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Excerpts from the 11/21 Wrestling Observer Newsletter:


In this issue Dave writes about Eddy Guerrero’s life and tells some nice stories.


- The decision was made to give Eddy the World title as the main event match on the combined tapings on 11/13 in Minneapolis, and turn him heel in the process to work with Batista on his return


Not sure if that was still going to happen. Stephanie alluded to it on Raw, saying he was emotionally ready this time and would make the company proud.


As for the question of whether he would have been champion on the same day he passed away, that is one the McMahons will have to answer. I know it was the plan going into that day, but there is a good chance that the plan had changed to Orton.


- Eddy was seen as a “legend’ among the other wrestlers. Mark Copani (Mohammed Hassan) and Guerrero had an altercation a few months back on Smackdown. Copani, not knowing any better, told Eddy to stop using the camel clutch. When word got out on what he did, Copani was sat down and told, “Eddy Guerrero is a legend in this business. He grew up in the business. You don’t ever tell him anything. Do you even know who invented that camel clutch you’re doing.” Hassan said “The Shiek.” Hassan, who was being groomed as the top heel before things fell apart was told, “No, it was Eddy’s father. Don’t you ever question him again or you’ll never work in this company.


When UPN wanted the Hassan character off Smackdown, one of the reasons WWE killed the character off completely as opposed to moving him to Raw was because of how Mark Copani handled the situation. When his name comes up and you here wrestlers make cryptic remarks about the guy playing the role, some of that was because of those who knew, he had committed a major sin in mouthing off to someone as well liked as Guerrero.


- At this point, even though it is the match Hogan wants and the match the company wants, Hogan vs. Austin at Wrestlemania is less than 50%. Austin isn’t keen on doing the match. Where they are right now is they either have to find a way to convince him to do it or go in another direction.


- Benoit has talked with some people, including Noble, of late, about the prospects of being able to make a living outside WWE. Of course, Benoit’s prospects and Noble’s results are entirely different as Noble never went to TNA , and while he did get some Japan tours, he wasn’t able to get nearly as much work in Japan as Benoit would be able to.


The company will likely do everything it can to keep Benoit. The date we had on his contract expiring may have been wrong as others are saying the expiration date is next year, and they see him as someone who will be with the company for life.


- Sting has not returned company calls about appearing, so their feeling is he has no interest. Sting has expressed interest in participating in a DVD project.


- Regarding the Rock’s cryptic comments on Michaels a few weeks back, the heat actually dates back to 1985 when the Midnight Rockers were brought to Honolulu for a big show by Rock’s grandmother, who was the promoter at the time. 13 year old Dwayne was so wild he was looking for Michaels to take a swing at him because of how Michaels was behaving in the dressing room.


Most people know the story about political dealings in 1997 when Rock and HHH were on the rise. Another piece of the puzzle was when Vince made the decision to go with Rock as the opponent for Austin at Wrestlemania XV, Michaels (who was theoretically retired at the time due to a back injury) went to Vince and pushed hard for HHH to get the shot. When Vince turned it down, he then pushed for Foley to get the spot. He kept telling Vince, “Anyone but Rock,” but Vince had already made his decision.

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Guest Fook_Theta

Whoa a 20 year feud in the making? That is something they should definitely think about doing the super slow burn for. Pretty much a purely promo-driven feud for months with the payoff being a spectacular match both guys can pull off when they want to.


Looks more and more like Benoit will be out of the WWE full time by the end of 2006.


Hussan being that big of a cunt should have been played up more when he was around.


Don't blame Austin for not wanting to do business with Hogan on Vince/Hogan's terms.

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Guest JoeJoe

Rock's comments on WWE.com about Michaels almost reflect what he said in Keller's Torch Talk 7 years ago. If his opinion hasn't changed since this long a time, I say he is pretty serious about not wanting to face Shawn. The guy comes back only to enjoy himself as opposed to having a ****+ encounter. So if he doesn't like the guy, I don't see how he can enjoy himself in a program with him.


Hogan/Austin, if it DOES happen..make it a retirement match. I don't wanna see the Orange Goblin and 'Stinko' Steve Austin after that anymore.

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Sting showing he has a working brain. Just avoid the WWE Sting, avoid it at all costs.

And even Austin can recognize if it's the plan of Vince and Hogan that he'll be the one to go down.

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well that was one of the more interesting backstage news things I've read. However I didn't quite grasp the meaning of the 13 y/o Rock situation. Rock was trying to get HBk ot take a swing at him b/c of his behavior? huh? that makes no sense.

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well that was one of the more interesting backstage news things I've read. However I didn't quite grasp the meaning of the 13 y/o Rock situation. Rock was trying to get HBk ot take a swing at him b/c of his behavior? huh? that makes no sense.


I believe what it said was that Rock wanted to take a swing at Michaels because he was being a douche. I read it the way you did the first time.

