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SD spoilers

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Dark match - Sylvan b. Funaki




LOD b. Nunzio/Vito

Hardcore Holly b. Simon Dean

Kid Kash b. Scotty 2 Hotty

London/Kendrick b. Regal/Burchill




Backstage: Teddy Long announces four Team SD qualifying matches, denoted by a * (Batista is already a team member)


Rey Misterio b. Randy Orton by DQ*


Bob pulled Rey to the floor on the West Coast Pop attempt for the DQ, Orton beatdown ensued afterwards with Matt Hardy making the save and giving Orton the Twist of Fate.


Backstage: Orton is mad about the Twist of Fate.


MNM comes out and brings out some girl from America's Top Model, and Melina eventually slaps her around a bit before the Mexicools save.


Bobby Lashley b. Orlando Jordan*


Total squash.


Backstage: Edge asks to get out of the street fight, and Teddy says he's OK with it, so long as Edge can personally talk Batista out of it.


Eddie Guerrero b. Mr. Kennedy by DQ*


Eddie was the biggest face of the night, but Kennedy's schtick was pretty over, too. Ref bumped in the corner, then Eddie grabs a chair, but the ref is getting up too fast, so Eddie smacks the mat with the chair, then tosses it to Kennedy and lays on the mat. Kennedy lays Eddie out with the chair after, drawing pretty good heel heat.


Backstage: Edge and Lita talking, ending with Edge going off to see Batista and then the Boogeyman scaring Lita away.


Juniors match with a masked guy and a non-masked guy. Palmer Cannon joins commentary. Masked man won with an elbow off the top. Typical midget comedy match.


Backstage: Batista declines to step out of the match.


Backstage: The Dicks promo, hyping debut next week against LOD.


JBL b. Chris Benoit*


Booker T came out as Benoit went up for the swandive and joined commentary. JBL took eight Germans throughout the match. At the end, Benoit had the Sharpshooter hooked, but broke it to attack Booker on the apron, then got hit with the Clothesline from Hell.


Batista/Edge never happened, as Big Show and Kane came out and layed out Batista and all the faces from Velocity who ran in and tried to save. I guess Kane and Edge are now friends since it's RAW vs SD, or something.


Off the air


We didn't get the triple threat which was advertised on TV here, either, as Orton just came out and "apologized" to Batista for being late, and an impromptu match started, which saw Orton pound Batista for a couple minutes, only to get hit with a spinebuster and pinned. Eddie didn't look to be legit hurt after that chairshot, so I don't know why he was pulled from that.

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You mean Spanky/Brian Kendrick as the guy who teamed with London, right? Since Spanky usually teams with London and Kazarian quit, like, months ago.

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Guest Fook

From the Observer site:


Before we get to the results which I will send in

shortly after sending this, tonight's potentially

major news is that Batista was injured. Odds are it

was from the double chokeslam from Kane and Big Show

to end Smackdown. After they stopped taping for TV,

Orton came out for the local main event (Batista vs

Orton vs Eddie) As Orton was on the mic, Batista was

still down. There was no ref in the ring until Orton

called for one right before he put the boots to

Batista. Therefore, I don't think Randy had any

communication from Batista that he couldn't continue.

As soon as Jimmy Korderis figured it out, he threw up

the X symbol and it was an obvious visual scramble to

get out of there. Within a minute or so, they set up

a quick spinebuster spot and Batista just rolled over

and covered Orton for the 3. (no Eddie because he was

selling the concussion angle from earlier in the show)

Once the match was over, help came out from the back

and Batista did get up eventually and walk out with

the two assistants, however he didn't acknowledge the

crowd at all or hold up his belt. He just got out of

there and straight to the back.

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You mean Spanky/Brian Kendrick as the guy who teamed with London, right? Since Spanky usually teams with London and Kazarian quit, like, months ago.

Yeah, that's it. Fixed

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Nothing too exciting...I hate putting the champions in the SS Match because I like title matches at the PPV. Batista injured? bad news but since he is in the SS Match, may not be a big deal, hopefully it isnt serious

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Batista did get up eventually and walk out with the two assistants, however he didn't acknowledge the crowd at all or hold up his belt. He just got out of there and straight to the back.

Not to nitpick, but this is false. He stopped at the entryway and held up the belt.

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Not to nitpick, but if this report is true, the booking team needs a smack, again. I'm sorry, even if they are on "Team RAW" together, Kane shouldn't be out there helping Edge.

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I'm thinking the storyline is that Edge being sent to SD was a plot by Bischoff to set up the Kane/TBS attack on Batista, with Edge being the 5th member of the Raw team.

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HBK, Big Show, Kane, Carlito and Edge (maybe) v. Batista, Eddie, JBL, Lashley and Rey.


A little one-sided, don't you think?

Yes, but I'm sure HBK and the rest can make up for Carlito.


Looking at that, and from what happened at SD, I could see them possibly setting up Batsita versus Kane for WM. I think Lashley will pin Carlito, Edge will either get himself counted out or be beaten very quickly, JBL or Batista to beat Kane and Show, Kane to get Batista counted out, if they want to set that in motion for WM, and then HBK to win it for Raw by pinning JBL. In any event, I don't see Batista losing by pinfall.

