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White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

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Man, I feel bad for the Angles. Played Sunday in New York, Monday in Anaheim, and today in Chicago. That's rough.


The Sox have the clear advantage tonight with rest and healthy pitching, but what happens afterwards in anyone's guess.

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Man, the video played before the pregame show was just insultingly bad.

what happened


Half of it was about the Yankees and Red Sox and how they're out of it, and the other half was about the White Sox not winning since 1917. The Angels received a passing mention.

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The White Sox really needed to win this game, with the Angels being so tired from the amount of travel time they've had in the last 48 hours. Contreras threw a good game, but Byrd was excellent and was helped by his bullpen.


And on the plus side, Sweet Lou wasn't even that bad in the booth, I thought. Then again, I only heard a little of him from having the smaller tv on mute when SVU was on.

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Guest TheDon

White Sox blew it Great big win for the Angels. Especially after the past couple of days for the Angels to win that game is something else.

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Rodriguez achieved Trachsel-like levels of slowness during the ninth inning, but I guess it worked.


Great start for the Angels. They managed to defend the few runs they were able to scrape out, thanks partly to the Sox' runners getting thrown out pretty much whenever they got on base.

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Not that many really. Maybe some of the pitchers but Spezio, Eckstein, Glaus, Salmon all gone, if I remember that team right. What happened to the ultra white bread Angels with a bunch of white dudes and Garrett Anderson?


The reason the Angels didn't get much mention is that there isn't much of a story behind them. They aren't a shocking underdog, nor are they a team of downtrodden doomed losers desperate for the Series for the first time in 80 years.


That said, my brother and I both agreed during the season that the Angels were the best team in the AL. All the other contenders seemed insanely up and down (Red Sox, Yankees, White Sox, A's), but the Angels went about their business and aside from a blip on the radar when the A's were in 1st they've been solid all year.

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Excellent game. Brief and exciting. I was paranoid until the last strike that the Sox would homer in the ninth to win it. White Sox looked terrible many occasions throughout the night on things they had been masters of all season. The untimely attempted steals, the missed hit and run, and the inability to bunt all come to mind.

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Does anybody know how many current Angels are left over from the World Series team?

Molina, Kennedy, Anderson and Erstad in the field


Washburn, Donnely, Rodriguez and "The Greatest American Pitcher" Lackey on the mound


Figgins was a bench-warming rookie in the '02 season, so I'm not sure if he counts

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Bengie Molina, Adam Kennedy, Garret Anderson, Darin Erstad, Jose Molina, Jarrod Washburn, John Lackey, Brendan Donnelly, Francisco Rodriguez, Chone Figgins, Scot Shields, and manager Mike Scioscia are holdovers from the 2002 club. Figgins counts because he played three playoff games. Tim Salmon is also a member of the 2005 Angels, but is on the DL.

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These last two games have been things of beauty. The White Sox are messing up every little element of the game that they had such a grip on all season. I don't know where Crede thought he was going, since that ball didn't look like it was going to drop at all. Perhaps he was still in shock over actually being on base.

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Guest I miss Test.

This game reminds me of the 1895 Temple Cup. With Sadie McMahon's excellent pitching performance.

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Well, the Angels' pitching is just sick. I retract my statement made during game one of the Angels/Yanks series; the Angels games have become the only consistently entertaining games of this postseason. I'm loving their defense and ridiculously deep bullpen. Gotta believe that unearned run in the first or Rowand's greediness in the second is going to be the difference in this one.


The series has also enlightened me to just how uninteresting Pinella is. How could a guy who looks like a damn madman half the season be so mellow and one-dimensional in the booth?

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