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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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That match almost made me stop watching TNA, when I started watching probably six weeks prior.



I think another horrible move by TNA was jobbing Raven in canada on a house show to Jarrett rather than possibly using it as a main event on one of their first impacts on Spike. Could have done the same thing on Spike and garnered more interest in the AMW heel turn and Raven's storyline with Larry Zybysko about getting screwed out of a rematch.


Yeah, I was pretty upset about it all myself - that was the single most point where I thought (and until this point I had complete faith in the product) that TNA really is just as bad in holding down talent as WWE has/had been.


Yeah, the whole Raven/Jarrett super duper mini feud in 05 was a fucking joke. AGAIN, Raven does the job to JJ, when he was pretty damn over as champion. To make it even worse, AGAIN, there is no followup on Raven/Jarrett really after Raven lost in Canada to him. It just made no sense.

I think there was some kind of big storyline that was going to unfold over a period of time, but TNA just kind of let the whole thing quietly get tucked away.


yea especially when Jackie Gayda had this "big secret" about the canada thing. then she went and got pregnant and the whole angle was dropped, despite Zbyzko and Hebner helping JJ win the title again at slammiversary 06

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Yeah it seemed like Raven was possibly going to be the main man against Jarrett with all that Jackie BS, that seemed to suggest Jackie and Raven would align, she would tell him about her secret (whatever it was) and that would lead to Raven/Jarrett again.


Man, if Raven ever leaves TNA (and surprised he hasnt already) I would love to hear him do a shoot on the company.

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Yeah it seemed like Raven was possibly going to be the main man against Jarrett with all that Jackie BS, that seemed to suggest Jackie and Raven would align, she would tell him about her secret (whatever it was) and that would lead to Raven/Jarrett again.


Man, if Raven ever leaves TNA (and surprised he hasnt already) I would love to hear him do a shoot on the company.



Raven would never leave. They are basically paying him to stay at home and Vince would NEVER hire him again.

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The DVD pretty much sums up the difference between TNA and WWE - the production was terrible and felt VERY Amateurish, almost like someone had just learned how to use Microsoft Movie Maker.

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Quick query, why did TNA feel the need to produce a knock off Booker T theme? They couldn't use his real one? I thought it was just production music, so it coudn't cost too much for them to use. I guess they just figured to be cheap and make up a half-asses soundalike theme (though its much better than what WWE used to dub it over with on some dvds)


WWE must own the theme or something. His music used in WCW/WWE was never duplicated on commercial DVD releases (I believe) or video games either, so that may have had something to do with it.


All in all though, I like his theme in TNA - its close to the original.

it was on some dvds and most of the video games, but wwe did not produce it so they cant own it, its stock production music (it was even used on an old episode of kids in the hall)


I guess it doesnt matter


I'm pretty sure it's public music. Just the fact that WWE added "Can you dig it, sucka?!" turned it into a new piece of music, and they own the copyright to that. If TNA was content to bring out the "can you dig it, sucka?!" they could use the original piece of music. But they felt the need to add the catchphrase, so they had to make some genero-music.




Or I could be way off here. I dunno, I'm half-drunk.

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That match almost made me stop watching TNA, when I started watching probably six weeks prior.



I think another horrible move by TNA was jobbing Raven in canada on a house show to Jarrett rather than possibly using it as a main event on one of their first impacts on Spike. Could have done the same thing on Spike and garnered more interest in the AMW heel turn and Raven's storyline with Larry Zybysko about getting screwed out of a rematch.


IIRC, part of the contract on Spike said that AJ had to be X champ, AMW had to be tag champs and JJ had to be the heavyweight champ. Hence why they jobbed Raven out (which still annoys me to this day) in Canada. I'm also pretty sure that Jackie was meant to be revealed as Raven's girlfriend which was hinted at from Rhino's promo at BFG 05.

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That's a shitty fucking contract. On one hand, I can see why Spike official wouldn't search the net before Impact began airing there for opinions on TNA, considering often the IWC is cast in a negative light by people in the industry (especially those who are bashed by the IWC for not putting on good matches and just generally being boring and/or detrimental to the product), but I think it would have actually served Spike some good to have checked out the general consensus of Jarrett by fans of the product, since most TNA fans can't stand him.

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There was no such contract stipulation. However, either Jarrett or Spike did want the NWA title on the company's biggest name going into their debut on Spike. Whoever wanted things that way, it was Jarrett's call to put the NWA title on himself.

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-Scott Hall's last voice contact with anyone was Sunday morning. As the afternoon went on, and he didn't show up on time and wasn't answering his phone, concern grew he was going to no-show. There was hope even during the show that he'd finally make it to the building. Then he sent a text message or voice mail saying he had food poisoning and couldn't make it.


