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Lt. Al Giardello

Vince saying "Nigga"

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No, because like I said (I was the guy that mentioned it!), the guy who was the bigot was always getting shown up by everyone he talked shit about, proving his ignorance and promoting tolerance.





This man understands the show.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Man, I haven't posted here in a long time. Haven't really kept up with wrestling either. But this consistantly repeating debate sort of sparked my interest.


I flat out don't like any variation of the word. No matter who says it. To me, it seems that a majority of people thats not of African descent that seem so hellbent on using the word makes the typical argument. "Black people use it, why can't I? " Or, "One of my black friends don't care."

People fail to realize that those people do not speak for the entire Black community. They flat out don't.


As shocking as it may seem, not all Black people say the word or think Blacks should have exclusive rights of saying the word (meaning, its not cool for ANY race to use). I'm one of those people. I personally want the word to die. I'm not cool with any racial slur/slang being used at all. All of it makes me cringe.


But I won't go on any further, since I didn't read past the first page.


If your wondering, (I know you really don't care) but I absolutely don't agree with Vince McMahon saying it and Booker/Cena agreeing with it.

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Guest Coffey

To be honest, I kinda agree with what Czech said. At least as it pertains to white people. It's like they think if they say "nigga" they can "get away with it." Just like all the sports casters referred to Ron Artest as a "thug." We know what they meant.


Also, this thread has no right to be nine pages long. My goodness.

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I mean, I would never say, "no, I did not call him a nigger, N-I-G-G-E-R, I called him a nigga, which ends with an A in lieu of E-R, which means that it is not, in fact, a derogatory racial slur, but rather, indicates that he is like a brother to me."

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when I saw it I was like OMG, then when they showed Booker it made me think of Bookers famous interview (Hulk Hogan, we're comin for you N*gga") perhpas they did that on purpose to reference that?




anyhow vince looked like a total doofus trying to be hip,


I can see why some might be offended by that


stupid WWE I guess, with their "comedy" writing skills

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No, because like I said (I was the guy that mentioned it!), the guy who was the bigot was always getting shown up by everyone he talked shit about, proving his ignorance and promoting tolerance.


Agree, but how is that much different than this? It's not like Vince referred to Booker T as a nigger and then fired him and had him dragged out of the building by security. The segment made Vince look stupid and out of touch by attempting to be "hip" while also mocking the whole "wigga" gimmick in general.


The Booker T - HHH buildup and match was much more offensive because it involved HHH implying that Booker T was inferior because he's black and then beating him in the match to prove it. I would also say Randy Orton calling Shelton Benjamin "upity" was more offensive than Vince calling Cena a "nigga".

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Wow this thread is still going, and still full of stupid.


Nigger and nigga are not the same thing.


And again let me point this out: How come Cena can call people gay as an insult every week and nobody complains, but Vince using the word nigga (which you can find in plenty of popular entertainment) as a joke on Vince himself (trying to be hip but failing miserably) gets a huge response?


The people in this thread who were oh so offended - tough. I have no sympathy for most of you because you didn't say a thing when Cena called someone gay or when Long called somebody a cracka. It doesn't matter to you that WWE is offensive, what matters is that this time YOU were offended instead of someone else who you apparently don't care about.


That's weak. So my advice is suck it up and stop whining. Or, if you want to be some sort of moral crusader don't be utter hypocrites about it.


Where were you when Cena was calling people gay? Laughing right along. You have no credibility (most of you anyway) so give it a rest. Boo hoo you were offended - too bad.

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I stated many times that calling people gay and wanting men to suck your dick is the dumbest insults in the world. Its disturbing that one man to show his hetrosexuality is blatently asking for homosexual oral actions.


Teddy Long saying cracka is not only dumb, its outdated. Cracka never caught on as an insult and thank the lord, its fucking retarded. Reverse rasism rulez dude.


The word nigga/nigger/niggar does NOT need to be at all by anyone. Why is it ok because of the different sounds of the last one or two letters? The word is just full of pure hate.


Just like this thread being full of retards.


BTW: how is it that a bunch of middleclass white people trying to tell others that that word isn't racist or hateful? How the fuck can they speak for anyone but themselves on that word? That is the most offending thing of this whole damn thing.

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There's a difference between saying a word, and saying a word to try and offend someone.


