Guest wildpegasus Report post Posted July 14, 2006 dude SHUT UP Stop harassing me and taking this thread off topic. I want to talk about my excitement for Rocky. If you or any other internet bullies (aren't you guys getting a little old to be bullies?) else have an issue with me than take it somewhere else. The HD discussion area or something. Just leave me alone and let me enjoy talking about the 6th installment of my favourite series of movies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maztinho 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2006 Let's look at a few facts here that everyone is overlooking in regards to "Rocky VI" - Rocky IV and V killed this franchise. Actually IV killed it, and then V pissed on the grave. No one cares about Rocky anymore. IV has gained some cult following because it's so over the top, but let's not pretend that people were clamoring for another movie -Sly Stallone is essentially a joke in Hollywood at this point, and is not a draw to any degree. He's resurrecting the Rocky and Rambo films because he has nothing left in him and he's trying to milk one more payday before his career is over -The general populace doesn't give a shit. This is getting a "meh" reaction. No one is thinking this on the level of Star Wars, like WP suggested. It's got trainwreck appeal. Rocky was a fun series of movies about a short Italian, workingman's here who whips a bunch of black boxer's asses and nothing more. And can we please refrain from using wrestling terminology outside of the wrestling folder. It's extremely dorky. I'll disagree that IV killed the franchise, I actually prefer it over III, but then again I'm a little Ivan Drago myself. V was okay, but a definite downturn in the series. Who cares about Stallone's reasonings? If people go and see it, why does it matter why? And yes, this isn't going to be Star Wars, or even Pirates level of viewership. But I like to say, "marked out" over something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted July 15, 2006 I can buy someone saying Rocky's fights don't have psychology if they're thinking about it in WRESTLING terms, but only in wrestling terms. I think it's a given that we're talking about psychology in wrestling terms. Using wrestling terms is part of WP's gimmick. The general populace doesn't give a shit. This is getting a "meh" reaction. No one is thinking this on the level of Star Wars, like WP suggested. WP can't seem to comprehend that statement. He believes that fans of the Rocky series have no equal. According to WP, Rocky fans are more "hardcore" than Star Wars fans, LOTR fans, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted July 15, 2006 that's true...NO fans are more ridiculously "hardcore" then Star Wars fans. except maybe Star Trek fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wildpegasus Report post Posted July 15, 2006 The general populace doesn't give a shit. This is getting a "meh" reaction. No one is thinking this on the level of Star Wars, like WP suggested. WP can't seem to comprehend that statement. He believes that fans of the Rocky series have no equal. According to WP, Rocky fans are more "hardcore" than Star Wars fans, LOTR fans, etc. I'm not overly concerned about the general populace giving a care about the movie. However, you are going to be surprised on how well this movie is going to do. It will exceed expectations. I wouldn't use the word "hardcore" as that starts going into other terrortories of thought. What I'm saying is that the big fans of the Rocky series find the movie more meaningful and emotional to them than the fans of the Star Wars series. And that's because of the emotional content of it which hits home extrememly hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2006 The big question is whether the movie will be worse than this thread. I say yes, unless WP continues to one-up himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted July 15, 2006 What I'm saying is that the big fans of the Rocky series find the movie more meaningful and emotional to them than the fans of the Star Wars series. And that's because of the emotional content of it which hits home extrememly hard. You're still wrong. You're assuming that everyone feels the same way that you do. Your bias is clouding your judgment. You're a big Rocky fan. As far as I can tell, you're not a Star Wars fan. This may come as a shock, but there are a lot of people who find the Star Wars series (the OT in particular) to be emotional and meaningful. Why else would SW fans go to some ridiculous extremes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted July 15, 2006 because they're obviously not getting laid and therefore have nothing better to do? just a guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wildpegasus Report post Posted July 15, 2006 What I'm saying is that the big fans of the Rocky series find the movie more meaningful and emotional to them than the fans of the Star Wars series. And that's because of the