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Smackdown Title situation updated

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Anyway, Orton's character was never succesfull in any way during that period. He pretty much killed his push at Mania XX by cutting a craptaculare promo


Um, what? That promo was the first time I realized that Orton had the potential to actually be good. Everyone loved it. Are you joking?

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Guest New Jake

That promo was fucking boring. It just showcased cliche heal notions and sentances poorly acted and strung togeather. It was absolute shit.

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so tell us, New Jake:


-who do you think is over enough to be champion?

-who is the future of the company?

-who cuts the best promos?

-how would you book both brands world title pictures between now and WM22?

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Guest Leelee
-who do you think is over enough to be champion?

-who is the future of the company?

-who cuts the best promos?

-how would you book both brands world title pictures between now and WM22?


I'll get out of character and prepare to be insulted by God for this post:


1. Rey.

2. Orton.

3. JBL.

4. I'd set up a title unification match at WM with Batista/HHH... with HHH winning.

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Guest New Jake
so tell us, New Jake:


-who do you think is over enough to be champion?

-who is the future of the company?

-who cuts the best promos?

-how would you book both brands world title pictures between now and WM22?


1-Benoit, best thing they can do now to keep him.

2-Fucking no one.

3-Kurt Angle.

4-Another Batista/HHH rematch? Pathetic. I would just dump on the street fight at the upcoming smackdown by having RAW run in again with Kane and Big Show most likely, pounding Orton and killing Batista with double Chokeslam through table or whatever so he can sell his injury. Put the title on vacancy with a tournament that leads up to Armegeddon with Benoit winning it after beating JBL in the quarter finals, Ken Kennedy in the semi final and Orton in the finals which Benoit wins after Matt Hardy foils Randy and his dad's attempt to steal the match, setting up a feud between them two. Then at the Royal Rumble have Benoit defend the title against Ken Kennedy in a tremendous match up which comes awefully close for Kennedy but soldifies his credibility. And with the right booking, have Rey Mysterio win the Royal Rumble. Then leading into WM, Batista will hopefully be back by No Way Out where he can job to Benoit and Rey can beat Randy Orton who would again be accosted by Matt Hardy setting up there match for WM and Benoit/Mysterio for the main event.

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Orton getting another undeserving title reign is one of the many reasons why SD is considered the B-Team show.


Logic Check: How can something be a reason SD is considered the B-show when it hasn't actually happened yet?

You must be from another planet if you don't think he is getting another World title reign.


That's not what I said at all.


I'm asking how you can put the blame for Smackdown being considered a B-show IN THE PRESENT on something that will happen IN THE FUTURE?


Since Smackdown is already the B-show, and Orton's isn't the champion yet, then its not rational to even partially blame him for it being the B-show.

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Guest *KNK*
Why is everone so down on orton????? I think he is a great wrestler and skilled on the stick. Whats all this bitchin about?


He can also cut a decent promo as well.

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I'll get out of character and prepare to be insulted by God for this post:


1.  Rey.

2.  Orton.

3.  JBL.

4.  I'd set up a title unification match at WM with Batista/HHH... with HHH winning.


Oh boo on you. JBL is just as boring as HHH on the mic with his cliches and repeated promos.

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Why is everone so down on orton?????


There's 2 kinds of people on this board. People who are down on Orton, and people who'd like to go down on Orton.


(And just because I don't think its fair to blame him for Smackdown's b-show status, doesn't mean I like him.)

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As much as JBL's reign sucked he at least became a credible Main Eventer as a result of it. Orton lost whatever little credibility he had the last time they put the belt on him. I don't see him doing any better this time around since his character has been almost exactly the same for the last couple of years and he doesn't seem willing or able to add to it. For his few fans, that's great. For everyone else he won't shake the stigma of being a complete failure.


In no way, shape, or form did JBL ever become a credible champion. He was always potrayed as chickenshit and, as far as I know, never won a match clean because he always had get to help from somebody ALL THE TIME. At least Orton can hold his own ground and put on a good match when paired with the right person, JBL can't.

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As much as JBL's reign sucked he at least became a credible Main Eventer as a result of it. Orton lost whatever little credibility he had the last time they put the belt on him. I don't see him doing any better this time around since his character has been almost exactly the same for the last couple of years and he doesn't seem willing or able to add to it. For his few fans, that's great. For everyone else he won't shake the stigma of being a complete failure.


In no way, shape, or form did JBL ever become a credible champion. He was always potrayed as chickenshit and, as far as I know, never won a match clean because he always had get to help from somebody ALL THE TIME. At least Orton can hold his own ground and put on a good match when paired with the right person, JBL can't.