I'm Italian. If people say whop(I don't even know if that's the proper spelling), I don't give a shit. If someone calls me a whop, TRYING to insult me, it's different. It's all in context!


I could say fuck you to my friend, in a friendly matter, and not offend him. If I say fuck you, because I'm pissed and really want him to fuck off, it should be taken differently.


I'm not saying people don't have the right to be offended over the use of words, I'm just saying personally what matters to me is people's intentions, not superfacial words.


I'm more offended when someone says "Being a homosexual(the politically correct word) is wrong, and they will not enter the gates of heaven." Than if someone says "You're a fag! haha!" But really has no problem with gay people.


Oh well, that's my take on it.

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Guest Hass of Pain

I finally got around to watching this tonight. As a white male, I don't know if I am really qualified to comment on the offensiveness of this, but it really didn't seem all that deragatory or anything. It was just funny because you can tell that Vince is clearly losing his mind, and he's doing it on national television. The entire segment was just hilarious ("Whatsgoodinthehood") for all of the wrong reasons and to think that he thought something like this could possibly be a good idea speaks volumes on the state of mind he is in right now. The swagger off the screen and the expression of being so damn content with himself sealed the deal. You have to wonder how investors who don't follow wrestling could possibly buy stock in a company led by a guy who would touch such a hot button for a cheap laugh.

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No, because like I said (I was the guy that mentioned it!), the guy who was the bigot was always getting shown up by everyone he talked shit about, proving his ignorance and promoting tolerance.


So was Vince promoting ignorance and intolerance when Triple H went over Booker at WrestleMania a few years ago?

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Since this is still going, IMO Vince overestimated the intelligence of his audience. (And since this is Vince, that says a lot) It was supposed to be funny because Vince clearly wasn't trying to be racist, he was just trying to make himself sound cool to Cena by using slang. But then Booker comes along and takes it the wrong way. It's like a sitcom where one characters only overhears part of a conversation and completely misunderstands the situation. The sad part is some people here heard the whole conversation and still came to the conclusion that he was trying to be racist.

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Wow this thread is still going, and still full of stupid.


Nigger and nigga are not the same thing.


And again let me point this out: How come Cena can call people gay as an insult every week and nobody complains, but Vince using the word nigga (which you can find in plenty of popular entertainment) as a joke on Vince himself (trying to be hip but failing miserably) gets a huge response?


The people in this thread who were oh so offended - tough. I have no sympathy for most of you because you didn't say a thing when Cena called someone gay or when Long called somebody a cracka. It doesn't matter to you that WWE is offensive, what matters is that this time YOU were offended instead of someone else who you apparently don't care about.


That's weak. So my advice is suck it up and stop whining. Or, if you want to be some sort of moral crusader don't be utter hypocrites about it.


Where were you when Cena was calling people gay? Laughing right along. You have no credibility (most of you anyway) so give it a rest. Boo hoo you were offended - too bad.

Thats the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.


If a drunk driver kills your mom are you not allowed to say something about it unless you have protested every other driving infraction in history? Who gives a fuck. When it has something to do with you, then it matters.


Cena calls people gay. Okay. So the fuck what. If a gay person came on here and said they were offended I wouldn't say it doesn't count unless you think how women are treated in the WWE offends you or what ever. THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE offended the person.


Apparently you don't understand how being offended works. If someone punches you in the face for no reason, its unfortunate, and maybe you should say something about it, but its not going to hurt my face. If someone punches me in the face, then its my time to stand up and say something. Same thing with being offended. If a person says something that PERSONALLY insulted me, then it is going to be me to be offended. ANd I don't see anyone in the thread saying anyone else should be offended. They are stating if they were offended or not.


And just for the record, I am more offended at how stupid Cena's gay jokes are. "You are so gay. Come felate me to show how gay you are. Then I am going to take off my shirt, get oiled up and come in there and rub up against you for 10-15 minutes."

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ANd I don't see anyone in the thread saying anyone else should be offended.


Doesn't this count?


Shame on Cena and Booker for particapting in somthing not only unfunny, but very racist. Booker should of not allowed it, by not particapting, no matter how bad he will de-push you. I'd rather be de-push then some rich white guy's jigga boo.


Dude's clearly saying Booker T should've been offended, and hypocritically using another racial slur to back up his point.

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