-Kevin Nash was disappointed and felt let down by Hall no-showing.


-Samoa Joe was asked to go to the ring, cut a promo on Hall to try to take the heat off of the company for a major star no-showing, and then shift to putting over the guys on the roster and finally introduce Eric Young as the replacement. Joe's promo went more than five minutes longer than planned and incorporated a lot more content, especially that aimed at Nash, than was planned.


-When Joe leaned over the top rope and asked someone off camera if they were mad, then shrugged and said, "Go ahead and fire me, I don't care," he was looking at TNA President Dixie Carter. She was legitimately upset with him "going into business for himself" and taking so long. Nash was legitimately upset that Joe turned Hall's no-show into a rant against him. (What's ironic is that Nash is one of the key people who pushed hard for an extended period of time to get TNA management to take interest in signing Joe when he was in ROH; Nash was a big fan of Joe's ROH matches he saw on DVD.)


-After the match, Nash returned to the back right away and waited for Joe. When Joe returned to the back, Nash confronted him and a heated verbal exchange with some shoving ensued. Joe backed down and avoided the situation escalating.


-At an all-talent meeting today, Terry Taylor brought everyone's contract with him. Dixie Carter said that if anyone was upset and unhappy with their job in TNA, they would be willing to void their contract on the spot. Senshi took them up on the offer. (Senshi also happened to be one of the people who grabbed a brief case in the "Feast or Fire" match.)


-Joe was the first wrestler to speak at the meeting. He gave an emotional apology for going overboard the night before and said he hoped his apology would be accepted.


-Booker T and Kurt Angle gave pep-talks about staying positive and keeping things moving in the right direction.


-- PWTorch

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I'm not saying that, and Joe was right in most of what he said. But the guy is all talk.


He's been pissing and moaning about how he hates the company, "tripping over bad booking" and his "shoot" last night but when he's offered a way out he sits on his hand and collects his paycheck.


If you dislike it so much, why would you stay? Isn't that what happened with a lot of the kept down talent in WCW?

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I'm not saying that, and Joe was right in most of what he said. But the guy is all talk.


He's been pissing and moaning about how he hates the company, "tripping over bad booking" and his "shoot" last night but when he's offered a way out he sits on his hand and collects his paycheck.


If you dislike it so much, why would you stay? Isn't that what happened with a lot of the kept down talent in WCW?

Maybe venting his frustrations was enough for him for now. Or maybe this is still what it probably always has been, a worked shoot where Joe gets to vent his real feelings and the fans get to think they've seen something that wasn't meant to happen. After all, if Dixie was that mad at Joe, why didn't she just fire him?

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There was no such contract stipulation. However, either Jarrett or Spike did want the NWA title on the company's biggest name going into their debut on Spike. Whoever wanted things that way, it was Jarrett's call to put the NWA title on himself.


The ironic thing is that when they started on FSN, they made a point to have all of those same guys (Styles, AMW, JJ) with the same titles as well for the debut show, I believe. If anything it was just a part of the contract TNA themselves probably "promised" them as TNA felt they were their core draws/stars to the network. More probably just a spoken guarantee Jarrett gave to those guys throughout the years perhaps, as "company guys"

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I'm not saying that, and Joe was right in most of what he said. But the guy is all talk.


He's been pissing and moaning about how he hates the company, "tripping over bad booking" and his "shoot" last night but when he's offered a way out he sits on his hand and collects his paycheck.


If you dislike it so much, why would you stay? Isn't that what happened with a lot of the kept down talent in WCW?


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To be fair he is one of the top pushed acts on a primetime wrestling show as well.


Combine that with, obviously, money and he'd be stupid for leaving.


What he needs to do with his frustrations is learn how to politic and cause internal change.






He needs to befirend Nash.

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I'm not saying that, and Joe was right in most of what he said. But the guy is all talk.


He's been pissing and moaning about how he hates the company, "tripping over bad booking" and his "shoot" last night but when he's offered a way out he sits on his hand and collects his paycheck.


If you dislike it so much, why would you stay? Isn't that what happened with a lot of the kept down talent in WCW?





If anything, this fiasco has proved that maybe there aren't so many unhappy campers backstage as once thought.

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Not unhappy enough to give up a national tv deal anyway.

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You can be unhappy with your job and still not be willing to quit. If your family needs the steady paycheck, you don't just drop a job because you're unhappy. You need something at least as good, and hopefully better, lined up before you do that. I get frustrated just watching TNA's booking sometimes; I can only imagine having my career directly attached to that fiasco. That being said, I still wouldn't quit unless I knew I was walking into a steady job. Plus, you've got to understand that TNA has one of the easiest schedules of any wrestling promotion, especially one with a prime time TV deal.

