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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Seems like they're close to calling Indiana for Obama. Bad news for McCain.


Good news for Obama in Indiana since none of the Dem counties haven't even reported yet


Look at some of the 2004 red counties


Steuben: Kerry 34%, Obama 42%

DeKalb: Kerry 31%, Obama 38%

Knox: Kerry 36%, Obama 54%

Marshall: Kerry 31%, Obama 50%


from 538.com

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Went to the voting station at about 10:30 here in suburban Bmore. I was in and out in less than 15 minutes.


I voted for Obama. This is the 3rd time I've voted in a presidential election, but it's the first time I have voted FOR a candidate instead of against one. It's a damn good feeling.

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haha holograms!!!


mccains slightly ahead in Indiana at the moment but its only 1%. i'm actually expecting mccain to win Indy.


538 still had it leaning McCain in their final projection.


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Went to the voting station at about 10:30 here in suburban Bmore. I was in and out in less than 15 minutes.


I voted for Obama. This is the 3rd time I've voted in a presidential election, but it's the first time I have voted FOR a candidate instead of against one. It's a damn good feeling.


I had pretty much the exact same situation. It did feel pretty darn cool.

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Hawaii's AOC is 13, I believe, but they can only have sex with someone within 5 years of their own age.


It's 16, but 14-15 is allowed with the 5-year rule. Same goes with Iowa, Maine, Jersey and Pennsylvania, although Jersey allows 13 year olds with consent.


But trust me, I wouldn't flinch at your reply, either. These AOC rules are routinely broken around our city, and it's socially acceptable.



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CNNs making me start to believe that Obama's going to turn Indiana. The major democratic strongholds haven't been counted yet, and he's running close right now anyway. He's way outperforming what Kerry did in the sections that have been counted.

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South Carolina is already the nation's child predator paradise. It makes me feel good to know that if I'm looking for cheap gas or legal pubescent girls, I needn't look far.

Actually, it's a federal crime to cross state lines in order to have sex with a minor via exploiting the differences in states' AOC laws. Yes, I know it's mean to spoil the joke with obscure facts, I am sorry.


This amendment deletes the section of the Constitution which says an unmarried woman must be fourteen years old or older in order to consent to sexual intercourse. Deleting this section would allow the state Legislature to set the age of consent. Currently, the state legislature has the age of consent set at sixteen for most cases. A "yes" vote would delete the section from the Constitution and let the state Legislature set the age of consent. A "no" vote would leave the section of the Constitution in place.


I would legitimately love to hear the serious legal argument for why 16 is too old, and why lawmakers in this state feel that 14 is a more appropriate age for hot lovin' relations.


'Help me Wolf Blitzer, you're my only hope.'

Goddamn it, I was about to post that. I concede the hologram joke to you treble.

Considering that the first chick they hologrammed already made the Princess Leia reference, we all got scooped.

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Guest Vitamin X
CNNs making me start to believe that Obama's going to turn Indiana. The major democratic strongholds haven't been counted yet, and he's running close right now anyway. He's way outperforming what Kerry did in the sections that have been counted.


That's funny because their website is showing McCain's lead getting bigger right now.

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South Carolina is already the nation's child predator paradise. It makes me feel good to know that if I'm looking for cheap gas or legal pubescent girls, I needn't look far.

Actually, it's a federal crime to cross state lines in order to have sex with a minor via exploiting the differences in states' AOC laws. Yes, I know it's mean to spoil the joke with obscure facts, I am sorry.


Listen, that's for the courts to decide. If I'm doing it right, she won't remember anything anyway.

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Yah it depends on which counties are reporting in. In the span of a minute, Florida just titled to a big Obama lead. It will probably tilt back to a closer race as more counties come in.


Watching results as they come in is fun but I dont take any of them seriously until called, because most states have a few counties wiht LOTS of population and they take longer to count.

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Mark my words... the causes that the liberal left has been fighting for over the last eight years will simply be forgotten just like conservatives were put to sleep when Bush came to power. Obama will ride into office with a gigantic approval rating to rival that of Bush after 9/11, along with a complete power monopoly over the executive, the legislative, the judicial as well as widespread media support.


Were probably gonna bomb Pakistan for no fucking reasonLINK, under the guise of pursuing terrorism.


Coal power plants will be bankrupted... LINK costing millions of Americans their jobs and skyrocketing energy prices.


Taxpayer money going to wall street, inflation rises like a motherfucker, and the dollar goes further down the toilet.


Don't forget for a guy that acts like he cares about environmentalism with climate change rhetoric, but has the intention to extend biofuel subsidiesLINK, which will only accelerate price food costs that have already risen 75 per cent since 2002LINK, causing economic distress and rioting in such countries as Haiti, Egypt, and Somalia, as well as deforestation on a massive scale.


Plus the whole noble creation of a "civilian national security force" LINK that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military to enforce Obama’s carbon tax scheme LINK. Hello, total regulation and control of the American middle class.


Listen, there's not going to be a repeal of The Patriot Act, John Warner Defense Authorization Act, or for the warrant-less secret surveillance of American citizens. Democratic control of Congress and the Senate since the 2006 elections has achieved nothing in the way of reversing the Bush administration’s assaults on the Constitution, so why should people expect Obama to do anything different?


Obama may eventually withdraw a portion of troops from Iraq but mark our words, they won’t be home long before they are sent off to bomb another broken-backed third world country, this time in the name of a United Nations-backed “humanitarian” war, just as Bill Clinton presided over in Somalia and Serbia with the full support of the establishment political left. Fuck, Joe Biden dropped it and people thought it was just something taken out of context... they're so arrogant that they happen to be letting you know what's planned ahead, because nobody is going to bat an eye at that statement. We're AMERICA, FUCK YEAH~! Just try fucking with us, punks!


McCain wouldn't be an improvement either... he'd just be more of a lame duck since he wouldn't have the free reign Obama is going to have for a while.


People need to stop falling for the same bait and switch every eight years.


When George W. Bush was elected, conservatives were elated, confident that after eight years of federal government expansion under Clinton, Bush - complete with slick conservative rhetoric and promises of change - would shrink the size of government and restore dignity to the office of President. Nearly eight years later and what has exactly happened? A record expansion in the size of government and an almost universal contempt for America around the world.


Just look at our friends across the pond over in England. In '97, most of the people were excited for Tony Blair... and well look how badly he left things.


Fuck the two party system and this is why I don't vote.


It doesn't mean anything. Even the voted outcome gets overturned at times, so it doesn't matter. Just like the illegal immigration deal back in California when I was a little kid, and just like if Prop 8 passes, it'll just be overturned in 6 months or a year.

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You could have saved alot of time if you had just posted "I think Obama sucks"


And you know why your scenario is a bit far fetched? He'd probably like to be able to be re-elected in 4 years.

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