emotional content of it which hits home extrememly hard. You're still wrong. You're assuming that everyone feels the same way that you do. Your bias is clouding your judgment. You're a big Rocky fan. As far as I can tell, you're not a Star Wars fan. This may come as a shock, but there are a lot of people who find the Star Wars series (the OT in particular) to be emotional and meaningful. Why else would SW fans go to some ridiculous extremes? Because they think Darth Vader/lightsabres/various other things are cool and they would be correct in that assesment. Plus the movie is famous for various reasons and reminds a lot of people of their earlier days. The emotional bond thus grows. The story's not bad either but it doesn't really pack an overly powerful emotional punch. Btw, I like the Star Wars movies though I do find them boring at times. The combined animated cartoon shorts ruled all however especially the first part of the "movie". The last quarter of the show was still a lot of fun but not up to par with the first 3/4s of the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted July 15, 2006 Plus the movie is famous for various reasons and reminds a lot of people of their earlier days. The emotional bond thus grows. The same could be said for the Rocky films. The story's not bad either but it doesn't really pack an overly powerful emotional punch. Again, that's just your opinion. There are lots of people who would disagree with you. For some people, Luke blowing up the Death Star is just as meaningful as Rocky beating Apollo, Yoda's death is just as meaningful as Mickey's death, etc. It's a matter of personal taste. An opinion is not a good way to back your statement that Rocky fans find their movies to be more emotional and meaningful than SW fans do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wildpegasus Report post Posted July 15, 2006 Plus the movie is famous for various reasons and reminds a lot of people of their earlier days. The emotional bond thus grows. The same could be said for the Rocky films. The story's not bad either but it doesn't really pack an overly powerful emotional punch. Again, that's just your opinion. There are lots of people who would disagree with you. For some people, Luke blowing up the Death Star is just as meaningful as Rocky beating Apollo, Yoda's death is just as meaningful as Mickey's death, etc. It's a matter of personal taste. An opinion is not a good way to back your statement that Rocky fans find their movies to be more emotional and meaningful than SW fans do. Well yes, Rocky owes some of its love to what was quoted in the first quote there. However, Star Wars owes more to it than Rocky does. Yes, it's a matter of taste. Some people could have more emotional connectiveness with Hogan vs Nash the Fingerpoke of Doom than to say Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask from 4/83. However, I think you'd be safe in saying that DK vs Tiger Mask moved more people emotionally deeper than Hogan vs Nash did even if it an opinon. Well, you can't be in the minds of everyone but for me I severely doubt there is a Star Wars fan out there who was more emotionally moved watching Star Wars than how much I was moved by watching Rocky. Same for a lot of other people. Maybe they're emotionally moved with the coolness, some of the plot and the soundtrack from the movie but they're not going to leave a Star Wars movie feeling like you can move the world 10 times over. THAT'S the feeling I'm talking about. It is a feeling that can not be conquered by any other feelings. The fighing spirit of Rocky leaves you with that. It is the very feeling of life itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted July 15, 2006 You're using a ridiculous example to illustrate your view. You're basically comparing Star Wars to Hogan vs. Nash, and Rocky to DK vs. TM. Yeah, that's not biased at all. You're also trying to give too much credit to yourself as a Rocky fan and not enough credit to the die-hard SW fans. "Oh, people only like Star Wars because of the 'coolness,' some of the story, and the soundtrack!" That might be accurate for the average SW fan, but you're ignoring the insane, die-hard fans. The kind that are idiotic enough to name their kids after SW characters, legally change their name to Luke Skywalker, have a SW-themed wedding, declare their religion as "Jedi," etc. To those chuckleheads, SW is their life, while Rocky just seems to be your poor substitute for porn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wildpegasus Report post Posted July 15, 2006 You're using a ridiculous example to illustrate your view. You're basically comparing Star Wars to Hogan vs. Nash, and Rocky to DK vs. TM. Yeah, that's not biased at all. You're also trying to give too much credit to yourself as a Rocky fan and not enough credit to the die-hard SW fans. "Oh, people only like Star Wars because of the 'coolness,' some of the story, and the soundtrack!" That might be accurate for the average SW fan, but