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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Batista out indefinitely

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I've always wanted to see Benoit dominate as a prickish heel on top. I'd also like to see Rey win the belt at Mania from Benoit. Won't happen, but I can wish.


They'll probably go with Eddie or Orton if Batista is out for a while.

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I would love to see that. I know we, the smarks, are ready but is the rest of the WWE crowd ready for it? But if you want Rey as Champ, do a tournament and have it end with Eddie Guerrero versus Rey Mysterio. Hype it up as the ultimate test if Eddie is really good again. We expect Eddie to win but Rey wins the belt and Eddie stays Face. Eddie feuds with JBL, Rey feuds with ???

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

If J.B.L. gets the title, that's gonna be awesomely hilarious.

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Add me to the list of people who think that if Batista's out injured, then there isn't really a better time than to experiment with Rey as World Champion.


He is over enough and he's shown he can carry a main event feud.


Why the hell not.


When was this? All I saw him do earlier this year was barely elevate himself despite beating Eddie at least a half dozen times in a row. I don't think you can book a ~5'3 160 pound babyface World Champion in McMahon world. It just doesn't make sense even with SD having the smaller roster as a whole. I think seeing 18 'ranas per match, running through every larger guy's legs and that bullshit pin of his where the opponent has to raise their legs so he can hook them would get tiring by week 3 of his run as THE guy on a show. I don't think little Rey burying his opponents in the ring would be the way to book themselves out of this hole, especially given his practically non-existent mic skills.

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Add me to the list of people who think that if Batista's out injured, then there isn't really a better time than to experiment with Rey as World Champion.


He is over enough and he's shown he can carry a main event feud.


Why the hell not.


When was this? All I saw him do earlier this year was barely elevate himself despite beating Eddie at least a half dozen times in a row. I don't think you can book a ~5'3 160 pound babyface World Champion in McMahon world. It just doesn't make sense even with SD having the smaller roster as a whole. I think seeing 18 'ranas per match, running through every larger guy's legs and that bullshit pin of his where the opponent has to raise their legs so he can hook them would get tiring by week 3 of his run as THE guy on a show. I don't think little Rey burying his opponents in the ring would be the way to book themselves out of this hole, especially given his practically non-existent mic skills.


Yeah, but Rey is real popular amongst kids, a big demographic. Rey is also a great worker, and is probably the most over wrestler on the roster right now. And you don't have to book the "Lucking out" route to win matches. It's not like there's monsters on the SmackDown roster right now that will be getting any important title matches (PPV to be more specific)

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Guest Ransome
Again perfect time for a tournament for the ppv.


Not for Survivor Series. The card will already be stacked anyway, and all of SD's 'maineventers' are already involved in feuds. If they had to do a title tournament, holding it at the next SD pay-per-view (Armageddon) is when it should happen, particularly since it might actually get some interest for once.

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The only way I'd be down with Rey / Eddie again is if Eddie DEFINITIVELY beat Rey for the belt. I'm not talking about that cheesy cage match he won to anticlimactically win the last feud. I want to see Eddy just go crazy batshit heel on Rey and leave him bloody and senseless, like he did after the Rey / Chavo streetfight where Eddy turned full heel earlier this year. Otherwise, this is just yet ANOTHER retread of Rey beats Eddie, part 395,694.


I can totally see them put the belt back on JBL. You know what? As much as people here will shit on it, I wouldn't even mind that. I've grown to dig JBL as a top heel. But he is really fresh out of feuds, except for maybe JBL vs. Benoit. They could continue with JBL vs. Rey, I guess, or do JBL / Eddie part 2.


I actually have to believe JBL is a front runner for the belt, now. It's too soon for Orton, I think, especially since Taker will HAVE to get his job back.

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And you don't have to book the "Lucking out" route to win matches. It's not like there's monsters on the SmackDown roster right now that will be getting any important title matches (PPV to be more specific)


There's no doubt Rey is over, and sells merch, but what's the positive to making him the champ? When is the last time Rey won a non-Cruiserweight division match without "lucking out"? He's never been portrayed in a way where his matches look like anything but flukes or flash pins where he stuns someone because he's not a technical wrestler and can't overpower anyone. I just find his act tiring because it's the same match all the time. He would get murdered on the mic by the better speakers on SD (which incidentally are the main heels and Eddie), and aside from "realizing his boyhood dream" I don't see any benefit to giving him the title, or even worse, letting him hold it for a lengthy period of time.