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+ Further proving the point that Hassan was a douche.


+ Good to see Sting and Austin staying away from Vince respectably.


+ I bet HBK regrets some of his past behavior.

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The whole "Eddie woud've won the title" thing rings hollow with me.


A week ago, it was said the plan was to put the belt on Orton in the three-way match. In the week following Eddie's passing, all the sudden now the story changes that HE would've won the title? I dunno.


Somehow, I'm sure Eddie woud've gotten another shot with the world title, whether it come through this fiasco or another situation, but I'm sorry, this just reeks of 'revisionist history'.

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Guest karlitoapple

Bryan Alvarez posted on the f4wonline.com board that he heard as of Friday that Benoit either renewed with WWE or is working on the final paperwork.

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Guest Duke_The_Dog

Pat Patterson is back with World Wrestling Entertainment on a part time basis after retiring last year according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Patterson will be working primarily pay-per-view events as an agent and will lend his proven expertise in laying out important matches for the company.


Both Eddie Guerrero and Billy Graham have WWE published autobiographies scheduled for release in the upcoming weeks. Guerrero's autobiography -heartbreakingly titled "Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerrero Story"- will be released on December 20, 2005. The Editorial Preview states: "With an open heart and a powerful determination, Guerrero searched deep within himself and fought to regain the life he had lost. Above all, his journey of self-discovery reawakened his relationship with Jesus Christ, and he found peace and strength in the Bible...Ultimately, Guerrero not only regained his life, he surpassed his wildest dreams. Despite all the obstacles strewn in his path, Guerrero triumphed, becoming WWE Champion...t's also the story of Guerrero's private struggle, of a son caught in the shadow of a larger-than-life father and three older brothers, of a marriage that reached the brink of disintegration before being reborn as a more powerful and fulfilling relationship. Throughout, Eddie Guerrero pulls no punches describing his battles with self-doubt and inner darkness. In the end, Cheating Life, Stealing Death is a story of great courage and personal redemption, of Guerrero's bravery in facing his disease and fighting to become a better man in every light". Billy Graham's autobiography, Tangled Ropes, is available on January 10, 2006.

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Hassan...Matt Striker...what was with these rookie fucks talking back to Eddie?


In all honesty I don't know what to make of this Austin/Hogan thing. Somehow I doubted it could happen because you're dealing with some very major egos there. After Austin's recent antics with walking out he's obviously going to have to job to Hogan as an act of good faith. Add in Vince and Hogan are already plotting and Hogan has behaved himself of late and Austin has to see the writing on the wall.

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Seems kind of mean to release a story about Hassan talking back to Eddie right after Eddie dies. Why didn't we hear about this right after it happened? Hassan was stupid and wrong to try to talk down to him about wrestling, but it seems in poor taste to release this info now, making it seem like Hassan is trampling on Eddie's grave.

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Guest Duke_The_Dog

On Eddy:


Batista told Eddy he felt JBL was sand bagging Dave during their matches and making Dave take heat from the agents for putting on crap matches.


Dave notes Owen, Eddy and hawk were all moving to a new home at the time of their deaths


Eddy was actually found slumped over the sink, Chavo tried CPR, later as Eddy was carted off Rey jr and beniot both kissed his corpse goodbye


the Wrestlers all got on their knees for a group prayer before the Sunday Tribute show


Eddy's friends weren't thrilled with the Divas match and Eugene being on the tribute show - somewhat disrespectful.


SS Graham was asked to lead the service because he was loved by Eddy


On Crusher:


Hogan refused to let Crusher get the pins when Crusher made his spot appearences in the WWF in 86 and 87


Crusher was in the Warrior's corner for the Weasel Suit match vs heenan in Milwaukee in 88. The match is on the Greatest Stars of the 80's DVD, no mention of it was made though by the announcers


Crusher was 58 when he and baron VR won the AWA tag belts in 84


Crusher chewed out Road W. Animal after Animal suplexed him in 85, the 1st time Crusher was off his feat in decades. Animal nearly cried as the 60 year old Crusher wanted to fight him, and Animal loved Crusher growing up


Early in his Career Crusher was billed as Killer Kowalski's cousin


Crusher really did train briefly by run ning past lake Michigan with a beer barrell on each arm (kayfabe lives)


The bruiser hated Verne Gagne


Verne refused to put Crusher over at a proposed milwaukee Stadium show in the mid 70's - the show never got off the ground then (Verne wanted to set the World title reighn record)


Crusher/Bruiser refused to job to a Japanese tandem in a 1972 cage match. They beat them up to start the match...then when they were to have the heat put on them, they simply opened the door and left... the fans rioted.


Bobby Heenan wanted to have lunch with Crusher a few months ago, Crusher refused for kayfabe reasons, and chewed heenan out in front of others over the phone to keep the appearence of heat


At age 72 Crusher wanted to try to bench press 315 lbs... his spotter refused to let him.


