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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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hmm so what actually makes tv.


Angle and Abyss's match. Maybe the Steiners and Team 3d's respective matches. Hell Angle's match could easily take up a half hour. I can't imagine they'd show the Daniels match with the firing storyline.

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hmm so what actually makes tv.


Angle and Abyss's match. Maybe the Steiners and Team 3d's respective matches. Hell Angle's match could easily take up a half hour. I can't imagine they'd show the Daniels match with the firing storyline.

Angle and Team 3D are very likely winning, so their matches will be shown. The six-man opener as well, and the tag title match is probable as well.

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Angle, Dudleys, and Christian's six-man are all shoe-ins. (Although considering the current storyline, I'd be interested to see if Christian and AJ don't become that pesky part of the card which is so damned subject to change.) Steiners, maybe, depending on if they ever made any progress on the rumored contract talks with Giant Prince Albernard. Also, since it's TNA, I wouldn't put it past them to do something dumb like decide that the fans would be confused if they saw Tomko teaming with someone other than AJ. Abyss is on the booking committee now, so his match has a shot, but I don't see New Japan letting him beat Nakanishi, and don't know if TNA would show their monster jobbing to some random foreigner. Christopher Daniels is probably screwed. The televised special is only supposed to be one hour long, and matches at the big Tokyo Dome shows tend to take up some time, so either they're clipping most of it to little bits or else they're just gonna show three matches.

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Im glad for Kazs push. It still amazes me to see guys like him and Samoa Joe, who I first saw wrestling in a tiny gym in front of 30 people, in the main events against big name stars.


I can see why Joe gets pushed, but its great to see Kaz make a name for himself. (after all he was the one guy who really impressed me at those old indy shows, moreso than joe, who was green at the time and not at all what he is like today)

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So where's this big international name, or was it just internet rumor?

Check back a few pages. They revealed they were talking with 'The Beast', which meant either Bob Sapp or Dan Severn. And with Severn not being a big international name, it's pretty clear they meant Sapp. As for whether they get somewhere, it's doubtful with K1 being involved.

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Yeah, I knew as much as it being Sapp, but I mean.. where is he, what's going on - clearly it was all talk, since its a month down the road and not another word has been said. Normally, I wouldn't think anything of it, but this is TNA and a month of them putting ANOTHER new face on the screen seems a bit odd.


Also, is Cena's Torn Pec the wrestling equivalent of Ask Jeeves?

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by Mike Johnson


For their tour of Canada next week, TNA is playing the "Montreal Screwjob" card where the storyline is that TNA champion Kurt Angle doesn't want a Canadian referee when he defends the title against Christian Cage in Cage's home country of Canada, so "in the effort of fairness" TNA has appointed (dramatic music) the one and only Earl Hebner. It's actually not a bad idea, although how much the fans will care in 2007 will remain to be seen at the events. I think Bret Hart's book may have closed the door on that chapter for fans in Canada, but it's a creative idea in theory. TNA would be wise to play this up the way WWF did with "Dangerous" Danny Davis back in the mid-1980s, where his only appearance on the card would the one specific match where he would be involved and to limit ref bumps, etc. the rest of the show.


TNA is running 12/27 in Montreal at the Centre Pierre Charnonneau, 12/28 in Quebec City at Colisee Pepsi, 12/29 in Gatineau, Quebec at the Robert-Guertrin Arena, and 12/30 in Oshowa, Canada at the General Motors Center.


Others advertised for the house show loop are Samoa Joe, TNA Tag Team champions AJ Styles & Tomko, Abyss, LAX, TNA X-Division champion Jay Lethal, Robert Roode, Ms. Brooks Eric Young and more.

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by Mike Johnson


The TNA office officially shut down for the holidays yesterday and will re-open after New Year's.


Since I've gotten a number of emails asking about this, Senshi's departure from TNA is completely amicable to the point he asked to remain long enough to help put over others, including Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper. I believe Buck Woodward mentioned this when he first reported the release, but since I've gotten a few emails, I wanted to reiterate it. Senshi has not yet acknowledged his departure publicly on his official website at www.low-ki.com.