I didn't say he became a credible champion. And are you really trying to argue that a guy who needs his daddy's help to win matches can hold his own ground?

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Orton has not been booked well to become the champ. JBL needed to cheat to win, but he had been built up that way. Orton in recent months has morphed into a guy who needs his dad to help him but *still* hasn't been running over people. He isn't a credible threat with or without his dad.


It's really not the WWE's fault, considering that Batista got injured and the next guy in line died. It's hard to book other guys to become champ without the aid of a crystal ball.


If I were the WWE what I would do is have someone attack and take out Batista in some backstage thing, someone they want to push as a major heel. Then say that Batista is going to be out of action for a while and have a tournament to determine the champ.


If they book this Orton thing right it could still be ok - they just have to make him cheat like hell. Have his dad hit Batista with a bat or something.

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Guest New Jake
Why is everone so down on orton????? I think he is a great wrestler and skilled on the stick. Whats all this bitchin about?


He can also cut a decent promo as well.


Bullshit on both terms.


And if Orton and Hardy run a program it must certainly not be for the title, just a feud to put Hardy over. Hardy is worth pushing more so then Orton.

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Putting the title on Orton again would be like keeping Kevin Nash in 1996 and saying "Gee, I think we should put the belt back on this guy. Nevermind that whole year where he was pushed and didn't draw a dime."


Don't mix up Orton with JBL. :P


As much as JBL's reign sucked he at least became a credible Main Eventer as a result of it. Orton lost whatever little credibility he had the last time they put the belt on him. I don't see him doing any better this time around since his character has been almost exactly the same for the last couple of years and he doesn't seem willing or able to add to it. For his few fans, that's great. For everyone else he won't shake the stigma of being a complete failure.


Well if the fans weren't paying to see him, I don't think they really bought him as a credible Main Eventer... Didn't Unforgiven with Orton-Triple H draw better than any of the brand only PPV's JBL headlined?


Personally, I think Orton and JBL would both make terrible champions, JBL has a decent midcard heel act but the fans don't buy him in a top spot, as his buyrates were so low, they stood out during a down period for PPV buisiness. Orton has absolutely no place near the main event. Right now he isn't very over at all(or in 2004, like some of you claim), he sucks the life out of any match he's in with his arsenal of restholds and he's done nothing but bore the shit out of me since day one. Booker's act is more over than both guys and he's a better worker than both...if he's stuck in overbooked gimmick matches where his limitations are hidden, you people would no doubt be singing his praises and claim he improved overnight, like you did for JBL and Triple H when they were first pushed and working gimmick matches(or against good wrestlers) every PPV.


Rey and Benoit would both make better choices as well.

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Guest New Jake
Well if the fans weren't paying to see him, I don't think they really bought him as a credible Main Eventer... Didn't Unforgiven with Orton-Triple H draw better than any of the brand only PPV's JBL headlined?


True but that means shit to the PPV's Benoit headlined that year. HHH takes no credit for being part of that nore does Orton for taking the belt off Benoit.


PS:HOLY SHIT!!! Part of my booking fantasy came true! Well, partly.

Check out the spoilers.



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It will forever amuse me how everyone hates on JBL for cheating to win all his title matches, as if he wasn't a heel or something. That's an extremely mark-ish way to look at things.


I am no Randy Orton fan, but at this point in time WWE are running out of options for World Champion on the Smackdown side of things. I say they should work on elevating Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy, but how about putting the belt on Orton so he can job to one of them? I think it would work out surprisingly well.

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I didn't say he became a credible champion. And are you really trying to argue that a guy who needs his daddy's help to win matches can hold his own ground?


Except he was winning matches long before his father was even considered to be an HOF inductee.

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I am no Randy Orton fan, but at this point in time WWE are running out of options for World Champion on the Smackdown side of things. I say they should work on elevating Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy, but how about putting the belt on Orton so he can job to one of them? I think it would work out surprisingly well.


I am one to think Edge will somehow end up with the belt over there while they elevate guys like Kennedy and Lashley and possibly Rey (a little more anyway) and could probably give the belt to Benoit.


If it went Benoit -> Orton -> Batista -> Edge -> And then either Benoit, Batista, or a new up-and-coming FACE, I wouldn't mind. If it goes to either of the established guys instead of the face, though, I could see them dropping it to an up-and-coming heel by Summerslam of next year. Maybe even one that hasn't been introduced yet (but that's a long shot).




EDIT: Sorry about the double post.

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