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Guest cdub112

Christian Quits the WWE

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Guest SavageRulz

The company is in such a state that guys aren't even willing to stick around for the guaranteed money anymore.


I'm honestly not surprised after the way he's been treated since the move to Smackdown. He was a legitimate upper card member of the roster on Raw who could have easily been a supporting player in the main event scene. Then they move him to Smackdown and job him out like the Brooklyn f'n Brawler.

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Have any of you ever seen any of his pre-WWE work?


Maybe now he can join up with Rhino once again. :)


Bring back Legend and it's Thug Life all over again.


This is really good news. I love the idea of Christian in TNA and he could help solidify their status in the eyes of the general public.

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Guest *KNK*

Christian's leaving ultimately won't change much, if anything in WWE. They'll move someone up from the lower card into his spot. He was over but that was meaningless to the WWE.


TNA is now a legitimate playground for workers with contracts, tv deals, ppv revenue and a much lighter schedule.


Christian has the charisma and the promo ability to be a star and we all could see this. Some question his ability in the ring, Matt Hardy and Jamie Gibson proved in their ROH stints that they didn't forget how to work and with no limitations, they were perhaps at their best. That could just as easily be Christian here.


In time, this could be a massive blow to WWE. You have to wonder if Christian will try to play hardball and draw a bidding war between TNA and WWE.

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Christian's leaving ultimately won't change much, if anything in WWE. They'll move someone up from the lower card into his spot.  He was over but that was meaningless to the WWE.


Yes, he didn't mean anything to WWE, or any of the storylines, in the big picture. They wont even need to move anyone up into his spot, since his spot was so meaningless in the first place.


Most fans, unless they are specificly fans of his, more than likely wont even realize he's gone, and I'm sure most in power at WWE will notice it either.


I'd like to see him prove himself worthy in TNA though, I think he can do that. He'll get over there, then WWE will come begging for him to return, Christian will more than likely accept, and he'll end up just where he started.

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You know a couple of weeks ago, Eric Bischoff told his secretary to tell her secretary to leave a message on my answering machine for me to call Eric Bischoff. And then I called Eric Bischoff, and he proceeded to fire me over the phone.


I thought a big cloud was lifted off the career of Steve Austin. Because gone were the days when I'd go up to someone and say "hey, what about me and Sting? We got this big thing going, how about the cage?" And someone says "no baby, that's for someone else, we're gonna keep you right where you are right now."


Well I said, "well, how about me and Savage? I got this great idea: he comes in, he's got the Slim Jim deal, and I've got the..." "no Steve, that's for somebody else, baby."


Then you go "I got this great idea I can do with Hulk Hogan. I'm gonna be the Steve-a-maniac, and we're gonna take this thing all the way, because Hulk Hogan was the biggest thing to ever come down wrestling's pike". And they say, "no, that's not for you, brother. You can't do that. We're gonna keep you right where you are."


So I say "how about me and Brian get back together. The Hollywood Blondes. It was the best tag team to come along in 10 years." And they say, "nah Steve, we need you in a singles role, man. We need you to do this. We're gonna put the US title on you, and then we're gonna take you, and then you're the #1 contender, so you get this world title shot." Well all that shit never happened.


So here I am, floundering around. There's nothing going my way, because the politics in WCW kept the biggest potential superstar in wrestling on the god damn ground. What are you supposed to do? On one hand, they're paying you a bunch of money. They're paying me a bunch of money. Well on this hand, they're telling me "hey, go out there and give Bagwell one hell of a match. Go out there with an 18 year old German kid, give him 7 good minutes, let the people see what he can do."


They say you are what you eat. In WCW, they didn't feed me nothing but garbage. So I let myself become garbage. I became complacet with everything that they said. As long as big Ted kept sending in the checks, maybe I wasn't happy with what was going on, but I became complacet.


Then, they send me to Japan. The big injury. Bischoff delivers the shot heard around the damn world. Steve Austin's out of the high paying job. All of a sudden, the phone starts ringing off the hook. It's ECW, it's the WWF, it's All Japan, it's New Japan. And all Steve Austin has to do is make a decision.


Tod Gordon (whether he mortgaged his house one time, two times, maybe three times) came up with the right figures for Steve Austin to make a decision. I strolled into the ECW arena, it's the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen. I broke in, in a building called the Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas. Home of the world famous Von Erichs. Anybody that was anybody stepped foot in the Dallas Sportatorium.


