


Thats swell. Criminals for OBAMA!


It wouldn't be a day in the CE folder without Marvin pulling out an unsourced claim. I sourced it to the Pocomoke Tattler, truly a bastion of investigative journalism.


So let me get this straight. You're angered because former criminals who are not


- Currently in prison

- Currently on parole

- And not under the three-year wait for certain crimes


can vote? And that those who aren't convicted of anything are still allowed to vote? So, to quote another ACLU lawyer you want to say "Welcome back, pay taxes, don't vote." Sounds like a sound way of reintegrating people into society.


My God, former felons (Edit: Upon further reading, it doesn't seem as though there are restriction to just felons, either) and felons who have yet to be convicted can vote! God help us all!

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In non-Marvin/relevant news, John McCain has vowed to bring up Ayers at the final debate.


Now, is this a good idea, or is this going to be his last mistake? I mean, I don't think Obama is at all afraid to discuss the topic, and the voters have yet to react well to negative attacks this late in the game. A readied Obama getting this question, to me, could finally cut this discussion off right on national television. That seems like a very bad thing for McCain, who can't seem to get anything working for him. Cutting off this avenue might make things academic.

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I sourced it to the Pocomoke Tattler, truly a bastion of investigative journalism.


Okay, he's just spamming now.

Oh, come now. If a picture of Boss Hog in your blog banner doesn't reassure you of top-notch journalistic integrity, what will? Damn elitists...

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I want to get back to the Marvin everyone loves to hate by asking a question.


Why is it ok for people who don't like Sarah Palin to wear shirts calling her the C-word which is a derogatory word towards women? If someone who didn't like Obama wore a shirt calling Obama a ..heh heh.."Teddy Bear", I think they'd probably be arrested and charged with a racial hate crime if they weren't mauled and left for dead by the crowd first.


Why the double standard?


Just say cunt, Marvin.


It's probably such a miniscule number of people (really really tiny) that it goes under the LIBERAL MEDIA radar. Most people have a sense of decency about them and wouldn't wear a shirt like that, just as I expect most people to not tell black employees to, quote, "sit down, boy." But, in both cases, it happens. However, the number of times that people get, I think you will agree on this, out of hand at the McCain rallies and forums (Palin holds quite a bit of responsibility in this matter.) makes it much different than a couple of people wearing shirts to stoke the coals.


If Teddy Bear is supposed to mean nigger, then that's kind of a different question all together. Cunt and nigger carry two very different connotations, don't they? You'd get two different reactions if you wore a shirt that said cunt versus a shirt that said nigger.


However, no one is praising the people wearing the shirts, and just thinking that someone would be mauled for wearing a shirt that calls Obama a nigger isn't a legitimate premise, so your whole argument is invalid.


That's one explanation. Another is that casual sexism/misogyny is simply way more acceptable in polite society than racism, and it has nothing to do with party affiliation or political ideology. Just ask Hillary Clinton.


Yeah, she ran one of the worst campaigns in history so, therefore, the media/country had to be sexist. It's amazing how saying something a lot of times can make it true in so many minds.

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In non-Marvin/relevant news, John McCain has vowed to bring up Ayers at the final debate.


Now, is this a good idea, or is this going to be his last mistake? I mean, I don't think Obama is at all afraid to discuss the topic, and the voters have yet to react well to negative attacks this late in the game. A readied Obama getting this question, to me, could finally cut this discussion off right on national television. That seems like a very bad thing for McCain, who can't seem to get anything working for him. Cutting off this avenue might make things academic.


Bad move.

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Anyone notice how careful the McCain campaign (and the Liberal Media) are to not refer to Ayers as a Vietnam War protestor?

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this debate is on the economy...


McCain vows to bring up Ayers...




That's gonna be a hell of a segue. Not only is he vowing to go negative...he's vowing to go offtopic...

Well, everyone knows at this point that the economy is McCain's weak point, so it's not suprising. I have a feeling that it's going to backfire too.

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Yeah, she ran one of the worst campaigns in history so, therefore, the media/country had to be sexist. It's amazing how saying something a lot of times can make it true in so many minds.


Whoa, go back for a second. Running on the idea that you've already won the Presidency is a bad campaign move?


*Mind is Blown*

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Isn't that what his whole campaign has been about?

About what? Backfiring?


Going off topic.


