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Has anyone seen OLN's coverage yet? I meant to bring this up the other night, but I thought it was pretty subpar.


First off, the presentation isn't too bad. Everything is fine as far as graphics go. There isn't a huge box in the corner of the screen, it's easy to see the score, who is on the powerplay, etc. My gripe is with the camera work. They've zoomed in so much that all that is shown is a 12x12 foot square around the skater/puck. Therefore, you can't see what's going on in the background and it's kind of frustrating.


The studio guys weren't too bad. I like Bill Clement (although I hope he does color for the playoffs) because he's a good personality that actually knows what he's talking about. His partners in crime are Neil Smith and former NHL-er Keith Jones (played for three teams in eleven seasons in the NHL) and they are tolerable. My gripe is with how the intermission reports are presented; almost as commercials for commercials. They come back from four minutes of commercials for a two minute segment on proper puck blocking technique (how not to get hit in the face) and then go back to four more minutes of commercials.


All in all, there's a lot to be improved. But the effort is there.

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Has anyone seen OLN's coverage yet? I meant to bring this up the other night, but I thought it was pretty subpar.


First off, the presentation isn't too bad. Everything is fine as far as graphics go. There isn't a huge box in the corner of the screen, it's easy to see the score, who is on the powerplay, etc. My gripe is with the camera work. They've zoomed in so much that all that is shown is a 12x12 foot square around the skater/puck. Therefore, you can't see what's going on in the background and it's kind of frustrating.


The studio guys weren't too bad. I like Bill Clement (although I hope he does color for the playoffs) because he's a good personality that actually knows what he's talking about. His partners in crime are Neil Smith and former NHL-er Keith Jones (played for three teams in eleven seasons in the NHL) and they are tolerable. My gripe is with how the intermission reports are presented; almost as commercials for commercials. They come back from four minutes of commercials for a two minute segment on proper puck blocking technique (how not to get hit in the face) and then go back to four more minutes of commercials.


All in all, there's a lot to be improved. But the effort is there.


Well, you have to do the best you can to train those who aren't possibly used to the game. It will get better.

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If its in Boston, Montreal will win, at home, I'd expect Theodore to make 58 saves for a loss, while Montreal gets maybe 13 on net.


I think with you should expect is Theodore allowing 3 or 4 goals on 16 shots as usual.


And you're from Montreal?


Now THAT's disechanted.


It's just that I don't really like Theodore. I think he gets too much credit. People calling him a top 5 goalie makes me laugh when everybody who tried to work with him said he had a really flawed butterfly style. Roland Melanson was the only one to tell it to his face though this year, and it made quite a wave in the Montreal medias. If I judge from the late third period against the Bruins, it seems like it finally gave him a kick in the ass.

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The Kings kicked 7 kinds of ass. I didn't know they would be this good, but it looks like they have a real shot to win the division.

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FUCKING FUCK. I've been holding off for too long but why the fuck does the Oilers organization feel the need to hire and keep around former players like Kevin Lowe, Mac-T, Charlie Huddy, Craig Simpson and others? Let's face it, the 80's are over...who cares about these guys anymore? The nostalgia has worn off. This management and coaching staff is doing nothing for this team. Let's hire a coach with nhl experience at least....Christ fucking sakes. 5 losses in a row is unacceptable.

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Oh, knowing my luck they'll keep Hal Gill as a franchise defenseman and tell Boynton to hit the bricks.


Don't even joke about that. Just don't. Gill has found a way to be even worse this year than he was in the past. And he'd set the bar pretty freaking low in the past. Sadly, he's going to be another Don Sweeney: a Bruin for most of his career, even though he does absolutely nothing to warrant keeping.


Re: the OLN coverage ... I'm with you, Max. They zoom in WAY too close. Even when the puck's not in play, the other night in the B's game they power-zoomed on Boynton while he was sitting on the bench ... and not doing anything. He wasn't talking, he wasn't grimacing in pain, NOTHING ... just sitting there. Even weirder, they didn't even talk about him while showing him. And on top of that, during the Leetch interview in the intermission, they zoomed in so close you couldn't even see his entire face: it was just mid-forehead to lower lip. I figured that something was happening in the background (naked pillow fight, for example) that prevented them from being further out, but when they zoomed out, there was no way that the background could have even been seen. It was just non-sensical zooming.


Do they acknowledge that there are teams in Canada?
Yes, this isn't ESPN we're talking about.

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I would welcome Aki Berg to replace Hal Gill.


The difference is that Berg knows how to play the body and doesn't think he's the next Bobby Orr. Numerous times have passed and there will be numerous times in the future that Hal Gill is caught up-ice with no reason for being there. FFS, he shares ice time with Boyes and Axelsson (who has improved so far), both of whom are lightyears ahead of Gill in terms of talent, skating ability and offensive prowess. Meanwhile, Gill is now stuck up-ice leaving his defensive partner (either Andy Alberts or Kevin Dallman) to fend for themselves while he lumbers back into position.

