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Ashley Massaro is an MFer

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Guest I miss Test.

If I lived in NC... I'd think of flirting with him, stealing his heart, taking all his money and dumping his ass for no reason just because it would be so easy.

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I can't wait for the breakup angle and all his disgusting fans to riot with the ensuing Raw promo.


"Here ith the true story from Camer-On, North Care-o-lina. So there was YOU, Edge, or should I say...ADAM COPELAND! And after you finished with MAH ex gurlfriend, Amy Doo-Mah...what did you do? You tried to ruin MAH LIFE! You took Ashlee Mizz-ahr-oh and you stopped me from havin' mah family! Mah dream! Don't worry, because WE WILL LIVE ON! Matt Hardy, Version 3.0!"


God, what an abortion of an angle, a worker, and braincells. Keep him the fuck off TV and put the belt on Edge. And then keep Edge away from Syphil-Queen and split that team, he's much cooler as "I should be the champ, Im a loner, just a little whiny, though" Edge.

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Guest I miss Test.

1) Dumbass should know by now to not have a relationship with any co-workers... let alone admit it on the internet again.


2) This girl gave his phone number on national TV. I'm sure that will work out well.


I guess Matt likes trying to save sluts that look like transvestites, or something.

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Guest *KNK*

You do realize that likely wasn't her personal # right? She was just doing smart business move by getting another # and I haven't heard of any stories saying she actually answered the phone. I'm sure it was just directly transfered to a voice mail.


Matt is just an idiot for doing another co-worker relationship, especially considering he will be on Smackdown soon...


Ashley Massaro isn't a horrible looking girl, I laugh at the idiots who say she looks like a tranny. Go find a real tranny and you'll see the difference.


A real tranny makes more of an effort.

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I can't wait for the breakup angle and all his disgusting fans to riot with the ensuing Raw promo.


"Here ith the true story from Camer-On, North Care-o-lina.  So there was YOU, Edge, or should I say...ADAM COPELAND!  And after you finished with MAH ex gurlfriend, Amy Doo-Mah...what did you do?  You tried to ruin MAH LIFE!  You took Ashlee Mizz-ahr-oh and you stopped me from havin' mah family!  Mah dream!  Don't worry, because WE WILL LIVE ON!  Matt Hardy, Version 3.0!"


God, what an abortion of an angle, a worker, and braincells.  Keep him the fuck off TV and put the belt on Edge.  And then keep Edge away from Syphil-Queen and split that team, he's much cooler as "I should be the champ, Im a loner, just a little whiny, though" Edge.




I seem to remember you always ragging on Edge.


The one thing I find funny about this is that he's dating the replacement Lita. I guess it's the natural progression.

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CanadianChick, I did always rag on Edge.


I thought Edge/Michaels at the Rumble was awful.

I thought Edge/HHH on Raw was awful.

I thought Edge/Jericho/Batista SummerSlam was awful.

I thought the first 25 minutes of Orton/Edge Vengeance 04 was awful.

I thought Edge/Kane Backlash 04 and Raw 05 MITB finals was awful.

I think the Edge/Matt Hardy feud was awful.

I thought Edge/Batista on Raw this year was awful.


However, I do find his character entertaining in a sleazy cool, Pillman '93 meets Shane Douglas '98 vibe kinda way.


And when you're stuck with the crap that is Raw, i.e. terrible, slow, or embarassing workers like Ric Flair, Triple H, John Cena, Carlito, Chris Masters, etc. all main eventing, you take the lesser of evils. Edge is a much better workers than any of them except Triple H, and Trips got really boring with "You must beat ME to be the top guy!" years ago.


So I like Edge. His matches, while not technical marvels, are getting better.


I just wish he'd ditch the shitty spear and use that modified Sharpshooter some more. I remember him putting TNA Main Eventer Rhyno away in 2 minutes with that thing earlier this year.


His Raw match with Shawn was okay.

Unforgiven was okay.

Benoit and he had a VERY GOOD Raw match sometime ago.

Ladder Match's story was fun.

And I like him for the Lita angle, as she's mighty good looking in her heel outfits.

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Guest Rrrsh

Matt telling the world that he is dating a co-worker better get him fired agian if they dont play it out on screen.

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Matt telling the world that he is dating a co-worker better get him fired agian if they dont play it out on screen.


I was thinking that Matt Hardy isn't going to last any longer in WWE if he's traded to Smackdown, regardless of his relationship with Ashley. Either that, or WWE's going to have him return in 2 months and do his ridiculous "Angelic Diablo" shit on Raw and continue his stale feud with Edge. Then, he'll probably be released after the feud is FINALLY over with.

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Matt telling the world that he is dating a co-worker better get him fired agian if they dont play it out on screen.


All he did was say she was an "awesome person" and that he "appreciated" her. You guys are acting like he posted that he's been fucking her.

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Guest wootman

Saying that Ashley Massaro looks like a tranny is pretty lame. I'd sure like to see the women these "smarks" date, if they even date at all to begin with.

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Saying that Ashley Massaro looks like a tranny is pretty lame. I'd sure like to see the women these "smarks" date, if they even date at all to begin with.


They got the "tranny" name for Massaro from R.D. Reynolds on Wrestlecrap Radio, I'm assuming.


That being said, though, I don't think Massaro is that hot.

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Wait ... maybe this is part of the big ~work~ and Ashley is going to attack Lita & Edge for the next few months, leading to a big mixed gender tag match, where the new-and-improved Matt Hardy will return and re-start this epic of a boring-ass feud.


And anyone that thinks that Ashley looks like a tranny is fucking crazy. I've seen my fair share of trannies. None have been as hot as her. Hell, none of have been as hot as Lita, and aesthetically, Ashley > Lita.

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