For the last two years, all of you've heard about anywhere in wrestling is the famous ECW arena. Debut night, I rolled in. You got the Sandman, you got the Raven, you got the Pitbulls, you got Stevie Richards, you got the Public Enemy, you got the Gangstas, you got Mikey Whipwreck or whatever the hell his name is. You got a bunch of damn misfits running around thinking they can actually wrestle. All I've seen in ECW is a bunch of violent crap. And that's exactly what I'll call it, because that's what it is.


Steve Austin is here to wrestle. It's what I do best. It's what I do better than anybody in the world. Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, they got the big sendoff. Tears were in everybody's eyes, it was a big deal. All Steve Austin got was a good swift kick in the ass, as Eric Bischoff hung up the phone, and left me high and dry.


There's no Hogans here. There's no Flairs here. There's not a Dusty Rhodes. And there damn sure isn't an Eric Bischoff here. There's no one that can hold back Steve Austin now. Stunning? Tossed him out the window. Never was meant to be.


ECW is gonna find out first hand, what Steve Austin can be. And I'm gonna show everybody here, exactly what a true superstar is supposed to do. What a true superstar is supposed to be. Because no one here can hold me back. Not Tod Gordon, not Hulk Hogan, not Eric Bischoff. Nobody. I'm gonna be the superstar that I always knew I could be. Because there's no one, no one in ECW that can stop me.

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Guest karlitoapple
I don't see Christian being a guy who can bring all sorts of viewers to TNA.  In fact there are really only two WWE guys that I think could fit that bill:  Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam.  If TNA could sign either of those guys (Jericho perhaps but I think RVD has a new contract with WWE) then I think TNA can rise a bit in popularity.


Or Brock Lesnar

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Rudo was that Austin's speech in his ECW debut?


I doubt Christian ends up starting another huge wrestling boom with TNA the way Austin did but there are some interesting parallels:


--Both guys were in highly over tag teams and impressed people in that role. Then those tag teams were broken up.


--After the tag breakup both guys had fairly mediocre singles runs with matches consisting of a couple of decent spots but mainly restholds.


I actually dare say Austin was nowhere near as over as Christian when WCW depushed and fired him. I just hope TNA can figure out Christian isn't another WWE hasbeen like the Road Dog or Billy Gunn, and that they can actually do some decent stuff with him.

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Good Lord... I wake up to see one of my favorite guys in the WWE just pack up and leave?


I woke up ten minutes ago, this pretty much sums up my feeling. But I'm happy for Christian if he gets a Main Event spot in TNA. He sure as hell deserves it, and say what you like about his restholds, he's got some good fucking charisma. I agree that Jay Reso > Christian. They'll probably feud him with Hardy, but if I were him, I'd make sure he isn't screwed over for being a more effective heel than Jarrett.

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Guest P-Any
This is up on wwe.com's main site right now:


SmackDown Superstar Christian has quit WWE. Check back here later today as more information becomes available.


I'll believe it when Meltzer reports it!

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The TNA "main event" scene is crowded as it is, with Rhyno, Jarrett, Raven, Monty Brown, Abyss, Sabu, Hardy, etc. all wanting to be #1 contender. Who says Christian would just walk in and be "given a top spot" in an already confusing (and, IMO, lame) main event division with certain guys (JJ, Raven, Monty, AByss, etc.) who have busted their ass for years w/ TNA?


Besides, the "cocky, average-sized, caesar-haircut, blonde hair, guy who points at stuff" roll is already taken by this guy named Jeff...

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Guest Ransome
According to WWE.com, Christian still shows up on the match screen and can be voted for.  This could cause a problem for people wanting to fuck with the E (who doesn't?)


Not really. Again, they can claim to be 'legit' voting all they want, but they're in the position to announce whichever winners they want. Who'd even know whether the results are worked, besides WWE? Obviously, there's no way that Christian will be 'winning' the voting, regardless of how many votes he actually gets.


Although, given WWE's recent love of working the internet for storylines, I can almost picture Christian winning the votes for the SD match tomorrow and - with his brand new WWE contract - wrestling at Taboo Tuesday. It's unlikely, but it wouldn't surprise me, since it would be WWE's best 'FU' to the internet fans who now think that Christian is liberated.

