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Kenta Kobashi v Samoa Joe is on

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Kenta Kobashi's Opponents Are....




NOAH, World League Wrestling and Ring Of Honor will present former GHC and Triple Crown Champion Kenta Kobashi on the East coast for the first time ever on October 1st and 2nd. This will be a historic weekend and ROH is pulling out all the stops to make these can't miss shows. Ever since Kobashi was announced for these events the fans have been buzzing as to who Kobashi's opponents will be. Now you have your answers!!!


On October 1st ROH will be at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan just one block from Madison Square Garden. The main event will be the match the fans have asked for as Kenta Kobashi will take on Samoa Joe!!!


October 2nd has ROH returning home to Philadelphia at the National Guard Armory. The main event will be a one of a kind dream tag team match as Kenta Kobashi & Homicide battle Samoa Joe & Low Ki!!! We'll have much more on why this match is happening in the upcoming weeks. ROH wants to give you the best possible match and we believe that this is the best match we can deliver.


Straight from ROHwrestling.com

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The Kobashi-Joe match should kick ass. I wonder how big Kobashi is in comparison to Joe and if that illusion will help or hurt either man.



Unless some developments have happened recently in ROH, the tag match doesn't make sense. Joe and Ki have been feuding through the Rottweilers v. Lethal/Joe program. Ki and Homicide are fellow Rottweilers, so them being on opposite teams is kind of odd. However, this isn't out of character for ROH to put guys in dream tag matches to team up that are feuding. (see Liger/Joe v. Ki/Dragon) This dream tag could also set up a Homicide face turn after the recent reactions he's been getting.

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Although that sounds like a great match, it doesn't make too much sense. Joe and Ki, sworn enemies for the past couple of years, on the same team? Ki against Homicide when they're firmly aligned in RoH? Oh well, I'll trust in Gabe to supply the reasoning.

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Guest *KNK*

Kobashi Vs Samoa Joe was a complete given and I'm eagerly waiting to get my hands on that DVD.


The second match is rather interesting/disapointing.


Homicide and Low Ki are great workers, there's no denying this. ROH kept to the Liger formula and that was to be expected.


It's understandable that they would use those three men with this epic visit here but It would have been nice to see a change of pace and done


Joe/Kobashi-Night One

Kobashi/Aries Vs Strong/Danielson


However, I won't complain at all about these matches. They should be fantastic.

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If playing fantasy booker, I would have gone with Joe-Kobashi and then have a mutual respect thing and Joe/Kobashi vs Aries/Strong the next night. If they could get Japan to let Strong pin Kobashi then what a star Roddy would become.

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Guest *KNK*
If playing fantasy booker, I would have gone with Joe-Kobashi and then have a mutual respect thing and Joe/Kobashi vs Aries/Strong the next night. If they could get Japan to let Strong pin Kobashi then what a star Roddy would become.


Low Ki could go over Kobashi...but does Low Ki really need the *rub*? I don't think so.


There were alot of talks that political junk would get in the way of setting Joe V. Kobashi up but thankfully Gabe and ROH fought through those webs and gave the match everyone demanded.


apprently my Aries/Kobashi Vs Strong/Danielson idea wouldn't work since Aries is booked in england that weekend.

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I highly doubt Ki would be allowed to beat Kobashi. Ki is way down the food chain in NOAH, and I don't see Misawa letting Ki beat Kobashi. I don't see Kobashi getting beaten in either match. If Kobashi v Joe is non-title, and their match wasn't called a Pure title match, then Kobashi is winning for sure. If it is for the Pure title, then likely something will happen to avoid a clean finish, which is happening more and more with RoH lately.

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Guest *KNK*
I highly doubt Ki would be allowed to beat Kobashi. Ki is way down the food chain in NOAH, and I don't see Misawa letting Ki beat Kobashi. I don't see Kobashi getting beaten in either match. If Kobashi v Joe is non-title, and their match wasn't called a Pure title match, then Kobashi is winning for sure. If it is for the Pure title, then likely something will happen to avoid a clean finish, which is happening more and more with RoH lately.