Christy Hemme's rock band "HEMME" will play its first live event on 1/5/08 as part of an Easyrider's convention at the Pamona Fairplex in Los Angeles.


TNA has added a live event on 1/10/08 in Austin, Texas, so that week will feature a four day loop for the company with 1/9 in Belton, TX, 1/10 in Austin, 1/11 in Panda Energy's homebase of Dallas, TX and 1/12 in Oklahoma City.


The IGF Genome 2 "Inoki Fighting Xmas" at Differ Ariake in Tokyo featured Kurt Angle defeating Kendo KaShin bu submission with the ankle lock. Booker T was the originally scheduled opponent, but missed the show due to the promotion not getting him a work visa in time for the show. In a match featuring TNA talent on the undercard, AJ Styles defeated Senshi,


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I consider that more as a sign of newfound intelligence in the business of his profession, which is something he has also lacked in the years past. I don't see it as him doing it as a measure of respect to the company, that is what I would consider a growth of maturity.

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Problems With D-Von Dudley Recapped

From http://www.myspace.com/tnabeanieguy


"Yes I was banned....


and honestly...im giving TNA and Devon Dudley exactly until January 1st to apologize...


or else, you will read my story, and know the truth about Devon Dudley and behind the scenes at TNA all over the web...and even hear some threatening audio from Devon Dudley....as well as some other TNA staff, including Security....


it will all be posted everywhere and on every wrestling news site on the web after January 1st...


so, unless TNA and Devon Dudley give an apology for there actions...expect stuff not to look so good for the dudleys or TNA in this...how should i put it....post chris benoit world were living in...


because people that use steroids...well...lets just say...eventually you will get caught


-Alex (EX-TNA Beanie Guy)"


Beanie Guy's reason for being banned:


"Some people are stupid and didnt read what i said about how I would post everything if I didnt receive my apology...but whatever, ha


Ill give you a small rundown on stuff...


Basically...Devon Hughes (Dudley) & Matt (He Works security for TNA)...both owe me money for working there DCW wrestling event in October...but aside from that...I bought stuff for the event with my own money, my own cash out of my pocket...and gave receipts and was told I would receive it by the end of the night...I didnt...All I get when I try to go up to Devon is Matt telling me not to bother him because he drunk...fuck that, if im owed money, I will get it...I get used by no one...let alone those 2 people who think there so untouchable (which trust me, according to the attorney i spoke with, there not)....anyways...


I had an Ex-Friend...Her name is Tiffany (She is a Ring Rat...she has slept with numerous wrestlers in TNA & stirred up alot of drama & problems and made up alot of lies)...She was hanging out with our middle friend...Nathan...he is like my brother, and my best friend...and apparently Tiffany was talking with Devon over the phone talking shit about me saying if i didnt stop my shit (in other words, deciding not to talk with them because i didnt like being used, and speaking up saying i wanted my money) that i would soon have to become the WWE beanie guy and blah blah, shit talking...anyways...I was pissed, so then I decided to message Matt on myspace and sent him a long message saying the way the situation was and how I want nothing to do with those people (meaning Matt & Devon) as I was warned from friends and people about them and the way they do things and how they work....and how He needs to go back to being Devon's bitch because i wont be used anymore, and there nothing to me, im nothing to them, so just leave me alone


then next day or so...I get a call from Devon, I didnt pick up, he left me a voicemail telling me to call him back within 15-20 minutes or I would have to deal with him on sunday (meaning the Dec. 2nd Turning Point PPV) and that I should trust him that i wouldnt want to deal with him in person at the PPV.....


whatever, I didnt call back, because I dont respond to people talking to me like that, im a fucking human, treat me like one....later that night I get another call from Devon, I didnt pick up...he left me a long threatening voicemail saying how he is going to see how tough I am and he is going to beat my ass and how I can go to Dixie Carter with this, but who do I think she will believe, me or him?...and screw dixie and TNA because he doesent need them and as far as he is concerned this is between me and him....and that i am going to have hell to pay and he is going to see how tough I am and beat my ass at the PPV...


yeah..all of this because I spoke up wanting my money I was owed...and because i say im done being used...


anyhow...I find out Devon has told Tiffany some things bringing my girlfriend into the picture, which pissed me off...that touched a really personal nerve on me...so i decided to call Devon...and I did...


