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The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

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Guest JMA
So does anyone think Edge will get cheers at Summerslam?


Yes, The internet, Matt's playground turned on him. The more fickle fans will as well.


Especially when Matt looks like a whiny pussy and Edge stands firm and convicted in his beliefs. ..and still has the girl.

It ain't gonna happen. Edge is being portrayed as the heel and the majority of fans will give him heat. Matt getting any large heel heat is just plain unrealistic.


Of course. crowds never turn on the faces. NEVER.


Except for 50 minutes ago...never.

It isn't that common. And I doubt it will happen at SummerSlam. The fans were booing the hell out of Edge during his promo (which is good, since he's the heel). But we'll see for sure what happens at SummerSlam. If he is booed, I'll admit that I was wrong.


And no one turned fifty minutes ago. Not Hogan or Eugene. Hogan wouldn't have been booked to save Eugene if WWE wanted him to be the heel.


the CROWD turned on Eugene. Before Angle even came out.


Crowds turning on faces is more common then you would think.


Hell, it happened to Edge last summerslam...In his hometown to boot

Oh, you were talking about THIS crowd. I was talking about in general. Nevermind then.

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Huh...Heart Throbs win.


This night gets weirder and weirder.

This night is







Not until Bruno Sammartino comes out an wins the WWE Title.


...you know, that would have been an AWESOME bait and switch for the Eugene Invitational...ANgle thinks he's getting the match, and Bruno comes out.

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All those midcard matches in the beginning...


But look at the 2nd hour..


Jericho's Hilate Reel

Diva Contest

& Hogan-Shawn face to Face....


Any matches there? Dont think so

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Guest JMA
It's sad.


The best wrestler in the ring is Victoria.


Yes. Victoria.


Hurricane's not bad at all. Have you seen ANY of his WCW work?


I was actually making a shot at how diluted Hurricane has become.

He needs to become an evil Scientologist, with Stacy playing his deluded girlfriend. He could even keep the green hair for that...

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I really miss Bischoff as a tweener. It was so much better than him being yet another heel general manager.

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Guest *KNK*

Shouldn't Jericho promote his NEWEST CD?


Oh well. TKAS is my favorite Fozzy song

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I kind of am liking this segment, well up until Bischoff calls an official? Fuckin lame

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Man they are wasting alot of time tonite doing shit that adds nothing to a lead-in to SummerSlam at all. This is pointless

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Who sells a slap from a man?


Besides, you know, Jericho (who was koed by one from Cena. Pussy).


Couldn't Bisch at least bust out the Housewife-fu?

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Guest JMA

Danny Davis would've did the job right. Or even Earl Hebner...



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*marks out for Chad Patton*

Any relations to Mike Patton?

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Guest *KNK*

What a way to make Jericho look like a threat.


pick at a referee's ears while Eric Bischoff slaps him

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