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Guest New Jake
More hopes that Batista jobs the title to Guerrero at SSeries (if they can stretch it out that long).


Slinging the title back on Randy Orton's green ass? Bad idea. Orton is, lets face it, a failure


I'm not a big Orton fan, but its bullshit how he was handled. I mean he defeats Chris Benoit clean for the title in one of the best matches of 2004 then has a lameduck reign only to go on a wild goose chase after HHH only to get turned against by the fans because they kept on bullshitting with the angle that even the people got tired of it. Orton was OVER and doing just fine until they did the Batista tease and booked NYR. If those 2 things never happened, Orton wouldn't have had a problem doing the usual face chase into Mania IMO. But then again, I'm glad in a way it did happen because I really enjoyed the first Orton / Taker encounter, well on PPV anyway.


Glad you held me up on that one. Orton shouldn't have beaten Benoit in the first place. Orton infact should have won his first title at this years Summerslam from Batista if the WWE played there cards right. Not that it would have helped, but Orton had pretty much nothing to carry with him headin into his title reign other then a crappy run with a title (IC) that has been watered down so many times. But in all honesty, Randy Orton will just follow Cena's route. His legend killer character has grown awefully redundant and I just can't picture him taking on another gimmick. As for his feud with Taker, it should have ended at WM. I hope they drop this feud and go with Matt Hardy/Randy Orton (check out smackdown spoilers). Let Hardy go over Orton, someone who actually deservesa build up.

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Guest New Jake
More hopes that Batista jobs the title to Guerrero at SSeries (if they can stretch it out that long).


Slinging the title back on Randy Orton's green ass? Bad idea. Orton is, lets face it, a failure


I'm not a big Orton fan, but its bullshit how he was handled. I mean he defeats Chris Benoit clean for the title in one of the best matches of 2004 then has a lameduck reign only to go on a wild goose chase after HHH only to get turned against by the fans because they kept on bullshitting with the angle that even the people got tired of it. Orton was OVER and doing just fine until they did the Batista tease and booked NYR. If those 2 things never happened, Orton wouldn't have had a problem doing the usual face chase into Mania IMO. But then again, I'm glad in a way it did happen because I really enjoyed the first Orton / Taker encounter, well on PPV anyway.


Glad you held me up on that one. Orton shouldn't have beaten Benoit in the first place. Orton infact should have won his first title at this years Summerslam from Batista if the WWE played there cards right. Not that it would have helped, but Orton had pretty much nothing to carry with him headin into his title reign other then a crappy run with a title (IC) that has been watered down so many times. But in all honesty, Randy Orton will just follow Cena's route. His legend killer character has grown awefully redundant and I just can't picture him taking on another gimmick. As for his feud with Taker, it should have ended at WM. I hope they drop this feud and go with Matt Hardy/Randy Orton (check out smackdown spoilers). Let Hardy go over Orton, someone who actually deservesa build up.


Double post Edit:Whoops! How the fuck did that happen?

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And you don't have to book the "Lucking out" route to win matches. It's not like there's monsters on the SmackDown roster right now that will be getting any important title matches (PPV to be more specific)


There's no doubt Rey is over, and sells merch, but what's the positive to making him the champ? When is the last time Rey won a non-Cruiserweight division match without "lucking out"? He's never been portrayed in a way where his matches look like anything but flukes or flash pins where he stuns someone because he's not a technical wrestler and can't overpower anyone. I just find his act tiring because it's the same match all the time. He would get murdered on the mic by the better speakers on SD (which incidentally are the main heels and Eddie), and aside from "realizing his boyhood dream" I don't see any benefit to giving him the title, or even worse, letting him hold it for a lengthy period of time.


They don't have too many options though. JBL was one of the worst champions they ever had financially, so he's not a viable choice really. Orton is just a diaster in the waiting.


The best ones choices, I believe, are Rey, Benoit and Eddie. The other two have been explored and both were marginally successful. Rey is an unknown, but it is worth the risk. I think the upside potential is worth the chance that he could be a failure. Worst comes to worst, they could take the title off him ASAP.