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Guest JMA
I'm thinking the storyline is that Edge being sent to SD was a plot by Bischoff to set up the Kane/TBS attack on Batista, with Edge being the 5th member of the Raw team.

That wouldn't make much sense, though. Edge backed out of the match at Taboo Tuesday and basically embarassed Bischoff. Bischoff should want to severly punish him for that (and for saying he didn't care about RAW).


Then again, this is WWE Logic.

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Looking at that, and from what happened at SD, I could see them possibly setting up Batsita versus Kane for WM.


Oh wow, that would be pretty awful.


I would think there would be more of a chance of Batista/Taker, since they've never done that before. If Batista keeps the title until then, they could make a big deal out of "The title vs. the streak".

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Guest JMA
HBK, Big Show, Kane, Carlito and Edge (maybe) v. Batista, Eddie, JBL, Lashley and Rey.


A little one-sided, don't you think?

I can't say that the teams excite me. They seem out of touch with what the fans want (for the most part).

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Looking at that, and from what happened at SD, I could see them possibly setting up Batsita versus Kane for WM.

I would think there would be more of a chance of Batista/Taker, since they've never done that before. If Batista keeps the title until then, they could make a big deal out of "The title vs. the streak".

The trouble with that is that Undertaker shouldn't get the belt, but nor should Batista be the one to end the streak.

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Guest JMA

I hope Batista wasn't badly hurt, but what happens if this potential injury is serious and he can't compete at the PPV? Who would replace him in the match?

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I hope Batista wasn't badly hurt, but what happens if this potential injury is serious and he can't compete at the PPV? Who would replace him in the match?

Unless he can't walk, they'll put him out there and have him get taken out as soon as possible. They're making Kane work with a fucked up back.

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Guest JMA
I hope Batista wasn't badly hurt, but what happens if this potential injury is serious and he can't compete at the PPV? Who would replace him in the match?

Unless he can't walk, they'll put him out there and have him get taken out as soon as possible. They're making Kane work with a fucked up back.

It's a good thing they work such a "safe" style. If I were Vince I'd be seriously worried about all these injuries.

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I don't think Batista would be a bad choice to end Taker's streak, but he doesn't need the win. They should wait until there's someone who can really benefit from beating Taker at Wrestlemania. That said, whether it's the right decision or not, I could see Batista ending the streak.


By the way, was there anything to the rumor from a few weeks ago that Vince was considering giving Ken Kennedy a main event match at WM?

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Guest *KNK*
You're thinking a non-title special attraction match, HTQ?

I'm thinking Vince goes to panic mode and goes with big guys. But that works too. If it happens, and if Batista has the belt, it'll be for the title and Batista will win.


It's scary but I do believe it'll go that direction. I'm not sure if they'll do it as "Raw Vs Smackdown" or not though. The World Title match @ Mania shouldn't be brand vs brand.


Although, I'm not convinced they are giving up on Orton/Batista.

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You're thinking a non-title special attraction match, HTQ?

I'm thinking Vince goes to panic mode and goes with big guys. But that works too. If it happens, and if Batista has the belt, it'll be for the title and Batista will win.


The World Title match @ Mania shouldn't be brand vs brand.


There are a million things that shouldn't be done, but WWE seem set on doing them all, and about half were done in the last month alone.

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From the Observer site...


Edge vs Batista. Edge did not end up doing anything

physical. It was all a set up from Bischoff. After

Batista and Edge were in the ring, Bischoff showed up

on the big screen and Teddy Long told him to get out.

Blah blah blah, Masters jumps Long's security guards

and puts Teddy in the Masterlock. Then they jump in a

car and leave. The major faces (including JBL) from

Smackdown run out to help Teddy. Teddy tells them to

go get the Raw guys. So the faces pile in JBL's limo

and speed off. This sets up the master plan. So

Batista is in the ring and Kane's pyro goes off, he

comes down the aisle, then Big Show enters from the

other side of the arena. Edge, Show, and Kane gang up

on Batista and lay him out to end the show. The non

major faces from Smackdown kept coming in one by one

and were quickly dumped by either Big Show or Kane.


That should be a hot segment.

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Guest JMA

Why is WWE so intent on making JBL a face? The reason he got over in the first place is because he's so damn easy to dislike.

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Orton won't be stuck with Hardy as Taker is back for Survivor Series and Taker vs Orton is the program they are going with.


Survivor Series looks like:


Cena vs Angle WWE Title

HHH vs Flair Last Man Standing

Taker vs Orton Buried Alive

Benoit vs Booker T US title(could see them adding Hardy and Kennedy to make it a 4 way, who knows)

Teddy vs Eric

Team RAW vs Team Smackdown-Probably the main event of the show.

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Guest JMA
Orton won't be stuck with Hardy as Taker is back for Survivor Series and Taker vs Orton is the program they are going with.

I'm not into that feud at all. It reeks of wrestlecrap.


But at least Orton isn't being pushed as WWE's number one guy any more.

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