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I was actually reffering to the reports that loads of wrestlers asked for their releases a while back. I can't remember the number or the cirumstances but they were all told they had to stay, but when the chips are down they know it's not a wise choice.

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Booking Sting-Lance Storm Commentary


November 28, 2007


I got a lot of really good feedback from my “Booking Flair” commentary so I thought I would throw out another idea I had recently and wanted to get it out there before someone else thought of it.


From what I understand Sting’s TNA contract has expired. I’ve heard TNA wants to resign Sting but that Sting is considering full retirement. Assuming these statements are true and I was in charge of WWE, I would make a huge play for Sting, but not in the way you are likely thinking. As great as it would be to finally bring Sting to WWE, there is no way at his age he would be interested in working a full time WWE schedule, and to be honest at his age, putting the time and effort into introducing him and pushing him, is likely not a smart move either.


That being said I would still offer Sting a contract and attempt to steal him away from TNA. I doubt you wouldn’t have to make it a huge money deal either because his TNA deal is approx. $500,000 and he has to wrestle and work 60 dates a year. You could offer him a legends contract where he doesn’t have to wrestle at all, and the only traveling he would have to do is to the studio a couple times a year to contribute interviews for 24/7 and DVD releases. In addition to the legends contract there is the potential merchandise royalties he could earn on Classic series Action Figures, not to mention a Sting career DVD retrospective (WWE owns all of his WCW footage).


The icing on the cake for this deal would be a Hall of Fame induction for him this year. All the rumors out there are that it’s Flairs year for the HOF, and they want to make it a bit of a Ric Flair themed ceremony. What a better way of doing this than also inducting, Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, and Sting. Arn has been Flair’s right hand man for decades, and Steamboat and Sting are two of Ric Flair’s greatest feuds.


Sting is the biggest standout (if not the only guy) who was a big star during the WWF vs. WCW days that has never stepped foot in the WWF or WWE. This would be a way to make it happen. Sting’s inclusion in the HOF would be awesome, and doing it the year his greatest opponent was inducted as well would be prefect. This would also give Sting a brief WrestleMania appearance, as they always acknowledge the HOF class live at Mania.


I think as an added kicker too, guys from Flair’s past should be used to help build the significances of Flair’s potential last run and last match, and the more “legends” from Flair’s past that can do cameos along the way, or sit ringside for Flair’s Mania match would make for a even more monumental moment in wrestling history. I know for a fact Sting credits Ric Flair with making his career, so having Sting show up on RAW before Mania to show his support for Flair and thank him for everything he’s done for him in the past would be tremendous.


With a HOF and Mania appearance, a legends contract, and potential merchandise royalties, Sting could earn a decent payday and not have to wrestle anymore, like he would in TNA. I also think inclusion in the HOF and minor involvement in Ric Flair’s retirement, would mean the world to him. When the guy is looking at retirement anyway, how could he pass up a Hall of Fame induction, a chance to appear at WrestleMania in front of the largest crowd in North American history, and a chance to say thank you one last time to the guy who put you on the map and made it all possible? This feels so right to me, I get goose bumps just thinking about it. Here’s hoping!!!


Lance Storm

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In addition to the legends contract there is the potential merchandise royalties he could earn on Classic series Action Figures, not to mention a Sting career DVD retrospective (WWE owns all of his WCW footage).


I would love a Sting career DVD, that would be awesome.


Although, the action figure thing is wrong as the wrestlers sign deals with JAKKS for the likeness of figures rather than the WWE. He could have done a legends figure at any time and still can.

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One thing for the Legends Deal...


If Sting does ever sign it and they do Sting figures, it should be a two-pack.


One of his classic, blonde look...the other of the Crow look.


...screw Wolfpac Sting.

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In addition to the legends contract there is the potential merchandise royalties he could earn on Classic series Action Figures, not to mention a Sting career DVD retrospective (WWE owns all of his WCW footage).

I would love a Sting career DVD, that would be awesome.


Although, the action figure thing is wrong as the wrestlers sign deals with JAKKS for the likeness of figures rather than the WWE. He could have done a legends figure at any time and still can.


I'd buy it.


What was the deal with Sting almost joining WWE a few years back when Cena wore Sting Facepaint?

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In addition to the legends contract there is the potential merchandise royalties he could earn on Classic series Action Figures, not to mention a Sting career DVD retrospective (WWE owns all of his WCW footage).

I would love a Sting career DVD, that would be awesome.


Although, the action figure thing is wrong as the wrestlers sign deals with JAKKS for the likeness of figures rather than the WWE. He could have done a legends figure at any time and still can.


I'd buy it.


What was the deal with Sting almost joining WWE a few years back when Cena wore Sting Facepaint?

He never wore the facepaint, it was a half-decent photoshop.

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