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I would welcome Aki Berg to replace Hal Gill.


The difference is that Berg knows how to play the body and doesn't think he's the next Bobby Orr. Numerous times have passed and there will be numerous times in the future that Hal Gill is caught up-ice with no reason for being there. FFS, he shares ice time with Boyes and Axelsson (who has improved so far), both of whom are lightyears ahead of Gill in terms of talent, skating ability and offensive prowess. Meanwhile, Gill is now stuck up-ice leaving his defensive partner (either Andy Alberts or Kevin Dallman) to fend for themselves while he lumbers back into position.


A buddy of mine and Baron's used to play euchre with me at lunch in high school for a few weeks with two hardcore Leaf fans.


They referred to said buddy as Aki Berg, as he was just that awful. It's time for Colaicovo to get his shot.


I'm starting to feel really badly for Max and N5k, the same way I did for Isles fans during Peca's sit-out a few years ago.

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Aki is one of the worst defensement in the league. Gill is Bobby Orr compared to him. Berg and Antropov are two complete garbage players with no upside whatsoever.

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Wow, Colorado is beating Edmonton 6-0, and it's still the second period. What happened to Edmonton, they seemed so solid early in the season.


They've got no goaltending. Conklin and Markkanen are backup goalies not starters. Also, they need to find a goal scorer cause they seem to have trouble putting the puck in the net.

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"I am numb," said Edmonton coach Craig MacTavish. "The plays we were making were tragic to comical."


I want this man dead.


Earlier in the season I told my friends that I wouldn't mind seeing Cujo get signed and I got laughed at. In the last little while he has been spectacular. We need to make a deal but Kevin Lowe will probably sit in his office with his ass up his ass.

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Go get fucking Mikka Noronen or Martin Biron.


Both are significant improvements over what they have. Hell, Jeff Deslauriers might as well play. Conklin SUCKS, and so does Markannen, just less so.


Aren't Manny Fernandez and Dwayne Roloson both UFA's at the end of the year? Go out and get one of them right now for cheap.


The worst part about Conklin is that he'll fool you into thinking that he is playing well by making some big saves, only to let the shitty goals in, which then deflates the team.


Oh, well, Edmonton is probably number 6 on the Canadian teams that I like the most list, even with the addition of Mike Peca (whose a personal favourite) so I don't care all that much, but then again, the insistance on having TY FUCKING CONKLIN as their number one guy is a large part of the reason why I dislike them.

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Guest Edge's Theme Music

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life

A bitter place and a broken dream

And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind

On this day its so real to me

Everything has come to life

Another chance to chase a dream

Another chance to feel

Chance to feel alive

Fear will kill me, all I could be

Lift these sorrows

Let me breathe, could you set me free

Could you set me free

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life

A bitter place and a broken dream

And we'll leave it all behind

On this day its so real to me

Everything has come to life

Another chance to chase a dream

Another chance to feel

Chance to feel alive

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Conklin sucks, but Markanen is a good goalie, that just needs defence.


Its finally paying off that Chris Pronger is not as good as he think he is.

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If you're a Cablevision or a DISH Network satellite subscriber who looked forward to watching National Hockey League games on OLN, you've fallen victim to an anti-fan policy that boggles the mind.


The games you've expected to see since last Monday have been replaced by other programs on OLN - which, until making its deal with the N.H.L., was known largely for carrying the Tour de France - because its parent company, Comcast, wants to boost the number of its own subscribers . . .


But do you deprive Cablevision and DISH viewers of what they were expecting so you can pursue the goal of rapidly increasing the number of subscribers?


OLN = gay



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On this day I see clearly everything has come to life

A bitter place and a broken dream

And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind

On this day its so real to me

Everything has come to life

Another chance to chase a dream

Another chance to feel

Chance to feel alive

Fear will kill me, all I could be

Lift these sorrows

Let me breathe, could you set me free

Could you set me free

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life

A bitter place and a broken dream

And we'll leave it all behind

On this day its so real to me

Everything has come to life

Another chance to chase a dream

Another chance to feel

Chance to feel alive


Yeah, watching the Oilers these days would turn me emo too.

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Aki is one of the worst defensement in the league.  Gill is Bobby Orr compared to him.  Berg and Antropov are two complete garbage players with no upside whatsoever.


Funny, I'd take Berg and Antropov over Mrs. Gill.

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I hate watching the NHL on OLN for the simple reason that their production quality is below that of ECW Hardcore TV. The sound quality is rubbish, and the picture looks like the game is taking place on a patch of ice in a castle from the Middle Ages where the ice is elluminated by candlelight.


Plus, they don't broadcast the right games. Who in the hell wants to see Carolina vs. Florida as the game of the week?

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