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The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

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After all of the buildup to this show, it just didn't feel like anyone actually took the time to write the show, to book it in a way that made it feel like everything flowed. It felt like an old WCW show, where the decided what was going to happened literally as the show went on.


That said, I DID enjoy it, to an extent.


Overall though, I'd say that they dropped the ball, big time.

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Very disappointing show... Michaels/Angle was way, way below both their first matches (like *** 1/4 maybe). Terrible, terrible finish. Keller's on crack to put that above ****.


Ladder match had some neat spots but never really got going (probably *** 1/2 ish). Smackdown match was a complete bait and switch. Doing Raw v.s. SD at the end makes no sense and just kills kayfabe (why do Angle/Cena, JBL/Batista suddenly turn buddy/buddy?).


5 matches in 3 hrs 15 minutes, one of them being GM v.s. Wrestler and the other being.


Austin segment was fun by the end but didn't need to be 25 minutes. I liked the Foley/Piper/Ortons segment at the beginning. HHH puts himself over both Masters/Carlito before doing the turn which was overly telegraphed. The Hogan interview was pointless.


It had some markout moments on it but it was very disappointing for all the hype. They could have dragged out this over a few weeks and gotten several great shows out of it.

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Truth be told. I'm shocked it took that long for Triple H to turn on Flair. I figured he would attack at the beginning of the match and team up with Carlito and Masters to created the new Evo.

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SHATNER!!! Yeah!!!

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Wow, Rey's theme music REALLY sucks...


Actually, I thought it was good in the sense that it goes with the latin culture, it's a reggaeton song which is getting really popular but I wish they'd have a better choice as to what song they used.

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Judging by Vince's line about someone getting fired, the ending angle and the news from this week's Observer, I would assume there will be a RAW v SD Survivor Series match with both GM's job on the line (if SD wins, Bischoff fired, if Raw wins, Long fired)

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Guest Biggles

I can't believe there are so many people on other forums that call this show 'amazing' and then call me a douchebag because I'm just going against popular opinion saying it sucked. Oh well.

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Angle/Michaels was extremely disappointing. I couldn't believe they could have a match that average. They completely phoned it in, and the segments during the commerical break were even worse (they showed them on WWE.com).


Keller may have taken the biggest hit from the ratings bong ever to rate that **** 1/2. I'm a big mark for Angle. I'm a big mark for Michaels. This was lucky if it was *** 1/2. Terrible, terrible ending. No drama. Crowd wasn't into it. No nearfalls. Only a couple neat spots.


The entire show had some mark out moments and neat spots, but it was mostly based on nostalgia, and at 3 hours 15 minutes with 5 matches (with one being a bra and panties match and another being Bischoff v.s. Cena in essentially a non-match).


Stripped down into 2 hours and with the crap and hotshotting cut out, there was a pretty good Raw in here, but it was very disappointing considering the insane amount of hype it got.


That's not even to mention the stupidity of doing the Raw/Smackdown angle at the end of Raw. Hey, Angle and Cena suddenly don't hate each other! Batista is good buddies with JBL and Christian (not to mention Orton)?


The ladder match had a real neat spot at the end but it never got going. A real sprint without any drama.


Of course, HHH had to put himself over Masters and Carlito before turning on Flair. Flair did bleed buckets and HHH kicked the crap out of him through multiple segments.


I liked Foley/Piper and the Ortons, about 10 minutes of the Austin/McMahons stuff (but that was a 25-minute segment!). Conway taking bumps from the legends.


Again, there was probably a good 2 hour Raw in here somewhere and I marked out for some stuff on the show, but compared to the hype that made it seem like it was supposed to be WM 23 or something it was quite disappointing. :huh:

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Guest *KNK*

It was beyond terrible in every sense of the word.


The opening segment was completely embarassing to see two great promo masters essentially blow each other for 10 minutes followed by an typical paint by numbers dull promo by the Ortons. To top it off, Orton got involved in a brawl with two 50 year olds and a 40 year old fiction writer.


An horribly contrived and emotion free stroke fest of an iron-man that barely registered ** and typical of WWE to have an inconclusive finish. Why are you protecting Shawn here? He can't lose his heat.


