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I got it from a forum that got it from another forum


The early numbers for Taboo Tuesday and No Mercy are in. Taboo Tuesday did 215,000 buys and No Mercy did 220,000 buys better than last year's efforts.


Vince McMahon has written a page that will be inserted at the end of the upcoming Eddie Guerrero book, covering his passing.


The plan right now is for Trish Stratus to turn on Mickie James and the upcoming weeks, Officials feel that Stratus works better as a heel and Mickie makes for a great plucky underdog.


John Cena will not be turning heel as the WWE will be enforcing that he has no friends in the Raw locker room and Monday was a taste of his more Austin like edge that he will use. Former WWE star Jamal was signed to become Cena's backup from the streets.


Big Show and Kane will now be heels on both Raw and Smackdown, agents state that they have proven to dominant to be faces of any kind and for those wondering about the segment with Triple H it was to show that Show and Kane answer to no one.


Stacy Keibler will be in 2 upcoming movies playing a character in "Manhunt in the Caribbean" and making an appearance in the sequel to "Big Momma's House" she has also apprently dyed her hair brown.


MSNBC's own Rita Cosby will have 2 more specials about the WWE in the near future.


Booker T was auditioning for an announcer spot on Friday's edition of Smackdown after he retires.


Both Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton will be in main event slots next year at Wrestlemania according to recent talks.


Kurt Angle wants fans to know that he is in good shape and says fans hsouldn't worry about him.


If you noticed that certain superstars don't seem as toned or ripped it's because the WWE is taking the drug policy very seriously.


The idea behind Martin Wright's "Boogeyman" character was derived from Shane McMahon's brainstorming.


HBK wants to start a program with John Cena.


Jamie Noble will be returning to SmackDown! house shows towards the end of December


The Women's Championship will be defended on both shows soon as a throwback to the first draft.


Trevor Murdoch is expected to get pushed more heavily and is going to feud with Chavo Guerrero.

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Big Show and Kane will now be heels on both Raw and Smackdown, agents state that they have proven to dominant to be faces of any kind and for those wondering about the segment with Triple H it was to show that Show and Kane answer to no one.


This is the most interesting thing there as it clearly shows that Vince is way behind the times. It is because they are dominant that they will get face reactions. They'll seem like stars while the guys they clobber will look like losers.

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If you noticed that certain superstars don't seem as toned or ripped it's because the WWE is taking the drug policy very seriously.


It's only been like 2 weeks! Does a difference really appear that quickly?

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Former WWE star Jamal was signed to become Cena's backup from the streets.




If you noticed that certain superstars don't seem as toned or ripped it's because the WWE is taking the drug policy very seriously.


Like who? The policy has been in place what, 2 or 3 weeks? I haven't seen anyone shrinking in this time period. This sounds like BS news just tossed in there.

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Former WWE star Jamal was signed to become Cena's backup from the streets.

That's just going to make everyone want him to turn faster.

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The plan right now is for Trish Stratus to turn on Mickie James and the upcoming weeks, Officials feel that Stratus works better as a heel and Mickie makes for a great plucky underdog.


Yeah, because the fans will obviously go against Trish in favour of someone they don't know or care about. You get a new character over by having them be the aggressive heel, not the victim.

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If you noticed that certain superstars don't seem as toned or ripped it's because the WWE is taking the drug policy very seriously.


Like who? The policy has been in place what, 2 or 3 weeks? I haven't seen anyone shrinking in this time period. This sounds like BS news just tossed in there.

It looks like whoever got that news originally was listening to Meltzer. He's noticed a lot of people changing, and it's probably small enough that you're not seeing, because the guys getting off things for real would be changing really quickly, even if it is small changes.

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Vince McMahon has written a page that will be inserted at the end of the upcoming Eddie Guerrero book, covering his passing.


Just a Page?



John Cena will not be turning heel as the WWE will be enforcing that he has no friends in the Raw locker room and Monday was a taste of his more Austin like edge that he will use. Former WWE star Jamal was signed to become Cena's backup from the streets.


Nevermind the fact that Cena has been exposed as white rich boy but using Jamal in this position to make Cena seem more "thug" instead of using Jamal with Rosey to boost the tag division is even dumber.





MSNBC's own Rita Cosby will have 2 more specials about the WWE in the near future.


Yay for JBL's connections.


Booker T was auditioning for an announcer spot on Friday's edition of Smackdown after he retires.


He would be an improvement over everyone else except Styles but he is no Stevie Ray.


Both Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton will be in main event slots next year at Wrestlemania according to recent talks.


For those wondering why Rey had no problem with exploiting his best friend's death last week got your answer right here.



The idea behind Martin Wright's "Boogeyman" character was derived from Shane McMahon's brainstorming.


there is officially no hope for this company creatively.



Jamie Noble will be returning to SmackDown! house shows towards the end of December


Say good-bye to those 30 minute gems with Aries and Danielson, say hello to 5 minute jobs to Jordan

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Guest Fook
The plan right now is for Trish Stratus to turn on Mickie James and the upcoming weeks, Officials feel that Stratus works better as a heel and Mickie makes for a great plucky underdog.