I agree, I was just saying Low Ki would be at least more likely to go "over" Kobashi simply for being in the same company. That there would be less of hassle over that, then there would be if hypothetically they did Strong over Kobashi, which in no way would NOAH allow.



I certainly don't believe Joe will be putting the Pure Title on the line, if he is even still the champion.


There's no need and logically why would ROH do it anyways?

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Which would put the result of Kobashi v Joe in most doubt? Title or non-title?


I mean, it's a virtual lock Kobashi is winning, but if it's a title match then it might cause some doubt in peoples minds, because of the belief that ROH wouldn't have Joe drop the Pure title to Kobashi. On the other hand, a non-title match would seem to make it too obvious that Kobashi is winning.

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Guest *KNK*
Which would put the result of Kobashi v Joe in most doubt? Title or non-title?


I mean, it's a virtual lock Kobashi is winning, but if it's a title match then it might cause some doubt in peoples minds, because of the belief that ROH wouldn't have Joe drop the Pure title to Kobashi. On the other hand, a non-title match would seem to make it too obvious that Kobashi is winning.


While you make a good point but let's be realistic, is anyone's expecations really going to be let down if they go ahead and make it non-title? The appeal of the match is these two men, gods in their own right clashing for the first time, Kobashi on american soil (I'm guessing it's rare, if it's even happened but I don't have a following in Puro, So i wouldn't know). That's all you really need right? In theory...


The promise of a really fucking good match. Night two is where the doubt can be played up, the NOAH connection of Low Ki and Kobashi, the potential of the rottweilers clashing for the first time since they unified as a unit...Joe's riff with Low Ki and having to team with him.


That's alot of intrigue right there.


If you make it for the title, Then you are stuck with 3 choices


1). Kobashi puts Joe over

-We both agree that is highly unlikely that NOAH would allow this match to happen and have Joe take the win.

2). Kobashi wins the title

-Kobashi can't have the title unless they are planning for some sort of a NOAH/ROH joint show in the future where ROH would "go back for it's property", While a NOAH Vs ROH angle would be great, the cards aren't on the table for that. Thus there's no reason for Kobashi to win a title match

3). A screwy finish

-Just a few posts above us, we have a fan from Seattle flying into NYC for this match and fans across the world are coming to a tiny ballroom in NYC for this match. ROh would be commiting suicide with a screwy no-contest finish.


The only logical option to avoid those three pitfalls is to make it non-title.


This all assuming that Joe is even still the champion by 10/1.


There's three shows left for Joe to defend the title (8/27, 9/17 and 9/24)...

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It would be nifty to see Joe choke Kobashi out tho...

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Guest *KNK*

Just throwing stuff out, Any possibility of a 60 minute draw?


I don't follow Puro but Kobashi can go Sixty correct?


However that would really be a poor move to make and it would reek of "We didnt want either to job" booking...

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ROH fans are very smart and would pick up that both men were going broadway about 20-30 minutes in.


I think they'll have a finish and it'll be Kobashi over Joe.

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Even if Kobashi won the title and they did a joint show down the line, who would Kobashi really job the title to? He's only jobbed clean in a singles match once in the past what, 3 years? And Joe is the only guy who could really beat Kobashi without it seeming completely ridiculous. But even so, I can't imagine Misawa would ever let Kobashi job to a US indy guy (no matter how great or credible he is). It's gotta be non-title.


As for the tag match, I wonder if they're just gonna throw kayfabe out the window for this one and just do a straight up tag-team dream match. With those teams, they kind of have to right? Kobashi/Homicide is no problem, but Joe and Low Ki working as a team would never fly if they were still keeping to the storylines. With ROH's audience, I don't think throwing kayfabe out for one match is gonna be a problem. Hell, it already happened with Punk vs. Cabana.