The Ladder match included a couple neat and cute spots but that's par for course in Ladder match and once again Matt Hardy is inept at conveying intensity in WWE. If you can't pretend to hate the guy who stole your girl, then you'll never cut it as a convincing babyface and to top it off, it had an, though logical, anti-climatic finish that served no sense because Edge needs to be on Smackdown and not Raw.


The Austin segment was beyond embarassing. How anyone could have enjoyed it, I couldn't fathom. OOOH The McMahons got stunnered...Been there, done that. 10 Minutes to set up the first one, then Shane's cute quickie stunner (he is still one of the best stunner sellers) and then Stephanie, looking her best in years took too long.


Linda was beyond insane, It was nearly 15 minutes to set that up and what was the payoff? Linda not even taking the bump and just falling down.


All the hype about legends segment was wasted on a virtual nobody, so Im kinda glad they didn't throw Eugene out there for the TV broadcast although that would've made SENSE.


I'll admit I thought Dibiase's offer to Mae Young was hilarious.


Hogan's speech was succient and to the point, something rare from him, So brownie points there.


Hyping the six man to cancel it was bullshit, even if it's setting up the Survivor Series showdown in two months.


The woman's match was your typical fluff and it served it's usual purpose.


The Triple H/Flair routine dragged out too long and Triple H looks hardly intimidating as he's even puffier now then ever.


The main event was beyond atrocious, as expected.


The closing segment of the Raw Vs Smackdown brawl isn't anything we haven't seen before and it's not worth getting excited about.


All in all...a complete joke of a show that only showed that WWE is still clueless, regardless of it's cable network.

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Guest MikeSC

Better show than Impact. Better by quite a lot, actually.


To all of the "Shawn never sells" crowd, he did it there. The Ironman match was quite good. The ladder match was quite good.


It's mind-boggling that the same people who thought ECW ONS and the first Impact on Spike were great are slagging a show that was simply better in almost every conceivable way.

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I only really watched the ladder match, which was killed by the commercial break but had some nice spots, the WAY too long Austin/McMahons segment (with the weakest payoff possible) and the B&P match (Candace is beyond useless) and I didn't really see anything Earth-shattering or anything building to something that will be interesting in the future.


It may have been better than Impact, but I want to watch Impact next week. I don't have that same feeling about RAW.

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So far I am enjoying the show (West Coast w/o Tivo), however the Austin promo was about 5 minutes too long. Nice to see Steph and Hunter have switched to the same hair color. Is that Clairol Loving Care?

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Guest *KNK*
So far I am enjoying the show (West Coast w/o Tivo), however the Austin promo was about 5 minutes too long.  Nice to see Steph and Hunter have switched to the same hair color.  Is that Clairol Loving Care?


Five minutes too long? Try 20 minutes too long.

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I enjoyed the Iron Man and ladder matches, and am glad they had the sense to have HHH turn on Flair the night people were actually watching. I don't know if curiosity over the angle will translate into more viewers for next week, but it was worth a shot.


I'll admit, I was a total mark again tonight, except for the Hogan segment, which would've been okay if I hadn't just seen Hogan feud with HBK all summer.

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Guest MikeSC
Comparing this show to TNA's first show on Spike. Classic. What else will the apologists come up with to justify how terrible this show was?

The Ironman match was quite good. The ladder match was decent enough. I liked the Legends segment.


If this was done on an ECW show or TNA show, people on this board would be raving.

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Guest jackie fargo

I agree with most of you guys-


Raw was terrible for normal standards-but for a 3-hour special-it didn't even come close to delivering-


The Austin segment was terrible-the HHH turn was telegraphed-not well done at all-


The Hogan segment started to get the crowd juiced after the challenge of Austin, but then got cut off quick-It killed the moment-


the ending was 2000 Nitro edition.

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Guest *KNK*
Comparing this show to TNA's first show on Spike. Classic. What else will the apologists come up with to justify how terrible this show was?


MAN! IT WAS ALL ABOUT THE NOSTALGIA!!! You just need to see it like that! It's not about wrestling, it's about old school and what it used to be like on USA!


We almost saw Candice's bare ass!!! That's a great show in my book! Austin stunnering people like the old days was awesome! How can a real fan not like that? Did you see the size of Stephanie's boobs? WHOA!


Triple H is such an awesome mean person, I hope Flair gets back at Triple H.


Greatest three hours ever!

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