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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Obama is coming here to the Arena on Monday. I wonder if the rally will be free cause I really want to go.


It'll probably be free. You might have to pick up a ticket or something, though. Hillary's going to be there too, right?

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Obama and McCain did some comedy schticks at a roast last night, and they were both hilarious. Maybe you all should watch them and lighten up, I don't know.

McCain's cracked me up. Say what you will about him, but when he's funny, he's pretty damn funnny.

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But for all of the McCain campaign’s manufactured fury about vote theft (and similar claims from the Republican Party over the years) there is virtually no evidence — anywhere in the country, going back many elections — of people showing up at the polls and voting when they are not entitled to.

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I don't know if anyone else saw this on Hardball tonight or not but Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann from Minnesota was on. She threw out the standard GOP line of questioning Obama's patriotism etc. etc. However what really was shocking is that she suggested that there should be an 'in depth media investigation' into liberal members of congress to see if they are anti-Americans and un-patriotic. To me that is just insane for a congresswoman to suggest just because you are liberal leaning it means that you are un-American. If anyone wants to check the video out themselves the link is here.

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Is it really all that surprising? It's the same kind of shit the right has been pushing for decades.

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It's not too surprising to me to hear it from a righty but to go on national television 2 1/2 weeks before an election and say it is a little much for me. To call out your fellow congressmen/women like that is just out there. I guess no matter how hard I try to understand these lunatic right wingers I never will.

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Im happy to know that Michelle Obama has a taste for Iranian Caviar. I guess we don't have to worry about going to war with Iran or even Russia now. That takes a load off my shoulders not having to worry about going to war with them.





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It's not too surprising to me to hear it from a righty but to go on national television 2 1/2 weeks before an election and say it is a little much for me. To call out your fellow congressmen/women like that is just out there. I guess no matter how hard I try to understand these lunatic right wingers I never will.


I'd say that it's much less surprising 2 1/2 weeks from the election. It's a smear campaign. Obama's voter drives and registrations have changed the electoral map; he's up by a projected 190 electoral votes. That's a landslide if there ever was one. But that also means that a lot of Republican senatorial and congressional seats are at stake; they, naturally, want to protect their territory.

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FDR was directly responsible for the Depression lasting longer in the United States than any other country in the world. While the rest of the world was out of the Depression, we were still stuck in it and it took entering WWII to finally get out of it.


But hey, don't take my word for it!


"President Roosevelt believed that excessive competition was responsible for the Depression by reducing prices and wages, and by extension reducing employment and demand for goods and services," said Cole, also a UCLA professor of economics. "So he came up with a recovery package that would be unimaginable today, allowing businesses in every industry to collude without the threat of antitrust prosecution and workers to demand salaries about 25 percent above where they ought to have been, given market forces. The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these misguided policies."




I like the last paragraph:


"The fact that the Depression dragged on for years convinced generations of economists and policy-makers that capitalism could not be trusted to recover from depressions and that significant government intervention was required to achieve good outcomes," Cole said. "Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened."



This article presents speculation as fact, since there's no way to test their hypothesis.


The argument that people couldn't afford goods because wages were too high is preposterous and self-disproving.


While unemployment remained high, America was back up to pre-Depression levels of productivity by 1937. Many New Deal programs were repealed, and things got worse, not better.


So why did WW2 end the Depression once and for all? Full employment caused by government spending for the war. So, ultimately, it was government action that ended the Depression, not markets acting on their own.

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But for all of the McCain campaign’s manufactured fury about vote theft (and similar claims from the Republican Party over the years) there is virtually no evidence — anywhere in the country, going back many elections — of people showing up at the polls and voting when they are not entitled to.


Does that also mean we can finally drop the "Nixon really won in 1960" nonsense that the Republicans have been reciting for almost a half-century?



(Yeah, I didn't think so.)

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Im happy to know that Michelle Obama has a taste for Iranian Caviar. I guess we don't have to worry about going to war with Iran or even Russia now. That takes a load off my shoulders not having to worry about going to war with them.


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Can it be much worse then the Conservative SuperMajority that ran this country after 2000?


The reality is the only reason this so-called "liberal" supermajority has a chance of happening is because of the shitty job the conservative super majority did while holding control of all branches of government.


If the last two years are a referendum on the Democrats, then it is merely becaue of their inability to make any in-roads to change any type of direction the Conservative Super Majority had set in motion for the previous six years. They buckled on issue, after issue, which they should be rightly blamed for, but it's not like they put all these "evil" policies into place in the last two years.


It's not like the Dems winning big in 2006 suddenly turned a fruitful 2000-2006 into a nightmare, it is the fact that they could do little to stop the ball(s) that had already been set in motion.

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I can only hope that by 2010 people are fed up enough with it to at least take away their majority in the Senate.


I'll do everything I can to help since Maryland can vote out (ha, yeah right) Barbara Mikulski in 2 years.



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I can only hope that by 2010 people are fed up enough with it to at least take away their majority in the Senate.


Isn't one science-fiction fantasy about the year 2010 enough?

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The New Republic had a pretty hilarious article on Palin recently. The gist of the article is that a great deal of her political career has been based on resentments toward people who are more intelligent than she is. One of the anecdotes I found most astounding was that one of her attacks on a (male) political opponent in Alaska had to do with the fact that his wife kept her maiden name when they married. She demanded that he produce the marriage license and the whole nine.


Here's the article:




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Wow. This actually hurt my feelings. It confims all too much of what I have always suspected about "Conservatives". I'm almost sorry to be right in my opinion about them.


Maybe I'm over reacting but that sucked to watch.


stuff like that is fairly common at various McCain/Palin rallies:

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