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What if Kobashi/Joe goes to a time limit draw? That would set up a lot of drama for the night two tag match. Joe retains the title and puts on a hell a of a wrestling clinic with Kobashi showing that he's in the same league. I say that's one of the most logical ways to go.

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Joe doesn't have to beat Kobashi to get over. He just has to be seen as being on Kobashi's level. If Joe gives Kobashi a hard fought match before losing, it would get him over more than if he beats Kobashi, because ROH fans would know that Joe was only put over Kobashi just to beat him, and would likely reject the win.

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A one hour draw would be stupid.


If they have a great match and both hit their signature spots, and do a post-match handshake, Joe will be put over.

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Guest Chasing Dogma
apprently my Aries/Kobashi Vs Strong/Danielson idea wouldn't work since Aries is booked in england that weekend.


Yip, He’s working for MEW in Newcastle on October 2nd. He’s scheduled to be taking on Raven.

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Guest Biggles

Reason for a tag match:


August 24th: A lot of fans are wondering why Low Ki & Samoa Joe are teaming to face Ki's normal partner of Homicide & Kenta Kobashi. We are now going to take you through the process right here in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire and give you the inside scoop.


ROH officials were faced with the once in a lifetime opportunity to book a legend like Kenta Kobashi. The goal was to put Kobashi in the best possible matches that were true to ROH's roots. Samoa Joe was the obvious and most popular choice to face Kobashi. ROH officials were quick to suggest this match to NOAH and WLW officials. All parties immediately agreed to this dream match for October 1st in New York City. ROH officials then looked for another heavyweight that could match Kobashi in Philadelphia on October 2nd. However, none were available that could fill the role except for Samoa Joe. There was a reluctance to do the same match with Samoa Joe twice. ROH officials then looked at juniors, but were told by current NOAH wrestlers and various officials and experts that it is OK to match Kobashi up with a junior, but it should be a tag to include a heavyweight for the best possible match. It was strongly suggested that Kenta Kobashi would be best in a tag match pitting a junior & a heavyweight vs. a junior & a heavyweight, which is frequently done in NOAH.


Low Ki was an obvious choice to wrestle Kobashi since Ki is a regular in NOAH and has wrestled Kobashi before. Ki knows how to take Kobashi to the limit. ROH officials then looked for the junior that best matches up with Ki & Joe. The name Homicide was immediately mentioned. However, Homicide & Ki are on the same regular team and they both hate Samoa Joe. How could this possibly work?


ROH officials called all three men on a conference call and explained the situation. All three men saw that this was an opportunity to put on a special match true to their roots and the roots of ROH. Joe, Homicide & Ki agreed to put their differences aside for one night only so this dream match can take place. Homicide and Ki also said they have no problems fighting each other and this will be like the old days when they used to compete against each other frequently. NOAH and WLW officials then agreed upon the match.


These athletes all have a chance to do something special with an idol and hall of famer like Kenta Kobashi. They will put their differences aside and compete in a pure, competitive NOAH style match on Oct. 2nd in Philadelphia. They will pay homage to one of their personal biggest influences Kenta Kobashi by returning to their roots and doing what they do best- pro wrestling as a sport.

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At the end of the tag match Ki and Cide will probably beat down Joe, only to have Kobashi make the save. So from that point it will work out quite well, with Joe and Kobashi side by side in the ring at the end.

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Via PuroPower:


It turns out that Kenta Kobashi's actual American wrestling debut will take place on 9/24 for Harley Race's WLW in Eldon, Missouri. The debut will not be the 10/1 New York City show against Samoa Joe.


Kobashi vs. Race, make it happen...

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Guest Gary Busey
Via PuroPower:


It turns out that Kenta Kobashi's actual American wrestling debut will take place on 9/24 for Harley Race's WLW in Eldon, Missouri. The debut will not be the 10/1 New York City show against Samoa Joe.


Kobashi vs. Race, make it happen...


hmmm.. $50 tickets and you can meet and talk with Johnny Ace and Kobashi after the training camp is over.

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