Verne, greg Gagne and jim brunzell rode from Minn. to Crusher's funeral together, along the way they stopped at Larry henning's place to pick him up. Larry saw Verne in the car and refused to go citing Kayfabe. (Odd since Larry was a face in 85 and 86 when he retired)


Random Notes:


Mick Foley teamed with Corino and Sandman on a British show recently...Bill Apter managed them


Tiger Mask I (Original) is returning to do a exhibition match vs Fujiwara


Gary Wolfe (Pittbull), sandman and Todd Gordon are planning on starting a fed.


Tony Atlas gave an interview last week where he said the Iron Sheik was the reason for the 1984 wrestling boom. People saw he was the body gaurd for the Shah of Iran and it gave him credibility. Hogan only won the belt cause Shiek got death threats.


Russo is starting a new Wrestling/Relegion fed. He wants to run 1 show a month and release DVDs


Bret hart is going to Italy for an extended vacation. He will not be around for WM time.


Austin's movie is filming during the WM build up months, so Austin probably won't have a program.


Kane's movie will be released may 19th


Jerry jarrett's russian is training in Deep South


TNA's Trytan signed with OVW as did Rene Dupree's brother


Roddy Piper broke his hand. His match vs Bob orton is off.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Thanks Duke for posting that.


Got to love the AWA stars kayfabe :)


Really sad that Bret won't get in the HOF this year though.

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Eddy's friends weren't thrilled with the Divas match and Eugene being on the tribute show - somewhat disrespectful.


It really wasn't that bad.

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Pat Patterson is back with World Wrestling Entertainment on a part time basis after retiring last year according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Patterson will be working primarily pay-per-view events as an agent and will lend his proven expertise in laying out important matches for the company.


Nice of the WWE to give a new guy a chance.

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Eddy's friends weren't thrilled with the Divas match and Eugene being on the tribute show - somewhat disrespectful.


It really wasn't that bad.


Exactly. If you want to talk about bad look at the Orton/Cena match. All the other matches on RAW and SD had clean finishes yet that was the only one that wasn't. I still don't get that.

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Pat Patterson is back with World Wrestling Entertainment on a part time basis after retiring last year according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Patterson will be working primarily pay-per-view events as an agent and will lend his proven expertise in laying out important matches for the company.


Nice of the WWE to give a new guy a chance.


He's laying out the spots.

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Eddy's friends weren't thrilled with the Divas match and Eugene being on the tribute show - somewhat disrespectful.


It really wasn't that bad.


Exactly. If you want to talk about bad look at the Orton/Cena match. All the other matches on RAW and SD had clean finishes yet that was the only one that wasn't. I still don't get that.


I think they were protecting Orton which I thought was silly on a tribute show. I know I'm not alone on this, but I really dislike Orton for reasons like this. They're trying so hard with him and I just really have never cared about him. He's never done anything himself to make me care about him. He is constantly being paired with other people in hopes that they'll get him over somehow. Just a rant.

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Eddy's friends weren't thrilled with the Divas match and Eugene being on the tribute show - somewhat disrespectful.


It really wasn't that bad.


I do agree with them... we got a guy pretending to be a retard and jerk off material for WWE fanboys. Any other week, that's just a part of WWE programming, but this was supposed to be a tribute show.

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Pat Patterson is back with World Wrestling Entertainment on a part time basis after retiring last year according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Patterson will be working primarily pay-per-view events as an agent and will lend his proven expertise in laying out important matches for the company.


Nice of the WWE to give a new guy a chance.


He's laying out the spots.


It's amazing how bad some matches are layed out when they have Dibiase, Malenko, Arn and Steamboat working back there.

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So Sting IS interested in doing a dvd project. Bout time.

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Eddy's friends weren't thrilled with the Divas match and Eugene being on the tribute show - somewhat disrespectful.


It really wasn't that bad.


Exactly. If you want to talk about bad look at the Orton/Cena match. All the other matches on RAW and SD had clean finishes yet that was the only one that wasn't. I still don't get that.


I think they were protecting Orton which I thought was silly on a tribute show. I know I'm not alone on this, but I really dislike Orton for reasons like this. They're trying so hard with him and I just really have never cared about him. He's never done anything himself to make me care about him. He is constantly being paired with other people in hopes that they'll get him over somehow. Just a rant.

I completely agree. Randy should've had a EG shirt and the match should've been angle-less (meaning a clean finish). They were very obviously grooming him for the championship, but just cause he's got good genes and is young doesn't mean he's the future! Just look at the Baltimore Ravens and Kyle Boller

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I don't understand guys getting mad at the Divas match. I really don't find anything wrong with Eugene, but I could see the some guys might be touchy since it's a silly gimmick on a serious show. But there was nothing wrong with the diva battle royal. It wasn't a T 'n A thing, it was just a women's wrestling match. Seems like some people are just looking for things to get upset about.

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