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Box Office Report 7/29-7/31...

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1 2 Wedding Crashers NL $20,475,000 -20.2% 3,030 +105 $6,757 $116,074,000 $40 3


2 1 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory WB $16,385,000 -42.0% 3,775 -15 $4,340 $148,096,000 $150 3


3 N Sky High BV $14,590,000 - 2,905 - $5,022 $14,590,000 - 1


4 N Stealth Sony $13,500,000 - 3,495 - $3,862 $13,500,000 $100 1


5 N Must Love Dogs WB $13,050,000 - 2,505 +1,705 $5,209 $13,050,000 $30 1


6 3 Fantastic Four Fox $6,800,000 -46.2% 2,744 -705 $2,478 $136,145,000 $100 4


7 4 The Island DW $5,600,000 -54.9% 3,138 +16 $1,784 $23,956,000 $122 2


8 6 War of the Worlds Par. $5,435,000 -39.1% 2,324 -941 $2,338 $218,332,000 $132 5


9 5 Bad News Bears Par. $5,425,000 -52.3% 3,183 - $1,704 $22,457,000 $35 2


10 10 March of the Penguins WIP $4,131,000 -5.7% 778 +83 $5,309 $16,431,000 - 6

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Good to see "March of the Penguins" still in the top 10. I'm also suprised to see "Sky High" in the top 5.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Sky High didn't bomb, Which surprises me some. And march of the penguins in the top 10. Wow!

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and in other news Episode III has taken it's final spot at #7 of the all time box office just passing Return of the King by less than $100,000. It won't be getting any higher than that as Spider-Man 2 is at #6 and is about $26 million above it

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Boy Jamie Foxx is following Halle Berry's career in chosing movie roles after winning an Oscar.

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Yeah I was about to say Stealth was probably filmed before Ray was getting the mega hype and he won the Oscar. It's a movie starring Josh Lucas for god's sake.


Wedding Crashers is certainly drawing the money. If you put out a decent rated R movie, people will come.

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Sky High didn't bomb, Which surprises me some.  And march of the penguins in the top 10.  Wow!


Who are these penguins? What have they been in that everyone's so interested in them all of a sudden?

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Does anyone else wonder why studios spend 100 million on movies that don't really HAVE anybody? Stealth with Josh Lucas and Jessica Biel (Foxx relegated to the background)...is anyone going to rush to the box office there? Even if Foxx was starring, is there much evidence he can carry a 100 million production?


Same thing with The Island. Ewen McGregor and Scarlett Johansson have some fans, but are they really people who will bring success to a 100 million $ production when they are featured? And yes I know Ewen was in the SW prequels, but he's never drawn a dime outside of those.

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In the case of McGregor, I think they were hoping the goodwll he had built up with the audience for being the best thing about the prequels that people would want to see him in other things. It really doesn't help that both "Moulin Rouge" and "Down with Love" sucked ass, however.


I'll keep my thoughts on Johansson's limited public exposure to myself this week.


The casting of Beil in "Stealth" is particularly bizarre, since I'm not sure how a 22 year old former child-star is supposed to convince people she's a fairly high ranking US Navy test pilot.

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Does anyone else wonder why studios spend 100 million on movies that don't really HAVE anybody?  Stealth with Josh Lucas and Jessica Biel (Foxx relegated to the background)...is anyone going to rush to the box office there?  Even if Foxx was starring, is there much evidence he can carry a 100 million production?


Same thing with The Island.  Ewen McGregor and Scarlett Johansson have some fans, but are they really people who will bring success to a 100 million $ production when they are featured?  And yes I know Ewen was in the SW prequels, but he's never drawn a dime outside of those.


Stealth is that kind of movie that a studio spends years developing it, and then refuses to cut its losses when no one will touch it. It's probably that kind of production that's made with foreign money through tax shelters that, even if it bombs, winds up not hurting the studio a bit.


As for McGregor, The Island is an example of what Hollywood has been doing for years with Matthew McConaughey. Studios just hope they'll create a star, although they rarely do.

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I saw Bad News Bears...with my mom.


Odd choice, but individually/with others we had seen everything else out except The Island, and I fucking hate Scarlet Jo-man-son. Plus, it looked like shit.


I expected BNB to be too kid-friendly. This became worse during the terrible kid-oriented previews, including "Barnyard".


But that went away easy with the KIDS, not Billy Bob, being very vile and rude. Nothing beats "Cocaine" at the Hooters.