"Oh, shit, nice speech there from Obama at the DNC..... HAY EVERYBODY SAY HELLO TO SARAH PALIN"

"Oh, shit, the economy's going in the shitter... HAY EVERYBODY SAY HELLO TO BILL AYERS"


And, I guess, yeah, backfiring.

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I was just watching MSNBC and a guy called in who just named his new born daughter 'Sarah McCain Palin.' Man I feel bad for that little girl.


I'd feel worse for that girl if her dad named her Joe Obama Biden.


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I sourced it to the Pocomoke Tattler, truly a bastion of investigative journalism.


Okay, he's just spamming now.


The Article I posted was from a right leaning blog (not the one linked to buy Nightwing) but the information about the ACLU/NAACP registering voters was garnered from the Daily Times, the major Newspaper on the Lower Eastern Shore.


And my point behind the matter is that the ACLU/NAACP doesn't give a rats ass about their rights to be able to register to vote, because if they thought for half a second that the majority of the people being detained at the detention centers would be voting Republican they wouldn't even bother, especially in this area where the Democrats are doing everything they can to win a house seat away from the Republicans who have held the seat for almost the last 20 years.



Oh, come now. If a picture of Boss Hog in your blog banner doesn't reassure you of top-notch journalistic integrity, what will? Damn elitists...

I believe the City Manager of Pocomoke is refered to as Boss Hogg for all the corruption and scandal they've been involved in.

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I was just watching MSNBC and a guy called in who just named his new born daughter 'Sarah McCain Palin.' Man I feel bad for that little girl.


I'd feel worse for that girl if her dad named her Joe Obama Biden.


"We'll call him Joe-Bama."

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I was just watching MSNBC and a guy called in who just named his new born daughter 'Sarah McCain Palin.' Man I feel bad for that little girl.


I'd feel worse for that girl if her dad named her Joe Obama Biden.


Mostly because I'd hate to be a girl named Joe.

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Oh my god I cant believe Im defending Obama's tax plan..


On College:


Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.

Yeah, if you're willing to do 100 hours of community service, community college is "free." That's not exactly a giveaway.

On Mortgages


Create a Universal Mortgage Credit: Obama and Biden will create a 10 percent universal mortgage credit to provide homeowners who do not itemize tax relief. This credit will provide an average of $500 to 10 million homeowners, the majority of whom earn less than $50,000 per year.


Less than $50k a year is almost bottom 40%.



But if you make less than $50k a year you probably can't afford a house in the first place. "Tax credit to homeowners who own $50,000 a year" doesn't mean much when few people under $50,000 a year are buying a fucking house in a state like California, or even here where people who live in glorified sheds in California can come over and buy a McMansion.

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Oh my god I cant believe Im defending Obama's tax plan..


On College:


Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.

Yeah, if you're willing to do 100 hours of community service, community college is "free." That's not exactly a giveaway.



Lets see...100 hours of community service or years and years of being saddled with debt to pay for college, or even not going to college at all? That is such a tough choice. I think more people in this country should be willing to do Community Service with the only benefit being that you feel good about doing something for someone other than yourself. If that option is on the table..you'd be a fool to turn it down just because of the slight inconvenience of having to do 100 hours of community service. Thats about 8 hours a month for a year, 2 hours a weekend. This is a view into the problem with this country that a good majority of people aren't even willing to help others when the longer term benefit would be bettering themselves through a college education, let alone doing it for sole purpose of helping others.



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Oh my god I cant believe Im defending Obama's tax plan..


On College:


Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.

Yeah, if you're willing to do 100 hours of community service, community college is "free." That's not exactly a giveaway.



Lets see...100 hours of community service or years and years of being saddled with debt to pay for college, or even not going to college at all? That is such a tough choice. I think more people in this country should be willing to do Community Service with the only benefit being that you feel good about doing something for someone other than yourself. If that option is on the table..you'd be a fool to turn it down just because of the slight inconvenience of having to do 100 hours of community service. Thats about 8 hours a month for a year, 2 hours a weekend. This is a view into the problem with this country that a good majority of people aren't even willing to help others when the longer term benefit would be bettering themselves through a college education, let alone doing it for sole purpose of helping others.


Community college is a 2 year AA program, and is shitty.


Remember that time when you got $500 or whatever and then pocketed it because you couldn't find a charitable organization that you felt would utilize your dollar to the max? (see: bullshit) Yeah. Fuck you. Don't give me any of that community service shit when you can't walk the walk.

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