you're ignoring the insane, die-hard fans. The kind that are idiotic enough to name their kids after SW characters, legally change their name to Luke Skywalker, have a SW-themed wedding, declare their religion as "Jedi," etc. To those chuckleheads, SW is their life, while Rocky just seems to be your poor substitute for porn. The analagy were just to make sure my point got across. I thought that was pretty obvious. Your last paragraph indicates you're either not getting what I'm saying, are just arguing for the fun of it or are refusing to believe what I'm saying. In any case, I made my point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted July 15, 2006 whoops, you misspelled "analogy". now your never gonna hear the end of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayer 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2006 While I applaud his efforts, askewniverse is fighting a losing battle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Lushus 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2006 While I applaud his efforts, askewniverse is fighting a losing battle STOP BEING AN INTERNET BULLY SLAYER AND ASKEWNIVERSE! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted July 15, 2006 Your last paragraph indicates you're either not getting what I'm saying, are just arguing for the fun of it or are refusing to believe what I'm saying. In any case, I made my point. I get what you're saying. If you had bothered to read my post correctly, you would have realized that. Your response is obviously a poor attempt to avoid countering my statements. Don't bother posting a reply. Reading one of your previous posts again would achieve the same effect as a "new" response. While I applaud his efforts, askewniverse is fighting a losing battle Arguing with WP won't go anywhere, because he'll just keep repeating the same thing instead of backing up his statements. There's no point in trying to argue with him, so I'm going to stop. I've lost enough brain cells from this thread. Let WP turn this into another thread in which he talks to himself for 50 pages. Maybe someone will finally decide to use the ban stick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wildpegasus Report post Posted July 16, 2006 Why can't wildpegasus ever give up an inch? SOME PEOPLE LIKE ROCKY BETTER THAN STAR WARS AND SOME PEOPLE LIKE STAR WARS BETTER THAN ROCKY AND NOTHING YOU CAN SAY WILL PROVE THAT ROCKY IS BETTER THAN STAR WARS BECAUSE IT'S A MATTER OF OPINION, NOT FACT AND WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT. Umm, that's not what I'm saying. In fact, I agree with a good percentage of what you wrote there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted July 16, 2006 Well I also think it was dumb that people argued with you when you said that some people are more excited about this than when the new Star Wars movies came out. Of course if people like Rocky more than Star Wars, they may be inclined to be more excited about the new Rocky than the new Star Wars. (Actually, this could be said of any sequel, from Terminator 3 to Baby Geniuses 2, that would have some people excited.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted July 16, 2006 people were excited to see Baby Geniuses 2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayer 0 Report post Posted July 16, 2006 Compared to the excitement of seeing Baby Geniuses 1, it was almost on par Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted July 16, 2006 no counting for taste i guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2006 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vivalaultra 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 Sly Stallone looks good for an octagenarian. Seriously, I'm fuckin' pumped for Rocky VI. My Dad's actually gonna go see this in the theatre with me. He hasn't been to the theatre in damn near 10 years. It's gonna be a good male bonding thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Art Sandusky 0 Report post Posted November 18, 2006 Rocky III was on Spike tonight. Pretty badass shit. It's hard for a red-blooded male not to get into a Rocky movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aero 0 Report post Posted November 18, 2006 I could see the rare occasion of a guy not getting into I or II, but yeah, I think III and IV are ultimate guy movies... especially IV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted November 19, 2006 Rocky III was on Spike tonight. Pretty badass shit. It's hard for a red-blooded male not to get into a Rocky movie. <<<<< Right here. I think the Rocky movies are overrated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2006 Just got back from it. What a fun movie, a great way for the Rocky movies to go out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C Dubya 04 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2006 Was it more in the style of I & II, or the campier style of III & IV? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites