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The Mandarin

What aren't you reading

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This can apply to novels, comics, magazines, required reading for university, warnings on your medication, etc. I have so many books just laying around, it's incredible. I'll get to them at some point.


High Fidelity (just got that today, however)

Black Hawk Down

The Long Walk

Helter Skelter

Silence of the Lambs


The Death of WCW (although I am reading that now)


I also have other books collecting dust that I never really finished, including Wiseguy and Fahrenheit 451. I've got to stop impulsively buying books like this only to not read them.


Obviously, I've purchased a bunch of books based on films that I enjoyed since I'm not on the upswing of what the popular reading material is these days. Last novel I read was 1984, which was tremendous.


So what aren't you reading?

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My sister-in-law gave me a book last Christmas called "Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" that I just haven;t even picked up yet. That's about it, I go through books pretty fast.

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Oy Vey...


Five People You Meet In Heaven

A Walk In The Woods


Angels & Demons

Tales of Adam




and i have 2 disney books (a Walt bio & one about the parks) to go along with that AND some more textbooky books.

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I collect books, so I literally have a few hundred of them lying around that I haven't even touched yet.

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My sister-in-law gave me a book last Christmas called "Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" that I just haven;t even picked up yet.  That's about it, I go through books pretty fast.


This book is frikken awesome. One of my favorite books ever in fact. If one digs Neil Gaiman or JK Rowlings' sort of style of writing, then they will absolutely dig this.

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High Fidelity (just got that today, however)

Helter Skelter


Those are two of my favorite books, depending on my mood, High Fidelity is my favorite. Once you start reading it you won't stop. Speaking of Nick Hornby. I read the first part of A Long Way Down, but I yet to pick it up again, despite really enjoying the first part. Have you read About a Boy?

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Currently reading Terminal by Brian Keene - and after that it's:


-History of Violence G/N (Wagner)

-American Psycho (Ellis)

-Spiral (sequel to Ring, by Koji Suzuki)

-Zombie Survival Guide (Brooks)

-Count Zero (Gibson)

-All Tomorrow's Parties (Gibson)

-Dark Water (short stories by Koji Suzuki)

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I keep buying WWE books and not reading them... I still have to go through Stone Cold Truth, Walking a Golden Mile (Regal), the Kane book AND HBK's new book, though I read the prologue of that one, so does that count as starting to read it?

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Guest Duke_The_Dog

Shiek Adnan's Book, Edge's, Brisco's, Fred Blassie's, Moolah's , A Few uncle john's reader's, Stanley Freidman's Roswell UFO book etc etc



Add about 100 to the list... I buy 30 cent books from good Will Constantly


Plus I've got like 200 DVD's I've bought and have yet to crack open.


Waste all my time online.

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I collect books, so I literally have a few hundred of them lying around that I haven't even touched yet.

Likewise. Heck, I have books piled up on the floor after I moved because I've been too lazy to put a new bookcase together. :-/

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I have way too many books lying around that I've bought and never sat down and read, stuff I've been really looking forward to read. This includes works by Proust, Céline, Joyce, Pynchon, Fitzgerald and loads of books by Nabokov.

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Guest jenzie

angels and demons

cryptonomicon (neil stephenson)

long way round (from the tv series)


too busy reading my magazines cover to cover!

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I just knocked down a book on the history of the Dallas Mavericks that I've been wanting to read since the summer, just haven't gotten down to it. On my reading list, I picked up a bunch of basketball books over the past few months including a book about the Knicks that went to the championship in the strike season, a book by George Karl, a book about the early 90s TrailBlazers (which I think Rick Adelman was involved with) and a book about the Utah Jazz championship run that they lost in the late 90s. Also sports-wise I have been waiting to read Johnny Damon's book. I picked up Stephen King's Dreamcatcher finally since the movie unintentionally tickled me in the theaters, as well as the Complete Lewis and Clark journals, Glorious Cause by Jeff Shaara, Da Vinci Code (have had it since it was new, never got around to it, have been debating whether I want to read it before the movie comes out or after I go see the movie) and whatever I get for Christmas (probably Al Franken's book, HBK's book among others). I guess I'll try knocking down Jon Stewart's old book, the Naked Pictures of Famous People (I started it months ago just started reading something else) and should knock that down until John Hodgman's The Areas of My Expertise FINALLY arrives from Amazon.com.

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I got The Da Vinci Code last Christmas and still haven't opened it yet.


I just bought that used for 50 cents.

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Marquis De Sade's "Juliet".

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