It wasn't LOL funny, but had its moments. Love baseball, so I liked it.

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It really doesn't help  that both "Moulin Rouge" and "Down with Love" sucked ass, however.


Moulin Rouge was one of the best movies you have ever seen. Yes, I am telling you your opinon, as the one you have right now is just plain wrong.

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I was gonna say, didn't that movie even get nominated for Best Picture?


also, I liked Down With Love, it was kinda weird, but unique...Big Fish is probably the best Ewan McGregor movie at this point...

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In the case of McGregor, I think they were hoping the goodwll he had built up with the audience for being the best thing about the prequels that people would want to see him in other things.  It really doesn't help  that both "Moulin Rouge" and "Down with Love" sucked ass, however.


Down with Love is awesome. I mean the whole movie is just fun to watch and come on- it has a cameo from Tony Randall!


Except for the ending, which is a tad convoluted, it's a really funny movie.

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I was gonna say, didn't that movie even get nominated for Best Picture?


also, I liked Down With Love, it was kinda weird, but unique...Big Fish is probably the best Ewan McGregor movie at this point...


Yes it was nominated for-


Best Actress in a Leading Role

Nicole Kidman



Best Cinematography


Best Editing


Best Makeup


Best Sound


and won Best Art Direction and Set Design.

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Not sure what the expectations are/were, but with the Bad News Bears almost out of the top 10 after only a little over a week out in theatres, isn't that considered a pretty strong dissapointment? I saw it yesterday and there was a lot of people in the theatre - surprised to see it so down the second week of release.


For what its worth, it was much funnier than expected. Unintentional humor was the multitude of parents bringing their 4-5-6 year olds to this when they should have known there was going to be some language and such. Some stupid mother in front of me was throwing fits because of the swearing.

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Bad news bears is a family movie with a campain that makes parents not want to take their kids. The "you end up in prison" joke makes it sound like Billy Bob is cursing. What parent is going to take their child to that?


I blame the marketing campain. The movie, as it is being marketed is more for teenagers and most of them will head to the R-rated films than a obvious family picture.

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Bad news bears is a family movie with a campain that makes parents not want to take their kids.  The "you end up in prison" joke makes it sound like Billy Bob is cursing.  What parent is going to take their child to that? 


I blame the marketing campain.  The movie, as it is being marketed is more for teenagers and most of them will head to the R-rated films than a obvious family picture.


I dont think its a family movie for young kids though, 4 or 5 year olds probably shouldnt be hearing s-bombs left and right. There is alot of language here for a PG-13 movie IMO - probably because there isnt anything else of a suggestive nature BUT that.

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It's not a family movie though. I mean it's really raunchy and the whole movie is nothing but kids cursing.


I think the problem is that a lot of people just didn't want to see Billy Bob do Bad Santa again.


I thought the movie was hilarious though.

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It's not out of Michael Bays playbook to case a low-end "name" that has some acting chops and put him in a big budget, gimmicky, movie. He did it with Nicholas Cage in "The Rock" (after Leaving Las Vegas) and (somewhat) to Will Smith (who got good reaction from 6 Degrees) in Bad Boys. However, with The Island, he didn't make it a buddy picture, which deviated from his formula. Had he made Ewen McGregor team up with, say, Dave Chappelle, then there would have been a larger audience.

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Yeah I know but The Rock had Connery in theory to pull in the masses and it at least had a marketable hook. A trailer should always show who is in the movie, and what the movie is about. The Island really didn't do either terrilby well.


I enjoyed Down With Love reasonably well until the bizarre ending. It requires a working knowledge of the old Day/Hudson movies to really get though. Moulin Rouge however is one of those movies I just don't get. It's not that Kidman and McGregor weren't good in it, but people busting out Teen Spirit in 1900 Paris? I know it's meant to be anachronistic...doesn't mean I have to like it.

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The casting of Beil in "Stealth" is particularly bizarre, since I'm not sure how a 22 year old former child-star is supposed to convince people she's a fairly high ranking US Navy test pilot.

She looked good in a bikini.

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I was gonna say, didn't that movie even get nominated for Best Picture?


also, I liked Down With Love, it was kinda weird, but unique...Big Fish is probably the best Ewan McGregor movie at this point...


Big Fish was a really enjoyable movie, but the best McGregor movie is "Shallow Grave", followed by "Trainspotting".


I thought I'd throw that in, since we are giving each other opinions and all.

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