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Weekend boxoffice Report Nov 4-6

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Well I do have bad eyesight, maybe that explains it?


And yea, Hilary should never leave the house wearing a black wig ever again. She does look pretty good in her new video though, even though the song sucks.

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bravesfan, I've nothin' against you. But if you think I pick fights, I disagree. There's always differing opinions (especially in folders called "Hardcore Discussion"), and sometimes I take things to extremes, but in this case I backed my complaints up with a logical argument. I see a lot more "I agree..." now than "WTF?".


And I never posted pictures to impress anyone. I told someone I was in a fraternity and we had parties. They wanted pictures of girls doing stupid stuff. So I posted them. Like, a year or so ago.

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As a semi-active poster and full time lurker I have noticed that the majority of his posts are arguments where he quotes ten people at a time that disagree with him, and then rattles them off like he's David Stern answering questions about the Artest vs. The City of Detroit snafu.


This is just an observation.

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I think Chicken Little looks terrible. I don't care to see CGI movies unless they're written by the Pixar team. Or are completely badass like Advent Children.


Doom's just a huge bust. I think it cost about $80,000,000. Sheesh.


I'll probably rent Shopgirl, but I've heard it's basically Lost in Translation minus the acting of Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannson (who is a terrific young actress, but plus the awesome Jason Schwartzman.


I'll probably be seeing Jarhead in the theaters. I hear you get to see Jake Gylenhaal's Charlie Browns. Awesome!

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Claire Danes' nose disgusts me. I see no problem in Bob saying she's hideous. What he said about Scarlett is a bit of a stretch, but I'm not going to call him a homo for it.


However, if Bob says anything bad about Naomi Watts, I'm going to take a crap in Norm McDonald's dinner.

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I agree with Bob, for the most part.


Okay, Scarlet isn't too bad to look at... but when she opens her mouth it's like Dr. Girlfriend from The Venture Brothers


Claire Danes did nothing for me back in her MSCL days, and still does nothing.

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My theatre also upped ticket prices. Pisses me off, since it's right when I'm going to the theatre a bunch of times to see Harry Potter.


Shopgirl is kind of like Lost in Translation, but I liked Shopgirl a little better. Both movies move too slowly though.


And don't worry CM Funk, I like Naomi Watts.

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I'd like Danes more, but she's racist against Filipino's and being half Filipino, well, she's a dog.



The holiday movie season needs to kick in real full gear soon because I'm not liking anything recently released. If Hollywood wants to know why attendance is down in theatres, they need to look in the mirror and look at the shitty movies they are producing.

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I'd like Danes more, but she's racist against Filipino's and being half Filipino, well, she's a dog.



The holiday movie season needs to kick in real full gear soon because I'm not liking anything recently released. If Hollywood wants to know why attendance is down in theatres, they need to look in the mirror and look at the shitty movies they are producing.


I'd go more if it didn't cost almost 30 bucks to take the family...

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I'd like Danes more, but she's racist against Filipino's and being half Filipino, well, she's a dog.



The holiday movie season needs to kick in real full gear soon because I'm not liking anything recently released. If Hollywood wants to know why attendance is down in theatres, they need to look in the mirror and look at the shitty movies they are producing.


I'd go more if it didn't cost almost 30 bucks to take the family...


This is why I'm glad I have a 2.50 theater near me. There hardly is ever a movie I can't wait a month or two to see.


Large Popcorn, two large sodas, two movie tickets and a box of snowcaps: 12.50

You can't beat that.

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I'd like Danes more, but she's racist against Filipino's and being half Filipino, well, she's a dog.



The holiday movie season needs to kick in real full gear soon because I'm not liking anything recently released. If Hollywood wants to know why attendance is down in theatres, they need to look in the mirror and look at the shitty movies they are producing.


I'd go more if it didn't cost almost 30 bucks to take the family...


This is why I'm glad I have a 2.50 theater near me. There hardly is ever a movie I can't wait a month or two to see.


Large Popcorn, two large sodas, two movie tickets and a box of snowcaps: 12.50

You can't beat that.


yeah that's true...we spent about that much going to Madagascar a couple weeks ago...anymore, I know the DVD will be out in 4 to 6 months so I just patiently wait...

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I just looked on imdb.com about Claire Danes and it said she was banned from the Philippines for making derogatory comments about the country. It doesn't say what the comments were but I'd be interesting in knowing.

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Racist against Filipinos?





just looked on imdb.com about Claire Danes and it said she was banned from the Philippines for making derogatory comments about the country. It doesn't say what the comments were but I'd be interesting in knowing.




That's about it. It happened around 97 or 98 when she filmed that movie with Kate Beckinsale where they both were wrongly accused of running drugs out of Malaysia or something. The Philipines was the location for the shoot and Danes went off on the country to "Premiere" magazine. She said things to the effect that the country was awful and the people were mutants and shit like that. Afterwards, she was banned from the country and such. I never thought she was much of a looker, but after her comments, she made herself look a lot uglier in my eyes.

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Here is part of what she told Premiere...



In the October Premiere, Danes describes her experiences filming the Third World prison drama Brokedown Palace in Manila. She says the city "smelled like cockroaches" and "rats were everywhere. "The people," she adds, "do not have anything--no arms, no legs, no eyes." Previously, in the April Vogue, the Yale frosh called Manila a "ghastly and weird city."



She was on location for the movie "Brokedown Palace".

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Um, that's fucked up to say, but I don't see anything rascist there. If you call Mexico City a shithole, it doesn't mean you hate Mexicans, it means that in your estimation, Mexico City is a shithole.

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I'm still sad about Serenity only making $25 Million.


I hope overseas and DVD do them well.


That's what you Whedon marks get for thinking that the film version of a failed TV show would actually be a blockbuster.

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Serenity's numbers from last week


25 Serenity $321,860/$24,845,485


It was playing on 311 screens, and only 4 here in Michigan. I chipped in another $2 to see it a second time.

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