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Big Ol' Smitty

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Man, I was watching Stephanopalus' show on ABC on yesterday. Their idea of a "balanced" panel is two far-right wingers (George Will & Newt Gingrich) and one center-right moderate (Zakaria). They basically all piled on Barack Obama, who wasn't there. Liberal media my left nut.

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You got something not by a right-wing media watchdog, perchance?


As part of its 2005 "DisHonors Awards" program on April 21, the Media Research Center (MRC) honored the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth with the "Conservative of the Year" award for their "courageous role in the 2004 presidential campaign." MRC president L. Brent Bozell III presented the award to Swift Boat Veterans co-founder John O'Neill, who accepted it on behalf of the group...


The judges for this year's MRC "DisHonors Awards," which mocked "the most outrageously biased liberal reporters of 2004," included Ann Coulter, John Fund, Lucianne Goldberg, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Robert Novak, Kate O'Beirne, Cal Thomas, and William F. Buckley.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
How come none of you made a 9/11 rememberance thread yesterday?


Interestingly enough, I didn't run across many memorial functions anywhere. Besides, what could be said that hasn't been said already?

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The fact that I kind of like John Roberts despite vehemently disagreeing with him has led me to think of a question. If you're a Republican, who is your favorite Democrat? If you're a Democrat, who's your favorite Republican?


Anyone answering John McCain or Zell Miller gets -137 points.

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Smitty - In his day, would you have picked Goldwater? Hes pretty much the LaFollete of the conservatives.


Probably not, he was pretty much just a straight up Reaganish conservative. And he was a big supporter of Joe McCarthy. He was against the Civil Rights Act of '64.


He seems like a good man and a principled politician, but he's just too far right for me.

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The fact that I kind of like John Roberts despite vehemently disagreeing with him has led me to think of a question.  If you're a Republican, who is your favorite Democrat?  If you're a Democrat, who's your favorite Republican?


Anyone answering John McCain or Zell Miller gets -137 points.


Colin Powell.





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The fact that I kind of like John Roberts despite vehemently disagreeing with him has led me to think of a question.  If you're a Republican, who is your favorite Democrat?  If you're a Democrat, who's your favorite Republican?


Anyone answering John McCain or Zell Miller gets -137 points.


Colin Powell.






Former US secretary of state Colin Powell said he stained his reputation with a now notorious 2003 speech that made the case for the invasion of Iraq, which he said has led to a "mess".


"It's a blot," the former general said in an unusually candid interview airing on America's ABC television network. "It was painful. It's painful now"...


Powell, who left the Bush administration in January 2005, said in the interview he feels "terrible" about the claims he made in the speech...


"And it may not have turned out to be such a mess if we had done some things differently," he said...


Powell said he was happy that Saddam was gone but acknowledged he had seen no evidence to back up Bush administration claims of a link between Saddam and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


"I have never seen a connection," he said.




This cat is *the* tragic figure of the first Bush term.


I was reading something about how they were in a meeting and some assistant or something was playing up some very off the wall bin-Laden-Saddam stuff and Powell was basically like, "this is all bullshit" and walked out of the meeting.

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Lincoln, without a doubt, my favourite republican.


How could any lefty choose anyone else?


As for the topic, it's naive to think that the media is slanted one way. Some are left, some are right. Liberals will always say the media is too conservative. Republicans will always say the media is too left. There's no one way street in the media.

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Favorite Democrat- well if I had to name one it would probably be Fiengold. He along with McCain tried to pass a Campaign Finance Reform bill, and it got so neutered along the way that when it became time to vote for it, he voted no to a bill that he sponsored. Plus to vote no on the Patriot Act is a plus in my book.

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The fact that I kind of like John Roberts despite vehemently disagreeing with him has led me to think of a question.  If you're a Republican, who is your favorite Democrat?  If you're a Democrat, who's your favorite Republican?


Anyone answering John McCain or Zell Miller gets -137 points.


Colin Powell.






Former US secretary of state Colin Powell said he stained his reputation with a now notorious 2003 speech that made the case for the invasion of Iraq, which he said has led to a "mess".


"It's a blot," the former general said in an unusually candid interview airing on America's ABC television network. "It was painful. It's painful now"...


Powell, who left the Bush administration in January 2005, said in the interview he feels "terrible" about the claims he made in the speech...


"And it may not have turned out to be such a mess if we had done some things differently," he said...


Powell said he was happy that Saddam was gone but acknowledged he had seen no evidence to back up Bush administration claims of a link between Saddam and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


"I have never seen a connection," he said.




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The fact that I kind of like John Roberts despite vehemently disagreeing with him has led me to think of a question.  If you're a Republican, who is your favorite Democrat?  If you're a Democrat, who's your favorite Republican?


Anyone answering John McCain or Zell Miller gets -137 points.


Colin Powell.






Former US secretary of state Colin Powell said he stained his reputation with a now notorious 2003 speech that made the case for the invasion of Iraq, which he said has led to a "mess".


"It's a blot," the former general said in an unusually candid interview airing on America's ABC television network. "It was painful. It's painful now"...


Powell, who left the Bush administration in January 2005, said in the interview he feels "terrible" about the claims he made in the speech...


"And it may not have turned out to be such a mess if we had done some things differently," he said...


Powell said he was happy that Saddam was gone but acknowledged he had seen no evidence to back up Bush administration claims of a link between Saddam and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


"I have never seen a connection," he said.






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