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For those saying he'd just end up being beneath Jef Jarrett in TNA if he did go there, I doubt he's exactly employee of the month right now given his dad's business with the WWE so whatever pull he had with managment probably isn't quite as strong as it was a couple of weeks ago when they didn't have to question the Jarretts company loyalty.


All the TNA speculation is far too soon anyway. If I'd been busting my ass for 8 years travelling 5 days a week unless I happened to seriously injured and during that time had earned some serious green, I'd likely take time off to enjoy myself after all my hard work. He's probably going to take a holiday at least.

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Even though I'm not a huge fan of them...


He NEEDS to go to TNA and cut a bitter promo about the lack of opportunity in the WWE.


Instant career rebirth.


Exactly. He really came into his own and as it has been previous stated, he got over on his own with his mic work.


I would love to see what he can do in the ring once he realizes that he doesn;t have to work the bland WWE style of wrestling. He is decent in the ring for sure, but if he does cut that semi-shoot promo, he will be more over than he was at any point in the E.


This is going to be a trend, methinks. I think several wrestlers will "defect" next year when their contracts expire, and TNA could seriously benefit from some of them. They just have to choose wisely amongst those that might do what Christian did. They CAN land on their feet, and not have be on tour for 300 days out of the year. We'll see how it all plays out.

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According to WWE.com, Christian still shows up on the match screen and can be voted for.  This could cause a problem for people wanting to fuck with the E (who doesn't?)


Not really. Again, they can claim to be 'legit' voting all they want, but they're in the position to announce whichever winners they want. Who'd even know whether the results are worked, besides WWE? Obviously, there's no way that Christian will be 'winning' the voting, regardless of how many votes he actually gets.


Although, given WWE's recent love of working the internet for storylines, I can almost picture Christian winning the votes for the SD match tomorrow and - with his brand new WWE contract - wrestling at Taboo Tuesday. It's unlikely, but it wouldn't surprise me, since it would be WWE's best 'FU' to the internet fans who now think that Christian is liberated.

Well, everyon's been claiming that the results are real.


What I don't understand is how much they're steering the fans into what to vote for. If they really are worked, why not give some chioces that realistically make some sense.

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RE: you still being able to vote for Christian on WWE.com


Christian has agreed to appear on Raw tonight and on Taboo Tuesday if he wins the internet voting... however, he still is not under contract and will be gone after tonight/tommorrow

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If he wins the vote couldn't he hold them up like Jeff Jarrett did? Best way for Vince to do it is have them all in the ring and announce the winners of the vote - no real way Christian hold them up then.

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Torrie Wilson has been removed from The Divas Raw Segment tonight. She has also been removed the the Taboo Tuesday Fulfill Your Fantasy Diva Battle Royal graphic on WWE.com.


what a strange day...

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- Michaels tears his knee up.


- Coach parades in a dress.


- Jericho's "job to everyone" streak kicks into the highest stage, beginning w/ loss to Shelton. He won some 9 matches after on TV ever after in 11 months.


- Vince McMahon cleans out Jim Ross's colon.


- Christian quits.


- Torrie (?)


- Kane breaks vertabrae.


- Edge buries Smackdown by admitting the truth (Christian will be last in voting, JBL is boring, Matt Hardy's only fans are trailer trash and his website, Holly rapes people in shower, Rey is too small to be a main eventer) and then tears his breast.

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Guest Caseyorourke

Got this off the Wikipedia website for what it is worth. Christian is now listed under former WWE wrestlers.


"On October 31, 2005, Christian quit WWE. According to Dave Meltzer, he was asked on the spot to sign a new contract during the tapings for the October 21, 2005 edition of SmackDown!. He wouldn't sign the contract, and his last match occured during the tapings for the November 4, 2005 edition of SmackDown!. Despite his quitting, however, it is reported that Christian will be present at the RAW production, Taboo Tuesday, and will work if he is selected to compete in the RAW vs. SmackDown match featured on the card."

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With the way that internet word spreads through a wrestling crowd, I wonder what reaction he would get if he was announced as one of the guys picked for the match at TT.

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July 2004: Fighting John Cena on PPV for the WWE Title


October 2004: Fighting Brian Kendrick on Velocity.


Good for Christian. WWE didn't deserve him with the way they were treating him. He was over as fuck in mid-year and was rewarded with a move to Smackdown and turned back into a low-to-mid carder.


Go show 'em what's what in TNA, Mr. Reso.

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