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2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

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By the way, Bruiser, what do you do after two morale-killing bridge-burning poorly-managed disappointing seasons? If you guessed "jack up the ticket prices," you run the Chicago Cubs.


As an aside, the bands that Jack Bauer wants to see fuckin' suck.

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I agree that the Mets should try and keep Trachsel. He pitched very well in 2004, and pitched well when he came back last year, really deserved a permanent rotation spot over Zambrano, but they're still trying to justify the Kazmir deal. If the Mets should deal any starter it should be Zambrano. If they can get Vazquez for Benson they should do that. And they should not just throw Heilman in on a deal, that kid has potential.


EDIT* I'd tell the Red Sox to go fuck themselves, they're dealing a player who has publically stated he won't play for them again, they have no leverage, a deal for CARLOS FUCKING BELTRAN, I don't care if he had a down year, is more than fair. He's younger than Manny, a much better fielder, runs the bases like a pro, and while he's not the complete hitter that Manny is, we know he can knock it out

Edited by Precious Roy

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Red Sox have leverage. Nowhere in Manny's contract is there a clause where he can demand a trade. If he doesn't show up for Spring Training and sits out then the Red Sox can probably have the rest of the contract voided and then invest their dollars elsewhere. There's no way the Player's Association however would let that happen and they'd pressure Manny into showing up and playing since he has one of the richest contracts in baseball.

Its not like he'd just decide to dog it either because then no team would be interested in him and he would be stuck in Boston for the remainder of his contract.

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He won't "dog" it, he'll just do stupid shit in the field/clubhouse/media that drives management crazy, just like he always does


What could the Angels offer? maybe a package built around Kendry Morales, or is he considered off limits? I figure they want to keep Ervin Santana, and the Sox might have to take Steve Finley in a deal just to make the exchange of contracts more equitable.

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By the way, Bruiser, what do you do after two morale-killing bridge-burning poorly-managed disappointing seasons? If you guessed "jack up the ticket prices," you run the Chicago Cubs.


As an aside, the bands that Jack Bauer wants to see fuckin' suck.

Wait, are they raising prices again? Having only been there once in 2003 and once last year, I only have the vast difference in pricing between the two. Of course, the seats in 2003 were awful (i.e. a perfect view of Waveland), but I know they've shot up since 2003.

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Red Sox have leverage. Nowhere in Manny's contract is there a clause where he can demand a trade. If he doesn't show up for Spring Training and sits out then the Red Sox can probably have the rest of the contract voided and then invest their dollars elsewhere. There's no way the Player's Association however would let that happen and they'd pressure Manny into showing up and playing since he has one of the richest contracts in baseball.

Its not like he'd just decide to dog it either because then no team would be interested in him and he would be stuck in Boston for the remainder of his contract.


But he is a 10/5 guy this year, correct? That means he can control where he goes, so if he really wants to be a nuisance he'll start voiding trades until he goes to a team he likes. You know the Players' Association will back him up on that.

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How about Jarred Washburn?

Washburn's peripherals are mediocre, but what isn't seen in the average stat line is that he almost never allows opposing runners to steal bases because his pickoff move is so good. Washburn did not allow a single runner to steal a base last season.


The problem is that Washburn will be overpaid.

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But he is a 10/5 guy this year, correct?  That means he can control where he goes, so if he really wants to be a nuisance he'll start voiding trades until he goes to a team he likes.  You know the Players' Association will back him up on that.

ya, but if there's no West Coast teams interested in trading for him yet some other team does then he'll have to decide how much he really wants to leave. Player's Association can't force a West Coast team to take him.


I wouldn't mind seeing him go to the Mets for Beltran straight up and then the Red Sox signing Reggie Sanders for one year to play LF. Carlos Lee is a FA after this season and I'd love to see him in Boston. Who knows, maybe Milwaukee will even make him available at the trade deadline if they're out of contention (which they most likely will be). That just leaves Boston needing a leadoff hitter really and with all OF spots taken there would be no room for Damon. Maybe go back to Florida for Luis Castillo? I've read in the Herald and Globe several times that feelings amongst the front office people is that they want Pedroia in Triple A for at least one more full season.