I confronted him and asked what his fucking problem is, and he starts going off about how he is going to fucking kill me, and it is going to take me having a gun to keep him off of me, and he goes on about how he is willing to spend 5 days in jail to beat my ass and he is going to fucking murder me...blah blah blah...very threatening like that, continuous for a couple mins...he then says "Alex, don't let me catch you sunday" I then say "Devon, Catch me" he says "Alex Im fucking serious, dont let me catch you I then end it saying "You 110% have my permission, you dont scare me, catch me"...and I Hung up on him....


yeah...by this time...im really pissed...whatever...anyways...come sunday I receive a phone call in the morning telling me I have been banned from TNA for the month of december....I was extremely pissed, but knew why...Devon black balled me....an hour or so later I receive a phone call from Mark (Bubba Dudley) saying that Devon wants to squash the heat between us and wants to talk face to face...and bubba asks what happenend and the whole story (me knowing this is bullshit and a set up, i play along and tell him shit, ha, how fucking stupid does he think I am?)...anyways...I end up going to Universal...call Bubba back and let him know im there, and neither him or devon come out after 20 mins...gee, who saw that coming, eh? lol...then I find out that Bubba said he changed his mind and that if i have anything to say to Devon it will be said afterwards at ale house...


hey, haha, who thought they would've had a brain??? doing anything on Universal property wouldnt be very smart....lol...anyways...no thanks, I went to Universal and complained about this...and they brought in Steve Smalls who is the Production Manager of TNA...and I got him saying it in front of all of universal's main staff in there and a couple friends that I was banned because Devon was threatening to cause an incident on the live PPV if he saw me in the crowd...and that I was banned because Devon said I threatened his kids...which is untrue completely...."


What I had said to Tiffany (and she turned around and ran back to devon and either lied or blew it out of proportion)...was that if devon laid a finger on me, i would call child protective services...cause lets face it....anyone that size and at his age (especially in this post chris benoit world were living in) that would threaten to kill & murder a defenseless 20 year old like myself over just wanting money I was owed...in my opinion doesent deserve to have his kids...that seems like a very unsafe environment, I mean, hell, I dont know this guy that well at all...just know he is threatening to murder & Kill me...how stable can him and his head be?? especially if he is juicing up with some stuff....which you know...you didnt hear from me...but, I won't let that cat out of the bag until im ready...cause i have the way to prove it...not just my word...he really needs to watch what he says, same goes for Matt for that matter....


anyways...lets see, leaves me threatening voicemails, threatens to kill me over the phone, making up lies (defamation of character, he has no proof, except his little bitches that he uses that will make anything up to get where they want to go in TNA)...so if you take that has a threat to kids, then so be it, but its not, its looking out for there well-being after threatening to kill me...its not right...especially to making comments about my girlfriend...who really took the first attack eh?


anyways...I attempted to speak with Dixie Carter at doubletree...she didnt care to hear it...hey its fine...


the can of worms that I can open up will not only cause extremely bad publicity for TNA (especially in this post Chris Benoit world were living in) but it will make the dudley boys name mud...


lets face it...I dont want a career in wrestling, or nothing much to do with it...I am no longer even a fan of TNA...TNA just drops me like nothing, after all of my hard work I have done for the company and everything ive done to promote and support it...they dont even care to listen to my side of the story...but thats the way it is, they will protect there talent...


devon said it to my girlfriend best...TNA will kiss there asses for the next month or so because they want them to sign new contracts and not go to WWE...but the facts are...they will be going back to WWE and dont care about TNA at all...


either way....


