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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Batista out indefinitely

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I really like the Eddy as champ idea.  Strip Batista of the title, set up a tournament or a battle royale or something in which Eddie wins the belt and dedicates it to his buddy, Batista, claiming that as soon as he gets well, Batista will get an automatic title shot.  Then once Batista comes back, turn Eddie heel and have him refuse to give Batista the shot, which sets up a REAL Eddie vs. Batista program culminating in a match for the belt at Mania.


I like this. Hopefully Batista will be physically able to go for Mania 2006. Either way, I hope the injury's not that serious or at least his recovery time's not too long.

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Guest Gary Busey
I don't like the idea of an Eddie/Batista title match at WM...I don't know why, I just don't like it...


Batista/Eddie, with a good build, would be awesome for WM. I would definitely like to see that.

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I dunno, that just seems like too much of a SD only PPV or a Rumble or Slam SD ME...don't mind me, just a personal take...maybe because they already fought over the title, I don't know...I can't really explain it, but it just doesn't sound appealing to me...I'd rather see someone who's never held the title before to be in that position at WM...

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Rikishi versus Luther Reigns


now that literally got an LOL out me...



really, I don't care, I'll say it...I'm a Mysterio fan, I've stated it several times before...I think he'd be credible enough IF BOOKED PROPERLY TO A T to hold the world title for at least 5 to 6 months...I'd rather see Eddie/Rey ONE LAST TIME, and that last time being for the title...I know nobody else wants to see that and that's fine, that's just a personal wish of mine...


EDIT: eh who am I fooling, they spent all of last year building Rey up as being better than Eddie, that wouldn't work as the WM SD ME...he'd have to go against someone else....heel Orton, maybe?

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again:


A Benoit/Mysterio feud for the World Title (in what would be their first real actual feud together, hell, they've hardly even wrestled before) would be a big money program if booked correctly. Not only would the matches more than likely be fantastic, but Benoit would be looked at as a guy that Mysterio could truly defeat for the strap. The fans would eat it up, and they would buy it in a second.


Make it happen.

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I agree with Lushus, I've had sexual fantasies about Rey beating Eddie at WM for the belt.

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Guest slmon

"The thing about Kennedy is that he's a heel, but he doesn't have the generic "full of himself pretty boy" or "scary big man" gimmick that most of the heels in WWE have right now. The ring intro thing is something that hasn't really been done before in WWE, so it automatically sets him above most of Smackdown right now. Plus he's pretty solid in the ring and has a great, devastating looking, finisher.



The finisher, while cool-looking, is also pretty contrived. I mean, even with "dumb" wrestlers, how many of them are stupid enough to let themselve be hoisted up on Kennedy's shoulders and stay still for a few seconds while he juggles their weight? It's not a whole lot more believable than the Worm. Otherwise, Kennedy's fine.



I wish Batista the best. As a worker, he's no loss. As a character, he's not that much of a loss. Eddie has been drawing him out as a character, but Eddie Guerrero could chreate chemistry with a cigar store Indian.


And perhaps Benoit's value will be even clearer than ever to the brand.

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Guest JMA

I fully support the idea of putting the title back on Eddie. Maybe they can finally have JBL job cleanly to him.

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What WOULD you see as a SD! WM Main Event then?


You didn't ask me, but I'll answer:


Batista (provided the injury doesn't require Batista dropping the title) vs. The Undertaker.


Can the man who has held the title a full year be the one to finally end Taker's WrestleMania winning streak?


For once we might have a Mania main event that wasn't a forgone conclusion before the opening bell.

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Guest JMA

The SmackDown! main event should involve Eddie either fighting for or defending the title. As for his opponent (assuming Batista isn't back in time to face him)...I don't know.

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The problem with putting the belt back on Eddie is that there is a precedent already that Eddie can't handle the pressure of being champ when business is bad. He was overanalyzing all the low PPV numbers and bad house show numbers when he was champ, and was basically turning himself so nutty that Vince felt he had to take the belt off of him to keep him sane when he was pegged to be a long-term champion until at least November 2004.


Who's to say he wouldn't do that again? That's probably why Eddie won't get it again.

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Baseball players are wusses.


Batista won't miss any time.

Wow you are dumb. The muscle tore off of his bone and was rolled up. He'll miss about 6-8 weeks.


And I hope Edge gets the belt.



Edge is injured now, too, and isn't even on Smackdown, so I doubt this will happen. But like I said, I'd love to see it, and it could happen if Batista's out for more thana month or so.


Good to know that CanadianChick, Blazenwing, and myself aren't the only Edgeheads around here.


Also, this is the perfect time to post the worst photo of me ever taken:




12 bong snaps later and the eyelids just weren't up to task....

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A Benoit/Mysterio feud for the World Title (in what would be their first real actual feud together, hell, they've hardly even wrestled before) would be a big money program if booked correctly. Not only would the matches more than likely be fantastic, but Benoit would be looked at as a guy that Mysterio could truly defeat for the strap. The fans would eat it up, and they would buy it in a second.


Make it happen.



As cool as this sounds, not gonna happen. Vince and Co., according to Meltz, are in full panic mode right now since the Batista injury and you know what Vince does when he goes into panic mode.


Hossmania. He turns to his big guys.


So yeah, Taker will be winning the title here very shortly.

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Either that or JBL will get it back. JBL seems to be Vince's go-to guy when they need to take the belt off a face suddenly.