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You know, in one of my random, daydreaming, fantasy booking moments a few weeks back, I imagined Rey winning the title at No Mercy, Batista turning heel, winning it back at SS, and then holding onto the belt until a face could beat him at Mania 22.


Rey as champ wouldn't be so bad...

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Here's an idea, and hear me out on this one: how about Edge as World champ?


Storyline-wise, it makes sense. They've already established that he has no love for RAW, and vice versa. He could use Batista's injury as the opportunity to cash in his "money in the bank" title shot, and automatically be the number one contender for the vacant title. Teddy Long sets up a match to determine who the new champion will be.....let's say Eddy vs. Edge. Or, if they want to get more guys into the title scene, say Edge, Eddie, JBL and Rey Rey in a four-way for the belt, with Edge winning the gold thanks to interference from Lita.


They could then move on to have Edge feud with Eddie, or Rey, etc. If it's one thing Smackdown needs, it's main even heels. Outside of JBL and Orton, they pretty much don't have any, and this could automatically catapult Edge into that spot.

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Here's an idea, and hear me out on this one:  how about Edge as World champ?


Storyline-wise, it makes sense.  They've already established that he has no love for RAW, and vice versa.  He could use Batista's injury as the opportunity to cash in his "money in the bank" title shot, and automatically be the number one contender for the vacant title.  Teddy Long sets up a match to determine who the new champion will be.....let's say Eddy vs. Edge.  Or, if they want to get more guys into the title scene, say Edge, Eddie, JBL and Rey Rey in a four-way for the belt, with Edge winning the gold thanks to interference from Lita.


They could then move on to have Edge feud with Eddie, or Rey, etc.  If it's one thing Smackdown needs, it's main even heels.  Outside of JBL and Orton, they pretty much don't have any, and this could automatically catapult Edge into that spot.

Hmm . . . RAW needs faces and SD! needs heels. Need I say more?

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I could see WWE trying to lure Benoit in re-signing by putting the belt on him a la WCW.

That wouldn't be very smart. Meltz said TNA already has an offer prepared for Benoit in case he does not re-sign, and they are offering a lot more than WWE is. Also remember, it's a lot more money for a lesser schedule.

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From WWE.Com


World Heavyweight Champion Batista injured his back at the SmackDown television taping Tuesday night in Indianapolis.


Earlier today, Batista traveled to Birmingham, Ala., to be seen by Dr. James Andrews. While meeting with Dr. Andrews, The Animal was informed that he had a decision to make concerning the treatment of the injury. He could either rehab his back, or opt for surgery. If he decides to go with the surgery, Batista could be out of action for as much as three months.


Batista plans on making his decision by the weekend.

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Guest tony manero
I could see WWE trying to lure Benoit in re-signing by putting the belt on him a la WCW.

That wouldn't be very smart. Meltz said TNA already has an offer prepared for Benoit in case he does not re-sign, and they are offering a lot more than WWE is. Also remember, it's a lot more money for a lesser schedule.



YES! If that's the case, Benoit is practically a lock to sign with TNA.


Benoit vs. Samoa Joe...here WE COME!



And the only reason for these injuries, as of late, is steroids. Edge suffers a pec tear and now Batista with the lat tear. Their muscles are just wound too tight.

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Here's an idea, and hear me out on this one:  how about Edge as World champ?


Storyline-wise, it makes sense.  They've already established that he has no love for RAW, and vice versa.  He could use Batista's injury as the opportunity to cash in his "money in the bank" title shot, and automatically be the number one contender for the vacant title.  Teddy Long sets up a match to determine who the new champion will be.....let's say Eddy vs. Edge.  Or, if they want to get more guys into the title scene, say Edge, Eddie, JBL and Rey Rey in a four-way for the belt, with Edge winning the gold thanks to interference from Lita.


They could then move on to have Edge feud with Eddie, or Rey, etc.  If it's one thing Smackdown needs, it's main even heels.  Outside of JBL and Orton, they pretty much don't have any, and this could automatically catapult Edge into that spot.



I've mentioned that in the thread already. I've been a huge Edge fan since before he debuted in the WWF, and I like him even more since I've met him and got my copy of his book autographed. I thought he should have been the champ 2 years ago.

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