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Yeah, because the Liberals have been running such a smooth campaign over the past few weeks. And they haven't been slandering the Tories at every turn. Face it, they've been coming off desperate over the past two weeks.


And the Liberal sheep have had enough of their fun already. :)

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From that link...

And it is typical of the Liberal campaign on a national basis.


Yeah, that type of fair and non biased writing is noteworthy ....

It wasn't the writer's opinion. It was the opinion of the candidate.

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Ah yes... Paul Martin reportedly wants to hang on, but I really doubt he will now (which maybe is kind of unfair for him, considering he is basically taking heat for shit the Chretienites pulled). I've heard Brian Tobin or Frank McKenna, among others. Being from New Brunswick myself (where he was premier for 10 years), I'd love to see McKenna take the reigns.

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Interesting way to correct a double post, by the way...


Baron is absolutely right, I hope...I can't see the CPC's keeping up multiple terms.


Hey, anyone but Sheila Copps, I say. Although, as much as I like Jack Layton's candour, I'd say Paul Martin is by far the most fit of any federal leader to run the show...though I don't really know Jim Harris.

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The problem with the Liberals is that Mr. Martin was left with the garbage that Chretien left him.


I like McKenna personally, but like CG said, not Copps and definitly Anne McLellen.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

The Liberal candidate got tossed in my riding for trying to bribe the NDP candidate. He's still running as an independant though.


It doesn't matter as 90% of people are going to vote Conservative anyway. These are the same people who always vote for Randy White...

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Do you mean just in your riding, CWM?


I can't see that many people in Canada as a whole voting for them, considering that virtually every person I've spoken to about the election is terrified of the Cons. winning.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

sorry, I meant in my riding. Abbotsford votes very Conservative. Our Member of Parliment (Randy White) is the ultimate crazy Conservative stereotype.

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Maybe not while IN prison, but once outside and have served their time they should be allowed to vote. I'd even compromise that they could wait a couple years before they would be eligable again. That's fair.


I agree wholeheartedly with this.



Sweet jebus! It's gonna rain blood on this day that we agree.

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Election Day is here, and the polls are open.


CTV has it at CPC 37, LPC 27 (sample 2 000, margin of error 2.0%). CPAC has it at CPC 36, LPC 30 (sample 1 500, margin of error 3.1%). Essentially, they're the same numbers.

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Things are parallel, more or less to 2004.


I don't recall there being a six or seven point CPC lead two years ago beforehand, maybe 2 or 3. Things don't look good.


On the other hand, a roundtable discussion during lunch at work yesterday determined Paul Martin's recent speech of "Vote for us, we're not that far from the NDP and they won't win anyway" worked on many of us at said table...I'll probably follow, despite the fact I'm wering a Jack Layton button.

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Yep, they've been up by about 15 for 15 minutes or so....the Left Coast needs to bail out the Libs, which won't happen...surprisingly low results for the NDP and BQ, with 50ish and 25ish a piece...the Greens are on pace to win a seat.

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the Greens are on pace to win a seat.

That was an early poll. Another shutout.


The really interesting thing is that the Tories are definitely going to need the support of the Bloc to form a government. I was expecting them to be close enough to 154 that they'd be able to form a coalition with the NDP.

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the Greens are on pace to win a seat.

That was an early poll. Another shutout.


The really interesting thing is that the Tories are definitely going to need the support of the Bloc to form a government. I was expecting them to be close enough to 154 that they'd be able to form a coalition with the NDP.


True, but I couldnt envision the NDP and CPC aligning, even briefly.


RedBaron's at work rill midnite, I can't wait to see what's on his mind.


I'm officially sick to my stomach...although I've had a few wobbly pops which doesn't help, though it kinda does.

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Aforementioned Baron said two years...but it took nine years for the last PC government to get the boot.


There's ALREADY talk of a left alignment ala Reform/Alliance-Pc a few years ago, but I think they're too far apart for talks to even begin.

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The last Tory government governed on a huge majority. I see the Tories getting defeated on a money bill sometime inside of two years. It's inevitable, given that none of the other parties agrees with them on any social issue.


The Liberals would never align themselves with the NDP, and I don't see any need for it. They're not even close to being as weak as the PCs were after 1993. Once Martin resigns and some new blood gets in to revamp the party's image, they should come back strongly.


Besides, the main problem is, and will continue to be, the Bloc Quebecois. No party is going to win a majority with the BQ as strong as they are right now.

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Baron just called me, Chris...


He says our names should be AmericanChris and YankeeGuitarist.....


Yeah, an alliance would be ideal for me as I'm about halfways between NDP and Libs, but on the whole? Nothin.

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