also..to add on..my best friend Nathan, whos only involvement in this situation is telling me what shit was talked about me behind my back by Matt (security guard for TNA & devons bitch)...he receives a phone call from Matt threatening him and saying to mind his own fucking business, and nathan says that he is my best friend and my brother and will have my back and tell me when something is being said about me...then Matt threatens him some more...so nathan says for him to continue juicing up and stick devons dick back in his ass...and hung up on him....next thing you know, he calls nathan back leaving him a very threatening voicemail calling him a fat piece of shit fucking cigarette and that he will beat the living shit out of him, bury his ass and make sure he has body parts that wont function once he is through with him and more threats...and saying to go ahead and go to the police but it wont stop him from beating the shit out of him...


so yeah...this is TNA talent (Devon), and well...TNA wannabe talent (matt)....and you know...as far as you know, its my side of the story and his side...


but everything i said with the voicemails, and the phone calls...I have the audio for...and trust me...if i dont get the apology from them and TNA on the 6th (which lets face it, it wont happen)...then, the audio will be available to hear, the interviews with me will be up, and this story will be plastered all over every single wrestling news site you can imagine...even some local news stations...channel 6 news to be exact...


they want to threaten me and my best friend/brother with physical violence...all over me wanting my money I was owed...thats fine..I will deal with them legally...


theres a few things im still not saying either...its because i was advised not to say it until the time is right....all that needs to be done is a simple apology....if not...then sorry it came to it...


i mean really, whats he going to do now?? threaten me some more? beat my ass? kill me? ban me from tna? lol...really...i dont care if i ever return, they'd be doing me a favor honestly by banning me...everybody showed there true colors that day...but hey its life, its the wrestling business...and thats why i want nothing to do with it...but, im not letting Matt & Devon get away with it...they think there so untouchable...well there not...im not afraid to take them head on in court...Devon says he has Vince Mcmahon's lawyers...well hope he wasnt lying...but hey...unless you both and TNA choose to go ahead and apologize for all of the inconvienence that occured that weekend, then will be fine...I still wont support or go TNA...but I won't take it as far as it will go...id just drop it...your choice, the choice is youres!

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-Alex (EX-TNA Beanie Guy)"




was that if devon laid a finger on me, i would call child protective services...cause lets face it....anyone that size and at his age (especially in this post chris benoit world were living in) that would threaten to kill & murder a defenseless 20 year old like myself over just wanting money I was owed...in my opinion doesent deserve to have his kids


That makes zero sense.


And what does this have to do with Benoit?


I'm not saying it's not true, but it does seem a really stupid story.



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Problems With D-Von Dudley Recapped

From http://www.myspace.com/tnabeanieguy


"Yes I was banned....


and honestly...im giving TNA and Devon Dudley exactly until January 1st to apologize...


or else, you will read my story, and know the truth about Devon Dudley and behind the scenes at TNA all over the web...and even hear some threatening audio from Devon Dudley....as well as some other TNA staff, including Security....


it will all be posted everywhere and on every wrestling news site on the web after January 1st...


so, unless TNA and Devon Dudley give an apology for there actions...expect stuff not to look so good for the dudleys or TNA in this...how should i put it....post chris benoit world were living in...


because people that use steroids...well...lets just say...eventually you will get caught


-Alex (EX-TNA Beanie Guy)"


Beanie Guy's reason for being banned:


"Some people are stupid and didnt read what i said about how I would post everything if I didnt receive my apology...but whatever, ha


Ill give you a small rundown on stuff...


Basically...Devon Hughes (Dudley) & Matt (He Works security for TNA)...both owe me money for working there DCW wrestling event in October...but aside from that...I bought stuff for the event with my own money, my own cash out of my pocket...and gave receipts and was told I would receive it by the end of the night...I didnt...All I get when I try to go up to Devon is Matt telling me not to bother him because he drunk...fuck that, if im owed money, I will get it...I get used by no one...let alone those 2 people who think there so untouchable (which trust me, according to the attorney i spoke with, there not)....anyways...