The Mickey/Trish storyline is perfectly set up for Mickey to turn heel, so of course they go in the complete opposite direction.


Booker T was auditioning for an announcer spot on Friday's edition of Smackdown after he retires.


We need a Stevie Ray/Booker T announce team, stat!


The Women's Championship will be defended on both shows soon as a throwback to the first draft.


Why? It's not like it was a great idea then.


Both Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton will be in main event slots next year at Wrestlemania according to recent talks.


Orton/Batista seems to be penciled in, so who would Mysterio face? A Raw guy?

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I don't understand how Cena won't be turning heel with Jamal joining him and feuding with HBK.


Booker T should definitely get that announcing spot, since he was better than every WWE commentator except Styles in his brief performance. Never would've guessed based on his brother's announcing history.

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-- Thanks to Paul Michael who sent word that Matt Hardy's official website currently has a page up saying that it is 'disabled'. The website reads:


"We regret to inform, due to unforseen circumstances, TheMattHardy.com (TMH.Com) has been disabled.



You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.thematthardy.com Port 80"


It's unknown whether it's a legitimate problem with the site, or it's just another internet work. However, it should be noted that the website title reads �403 Disabled', when 403 errors are usually for when the user is not allowed access to a certain directory. The error page doesn't look like the normal error page and the coding for the page also seems to be put together a bit different from the regular server error pages.




Kenny Omega's deal with WWE is for three years.



Bret Hart recently did an interview on The Score in Canada and he called Shawn Michaels a "weak, shallow insecure rat" when the host brought up comments HBK made about Bret in his new book.

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Stacy Keibler will be in 2 upcoming movies playing a character in "Manhunt in the Caribbean" and making an appearance in the sequel to "Big Momma's House" she has also apprently dyed her hair brown.


I guess that's the role that was supposed to go to Jasmin St. Claire five years ago.

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Say good-bye to those 30 minute gems with Aries and Danielson, say hello to 5 minute jobs to Jordan


Ain't that the fucking truth.


Two things from these news bits I felt were especially glaring.


1. As much as I like Alexis Laree, I'm willing to put good money that she gets shit on if they turn Trish heel. Turning Trish heel would be apropos for this company, seeing as the storyline they seem to be giving us was that Mickie was the well-meaning Trish stalker who will one day snap on her idol after Trish rejects her for coming on too strong.....so instead, they turn TRISH heel. I don't think it'll work, I can't see the fans cheering Laree over her.


2. If they don't want Cena getting booed as if he was a heel, putting him in a program with HBK is really, REALLY not the way to go.

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Guest JMA

I'm not interested in Shawn feuding with anybody unless he's a heel. His face character is beyond stale (and kind of a prick).

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Shane McMahon thinking up of the Boogeyman really scares me. There is no bright light at the end of the tunnel regarding creativity.

Triple H seems to be the lesser of 3 evils as far as taking over the company goes.

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Shane McMahon thinking up of the Boogeyman really scares me. There is no bright light at the end of the tunnel regarding creativity.


It's an intentionally hokey gimmick. What do you people not get about it? When he starts making Todd Grisham's hair drip black liquid and Batista puke, then people can feel free to bitch.

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What they need to do with Boogeyman is something Bryan Alvarez suggested. Keep him in the cupboard, bring him out at a major PPV for a squash match, then put him back in the cupboard until the next major PPV when he does another squash match, and then the cycle starts again.

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Why does Cena need Jamal when he was taking on Rene Dupree and Kenzo all by himself the summer before last and winning just about every single time? I mean, Dupree's credibility was completely destroyed in the name of jingoism and Cena's push, certainly he can take on HBK or Angle by himself(especially considering neither have tag partners or stables behind them anymore). If Shane seriously came up with Boogeyman, though, I'm scared.....very, very scared. Shane was the only Macmahon I thought who had some semblance of sanity. Mind you, Boogyman came off far better than I thought it would when I saw him this week....but stilll, blech

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What kind of face needs a fucking bodyguard?

Only weasel heels need bodyguards.


And they think no one is going to remember Jamal as the other fat guy from Three Minute Warning?

You had a better chance of just telling them fucking ROSEY is his thug brother from the streets.

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What is the source for all of this? I don't know how much I buy into it. It all seems ridiculous, I mean...REY MYSTERIO MAIN EVENTING WRESTLEMANIA? ::cries::

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At least HHH wants wrestling......even if it involves nobody but himself.


The thing about HHH (and for that mattter HBK) is that he's got a pretty good head for the business when he's not just trying to get just himself or his friends over.

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At least HHH wants wrestling......even if it involves nobody but himself.


The thing about HHH (and for that mattter HBK) is that he's got a pretty good head for the business when he's not just trying to get just himself or his friends over.


This can be said about alot of wrestlers/bookers. If not every single one of them.

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