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But he is a 10/5 guy this year, correct?  That means he can control where he goes, so if he really wants to be a nuisance he'll start voiding trades until he goes to a team he likes.  You know the Players' Association will back him up on that.

ya, but if there's no West Coast teams interested in trading for him yet some other team does then he'll have to decide how much he really wants to leave. Player's Association can't force a West Coast team to take him.


I wouldn't mind seeing him go to the Mets for Beltran straight up and then the Red Sox signing Reggie Sanders for one year to play LF. Carlos Lee is a FA after this season and I'd love to see him in Boston. Who knows, maybe Milwaukee will even make him available at the trade deadline if they're out of contention (which they most likely will be). That just leaves Boston needing a leadoff hitter really and with all OF spots taken there would be no room for Damon. Maybe go back to Florida for Luis Castillo? I've read in the Herald and Globe several times that feelings amongst the front office people is that they want Pedroia in Triple A for at least one more full season.


Why don't the Red Sox sign the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD?


Now I know why people hate the Yankees.

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I agree with Mike. What fun is it to cheer for the Red Sox against the evil empire when the Sox have become everything we've ever hated about the Yankees?


As for the thoughts on the Sox, I'll be shocked if the Brewers fall out of contention, and Luis Castillo would not be a good fit for the Red Sox.

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I wouldn't say they've become everything hated about the Yankees. Their only big money signings the past couple of off-seasons were Keith Foulke, Matt Clement and Edgar Renteria. Anybody could have had Ortiz, Mueller, Millar, Bellhorn, Timlin, Arroyo etc at one point. They traded for Schilling, Beckett, Lowell, Mota, Williamson, Frisbee Kim, Tony Graffanino, Dave Roberts and a couple other minor role players.


The Yankees however in the past couple of off-season gave big money to Carl Pavano, Jared Wright, Gary Sheffield, Paul Quantrill, Tom Gordon, Hideki Matsui and John Lieber. They've aquired Jeff Weaver, Javier Vasquez, Kevin Brown, A-Rod, and Randy Johnson as big names via trade.


The Yankees have still spent about double of what Boston has these past few off-seasons.


If the Red Sox traded Manny for Beltran then it wouldn't be like they were giving up garbage to get him. If they signed Reggie Sanders to play LF then it wouldn't be as if they shelled out top dollars for a big name OFer.


If Manny for Beltran is done and Damon is willing to play LF along with dropping his price demands a bit then there's no need for Reggie Sanders or looking at trading for a lead-off hitter.


I've always thought the world of Carlos Lee and would love to see him play LF at Fenway though.

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I think it was the SI writeup on Epstein leaving, can't remember exactly, but the point was made that finally winning a WS changed the entire mindset in Boston to that of the Yankees, where anything short of winning it all is unacceptable. I agree with that, and speaking as a Yankees fan who's seen the homespun glory of the mid-late 90's crash down into a desperate rage against the dying of the light, I take pity on the Red Sox and their fans

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I think it was the SI writeup on Epstein leaving, can't remember exactly, but the point was made that finally winning a WS changed the entire mindset in Boston to that of the Yankees, where anything short of winning it all is unacceptable.  I agree with that, and speaking as a Yankees fan who's seen the homespun glory of the mid-late 90's crash down into a desperate rage against the dying of the light, I take pity on the Red Sox and their fans

Great point there I think you got to the heart of that issue


anyhow I will remain a loyal Yankee, whether we win a championship or not. I just enjoy rooting for my team yknow


Anyway the schedule has been relased and the Yanks open the 06 season on the road with 3 vs oakland then 3 vs the LA "Bleepin" Angels.


Opening day in the bronx Aprill 11 vs KC I hope to be there (since Im moving back to my home in around January probably)

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Last season wasn't a disappointment from where I sit. The team's ace and closer were both injured for most of the season, not to mention the bullpen for the most part just flat out sucked. Through all that they still tied the Yankees in the W-L column and made the post season. Was I a bit down to see them not go further in the playoffs? Sure, but I wasn't disappointed with what the team was able to accomplish on a whole.


That's just the thoughts of one Red Sox fan though.

