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I will be there live to watch Joe vs. Senshi for the NWA Bluegrass in Ashland, KY on June 16. Only a 15-20 minute drive for me!

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There are only three acceptable finishes to Joe vs. Steiner, and, in order, they are:


Joe wins via choke out

Joe wins via pinfall

An out of control and wild double DQ, which leads to a rematch with either of the first two finishes.


Anything else is going to get over like a whore in church, and Steiner winning is absolutely not an option, in any way, shape or form.

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There are only three acceptable finishes to Joe vs. Steiner, and in order they are:


Joe wins via choke out

Joe wins via pinfall

An out of control and wild double DQ, which leads to a rematch with either of the first two finishes.


Anything else is going to get over like a whore in church, and Steiner winning is absolutely not an option, in any way, shape or form.


I don't think there is any chance the Scott Steiner defeats Samoa Joe. TNA knows the possible commodity they have in Joe and won't waste him with a loss to Steiner.

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The thing is, Joe/Steiner is one of the few strong programs TNA has and they have to extend it beyond one match (because that's what TNA does, and in this case, that is what is best for business). Steiner should in no way be the one to end Joes unbeaten streak, however. That is a rub that should be meant for a newer wrestler that has a longer shelf-life - it is a star making move.


HoP mentioned a ref stoppage due to blood as a possible finish, with Steiner cutting Joe, but I think Joe bloodening Steiner would work more. One, it fits with the blood on Joes towel, and makes Joe into more of a badass. Two, it doesn't really hurt Steiner because it's just a cut finish rather than a pin/sub finish - and it wouldn't really be a stone cold pass out blood finish, it would be "Steiner is protesting the ref stopping it" kind of finish (though it is clear to the fans that the match should be stopped due to excessive blood loss). Three, Joe doesn't lose. Four, it gives Steiner more motivation to kick the crap out of Joe and make Joe pay. Plus the fans will go into the second match with a greater idea of Steiner winning since traditional parity booking suggests the second match (let's say an I Quit match) goes to the loser of the first.

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HoP mentioned a ref stoppage due to blood as a possible finish, with Steiner cutting Joe, but I think Joe bloodening Steiner would work more. One, it fits with the blood on Joes towel, and makes Joe into more of a badass. Two, it doesn't really hurt Steiner because it's just a cut finish rather than a pin/sub finish - and it wouldn't really be a stone cold pass out blood finish, it would be "Steiner is protesting the ref stopping it" kind of finish (though it is clear to the fans that the match should be stopped due to excessive blood loss). Three, Joe doesn't lose. Four, it gives Steiner more motivation to kick the crap out of Joe and make Joe pay. Plus the fans will go into the second match with a greater idea of Steiner winning since traditional parity booking suggests the second match (let's say an I Quit match) goes to the loser of the first.

Only two things worry me about this scenario. One, Steiner getting enough color to make the stoppage credible, and two, TNA having Steiner cause Joe to lose before they wrestle again.

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Well Steiner wouldn't actually ever beat Joe. The first match would end in a cut stoppage, the second would end with Joe tapping out Steiner. In between the first and second fight Steiner builds strength and momentum in the "now you made me pissed and I am going to fuck you up" kinda way, in the rebound from the first loss. The cut stoppage itself could go different ways, they could even have the blood get in Steiners eyes and have him wrestle seemingly blind until the ref stops it.

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Ok, you were mocking how TNA tirelessly uses formula in feuds. Gotcha. Let's not forget having Joe and Steiner in a tag match where.. oh wait.. ok, how about Joe and Steiner in a 6 man this time?

I can see the six-man being Jarrett, Steiner and Abyss vs. Joe, Christian and Rhino, because we all need to see Abyss face Rhino for the billionth time, and Christian against Abyss was only on the last PPV, so we need to go back to it fast.

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Well Steiner wouldn't actually ever beat Joe. The first match would end in a cut stoppage, the second would end with Joe tapping out Steiner. In between the first and second fight Steiner builds strength and momentum in the "now you made me pissed and I am going to fuck you up" kinda way, in the rebound from the first loss. The cut stoppage itself could go different ways, they could even have the blood get in Steiners eyes and have him wrestle seemingly blind until the ref stops it.


The blinding wouldn't need alot of color, just to be sold really well. Which I believe Steiner capable of. It's a scenario that is plausable, and wouldn't really hurt Steiner, since he can slap the ref in the Recliner as a protest, or break a plants leg in the crowd. Something Steiner is good at is roid rage beat downs.

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Guest Coffey
That was 1991....15 years ago.

I liked him during his U.S. and World title runs in WCW. When he was talking about freaks, peaks and mountain top nirvana...he was comedy.

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Mike Tenay needs to have another one on one interview with Steiner so Big Poppa Pump can choke the goofiness out of him. In the final years of WCW Big Poppa Pump did have some watchable to decent matches with Booker T 6 or 7 years ago.

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Is anyone else having trouble watch this week's "Global Impact"? I've tried a couple of times and it just keeps stopping.

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