If I had the booking wand and we needed the belt off Batista A.S.A.P., I'd have JBL and Batista argue about who is the captain of Team Smackdown, JBL start trashtalking him, Eddie get all headstrong and be like "JBL, Batista could beat you in a title match anytime! Like tonight!" Then when Batista is supposed to walk out of the ring, no one shows up. JBL walks back through the curtain and he comes back dragging Batista's unconscious body through the curtain with the help of...Eddie. It's assumed Eddie beat the shit out of Batista backstage (not visible though because 'Tista can't take any bumps or whatnot), and they both roll him in the ring for JBL to get the easy pin on and the World Title.


Yeah, it's lame as shit and reminds me a lot of the Fingerpoke of Doom, but the World Title already had a vacancy less than a year ago, and it doesn't need another lineage break so soon. And you can't just have your World Champ sit on the sidelines for months. That's what Paul Heyman did with Shane Douglas in 1998 when Douglas destroyed his elbow as ECW Champion. He was so desperate not to break the lineage that he just let Douglas sit out as the ECW Champion for 8 months. Needless to say, those 8 months were not nice to ECW.


Plus, you get the surreal image of JBL & Eddie helping each other and embracing, and Cole & Tazz could sell it as so repulsive that Eddie was so seething with jealousy that Eddie would betray his friend by helping the guy (JBL), who gave his own mother a heartattack a year ago, beat him for the title. And JBL could name Eddie Batista's replacement.


Lame, but I feel it's the best you can do and just let JBL be a heel transition champion for Benoit (given he re-signs), Undertaker, or get crazy and let Mysterio have a run.

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What a shitty deal for Batista.


He's not a spring chicken either so his recovery time might go even longer than normally expected. This is not good news to hear about.

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A Benoit/Mysterio feud for the World Title (in what would be their first real actual feud together, hell, they've hardly even wrestled before) would be a big money program if booked correctly. Not only would the matches more than likely be fantastic, but Benoit would be looked at as a guy that Mysterio could truly defeat for the strap. The fans would eat it up, and they would buy it in a second.


Make it happen.



As cool as this sounds, not gonna happen. Vince and Co., according to Meltz, are in full panic mode right now since the Batista injury and you know what Vince does when he goes into panic mode.


Hossmania. He turns to his big guys.


So yeah, Taker will be winning the title here very shortly.


I'd normally agree, but Taker is fresh out of feuds. I guess they could turn Eddy back heel, maybe give Booker a huge push (even that feud already happened). Kennedy isn't ready. Lasheley definitely isn't ready to carry the ball in a main event program. Turning Hardy or Misterio to feud with Taker would be stupid.


JBL is fresh out of feuds, which is why he was on his way down the card. If Benoit leaves he's got nothing fresh except for feuding with Hardy.


They're up the proverbial creek. I think Rey is the best option since Eddy can't handle it, but I doubt that happens.


With Christian gone and possibly Benoit, the lack of roster depth is showing.

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How many matches does Smackdown actually have for Survior series? This would be the perfect PPV for the WWE to hold a tournament. WWE actually annouces that Batista suffered a major injury and will be put out for awhile and since he can't wrestle he can't defend the title and he drops it. He can actually go out on Smackdown, hand the belt over to Teddy Long and make a speech to the crowd about how he feels and whatever else. Then Teddy annouces there will be a some number man tournament and all the matches will take place at the PPV (I can hope that the matches would happen then!) Then there could be qualyfying matches on Smackdown leading up to Survivor series.

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JBL is totally about to luck into another title reign. You watch.



Heyman to JBL: And the only reason why you were champion the 2nd time was because the pressure was to much for Eddy.

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I would love for Eddie to get the belt because of this, but it might not be the best move for business. The smartest thing they could probably do is set up a JBL vs. Mysterio World title match. Have everyone going "oh boy, here we go an easy win for JBL." Then, of course, have Mysterio pull off the big upset. You are then right back to having a face as your champ, who to be honest is probably more over right now than Batista is anyway.


And this actually could make the SD vs. Raw angle a lot more interesting. Acknowledge that three Raw guys injured the SD champ to the point where he couldn't even defend the title anymore. Could make the feud between the shows seem a lot more violent and realistic than it does now.

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My Taker suggestion wasn't meant to be literal. It was an example. I should've said Heidenreich.


JBL is a much better example of who might really get the title with Batista seemingly out now.


My point is, when in panic mode and backed into a corner, Vince turns to his big guys. A lot of people are clamoring for Benoit, Eddie, and Rey to get the Mania positions and win the title, but it just seems outside of Vince's M.O. Would I welcome him to try with the better workers? Yes. We'll see in the coming weeks.

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Man, if Christian hadn't of left, now would have been the perfect chance to give him the belt and see what he could do with it. Christian feuding with Eddy & Rey for the next few months would have given me a reason to watch Smackdown.


It's funny how the most sensible thing to do is the one that they're least likely to do: Strip him of the belt & have a tourney. With the current state of the Smackdown roster, they could easily field an 8 man field, all with a reasonable chance of winning. (JBL, Orton, Benoit, Booker, Eddie, Rey, Kennedy, Lashley, Hardy, hell they could add a Raw wrestler just to increase the hype for SS.)

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I forgot, but somebody already mentioned in this thread. Benoit / Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Title please.


How many matches does Smackdown actually have for Survior series?


Originally 3, but 2 now.


Batista / Guerrero II, but was dropped even before Dave's injury.


Still on as far as I know.


Undertaker / Orton : The Final Encounter


Roddy Piper Vs. Bob Orton Jr. OMFG!!!

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Add me to the list of people who think that if Batista's out injured, then there isn't really a better time than to experiment with Rey as World Champion.


He is over enough and he's shown he can carry a main event feud.


Why the hell not.

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