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I wouldn't say they've become everything hated about the Yankees. Their only big money signings the past couple of off-seasons were Keith Foulke, Matt Clement and Edgar Renteria. Anybody could have had Ortiz, Mueller, Millar, Bellhorn, Timlin, Arroyo etc at one point. They traded for Schilling, Beckett, Lowell, Mota, Williamson, Frisbee Kim, Tony Graffanino, Dave Roberts and a couple other minor role players.


The Yankees however in the past couple of off-season gave big money to Carl Pavano, Jared Wright, Gary Sheffield, Paul Quantrill, Tom Gordon, Hideki Matsui and John Lieber. They've aquired Jeff Weaver, Javier Vasquez, Kevin Brown, A-Rod, and Randy Johnson as big names via trade.


The Yankees have still spent about double of what Boston has these past few off-seasons.


If the Red Sox traded Manny for Beltran then it wouldn't be like they were giving up garbage to get him. If they signed Reggie Sanders to play LF then it wouldn't be as if they shelled out top dollars for a big name OFer.


If Manny for Beltran is done and Damon is willing to play LF along with dropping his price demands a bit then there's no need for Reggie Sanders or looking at trading for a lead-off hitter.


I've always thought the world of Carlos Lee and would love to see him play LF at Fenway though.



Thats BS.


The Yanks signed Small, Chacon, Sturtze, Sanchez, Crosby, Cairo, Lofton ect .. The reason the yanks have such a big payroll is due to backloaded contracts. Bernie, Brown are off the blocks, and the Yanks payroll right now, without a quarter of a bullpen and a CF is 142 million. The Sox are just as bad as the Yankees, and if the Yanks had done the trade offered from the Marlins (Pierre, Castillo, Lowell and Beckett for Cano, Wang, Ducan, and someone else) we would have gotten slaughtered. The Sox give up the future A-Rod, but its a good trade.

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Living in Boston now and an hour away for the first part of my life, I get really agitated when people who are not from here speak on our behalf.


#1 I was also not disappointed with this season- it was a wash halfway through, anything they did was going to be good enough for me, because after winning the WS, they pretty much had a pass, especially with Schilling and Foulke down, Pedro and Lowe gone, etc.


#2 The original Sports Guy column said that the Sox have a pass for a while, and I still think they do. The people I talk to are not greedy fans. They recognize that what the Patriots did was unheard of, and the Sox winning one, especially the way they did it, is an amazing accomplishment. Do we always want more championships? Well duh. But don't sit here and say that if they don't win it all, the people in the city are going to burn down Fenway. Especially if you're not from here, you don't know what you're talking about, or a Yankee fan. The arrogance in this thread is simply stunning to me. "I know what they're going through, and I take pity on the Red Sox and their fans." Fuck that. Don't feel bad for us- hell, I don't feel bad for the Yankees.


#3 Saying that the Sox and the Yankees are the same as far as money goes is just absolute bullshit. Yes, the Sox are #2, but the gap is so ridiculously large that the comparison is just foolish. I wish they had more homegrown talent, but it looks like next year a large portion of their pitching will be homegrown. And if you don't like cheering the team anymore because of "what they've become," then fucking don't. The Red Sox don't need any more bandwagon fans, or fans who like them just b/c they can beat the Yankees.


Hanley, the next A-Rod? Haha, no. He's good, but he won't be the best player in the league, my friend. I don't mind dealing prospects for young, proven players, especially if it fills a need (pitching). They have Renteria locked up for three more years- Hanley was just going to sit in AAA ball or be moved into a position that was not his natural position. They sold while the stock was high, simple as that.


Edit: ANYWHO- Lies!!!

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ANYWHO- ESPN.com is reporting that the A's might trade Zito for either Frank Thomas or Mike Piazza.


That's funny, because both guys are free agents. It's bad enough that rumors are tossed around without being misinterpreted along the way.

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And just for kicks, actually reading the Insider column on espn.com, Billy Beane reportably said the A's are NOT actively shopping Barry Zito, and that baseball insiders, and not the Athletics, have surmised that either Mike Piazza or Frank Thomas MIGHT be a good fix for the Athletics.


This is why I don't pay attention to offseason rumors.

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