I had an Ex-Friend...Her name is Tiffany (She is a Ring Rat...she has slept with numerous wrestlers in TNA & stirred up alot of drama & problems and made up alot of lies)...She was hanging out with our middle friend...Nathan...he is like my brother, and my best friend...and apparently Tiffany was talking with Devon over the phone talking shit about me saying if i didnt stop my shit (in other words, deciding not to talk with them because i didnt like being used, and speaking up saying i wanted my money) that i would soon have to become the WWE beanie guy and blah blah, shit talking...anyways...I was pissed, so then I decided to message Matt on myspace and sent him a long message saying the way the situation was and how I want nothing to do with those people (meaning Matt & Devon) as I was warned from friends and people about them and the way they do things and how they work....and how He needs to go back to being Devon's bitch because i wont be used anymore, and there nothing to me, im nothing to them, so just leave me alone


then next day or so...I get a call from Devon, I didnt pick up, he left me a voicemail telling me to call him back within 15-20 minutes or I would have to deal with him on sunday (meaning the Dec. 2nd Turning Point PPV) and that I should trust him that i wouldnt want to deal with him in person at the PPV.....


whatever, I didnt call back, because I dont respond to people talking to me like that, im a fucking human, treat me like one....later that night I get another call from Devon, I didnt pick up...he left me a long threatening voicemail saying how he is going to see how tough I am and he is going to beat my ass and how I can go to Dixie Carter with this, but who do I think she will believe, me or him?...and screw dixie and TNA because he doesent need them and as far as he is concerned this is between me and him....and that i am going to have hell to pay and he is going to see how tough I am and beat my ass at the PPV...


yeah..all of this because I spoke up wanting my money I was owed...and because i say im done being used...


anyhow...I find out Devon has told Tiffany some things bringing my girlfriend into the picture, which pissed me off...that touched a really personal nerve on me...so i decided to call Devon...and I did...


I confronted him and asked what his fucking problem is, and he starts going off about how he is going to fucking kill me, and it is going to take me having a gun to keep him off of me, and he goes on about how he is willing to spend 5 days in jail to beat my ass and he is going to fucking murder me...blah blah blah...very threatening like that, continuous for a couple mins...he then says "Alex, don't let me catch you sunday" I then say "Devon, Catch me" he says "Alex Im fucking serious, dont let me catch you I then end it saying "You 110% have my permission, you dont scare me, catch me"...and I Hung up on him....


yeah...by this time...im really pissed...whatever...anyways...come sunday I receive a phone call in the morning telling me I have been banned from TNA for the month of december....I was extremely pissed, but knew why...Devon black balled me....an hour or so later I receive a phone call from Mark (Bubba Dudley) saying that Devon wants to squash the heat between us and wants to talk face to face...and bubba asks what happenend and the whole story (me knowing this is bullshit and a set up, i play along and tell him shit, ha, how fucking stupid does he think I am?)...anyways...I end up going to Universal...call Bubba back and let him know im there, and neither him or devon come out after 20 mins...gee, who saw that coming, eh? lol...then I find out that Bubba said he changed his mind and that if i have anything to say to Devon it will be said afterwards at ale house...


hey, haha, who thought they would've had a brain??? doing anything on Universal property wouldnt be very smart....lol...anyways...no thanks, I went to Universal and complained about this...and they brought in Steve Smalls who is the Production Manager of TNA...and I got him saying it in front of all of universal's main staff in there and a couple friends that I was banned because Devon was threatening to cause an incident on the live PPV if he saw me in the crowd...and that I was banned because Devon said I threatened his kids...which is untrue completely...."


