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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

Cena using gay jokes

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

For those who have ever heard a Cena promo, remember the gay jokes.


Now, I am half gay myself, and found these jokes VERY offensive. Shame on Cena for particapting in something not only unfunny, but very homophobic. Brawler should of not allowed it. No matter that he might fire you, I'd rather be fired then some rich white guy's cocksucker.


It's going to be very hard for me to watch another wrestling program, especially the way WWE is treating the homosexual stars (Sylvan consently being jobbed out despite being one of the best pure workers in North America), it's seems you have to be Vince's man-servant.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

...I was parodying the term "half black" and a post in the WWE folder.


Poontang pie.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

You've gone from disliking my views on spanking, to trolling me. Good job.

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...I was parodying the term "half black" and a post in the WWE folder.


Poontang pie.


After reading your parody, I think that you're selling yourself short by calling yourself "half gay" ... I'd say you've reached full gay status at this point.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

...I was parodying the term "half black" and a post in the WWE folder.


Poontang pie.

After reading your parody, I think that you're selling yourself short by calling yourself "half gay"...I'd say you've reached full gay status at this point.

Your use of the word "gay" in an insult form, is VERY offensive.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
Oh that wasn't an insult, that was Fact.

It's still using the term in a negative way, which is VERY offensive, regardless of my gayness.

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Oh that wasn't an insult, that was Fact.

It's still using the term in a negative way, which is VERY offensive, regardless of my gayness.


I guess we could ban the person using the word in a negative way to solve your problem.


Mods, FromBeyondTheGrave is offending himself ... can we ban him to correct this situation?

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