What I had said to Tiffany (and she turned around and ran back to devon and either lied or blew it out of proportion)...was that if devon laid a finger on me, i would call child protective services...cause lets face it....anyone that size and at his age (especially in this post chris benoit world were living in) that would threaten to kill & murder a defenseless 20 year old like myself over just wanting money I was owed...in my opinion doesent deserve to have his kids...that seems like a very unsafe environment, I mean, hell, I dont know this guy that well at all...just know he is threatening to murder & Kill me...how stable can him and his head be?? especially if he is juicing up with some stuff....which you know...you didnt hear from me...but, I won't let that cat out of the bag until im ready...cause i have the way to prove it...not just my word...he really needs to watch what he says, same goes for Matt for that matter....


anyways...lets see, leaves me threatening voicemails, threatens to kill me over the phone, making up lies (defamation of character, he has no proof, except his little bitches that he uses that will make anything up to get where they want to go in TNA)...so if you take that has a threat to kids, then so be it, but its not, its looking out for there well-being after threatening to kill me...its not right...especially to making comments about my girlfriend...who really took the first attack eh?


anyways...I attempted to speak with Dixie Carter at doubletree...she didnt care to hear it...hey its fine...


the can of worms that I can open up will not only cause extremely bad publicity for TNA (especially in this post Chris Benoit world were living in) but it will make the dudley boys name mud...


lets face it...I dont want a career in wrestling, or nothing much to do with it...I am no longer even a fan of TNA...TNA just drops me like nothing, after all of my hard work I have done for the company and everything ive done to promote and support it...they dont even care to listen to my side of the story...but thats the way it is, they will protect there talent...


devon said it to my girlfriend best...TNA will kiss there asses for the next month or so because they want them to sign new contracts and not go to WWE...but the facts are...they will be going back to WWE and dont care about TNA at all...


either way....


also..to add on..my best friend Nathan, whos only involvement in this situation is telling me what shit was talked about me behind my back by Matt (security guard for TNA & devons bitch)...he receives a phone call from Matt threatening him and saying to mind his own fucking business, and nathan says that he is my best friend and my brother and will have my back and tell me when something is being said about me...then Matt threatens him some more...so nathan says for him to continue juicing up and stick devons dick back in his ass...and hung up on him....next thing you know, he calls nathan back leaving him a very threatening voicemail calling him a fat piece of shit fucking cigarette and that he will beat the living shit out of him, bury his ass and make sure he has body parts that wont function once he is through with him and more threats...and saying to go ahead and go to the police but it wont stop him from beating the shit out of him...


so yeah...this is TNA talent (Devon), and well...TNA wannabe talent (matt)....and you know...as far as you know, its my side of the story and his side...


but everything i said with the voicemails, and the phone calls...I have the audio for...and trust me...if i dont get the apology from them and TNA on the 6th (which lets face it, it wont happen)...then, the audio will be available to hear, the interviews with me will be up, and this story will be plastered all over every single wrestling news site you can imagine...even some local news stations...channel 6 news to be exact...


they want to threaten me and my best friend/brother with physical violence...all over me wanting my money I was owed...thats fine..I will deal with them legally...


theres a few things im still not saying either...its because i was advised not to say it until the time is right....all that needs to be done is a simple apology....if not...then sorry it came to it...


i mean really, whats he going to do now?? threaten me some more? beat my ass? kill me? ban me from tna? lol...really...i dont care if i ever return, they'd be doing me a favor honestly by banning me...everybody showed there true colors that day...but hey its life, its the wrestling business...and thats why i want nothing to do with it...but, im not letting Matt & Devon get away with it...they think there so untouchable...well there not...im not afraid to take them head on in court...Devon says he has Vince Mcmahon's lawyers...well hope he wasnt lying...but hey...unless you both and TNA choose to go ahead and apologize for all of the inconvienence that occured that weekend, then will be fine...I still wont support or go TNA...but I won't take it as far as it will go...id just drop it...your choice, the choice is youres!



This bares of the question of: WHO FUCKING CARES!?

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But he'll post some stuff if D-Von doesn't apologise!


Seriously, I don't think even Meltzer would care about this, let alone channel 6 news.

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From the Montreal house show last night (courtesy wrestlingobserver.com):


Christian Cage beat Kurt Angle by DQ after referee Earl Hebner DQ’d Angle for using the title belt. Angle retained the title.


When did TNA drop the "titles can change hands on a DQ" rule?

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It would have been nice for a mention on TV about that. If I thought about that reading the result, surely someone in the crowd thought about it.

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